Health and Social Care Assignment

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Health and Social Care Assignment
Health and Social Care Assignment
Health and Social Care Assignment

Health and Social Care | Assignment Writing Services

Task 1 Understand how to formulate a research specification


The research is conducted to evaluate and identify the seriousness and the effect of the disease Autism in the United Kingdom. Autism or Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the complexity in the brain development. This is the disability which leads to complexity in verbal or non-verbal communication and interaction with others. The disease is spending all over the country and this is becoming a serious concern as in it affects the development of the children and young people. The country is having an effective model of health and social care which is doing a research project to measure the causes and symptoms of the disease and ways to reduce this from the society and ensure the effective health of the children. The research project also defines the ways and methods which should be followed to help the people suffering from autism and ensuring their care and health. There are different aspects which are used by UK to handle the problem of autism are analysed in the report. The country is providing facilities and resources for the well-being and welfare of the people suffering from this disease.


Aim of this study is to evaluate and identify the various aspects of the disease Autism spectrum disease (ASD). Health and social care of the country is effective and in this research the focus is on the care and welfare of the people suffering from autism. The analysis is to identify the causes and symptoms of the disease and ways to eradicate this from the country by making aware the people about the disease and providing effective support to fight with its effects (Lai, et. al 2014).


Objectives are the goals which are to be achieved by executing the research. The research is about the identification and evaluation of the causes and symptoms of the disease autism and then analysing effective methods for eliminating the disease and providing a healthy life to the population of UK. The following are the main objectives of the research (Lai, et. al 2014):

  • To identify the causes and symptoms of Autism
  • To analyse the reasons of the disease autism in UK
  • To analyse the measure for prevention of the autism and ways to eliminate the disease
  • To identify the precautions to be taken for controlling and eradicating the disease from the society
  • To ensure the welfare of the people suffering from the disease

Rationale of the research project

The study of the disease Autism can be done effectively by taking any organisation in the consideration and evaluate its efforts for the welfare of the autistic people in the country. The National Autistic Society is working for the welfare of the people suffering from autism in UK. It is the leading UK charity working for the autistic people. It was founded in 1962 in north London with 18000 members. It is funded and supported by the government grants and contribution. It is also providing facilities and resources to the autistic people around the UK (Barnett, 2016).

Literature review

Autism is a serious concern in UK and all around the world. This disease leads to different types to disabilities in the development of a person. Complexity in verbal or non-verbal communication and interaction with others are the degrees of autism which is due to disorder of brain development. Autism is getting common and spreading all around the world. There are different degrees of autism and it has been characterised as Pervasive development disorder (PDD).  This is a disorder of mental or brain development and caused for different disabilities. The perception and views towards the autistic person was the biggest problem in their empowerment which is eliminating by the contribution of many organisations with the help of the government and creating scope for the autistic people in the society. They are working with people as support system in empowering these people and creating an environment where these disabled people can be developed (Barnett, 2016). Autism can be sub-divided in four divisions-

  • Autistic Disorder
  • Asperger Syndrome
  • Childhood Disintegrated Disorder (CDD)
  • Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD)

There are different causes and symptoms of Autism spectrum disease (ASD) which helps to early identify the disease and can make efforts to remove it from the society. These causes are identified from different studies and researches (Brody, 2012).

Causes of Autism- There are different causes of autism in children or adults. These causes are analysed and mostly they are environmental, genetic and biological.

  • The autism spectrum disease (ASD) is mainly caused or developed by the genetic disorder in children or adults.
  • Children are more affected by the disease if their parents or siblings are having the disease.
  • Harmful drugs taken at the time of pregnancy may cause the disease in the child.
  • The disease can be caused due to malnutrition and ineffective vaccination of child.
  • ASD can be developed due to other disorders in children or adults like Fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome and other chromosomal disorder (Brody, 2012).

Symptoms of Autism

  • No response on different sounds till the age of 1 year.
  • Getting frustrated and irritated with others and try to escape by avoiding eye contact.
  • Having complexity in speaking and communicating.
  • Having problem in understanding others and interacting with others.
  • Unusual reactions and acts with their hands and body.
  • Complexity in learning and remembering something and low IQ ("Autism", 2014).

Measures for prevention of disease

  • Appropriate diet and improved lifestyle at the time of pregnancy.
  • Avoid the electromagnetic radiation by keeping away with the cell phones, TV and other electronic instruments.
  • Take proper consultancy or treatment if the parents and siblings are having the disease to prevent the disease in the new born.
  •  Avoid unnecessary ultrasounds and drugs which can cause the ASD.
  • Vaccination must be done by considering the genes and background of the parents and family ("Autism", 2014).

Research methodology: Collection of data and information is essential for conducting any research program. Results are calculated after analysing the data and information. Research methodology defines different tools and techniques for collection of data related to the requirement of the research report (Kenny, et. al 2016).

Research design: Research design is the framework set by the researcher to collect the data and information with strategies and methods effectively. In this research there are used different methods which are a mixture of tools and techniques for data collection.

Research philosophy: Research philosophy is the predefined set of rules and regulations to be followed in every activity of the research project.

Research questions: Research questions are the reasons and basis for which the research is executing. The research conducts to find out the results of the research questions. The research questions are as follows.

  • What are the causes and symptoms of Autism?
  • What are the measures which can help to eradicate the disease?
  • What is the level of awareness about the disease in the country?

Research strategies: This section of the report covers the strategies selected and used in executing the research program (Kenny, et. al 2016).

Choices: The selection is made scientifically and strategically by doing effective analysis of the problems.

Time horizon: The activities in the research are time bound and must be completed in that period of time for effective results.

Action plan:



Starting date

Time Slot

Completion Date



Planning of research

05 July 2016

5 days

10 July 2016

In the initial plan is executed to conduct the research effectively.


Implementing the research plan

11 July 2016

8 days

19 July 2016

Implementation is done of the prepared plan.


Data collection for research

20 July 2016


30 July 2016

Different tools and techniques are used to collect the data.


Analysis and evaluation

31 July 2016

3 days

3 August 2016

The information and data analysis 

and monitored.


Conclusions and suggestions

4 August 2016

1 days

5 August 2016

The conclusion and recommendations are given on the basis of results of analysis.

Gantt chart-

Gannt | Assignment Writing Services

Data collection and analysis: Data is essential for conducting the research program as in analysis cannot be done without collecting the data and information. There are different methods of collecting the data and different sources which helps in the process of collecting data.

Primary data- This can be defined as the fresh data collected by the researcher on its own efforts. This can be collected by surveys, filling questionnaire and face to face interviews.

Secondary data- This is the data collected by others and can further used by others for the related studies and research. This form of data can be collected by websites, newspapers, articles and books.

In this research the data is collected by primary and secondary sources and analysed. For collection of primary data help of questionnaire is taken (Kenny, et. al 2016).

Limitation of the research

  • The limitation of the research is the confidentiality of the records of children for safeguarding them which leads to ineffective collection of data.
  • Reliability and ethical consideration of research
  • The data and information used in the research are reliable and ethically collected by considering the confidentiality and safety of the children and adults.

Task 2 be able to implement the research project within agreed procedures and to specification

Literature review

The topic of this report is to understand the seriousness of Autism developing in the children and its effects on the development. The study shows the causes, symptoms and measures of prevention of the disease and providing a healthy and stable life to the people of UK. The chances and rate of this disease are increasing day by day in the UK which is a serious concern for the health and social care of the country. The autistic people are excluded by the society because of their disabilities and opportunities are not given to them. But by the awareness of society about the disease it became possible to give the equal position to the autistic people. Autism is a disorder and disability in development of children and can be identified in the early stage. The signs of this disease appear in the early stage of childhood and affect the lifestyle and development of the children. There are different degrees of this disease and its effects. The autistic person faces complexities in verbal and non-verbal communication and interaction with others. The research is conducted to evaluate and identify the seriousness and the effect of the disease Autism in the United Kingdom. Autism or Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the complexity in the brain development. This is the disability which leads to complexity in verbal or non-verbal communication and interaction with others. The disease is spending all over the country and this is becoming a serious concern as in it affects the development of the children and young people. The country is having an effective model of health and social care which is doing a research project to measure the causes and symptoms of the disease and ways to reduce this from the society and ensure the effective health of the children. The research also defines the ways and methods which should be followed to help the people suffering from autism and ensuring their care and health. There are different aspects which are used by UK to handle the problem of autism are analysed in the report (Clark, 2016). The country is providing facilities and resources for the well-being and welfare of the people suffering from this disease. Health and social care of the country is effective and in this research the focus is on the care and welfare of the people suffering from autism. The analysis is to identify the causes and symptoms of the disease and ways to eradicate this from the country by making aware the people about the disease and providing effective support to fight with its effects. The research is about the identification and evaluation of the causes and symptoms of the disease autism and then analysing effective methods for eliminating the disease and providing a healthy life to the population of UK (Clark, 2016).

The rate of the chances of this disease is increasing continuously in the nation which is a great concern for the health and care of the UK. The probability of the autistic person is 1 in 100 in the UK and more than 700000 people are suffering with this disease in the nation. Autism is influencing of the life of 2.8 million people every day. The number of boys is more than girls in autistic people. This is a hidden disease and remains for the lifetime of the autistic person as in the children with autism grown up as autistic adult. The development of the affected people is not effective and they face many problems in the society like 63% autistic children are not getting the appropriate school for them. 17 % children are suspended and 48% of them are suspended more than two or three times and 4% are expelled from schools. So they are facing serious problems in their special education and guidance to make their life better. There is lack of effective and trained teachers and mentors in the country. 60 % of the teachers do not have any proper and adequate training to handle and teach children with autism and 35% teachers do not get any support to ensure and develop these children in UK. Exclusion is a serious concern in the well-being of the autistic people. The rate and reports of parents of 40 % autistic children states that their children are excluded from the society. According to a government report the children with special education requirement are excluded from the schools. The children and adults with autism are also having a risk of bullying and society do not accept them as a part and people makes fun of them (Warnell, et. al 2015).

There are different degrees of autism and different types of the disease. The following are the types and degrees of autism-

Autistic Disorder- This is the most common degree of Autism and is the disability related to the communication complexity which can be verbal or non-verbal and can be interaction problem with others which is due to delayed in language and unusual behaviour and interests.

Asperger Syndrome- This syndrome is not as serious as the autistic disorder. In this the person has no complexity in communication and language, but the person has complex behaviour and interests which challenges him in socialising and developing. So the syndrome is having salient features of autistic disorder.

Childhood Disintegrated Disorder (CDD) - This is a kind or degree of disorder which is developed in the child after the age or two or three years of normal development. This leads to the development of the symptoms of autism in the children which is an integration of both autistic disorder and Asperger syndrome (Landrigan, et. al 2012).

Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD)- PDD also called as atypical disorder. In this type of disorder there are different types of disabilities in the children which are developed after a period of normal development. Children with PDD have different abilities and some of them have good level of intelligence and perfection in some activities like painting, poetry and art and craft. There are different organisations which are working in the well-being and empowerment of the autistic people. They are providing effective support to the children with different types of autism and ensuring them that they are getting all the resources required to make their life better. The health and social care of the country depends when the every section of the society is effectively developing and getting a better life. To make this section developed the government of UK is supporting the organisations and NGO’s for working for these people and making contribution by providing funds and rebates to these organisations. The National Autistic Society is the biggest society or community made for the people with autism to support them and make their life better by providing all the required resources and respect (Landrigan, et. al 2012). Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT), Autism National Committee, Autism Research Institute (ARI), and Autism Alliance are the other non-profit making organisations in UK working for empowerment of autistic people by increasing awareness about the autism.  

Autism is a common disease and reaching in every corner of the world. To make the life better of the autistic people and ensuring their development it is required to provide effective guidance and special education to these children is required to empower them and make them to stand in the society for their rights and opportunities. This can be possible if there are effectively and appropriately trained teachers and mentor who can help them in developing and educating the autistic people. There are different courses and programs which train the people to make them able to provide special education to the autistic people in the society. This special education provides ways and methods to get them developed and increase their self- confidence and make them feel valued.

Causes of autism:

  • There is not one cause for the disease and there are different factors which are liable for the development of ASD in the children. Autism is a disease spreading all around the world and this leads to the diversification in the causes of the disease (Landrigan, et. al 2012). Some of them are as follows-
  • Genetics are the responsible one to transfer different attributes from parents to the children. The autism spectrum disease (ASD) is mainly caused or developed by the genetic disorder in children or adults. These genes transfers from levels of generations and chances are increased of getting affected by the disease.
  • Children are more affected by the disease if their parents or siblings are having the disease. ASD is the disease which runs in the generations in the family and chances are strong if brother and sister having the disease. In case of twins the chances get strong. This is a type of genetic disorder and can lead to different types of chronological disorder.
  • Autism is mostly finding in the children from their birth or after a period of time. Premature born of child can also be a cause for autism and the symptoms can ensure that. Harmful drugs taken at the time of pregnancy may cause the disease in the child. Thalidomide and Valproic acid can be the reasons of the disease at the time of pregnancy (Szczaluba,  2014).
  • The parenting must be effective and all the required nutrition must be provided to the children which helps them to develop an maintain effective and strong immunity level in the children. The disease can be caused due to malnutrition and ineffective vaccination of child. Sometimes disease is developed due to avoiding the vaccination or wrong vaccination by the doctor; this leads to harmful reactions and affects the physical and mental development of the child.
  • ASD can be developed due to other disorders in children or adults like Fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome and other chromosomal disorder. These disorders affect the mental and brain development of the children and lead to the autism (Szczaluba,  2014).
  • Late identification of the symptoms of any disorder can also cause autism and its vast effects on the development of the child. This is also a cause in development of the disease.  

Symptoms of Autism

  • Responding – the child do not respond on any sound or activity in the age of 12 months. They do not even point out things and objects of their interest by the age of 14 months.
  • Behaviour- Getting frustrated and irritated with others when they want to interact with them.  They try to escape or hide themselves and do not make eye contact with others to avoid them. There are different fluctuations in the behaviour according to their interests which is unpredictable (CAGLAYAN, 2010).
  • Communication complexities- Having complexity in speaking and communicating is the main symptom of this disease. The children are unable to interact effectively because of their disability of communication. This can identify in the early stage of the children.
  • Interaction- Having problem in understanding others and interacting with others. Behavioural problem and ineffective communication is the hurdles in the interactions of autistic people and this is a symptom of this disease (James, 2014).
  • Body language- The body language starts to change like unusual reactions and acts with their hands and body. Getting angry and hurting own body and crying these are also the basic body language sign of autism. Some of the autistic people are not even able to do their daily works of their routine and get dependent on others for their life.
  • The IQ level is very low of the autistic person and this leads to complexity in learning and remembering something. Getting fail in exams and unable in understanding something even after explaining many times.
  • The children or adults start to make distance from others and their self-confidence is not developed. They exclude themselves from the interaction of society and others (James, 2014).

Measures for prevention of disease

There is no defined cure for the disease which can remove this disability from the people, but there are various measures which can help in preventing them and increasing the chances of the disease further.

  • Spreading awareness in the society about the autism and its effects and influencing the couples expecting to be parents that how much it is important to make efforts to keep the child healthy in the period of pregnancy (Brown, et. al 2012).
  • Appropriate diet is provided which is covering all the vitamins and nutrition required at the time of pregnancy. The lifestyle should be improved of the mother for ensuring the health of the new born. Tobacco, alcohol and caffeine must be avoided.  
  • Different types of radiations are harmful and can cause different syndromes and chronological disorder. Avoid the electromagnetic radiation by keeping away with the cell phones, TV and other electronic instruments.
  • In case of the genetic disorder and the chances get double of effect of this disease on the child. Taking proper consultancy or treatment if the parents and siblings are having the disease to prevent the disease in the new born. This reduces the chances of disease or can reduce the effects to minimum (Brown, et. al 2012).
  •  Ultrasounds and prescribed drugs can also affect the development of the child so avoid unnecessary ultrasounds and drugs which can cause the ASD. Drugs like thalidomide and valproic acid must be avoided because they can cause autism.
  • Vaccination must be done by considering the genes and background of the parents and family. The government should conduct or run campaign to make aware the parents about the role of vaccination and the consequences of avoiding them.
  • Pervasive development disorder does not have any appropriate cure which can eliminate the problem effectively. But the effects can be minimised by different theories which can be selected by the needs of the situation of the children affected with autism. And special classes and courses can be provided to those children to support them.
  • Degree and diploma courses are organised by the government and institutes to study about the Autism and to prepare the teachers and faculties for providing the special education to the autistic people (Brown, et. al 2012)

Research methodology: Collection of data and information is essential for conducting any research program. Results are calculated after analysing the data and information. Research methodology defines different tools and techniques for collection of data related to the requirement of the research report. The research is a process to find out and analyse some information in a detailed manner by analysing its different aspects. These researches help in better understanding of the problem or any topic. The analyses cannot be executed without any data or information related to the research topic. The data is analysed and evaluated to find out the results of the research questions. The research methodology provides or sets a framework in the research process to be followed to collect the data and information required for effective execution. There are required different sources for the collection of the data which is used by the researcher for ensuring the effectiveness and trustworthiness of the data and its role in the research. The research report is focused on the health and social care in the society by analysing the seriousness of the disease Autism. Autism is a serious concern in the UK which leads to affect the development process of the children and adults affected from the disease (Brown, et. al 2012).

Research design: Research design is the framework set by the researcher to collect the data and information with strategies and methods effectively. In this research there are used different methods which are a mixture of tools and techniques for data collection. Research is the process to calculate the results by analysing the data of the research questions. Research design is the designed way to be followed for collecting the data and selecting the sources of collection of data for the research. Mainly there are types of approaches which can be used for collection of the data, which are qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative approach can be chosen for the collection of the quality data by ensuring the reliability and authenticity of the information. Quantitative data can be used and chosen for the huge number of information and data and ensures the large quantity of the information and data. Both the approaches are used in the research project and collection of data is done by using mixed approach. The research design helps in identifying and analysing different perspective and attributes of any subject which is making impact on the health and social care. In this research the autism is the basis for collection of the data and information (Dyer, 2010).

Research philosophy: Research philosophy is the predefined set of rules and regulations to be followed in every activity of the research project. Philosophy defines the approaches, theories and methods to be followed in the whole process of research program. These philosophies are used to collect, analyse and evaluate the data and information for the better results. The research questions must be effectively answered by analysing the data following the research philosophy. Presentation of the data is required and must be appropriate which can help in calculating the results and conclusion of the research report. There are different models for executing the research philosophy and these are the assumptions which can gives a path to the activities in the process of research. Effectiveness of the research philosophy defines the appropriateness of the research (Bergmann, et. al 2015).  

Research questions: Research questions are the reasons and basis for which the research is executing. The research conducts to find out the results of the research questions. The motive of the research is to find out  answers to some queries and their effective solutions. The research is conducted to analyse some points which are required to be answered and in this research project the topic is Autism and its effects on the development of a person or his life. The research questions are as follows.

  • What are the causes and symptoms of Autism?
  • What are the measures which can help to eradicate the disease?
  • What is the level of awareness about the disease in the country?

Research strategies: This section of the report covers the strategies selected and used in executing the research program. Research is scientific process where decisions are made after effective analysis and the most appropriate is selected for the effectiveness of the research. Strategies are important and are futuristic in which predictions are made for the whole research and a framework is provided to be followed for every activity in the process of project. Strategies are selected for effectively collect the reliable and relevant data for the study and appropriate methods to analyse and evaluate the data and information for getting the results and conclusion of the research. In this research reports strategies are developed for effectively examine the seriousness of the Autism in the UK and its impacts on the health and social care of the country (Payakachat, 2014).  

Choices: The selection is made scientifically and strategically by doing effective analysis of the problems. Choices can be defined as the alternatives available for any study or research. Choice is the selection of the most suitable and beneficial alternative after analysing and evaluating the different attributes and merits and demerits of the alternatives. The effectiveness of the research and its results depends on the appropriateness of the choices and selection made in the research.

Time horizon: The activities in the research are time bound and must be completed in that period of time for effective results. Time horizon is the time provided to conduct and execute any activity in the process of the research project. This is a span of time which is available for the research process and makes the results and conclusion more effective and efficient. This also shows the efficiency of the researcher for conducting the research in a specified time period.

Action plan: This can be defined the systematic manner and span of time taken for conducting the research project. This helps in preparing the Gantt chart further. 



Starting date

Time Slot

Completion Date



Planning of research

05 July 2016

5 days

10 July 2016

In the initial plan is executed to conduct the research effectively.


Implementing the research plan

11 July 2016

8 days

19 July 2016

Implementation is done of the prepared plan.


Data collection for research

20 July 2016


30 July 2016

Different tools and techniques are used to collect the data.


Analysis and evaluation

31 July 2016

3 days

3 August 2016

The information and knowledge data is analysed and monitored.


Conclusions and suggestions

4 August 2016

1 days

5 August 2016

The conclusion and recommendations are given on the basis of results of analysis.

Gantt chart-

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Data collection and analysis: Data is essential for conducting the research program as in analysis cannot be done without collecting the data and information. For conducting any research on a specified topic it is essential to gather data and information required for the effective analysis and evaluation. The data must be reliable and relevant to the topic of research and the purpose of the research. Effectiveness and efficiency of the research depends on the quality and reliability of the data and information collected and analysed. The scope of data collection is wide and expended as in there are different sources available. There are different methods of collecting the data and different sources which helps in the process of collecting data (Dyer, 2010).

Primary data- This can be defined as the fresh data collected by the researcher on its own efforts. This can be collected by surveys, filling questionnaire and face to face interviews. Primary data is collected by primary sources and is a raw form of the data which is collected by the researcher by connecting with others and identifying the views of different people towards the research topic and then these views are analysed and evaluated effectively. The is the source of data which depends on the practical approach and is less reliable and less appropriate as in the data is collected by taking the views of the people. Questionnaire, survey, telephonic and face to face interview are the most common example of collecting the primary data.  

Secondary data- This is the data collected by others and can further used by others for the related studies and research. This form of data can be collected by websites, newspapers, articles and books. This is the most reliable and trustworthy source of collection of data. Most of the researcher uses the secondary data for conducting their researches more effectively and smoothly. This is the easy and speedy source to collect data and information. There is no time of money consumed to individually collect the data by getting the views and perceptions of individuals and then analyse them. The secondary data can be collected after taking the prior permission of the author.

In this research the data is collected by primary and secondary sources and analysed. For collection of primary data help of questionnaire is taken. There are chosen some respondent for getting their views and perceptions for the collection of the raw data to be analysed effectively. (Questionnaire attached in Appendix)

Sampling or target market: Samples or target market is defined which is taken for collection of the primary data. This can be defined as the way to define the population or sample which is the number and probability of the respondents. There are taken different methods to decide the sample and target market like random sampling and specific sampling. The different sampling methods and evaluation techniques are used to evaluate and collect the data.

Limitation of the research: The limitation of the research is the confidentiality of the records of children for safeguarding them which leads to ineffective collection of data. There are different limitations of the research as in the research is conducted by taking the primary source to execute the research which is based on the general view and perceptions of the respondents and is less reliable (Andersen, et. al 2015).

Reliability and ethical consideration of research: The data and information used in the research are reliable and ethically collected by considering the confidentiality and safety of the children and adults. The behaviour and process of the research must be conducted by considering the ethical behaviour and legal aspects to ensure the worthiness of the data collection and analysis.

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Task 3 Be able to evaluate the research outcomes

Finding and Analysis

The data and information collected are analysed and evaluated in this section of the research and results are calculated. Different techniques and methods are used to analyse the findings and data collected from different sources. In this research project primary data is collected by making questionnaire and taking the views and perspectives of the selected sample and population (Andersen, et. al 2015).

Table 1: Genetic disorder is the most common cause of autism


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


chances of the autism | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis- From the above analysis we can find that a sample of 10 respondents have taken and after analysing their view they concluded that genetic disorder is the most common cause of the autism which is transferred from one generation to other.

Table 2: The rate and chances of the autism are increasing in UK rapidly


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


chances of the autism | Assignment Writing Services

Analyses- By doing this analyses we can understand that the half of the population agree that the autism is increasing rapidly in the children in UK and this makes it a serious concern (Andersen, et. al 2015).

Table 3: Lifestyle and habits can be the cause of development of the disease


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


cause of development

Analyses- The above analyses defines that most of the respondent agree that the lifestyle and habbits can be the cause of the development of the disease and can affect the life of the children.

Table: 4 The disease can be developed only at the time of pregnency


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree



Analysis- The above analysis shows that the most of the respondents thinks that the highest chances of the disease in the child develops at time of pregnency. This is the main cause of the disease.

Table: 5 Chances of the disease get increased in case parents and siblings are suffering from autism.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


parents and siblings are suffering | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis- this analysis shows that in case the parents and siblings have the disease then the chances of getting the disease are high. The respondants also agree with this.

Table: 6 Autistic people are not getting the required resources and excluded from the society.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


required resources and excluded | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis- In a developed country like UK there are chances of exclusion of the autistic people in the society. They are not getting the resources and special facilities and resources. But the above analysis is showing that there are both the situations like they are getting resources but not in sufficient qualntity or quality and they are not even getting equal opportunities in the society (Andersen, et. al 2015).

Table: 7 Early identification can help in controling and minimising the effects of autism.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


controling and minimising | Assignment Writing Services

Analysis- This analysis is showing that there are high chances to minimise and control the effects of the disease in case of early identification of the disease in the children.

Table: 8 There are different government policies which is supporting the organisations working for the autistic people.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


organisations working for the autistic people | Assignment Writing Services

Analyses- This analyses shows that the government is providing different policies for sporting the organisations working for autism but they are not sufficient and effective (Bou Khalil, 2012)      


Conclusion can be defined as the result achieved by conducting the research and shows a brief of the whole project report.  The report is a detailed study or research program for the analysis of the disease autism and its impacts on the life of a child or adult. There are different aspects of a healthy life. Autism is a disease which is a disorder of the brain and mental development and results in disability which can be ineffective communication and interaction problems. There are different degrees of autism, generally it is known as autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) which is the disability in mental development and there are other types and sub- division of the disease.  Autistic disorder, Asperger disorder, Pervasive development disorder (PDD) are the different degrees of autism. Different causes and symptoms of the disease are analysed in the research and by analysing the views of the respondents we can conclude that the main causes are genetic, biological and environmental. There are different symptoms which show that the children or adult is developing and suffering from the disease and early identification of these symptoms can help in minimising the effects of the disease. Autistic people in UK and around the world are facing the problem of bullying, exclusion and inappropriate resources and support from the society. The government policies are not effective or appropriate for these people in UK and around the world (Kastner, et. al 2016).


This research is about the autism and its causes, symptoms and measures to prevent the disease from the society. The health and social care is a concern of the government of the country and there are some recommendations which must be considered for the welfare and well- being of the autistic people.

  • There must spread awareness in the society about the autism and its impacts on the life of the children and adults. This will help to decrease the level of exclusion of the autistic people from the society.
  • UK government should run some campaigns for making the autistic people aware about their rights and increases their opportunities to develop and get special education to make their life better.
  • There must be some training programs to develop special teacher and mentors to keep take care and educate the autistic people (Malkova, 2012).

Task 4 Be able to present the research outcomes

Review of methodology: The study is analysis and evaluation of different data and information about the topic autism. For this purpose there are collected data and information with the help of different techniques and tools. Strategic planning is used to take strategic decisions to select the most appropriate and effective tools and techniques and methods for collection of data and their analysis and evaluation. These methodologies make the research more effective and efficient. Qualitative and quantitative data are collected by primary and secondary sources. Mixed approaches are used of sampling to collect the data by primary sources. The activities and time horizon is explained in the action plan and Gantt chart is defining it perfectly (Bird, 2013).

Personal reflection: This research is detailed study of the autism and its causes, symptoms and measures of prevention from the society. Autism is a mental disorder which leads to ineffective development of brain. The chances of the disease is getting higher in the UK and all around the world and this is a serious concern for the health and social care of the country. This can be controlled by the government intervention by running programs for making the population aware to care themselves at the time of pregnancy that all the precautions must be kept like vaccination. The views and perceptions of a part of population are taken for the primary data. Qualitative and quantitative methods are used in the analysis and evaluation. The research provides an overall knowledge about the disease autism and its impacts on the health and social care of the UK (Sipes, et. al 2011).

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