Business Research Project Help

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Business Research Project Help
Business Research Project
Business Research Project Help

Task 1

1.0 Research Title

“Opening a Romanian Restaurant in Manor Park ”

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1.1 Project specification

Project proposal

Project Title: Opening a Romanian Restaurant in Manor Park

  • Background of the Project: As a researcher for the opening of a Romanian Restaurant in Manor Park, I had witnessed several points for improvements in different fields, when it comes in opening a brand new Romanian restaurant. My researcher place is Manor Park London, thus this research project will be done on the basis knowing all the related factors which will be beneficial for the restaurant after its establishments.
  • Aims and Objectives: The main objective of this research is to ascertain various factors which is very essential before establishing any restaurants. The major goal of this research is to find the perception of customers on the opening of Romanian Restaurant in Manor Park. This study will also formulate whether people are turning up to enjoy the new Romanian Restaurant. The statement will help the management of restaurant to know the customer needs and their expectations from this particular restaurant. The statement will also provide information regarding the customer wants regarding the ground staffs and the location where the restaurant will specification. The major goal of this research is to find the perception of customers on the opening of Romanian Restaurant in Manor Park. This study will also formulate whether people are turning up to enjoy the new Romanian Restaurant. The statement will help the management of restaurant to know the customer needs and their expectations from this particular restaurant. The statement will also provide information regarding the customer wants regarding the ground staffs and the location where the restaurant will be opened.
  • Literature Review: Romanian dishes are popular all over the world because of its own and different image.  Romanian dishes are greatly in influence by Ottoman cuisine and from the neighbouring cuisines such as Germans, Serbs Hungarians and Bulgarians. Wedding feasts are the most famous dish of Romania as it includes kegs of wine and tunic and a massive round loaf of beard shared by husband and wife (Prager 2002). It is evident that the Romanian dishes themselves have their great image in the world, but the major issue in this report is that, whether the restaurant will be able to maintain the reputation. As Manor Park is in the heart of the London, the residents of that area will be the major attention of the restaurant. They will also seek to the cleaning facility available to the restaurant. This will help the restaurant to garner more number of customers.
  • Methodology: For completion of this project various sources and methods are utilized, where mixture of both qualitative and quantitative methodology is adapted by the researcher. The primary source of the research is based on the questionnaire, interview, taking sample, survey etc. Whereas, secondary sources are the vast information which is available on internet, magazine, hard copies, articles, published works, etc. From all this process, the data will be collected and kept aside and afterwards the same will be processed with very techniques. Thus, the outcome will be analyzed with the help of those data which is gathered. At last the recommendation of the same is provided. In this whole process the random sample is being used at Manor Park, on 10 persons, in the due course of approximately 7 days. In this particular research, the researcher has utilized both open and close ended questions in the questionnaire regarding the said topic so as to get more relevant outcomes.
  • Research Limitations: Research limitation is defined as hindrances that come in the course of research project cause of which various points and specifications are not possible to be covered under the norms of the subject matter. The limitations of the research depict the complexity in the process of evaluating research project. In this context major limitations that arrive are just because of time span and money constraints. Further the authenticity of the answers which are provided by the respondents is another limitation of the research.  
  • Research Ethics: In terms of conducting this research project, all the ethical considerations as well as norms were fully undertaken. All essential measures were taken in order to avoid any kind of biasness an unethical practices. The customers were not forced to put forward their views rather they voluntarily agreed to come up with the necessary suggestions.        
  • Time frame: For completion of this respective research, approximately 30 days is used i.e. 1 month. In which 6 days is required for the framing and implementation of the questionnaire, 12 days are utilized in gathering all the relevant data from all sources. After that, the next 12 days are utilized for analyzing the gathered data and then the researcher has been successful in coming at practical conclusion.

1.2 Factors that contribute to the process of research project specification

The major intention of this research is to find the customer’s thinking and their behavior and perceptions towards the Opening of Romanian restaurant in Manor Park. Implementation of a practical solution of the research which will give the management ideas about the customer preference is also been stated. Interaction between the researchers and the native people and the outcome collected from it, is the other factor which implement in this research process (Bredillet). To know the cultural gap and the income status of the people living in the Manor Park is another factor.  This report will help the management to know the number of people exited with the opening of this new Romanian Restaurant.  

1.3 Critical Review

This research is trying to empathies the excitement of the consumers regarding the opening of new Romanian Restaurant in Manor Park. As for the settlement of the restaurant, many factors are waiting to criticize it. While settling the restaurant, environment surrounding may get polluted and rival restaurants may create issue regarding this. Management of the Restaurant should take special care regarding this matter('Critical Review'). Administration should also take the responsibility of the grounding staff and the cleaning arrangements provided by them. While above are the criticism, there are some support towards the opening of the restaurant. The residents of Manor Park will get new kind of rich dishes of Romania. Natives of there will get benefited by the opening of new Romanian Restaurant at Manor Park.

1.4 Research for project specification

This research projects the key elements which will be crucial for the management in the launching of the new Romanian Restaurant in the Manor Park, London. It will try to emphasize to the specific needs and excitement of the people regarding the Romanian cuisine. In this current research, deductive methodology can be used because it is restricted process of methodology. Different kinds of steps which are to be undertaken by the management to establish this new Restaurant is also stated in this method. Positivism hypothesis makes use of factual system in order to deal with significant actualities and quantifiable performance. Descriptive method of study can be used in order to understand the information and data acquired by the research.

1.5 Plan for research

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Key Activities



(Plan of action)

Resources required

(Equipment, software, personnel etc.)

Interviews/Observation( staff members and members of management)

4 days

Dictaphone, pencil and notebook 

Questionnaire (general public, users

of TFL)

4 days

Dictaphone, pencil and notebook

Secondary source (books, newspapers, articles,  academic journals


8 days

Laptop and personal computer at home


Data analyzing


8 days

Personal computer, WIFI line, appropriate software and drawing tools 


Developing of proposal


5 days

Personal computer, WIFI line, appropriate software and drawing tools 

Project draft

6 days

Personal computer, WIFI line, appropriate software and drawing tools 


Total of        6 activities

30 days


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Task 2

Literature Review: This research is trying to empathies the excitement of the consumers regarding the opening of new Romanian Restaurant in Manor Park. As for the settlement of the restaurant, many factors are waiting to criticize it. While settling the restaurant, environment surrounding may be polluted and rival restaurants may create issue regarding this. Management of the Restaurant should take special care regarding this matter. Administration should also take the responsibility of the grounding staff and the cleaning arrangements provided by them (Bredillet, 2007). While above are the criticism, there are some support towards the opening of the restaurant. The residents of Manor Park will get new kind of rich dishes of Romania. Natives of there will get benefited by the opening of new Romanian Restaurant at Manor Park (Prager, 2002).

Around the world, among all kind of dishes, Romanian dishes has its own and different image. Romanian cuisine has a diverse blend of dissimilar dishes from numerous traditions whichever it has come into contact, but it also uphold its own nature. Romanian dishes are greatly influenced by Ottoman cuisine. It also gets influenced by from the neighbouring cuisines such as Germans, Serbs Hungarians and Bulgarians (Lauta and Brigdale, 2010). Wedding feasts are the most famous dish of Romania as it includes kegs of wine and tunic and a massive round loaf of beard shared by husband and wife (Chamberlain and Davies, 2007). As Romania is an agricultural and industrial country, major of the population loves to have meat (Horowitz, 2006). But here, we are not talking just about the Romanian people, but also the people of London who live in Manor park area. This paper would like to find out about how these people think of the Romanian food. the management of the Romanian Restaurant about the excitement of the customers towards them.   

It is evident that the Romanian dishes themselves have their great image in the world, but the major issue in this report is that, whether the restaurant will be able to maintain the reputation. Past experiences has cautioned the owners as general losses are a common things in the business and any research done must be progressive in nature (Chamberlain and Davies, 2007). Previous researches had flows as it only took the view of the owners and customers, but not of the external factors such as creditors, lenders, government, environment etc. Thus, any further research must incorporate their role in opening a restaurant.

In doing this research, several forms of data collection methods have been utilised but some of the most important ones is secondary data collection such as magazines, financial records, newspaper, web, etc. All these sources are a necessary source to collate information and have a necessary base for opening a restaurant. From the above analysis, the researcher concludes that there will be high chance of gaining the goodwill and reputation by setting up the new Romanian restaurant at Manor Park in London. By launching a new Romanian restaurant, the Romanian cuisines will be accepted and preferred by the people of Manor Park. As there are few Romanian cuisine restaurants so, it will be beneficial and profitable by the opening of new Romanian restaurant.

Matching the Resources: Various studies had been conducted in order to determine the factors which are essential for the success of food restaurants. As per the article which has been published by Dennis McCurley, 2011, the major factor for the success of the food restaurants is revolves around the ownership of the restaurants rather than visitor-ship. The major detailed factors which are stated by him are the quality services in relation to food, beverages, variety of the alcohol, etc. All this factors comprehensively helps in success of the restaurants.

In the same way, Geoff Wilson had also provided a list which consists of 20 factors which act as a backbone for the success of restaurants, but he has also included some other crucial factors which Denis McCurley has omitted in his study. Geoff Wilson states that there are some essential factors such as demographic location, differentiated brand image, feedback of the customers, attaining the positive attitude of the staffs and customers as well. The essential factors which are mandatory for the restaurants in order to have substantial growth and development are described below:

Concept of the Restaurants: This is the main factors which is aimed and reviewed by several authors including Bill Ryan and Michael Kreisler, 2003. It is the foremost factors which act as a pillar in the success of the restaurants. The restaurants owners must thoroughly considered this factor before commencing of restaurants. Thinking the concept of restaurants includes decoration, lighting, catalogue of foods and menu booklet, pricing, location, food preparation and presentation, size of operation, etc.

Food: Spyridon Mamalis states that the food is the second most important ingredients in the successful establishment of the restaurants. Many times it is observed that customers go for the quality of product rather than quantity of the products. Hence, food preparation and presentation must be done in such a manner so that the reputation of the restaurants can be enhanced. Thus it is very necessary to have a market research in respect of taste and preferences of the customers, before establishing a restaurant.

Management of Restaurants: A detailed research has been conducted by Keith H. Mandabach, Mohammad Ashar Siddiqui, Gregory F. Blanch and Dawn M. Vanleeuwen, in 2011 stated that the management of the restaurant is one of the essential ingredients which play a vital role in the success of the restaurants.  The success of the restaurants depends on the management of the staffs and employees internally then tackling the external environments. There should be a balance in the management of both internal and external environment so as to avoid the hurdles in the path of the success of the restaurants. 

Target Market and its Marketing: Determining the target market and its marketing is another important factors in the success of any restaurants. The management must identify the prospective customers and the market as well so that the restaurants can have a smooth function in its operations. In this respect it is essential to observe the trends, life style, preferences, food categories, etc.  Once the target market is done, next comes the marketing and its process. Marketing is nothing but a process through the organization retains its customers and creates the customers as well. It is executed with the help of marketing mix which generally comprises of product, price, promotion, and place.

Location: Last but the least, location of the restaurants have a major impact on the success of the restaurants. The location of the restaurants must be such so that the restaurants can have more numbers of the customers. Location must be selected by considering the fact it can be successful in identifying the prospective customers.


Research Philosophy: In a research project, the main motive is to fetch out the required research methodologies which are implied for this research project. It initially outlines research philosophies that forms a part of the researcher constructive frame work (Pring, 2004). According to this concept the researcher has carried out various research outcomes which have to be implemented for the needs and issues to be sought out. Moreover a vital part which is needed to be defined about the issues that will enlighten the path towards a bright future. Lastly the research will conclude other relevant points that are required to be included in this research project (Pring, 2004). Research philosophy are generally are of two types one is the positivism and other is Interpretive. But here the researcher has chosen positivism approach.

Research Approach: The researcher has chosen two types of research approaches i.e. Inductive and Deductive, Where in inductive approach begins along with the collection and gathering of all sorts of primary data, but the researcher upon this uses a variation of interpretation, after that only a valid conclusion is being drawn by the researcher that what will be the ultimate outcome for this research project. On the other hand the researcher goes for Deductive approach when all the necessary information is undertaken by him, which will eventually scrutinize the data to analyze an effective conclusion.  

Research type: There are two types of research which are qualitative and quantitative research. In this present

research study the subject matter will be based on quantitative research because quantitative information will be collected within targeted sample frame. Moreover, quantitative techniques is undertaken, so that  analyze and examination of the data gathered will stand to be an effective one , on which essential  theory will be applied and the outcome will be generated by considering the quantitative information.

Research sample: The research survey is being executed on ten customers in the northern part of London in Manor Park. It is not always possible for the researcher to take response form the customers of the said organization, due to which it becomes, mandatory to select the sample population out of the total customers. Thus, the sample size of this particular research is ten. The research will help to find out attitudes and preferences of the customers for opening different branches of Romania restaurant that will ultimately fetch around a variety of customers, who are looking forward for the inauguration of this restaurant (Gibaldi, 2009).

Data Collection: Data collection is the process from where appropriate analyses will be interoperated. Data is accumulated with the help of questionnaires. This process comes under the primary data collection. For the survey the researcher had done interview with the respondents. An interview is conducted on the 10 selected sample frames with the questionnaire. The data which is approached in this procedure is primary data. The data which is collected will be processed and accumulated in a safe manner so as to avoid the misuse of the same. Then that data will be kept ready by the researcher in order to provide the same when it is needed by the organization concerned. Besides primary data, secondary data has also got the essential importance (Gibaldi, 2009). Here secondary data are collected with the help of books, internets, websites, magazines etc.


  • Specify your Gender
    • Male
    • Female
  • Select your age group?
    • 18-25
    • 26-32
    • 33-39
    • 40 and above
  • What is your monthly earning?
    • 8000-15000
    • 16000-22000
    • 23000-29000
    • 30000 and above
  • How frequently you visit to a Romanian restaurant?
    • Once in every week
    • Two times a week
    • Once a month
  • Specify the variance you prefer in a Romanian restaurant?
    • Traditional
    • Fusion
    • Modern
    • Homey
  • In which quarter of time you like to visit a Romanian restaurant?
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  • What type of cuisine you prefer the most?
    • Romania
    • Italian
    • French
    • Mexican
  • How would you like the food to be served?
    • Flavourful
    • Simple
    • Crafted
  • Would you spend more, simply because of the Ambience?
  • Would you like to state any other comments? Please state here:

Research Limitations: Research limitation is defined as hindrances that come in the course of research project cause of which various points and specifications are not possible to be covered under the norms of the subject matter. One of the major research limitation is the number of the total population which can be considered for the survey. Thus only a small size of the total population is selected for conducting the survey. Time is also a major limitation for this particular research project as the time which is assigned for completion of this project is relatively smaller as compared to the size of the research. The limitations of the research depict the complexity in the process of evaluating research project. In this context major limitations that arrive are just because of time span and money constraints. Further the authenticity of the answers which are provided by the respondents is another limitation of the research. The research does not follow the scientific method of collecting data, only the response of a small respondents cannot be considered as the response of all the customers of concerned organization.

Record and Collate Relevant Data: Primary and secondary data are adopted by the researcher with the motive of analyzing the hypothesis of the subject matter. The present research will guide the path in exploring the ways that will help the management of Romania restaurant to attract as more customer they can thorough this research methodology.  The present data will also help to find out the attitude and the perception of consumers about hotel food and beverages. The analysis of the gathered data will help the management to find out if it will be beneficial for them come up with new thinking’s about innovative ideas of exploring new resources and restaurants. Allocation, representation, assessing and others methods will be followed analyze the data in a very efficient manner.

Task 3

3.1 Use appropriate research evaluation technique

In this research project, it is very important for any management to take suitable steps that would assist them in conducting the research smoothly which will provide them with necessary conclusions. For this, decisions  has been made by the management of Romania restaurant that initially they would collect primary data and this would be only possible with the help of a well-developed questionnaire.  So the questionnaire would help the researcher to collect data and by analyzing the same the management can understand the perception of the customers regarding the menu as well as the perception of customers who are looking forward to enjoy the flavours of Romania restaurants. In addition to this, the company would also use the SPSS software and the ANOVA test which will enable reveal exact results. 

3.2 Data analysis and interpretation

Specify your Gender:








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From the above graphs and tables it was found that, Romania restaurant which is about to be inaugurated here in manor park, is beneficial as both section of the society is willingly approaching towards the restaurant (Sarantakos, 2007).

Select your age group?









40 and above



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From the above analyses the researcher has found, that the individual between the age limit ranging from 18- 32 are more addict able towards restaurants , since they are habituated in that ambience and atmosphere. 

What is your monthly earning?









30000 and above



monthly earning, Assignment Help, Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help Coventry, Assignment Help London,

Here the researcher has concluded that all the income groups, right from the low end towards the high end , as the quality of foods served here of superior quality, so the individuals who are working class of the society (Sarantakos, 2007).

How frequently you visit to a Romanian restaurant?



Once in every week


Two times a week


Once a month


Romanian restaurant, Assignment Help, Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help Coventry, Assignment Help London,

From the above charts and graphs, it was found that the management has adopted the right technique to promote the appropriate choice of work, since we can clearly identify that people are the frequent visitors, as they go for Romania restaurant twice a week.

Specify the variance you prefer in a Romanian restaurant?












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From the above research findings it seemed people are opting for modern cuisine as the dishes and beverages served here are of superior quality. So the main focus of the Romania restaurant is to do experiments with the favourable that will enhance its dishes.

In which quarter of time you like to visit a Romanian restaurant?










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When the researcher has put forward the question as which time frame they prefer the most for visiting the restaurant, respondents supported dinner time.

What type of cuisine you prefer the most?












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From the survey a valid conclusion was adopted by the researcher is that, people whole around the world are admirer of Romania foods. So this was the point that will enable the management to choose appropriate techniques in the future course of action (Grocke and Wigram, 2007).

How would you like the food to be served?










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From the above survey people are choosy about the foods and beverages to be served in a well-crafted manner that will attract the whole bunch of customers to these particular restaurants (Grocke and Wigram, 2007). 

Would you spend more, simply because of the Ambience?                                                                                                                                         

The respondents are willing to spent more if they are provide with ,more attractive and efficient Ambience
Would you like to state any other comments? Please state here: 

Research outcome: Romanian cuisine is influenced by Ottoman cuisine as well as waves of various cultures; the ancient Greeks, with whom Romanians traded, as it consists of various and different dishes from numerous traditions and cultures. It also influences from the cuisines of other neighbours i.e. Serbians, Hungarians and Germans. In Romanian restaurant, the customers can enjoy tasty meals, excellent wines and large food portions. The traditional Romanian cuisines include various kinds of cheese, vegetable spreads as well as cold cuts that are appetizer (Ciurtin, 2001). The major ingredients used by the chefs i.e. meats like beef, pork, fish, lamb, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Romanian restaurant is famous for their cuisines in all overthe world. Hence, the researcher is making projects regarding the new Romanian restaurant in Manor Park, London. With the help of this research the taste and preference of the customers in London can be known and whether the customers are excited about the new Romanian restaurant or not and also for knowing the exceptions and needs of the customers (Horowitz, 2006).

Findings: From the above graphs and charts it has been derived that the enterprise’s management has been able to realize and understand that the organization would be able to make profits by satisfaction customer. The customers want the modern mixer kinds of foods they don’t want simple or homey types of foods as people always wants change in their tastes and preferences.  It is known from the survey that, the people in London mainly demand and go for the crafted, innovative kinds of foods and atmosphere. They will pay for the tastes of the cuisines but as well as by seeing the decoration and dedication of the restaurant. From the sample age group have been surveyed it is analyzed that form thirteen age to the younger age will prefer the Romanian cuisine as because in London the teen are busy in their academic so they don’t get the time to join their family for lunch or breakfast and same as the younger or businessmen face this, so by launching Romanian cuisines it will help them to enjoy the most trendy foods (Chamberlain and Davies, 2007). People of London always like to enjoy rich and delicious dishes so it will be beneficial for the enterprise by providing Romanian cuisines to the customers as it known that Romanian cuisines is the tool of rich food. From this analysis, the enterprise can estimate that people will attract towards their trendy, modern and crafty cuisines. So, undoubtedly the management should launch the restaurant in Manor Park, London.

3.3 Recommendations

The current study is conducted with the aim of helping the management to find out the major reasons behind the opening of the restaurant. It was found that majority of the residents of Manor Park earns good income. Thus, the restaurant will not face any difficulties regarding the price of their Romanian dishes. People of Manor Park, frequently visit to any Romanian restaurant as it can be seen in the above discussion. So, the company will not have to face any problem relating to the visit of the customers, as people there enjoy Romanian dishes. Romanian cuisines are greatly enjoyed by the people of London, so the Management of the Restaurant will have to give much attention regarding the quality standard of the food (Lauta and Brigdale, 2010).  Management should make their customers aware about the offers of the restaurant so that they can establish their image in the area and can establish themselves in the long run. Moreover, the research has also helps to find out the necessity and requirements of the customers relating to Romanian cuisines. So, it is recommended to the management of the restaurant that it will be profitable for the company to establish a branch relating Romanian Dishes. 

Further Research Suggestions: Research regarding a topic never stops and must continue in order to find suitable and appropriate answers. Opening a restaurant requires major research and survey along the likes of the products or services that are going to be offered and in that scenario; future studies must take into consideration people’s habits and preferences. Further research is the work of the company in general to gain a better understanding about the company.

The company must base its future expansion strategies to include research first. Research helps in finding the most accurate answer implementing the easiest tools available. A company must take proper care in future and find possible failure in the current structure and solution sin the future researches.

  • It is evident that the Romanian dishes themselves have their great image in the world, but the major issue in this report is that, whether the restaurant will be able to maintain the reputation.
  • Whether the investment in the hotel initially should be in a controlled amount or should it be done without any hesitation to make the restaurant a state of the art facility?
  • Should the restaurant go for the traditional themed restaurants in Manor Park or something new should be tried?

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From the above analysis, the researcher concludes that there will be high chance of gaining the goodwill and reputation by setting up the new Romanian restaurant at Manor Park in London. By launching a new Romanian restaurant, the Romanian cuisines will be accepted and preferred by the people of Manor Park. As there are few Romanian cuisine restaurants so it will be beneficial and profitable by the opening of new Romanian restaurant. The launch of new Romanian cuisines restaurant will help the enterprise for increase their revenue and attract customers as the Romanian cuisines will be more preferable by the people.


Chamberlain, L. and Davies, T. (2007). 70 classic recipes from Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia & Slovenia. London: Southwater.
Ciurtin, E. (2001). Myths and Magic in Romanian Traditional Culture. East European Politics & Societies, 15(3), pp.735-740.
Horowitz, R. (2006). Putting meat on the American table. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Downton, P. (2003). Design research. Melbourne: RMIT Pub.
Federman, D., Hanna, K. and Rodriguez, L. (2003). Responsible research. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.
Gibaldi, J. (2009). MLA handbook for writers of research papers. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Grocke, D. and Wigram, T. (2007). Receptive methods in music therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Lauta, S. and Brigdale, M. (2010). The food & cooking of Romania & Bulgaria. London: Aquamarine.
Pring, R. (2004). Philosophy of educational research. London: Continuum.
Sarantakos, S. (2007). Data analysis. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Bredillet, C. (2007). Exploring research in food  management: Nine schools of food management and research (part 3). Food Management Journal, 38(4), pp.2-4.