Unit 2 Personal Values, Culture and Development Assignment Help

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Unit 2 Personal Values, Culture and Development Assignment Help
Unit 2 Personal Values, Culture and Development Assignment Help
Unit 2 Personal Values, Culture and Development Assignment Help


Health and Social care services are very important for providing to the care needs of the individuals in the society. Almost all the individuals working in the health and social care settings are responsible for ensuring their own development in terms of skills, knowledge and attitudes while undertaking the practice. Also the professionals in health and social care should deal with the clients with honesty and affection and thus the role of personal values of an individual practicing in health and social care becomes crucial. This unit 2 personal values, culture and development assignment help basically aims to discuss the learning and the learning styles used in case of personal and professional development of health and social care workers or practitioners.

Unit 2 Personal Values, Culture and Development Assignment Help

Lo 1 Personal values and principles affect the contribution to work in field of care

1.1    Personal values and principles and principles of support for working

The role of the individual personal values is crucial in case of the care providers or workers and values are affected by social groups like friends, family, etc, culture and the background of the individual worker or practitioner. I believe that the person should apply his own values while practice and desired principles in the health care workers includes nondiscrimination or equality attitude towards care users, maintaining dignity and respecting the confidentiality of the patient information as under Data Protection Act, 1998 and must protect the disabled or vulnerable individuals from any kind of sexual, verbal or any other abuses while making efforts to improve their participation in the society. Also the care worker must be open to working with people from various cultural backgrounds and must accept diversity and team working (Bell, 2010).

As per the principles in care setting in case of NHS at UK, which is the amongst the world’s big employers with a workforce of around 2 million employees, the focus is placed on the leadership in the individuals or practitioners along with the collaboration capability with the patients in order to enhance the overall care and services provided to the service users. Also the focus is paid on the development of the skills and attitudes of the workers towards care delivery and needs of the care users, in order to improve the level of satisfaction of care users. Principles for support (Graham et al, 2008) are as below:

  • Ensuring choices of care users
  • Providing effective care and support
  • Involving service users in needs assessment and care plan development
  • Ensuring needs are met through care delivery
  • Risk management and analysis periodically
  • Effective communication with service users
  • Development of skills and attitudes of care workers
  • Decision Making use of latest technology in delivering care and support needs

1.2    Personal values and culture affects own role in supporting users and others

Culture in an individual is a gross and affected by values, ethics, age, gender, etc. People from various cultures are operational in health and social care therefore one must be capable of respecting others culture and values rather than enforcing own values or culture (Turno, 2010). I always ensure that the relationships with the clients are friendly enough to allow effective and proper communication in order to understand their needs and deliver care accordingly to yield the best satisfaction of needs of care users. All the health care providers must be client focused and as per my experience in working in the field, the patient must be provided with home like care and affection. If a patient comes to us for care and support, we must try to build relationship and try to familiarize with them and their needs in order to better assess their needs and deliver care accordingly yielding high satisfaction.

Get more informatin Personal and Professional Development in HSC Assignment Help

1.3    New development and changes in personal values can impact the working

The new legislations have been developed in order to make the care workers all the more responsible and to improve the standards in care delivery like

  • Sex discrimination act 1975 stats that any discrimination on the basis of sex of employees is illegal and punishable by law
  • Carers act 1975 enables the rights of the care providers and assessment of their abilities in delivering effective care
  • Equal opportunities act, 2004 allows equality in the rights of the care workers delivering care in care setting and provision for training of care workers in accordance with their needs (Pamela et al, 2009).
  • Disabled persons act, 1986 elaborates the role of care worker in providing support and care to disabled without any discrimination on the basis of disability of an individual in health care.
  • Antidiscrimination act entails no discrimination on the basis of culture, race, religion, age, gender, etc.

Support green paper is documented by the government at UK allows the care workers to express their opinions about work and also all the members in the system including service users, publics, etc are allowed to suggest means for improvement in the existing services.

I think the current changes in system had helped me in improving my attitude towards needs of the people and legislations had made the practice more collaborative for better services and satisfaction of care users without any sort of discrimination. I was not open to working in culturally diverse environment earlier but experience at work had made me open and empathetic. Thus now I feel valued at work as we can express our opinions and beliefs about loopholes in the system and changes required in the existing systems to appropriate authority and Care Commission is duly committed to improvement of the existing policies and practices in the health and social care. Thus changes in my personal values and culture at work had affected my work as a practitioner.

Lo 2 Produce, monitor and evaluate the plans for personal progress 

2.1 Currents abilities and learning styles

According to KOLB’s learning styles can be mainly grouped in to following types as diverging, accommodating, assimilating and converging as shown in the learning process (Metallidou et al, 2008) below.

Currents abilities and learning styles

As an individual may use different learning styles in different situations, I also use different earning styles based on what I am learning. In order to improve the services provided I learn by feeling, watching, thinking and then acting thus the Assimilating which includes think and watch and accommodating which involves feel and do help me. I also learn by taking notes about my work and through theories and reading more about practice, however at certain point of time the practical learning style becomes crucial. I adapted to the learning process as: Observing-Reading- Divergence-Accommodation-Assimilation.

2.2 Holistic development plan with short term and medium term goals

Gaining of new skills and talents at the work in the field of care is the development (Williangham et al, 2015) and the main areas I think I need to work on includes main aims

  • Technology handling skills aims to improve in use of modern technology at practice and I think this would help me in reaching new heights in my career as health and social care practitioner thus I need to adapt better to Microsoft Office tools and software used in health monitoring and record keeping like ICT software. 
  • Communication skills are very important for my effective presentation of services rendered and in understanding of the needs of service user thus I need to focus on learning British Sign Language and improvise on lip and face reading, gestures, presentation, body language and non verbal communication.
  • Negotiation ability is also an area of improvement in me as money or salary is an important part of my job satisfaction at work and when the manager offered me a particular pay scale I could not utter a word. I think negotiation skills can yield higher satisfaction for offering services in the long term. 
  • Laws and legislations is where I lack and I must be well versed with various laws in order to handle the customer claims and complaints in a better and confident manner at work. Also this implies my own safety and development at work in health and social care services at UK.

My personal development plan (PDP) is as follows:


Of development

Use of modern information technology

Communication skills

Negotiation skill

Understanding and compliance with laws and legislations







1 Year

15 months

2 months

3 years

Outcomes and evaluations

Make use of software in care delivery like making Care plans, etc.

  • Communicating effectively with service users
  • Making them sure of the services provisions as per needs assessment

Improving self benefits

  • Comply with all rules while practice
  • Successful handling of client or service user claims and complaints






2.3 Monitor and revise the progress as per plan as required in healh and social care practitioner

How far I have made progress in reaching the targets in the personal development plan can be justified through the changes in the job performance and feedbacks of the employer are valuable in gaining an insight to the process (Pashler et al, 2008). The employer can notice my technology handling skills in terms of improvements in handling client databases, recording events at workplace, use of machines and devices at work, etc. and the progress in communication skills can be judged through monitoring of client handling from the recording of cameras at workplace and gaining feedbacks from employers and clients or service users. If any changes are to be made in my personal development plan based on the suggestions of employer or any other person like co workers I can adapt them in to my PDP for improved outcomes and learning.

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of development plan in own development as practitioner

I realize that as a care worker my PDP is very important as I included communication skills which is an important aspect of providing care and needs assessment of the client and use of modern technology which is the need of the hour and will help in my practice at health and social care. Also I lack due knowledge over the legislations that apply to the workplace which I plan to learn in the long term in order to become capable of handling the claims and complaints of the service users effectively. Also the use of modern technology enables me in better handling of client information and protection of the confidentiality of the patient information. In case of a disabled or vulnerable client who is unable to speak out his problems clearly, the use of non verbal communication and sign languages along with lip reading and body language of patient can help me in better service provision.

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Care services are an important function in improving the health and overall well being of the people in the society and thus the role of the employees in field of care is very important. The legislations and the principles in field of care help in improving the responsibility and attitudes of employees working in the system. Also the self assessment by the employees help in improving their performance through training and development of an attitude towards accepting the cultural diversity of the individuals in the system is an important aspect in care delivery. Assimilating the experiences from the working in the field is important in the learning of the care workers.

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Bell, D. (2010). "The impact of devolution - Long-term care provision in the UK" (PDF). Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Graham, B. and Steven, P. (2008) Your Foundation in Health and Social Care: A Guide for Foundation Degree Students. SAGE.PP 29-46
Glasby, J. (2003). "The health and social care divide". Hospital discharge: integrating health and social care. Radcliffe Publishing. pp. 7–11.
Social Care in UK (2016) (online) available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_care_in_the_United_Kingdom last accessed on 11 July 2016
Willingham, D. T.; Hughes, E. M.; Dobolyi, D. G. (2015). "The scientific status of learning styles theories". Teaching of Psychology42 (3): PP 266–271.
Pashler, H.; McDaniel, Mark; Rohrer, Doug; Bjork, Robert A.(2008). "Learning styles: concepts and evidence" (PDF).Psychological Science in the Public Interest 9 (3): 105–119. 
Metallidou, P.; Platsidou, M. (2008). "Kolb's Learning Style Inventory-1985: validity issues and relations with metacognitive knowledge about problem-solving strategies" (PDF). Learning and Individual Differences 18 (1): PP 114–119.
Pamela, M. and David W. (2009). First Health and Social Care (1st ed.). Reflect Press Press (online) available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/9781906052171 last accessed on 11 July 2016