Project Management Plan for Little Bang Brewing Co. Expansion

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Project Management Plan for Little Bang Brewing Co. Expansion

Project Management Plan

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Establishing a new branch will occur new things which can need to analysis by the company. It will include size, requirements, and location. A new city will include different things from the existing one. The structure of the report will help the Little Bang Brewing Co. to establish their new branch in the Canberra. They will need to analysis the environment of the Canberra. the proposal structure will include Overview of Little Bang Brewing Co., Work Breakdown Structure, Gantt Chart, Scheduling Flow Chart, and Risk assessment matrix.

The Little Bang Brewing Co. is a producer of beer, wine and gin. They start at the 2013 with the full of motivation in which they have a particular experience by which they can make more different. They doubled the production to gain the more profit and minimise the cost. This structure of proposal will set the particular time period in which they will also set the plan for the establishment of the company. The project management can take care of the planning of the establishment of new branch in Canberra.


The proposal has shown the working process project which was used in the project initiation, control and execution which can help the Little Bang Brewing Co. to established their new branch in the Canberra. Proposal can include initiation in which they can take initiate to start a new thing. The planning which was they made it also effective and efficient in miniating and executing the effective planning by which Little Bang Brewing Co. can able to easily implement their planning for expanding the business. Proper planning and initiation were help them to control for sustainability with the inclusion of innovation and cost efficiency in the operations of business.

The operational activities of the Little Bang Brewing Co. want quality control and technique efficiency, laboratory specification along with the procedure of standardization to meet the pressure and trends of the consumer in brewing. The best practices of environment had contained cost efficient and sustainable practices for innovation to add to the preservation and protection of natural resources. The supply chain management drivers as sourcing, inventory, transportation, pricing, facilities and information of Little Bang Brewing Co. It helps to meet the needs of market with responsiveness to share and collect the related customer data. It increases the efficiency of the supply chain to enhance the quality of the performance of Bang Brewing.

The key performance identification as the main time cost of the order, time for delivery and capacity order such as transportation and warehousing, supplier’s quality, flexibility to become accustomed to the environment within the delivery dimensions as reliability, speed and leading time for Little Bang Brewing Co. It helps to increase the business operation efficiency. The Little Bang Brewing Co. supply chain management has contained planning for the business activities for an enhanced customer satisfaction through their resources, materials, and supplies for efficiency, growth and quality to develop a network of resilient distribution. Containing of resources of cost-efficient procurement in the project which helped in proper equipment and machinery establishment for the competition and project initiation.

The aim of the Little Bang Brewing Co. is to increase their sales, market share and productivity in their liquor industry. The identification of their wants of management contains the human resources assessment and its training for enhancing the efficacy of business functions from production to inventory. It can enhance the competition and globalization in the market. The Little Bang Brewing Co. wants to identify the requirements for apply and change solutions of innovation for their supply chain through scheduling activities and strategic planning.

Overview of Little Bang Brewing Co.

The Little Bang Brewing Co. is a producer of beer, wine and gin. There are two friends Fil and Ryan they meet in the 2000s. They both have fond of the games because they were work in the game studio. Then start work in the home brewing by which they can fond of the beer. They started a beer business in 2013 in Fil’s garage. They were started as a hobby but they realise that it can be an obsession for them and they want to continue this business as a career. They also work around the beer industry to gaining the knowledge and an experience.

They built a brewery in the garage which took a long time because they take all permission to setup a business by which they happily open the company. Slowly but surely, they expand their business by applying big tanks and purchase ware houses. At one point they also have lack of money for this they also talk to their wives after that they sell batches by which they can earn proper amount to expand their business. They opened a taproom bar in it with it they also save pennies to expand their business. They doing their hard work to establish a successful business.

At this time, they want to expand their business in the capital of Australia name as Canberra. it is the largest city of the Australia in which they have more opportunity to expand their business. For this they want analysis the industry, new trends, opportunities, threats and many more resources they want to analysis for their establishment (Aarikka-Stenroos et al., 2018).

As per the outcome of analysis can be choose particular size, and proper location that it can between the beer lover place and it cannot near the church, schools, universities to avoid the unethical practices. The rules and regulation also different from their current place so they also want to take new permissions as per the government regulations. And they can make further efforts to introduce their products to the new customers in which they also give knowledge about their company.

Little Bang Brewing Co. can build the effective the team building to enhance the activities of the company. The project which can started for the establishment of new branch in Canberra wants a project team which can help in leading the planning and strategies of the company. The project leaders can help the Little Bang Brewing Co. to establish the market research and analysis by which they can easily establish their new company at new place by minimising the risks of the company (Cholifah et al., 2019).

Work Breakdown Structure


Figure 1: Work Breakdown Structure of the Little Bang Brewing Co.

(source: By author)

The work breakdown structure can help the Little Bang Brewing Co. to establish their business. It is a process of establishing a business in the particular area. At the new place they want to research input the market by which they can able to find out a particular place and the taste of the customers. The resources are the important for the company to make a proper establishment of the company. The resources can used to enhance the productivity of the company (Sutrisna, Ramanayaka and Goulding, 2018). The proper project team hire to inspect the site where company establish. At the end all documents have submit and take permissions. They can start the business with the delivery of the products.

In implementing the project, project leadership is necessary for successfully implementing the things. They can help in making the easy collaboration and they can promote partnership ideas between the project manager and team.

Location specification

Little Bang Brewing Co. can choose the Ainslie Pl because it is a busy place where hotels and various restaurants are available. There are also different tourists place which can increase their customers and profit. This is a porch and broad area where are also several dining which can help them to attract customers (Cullen and Leavy, 2017).

Gantt Chart

Figure 2: Gantt chart of Little Bang Brewing Co.

(source: By author)

Activities name

End date

Start date

Duration of the activities


  • Find a proper place in Canberra to establish

  • Market research or analysis

1 march 2021

7 march 2021

1 week


  • Lease space

  • Machines

  • Interior designs

9 march 2021

22 march 2021

2 weeks

Execution of resources

  • Development of process

  • Implementing code of conducts.

  • Making employment agreement.

24 march 2021

31march 2021

1 week


  • Analysis of place

  • Analysis of data

  • Ensure that all work done as per the planning.

1 April 2021

7 April 2021

1 week


  • Handover the business

  • Delivery of product (Nurre and Weir, 2017)

8 April 2021

14 April 2021

1 week

Scheduling Flow Chart


Find a proper place in Canberra

Market research and analysis


Lease space for the setup

Machines for producing wines, beer and gin.

Interior designs

Execution of resources

Development of process

Implement code of conduct

Making employment agreements


Analysis of place

Analysis of data

Ensure all work done according to the planning.


Handover the business to the owner

Delivery of products to produce the final product

Risk assessment matrix

Risk factors




Control measures

Deficiency of financial funds



It Will hold the execution of several works

Almost certain


As is a big project there being increased chances of exceeding the budget.

It will help as a risk to sustainability of project as will delay the beginning of all further activities as distribution & obtaining of resources

Through strategic vision and proper planning, proper allocation’s financial, allocation resources can be proficient by procurement of cost-efficient

Deficiency of coordination between the activities of project



It unnecessarily delays the resources.



As the project contains all activities from preparation to implementation there are improved chances of delay.

It will rise the delay in the beginning of activities and lead to disorder in the project with the grow in time and cost project’s dimensions.

The stringent following of planning and strategic Gantt chart will support to diminish the risks magnitude (Gul and Guneri, 2016).

Scarcity of resources for production



It will hamper whole management and operations functions with enlarged customers dissatisfaction



It will help as a risk to project victory as their distribution network and supply chain will be exaggerated.

By setting up of activities and through efficient of cost- purchase a suitable resources allocation along with their finest consumption will decrease the risk effect.

Improper warehousing and logistics



It will disturb the distribution network efficiency.



Because use of new technology, there are modest chances of inappropriate logistics (Kova?evi?, Stojiljkovi? and Kova?, 2019)

It will assist to resources damage which will outcome in further procurement of resource thus, foremost to surpassing in project budget cost.

Strategic planning along with improved cross-functional co-activities will assist to the beginning of appropriate helpful procedures.

Table 1: risk management matrix




































Almost certain-5


The report identified that they have many opportunities to expand their business by applying proper planning and initiation which help them to control for sustainability. With the inclusion of innovation and cost efficiency in the operations of business. The project initiation can deliver different vision for enhanced of cross-functional co-operation and strategic budgeting in all project values, activities and quality. The Gantt chart and work breakdown structure can help in segregating the business activities to establish a new branch in the Canberra. the risk assessment matrix can identify the possible risk which can be importance in the business. The matrix can evaluate that the risk degree by which company can easily minimise those risks and they can easily enhance their productivity. The Little Bang Brewing Co. can have their resources which was also help the company in expansion and enhance the productivity of the company.


Aarikka-Stenroos, L, Aaboen, L, Cova, B & Rolfsen, A, 2018, ‘Building B2B relationships via initiation contributors: Three cases from the Norwegian-South Korean international project business’, Industrial Marketing Management68, pp.74-85.

Cholifah, PS, Oktaviani, HI, Nuraini, NLS, Meidina, AM, Wanodyaningtiyas, RF & Yafie, E, 2019, ‘Online Project-Based Learning for Improving the Innovative Initiation during Diffusion and Innovation Course’, In 2019 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 55-60). IEEE.

Cullen, C & Leavy, B, 2017, ‘The lived experience of project leadership in a loosely coupled transient context’, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.

Gul, M & Guneri, AF, 2016, ‘A fuzzy multi criteria risk assessment based on decision matrix technique: A case study for aluminum industry’, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries40, pp.89-100.

Kova?evi?, N, Stojiljkovi?, A & Kova?, M, 2019, ‘Application of the matrix approach in risk assessment’, Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications2(3), pp.55-64.

Nurre, SG & Weir, JD, 2017, ‘Interactive Excel-based Gantt chart schedule builder’, INFORMS Transactions on Education17(2), pp.49-57.

Sutrisna, M, Ramanayaka, CD & Goulding, JS, 2018, ‘Developing work breakdown structure matrix for managing offsite construction projects’, Architectural engineering and design management14(5), pp.381-397.