Unit 4 Personal and Professional Development in HSC Assignment Copy

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Unit 4 Personal and Professional Development in HSC Assignment Copy
Unit 4 Personal and Professional Development in HSC Assignment Copy
Unit 4 Personal and Professional Development in HSC Assignment Copy


Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 Personal and Professional Development in HSC 

QFC Level

Level 4


This report is prepared in concentration with personal and professional development of an individual in health and social care workplace. Aim of this report is to provide appropriate information regarding the roles and responsibilities of an individual towards the care patients coming for the services of health and social care workplace, Information regarding development plan and personal and professional values of an individual at the workplace will be discussed in this report. This unit 4 personal and professional development in HSC assignment copy will ensure that all the ethical aspects should be followed by the care practitioner. It will help in improving the skills of the people working at health and social care workplace.

Unit 4 Personal and Professional Development in HSC Assignment Copy

Task 1

AC 1.1 A comparison of your personal values and principles with the principles of support for working in your work place.

Health and social care  workplace is a platform where each and every aspect of an individual are dependent on the principles. Every health care practitioner should understand the importance principles of support at the workplace. Personal values of every individual do matters at health and social care workplace (Gaurav, 2014). To ensure that the personal values of an individual should be taken care at the workplace health and social care prepare the appropriate principles. These principles are based on the values, beliefs and culture of the people attached with health and social care workplace. People working in the organisation have different types of values these values are instrumental values, personal values, political values, social values, economic values and religious values. These personal values include honesty, polite behaviour, being gentle with every one, dignity of an individual, creativity, courage, tradition, religion,, regional ties, linguistic ties, justice, equality, freedom, and liberty (Hambrick, 2011).

On the other hand there are certain principles attached with the health and social care workplace these principles include work values which are formed with the help of teamwork, dedication, competitiveness, effective communication, trustworthiness, reliability, professionalism and ethics. According to the principles of health and social care workplace it is necessary that an individual should treat every individual equally should provide proper and fair treatment to the people coming to workplace. Principles of support at the workplace include that an individual should follow all the policies and procedures of the organisation, should work to help the organisation to attain its objectives, follow rules, fundamentals and norms of the organisation or community (Cabo, 2014). It could be said that both personal values and principles and principles of support both have the common objective that is to maintain the fair and ethical decorum of the workplace and to help the people by providing effective services.

AC 1.2 An assessment of how personal cultural and experience influence your role in supporting clients and colleagues in the workplace.

Personal cultural and experience influence an individual in supporting clients and colleagues at health and social care workplace. Values and beliefs at workplace include providing equal rights to each and every individual, maintaining confidentiality at the workplace, protecting the clients from any kind of abuse and harm aving own cultural beliefs and experience helps the person to make sure that it could provide better and effective services to the services users. Personal cultural and experience of an individual insures to serve fair and effective treatment to an individual. If a health practitioner follows all the cultural aspects and had experienced every stage then it becomes easier to an individual to manage the work process and to protect the clients from all the harms. It helps in building trust among the people coming to use the services of the health and social care workplace with the effect of which they try to recover from the health issues (Chambers, 2010). Cultural experience helps an individual to treat every individual in a fair and equal manner. Which mean an individual having cultural experience will not discriminate at the workplace and will ensure that equal services could be provided to the care patients coming to the workplace.

AC 1.3 Discuss how new development and changes to your personal values can impact on the work.

New development and changes to the personal values of an individual have a great impact on the work. Any kind of change whether it is in the behaviour, values, beliefs or technological change have a great impact on the processing of the work and on the individual working that particular work.  Personal development  and changes will help in refining the skills of an individual. It is necessary that an individual should try to accept the changes and try to learn new things at the workplace because these aspects help in refining the skills and abilities of an individual at the workplace. With the development and change in the personal values an individual will be able to provide effective service to the people coming to the health and social care workplace (D., 2012). An individual will be able keep mitigate the risk of uncertainties from the workplace and work on the verge to secure the services users against any harm. These are the aspects that will help in protecting the workplace from any kind of discrimination and will help in providing valuable services to the people coming for their treatment at health and social care workplace. There are certain laws and legislations that have great impact on personal values of an individual working at a workplace. Like Data Protection Act, Equality at Work Act, etc. these are certain aspects that helps in the development of an individual and ensure that it could work effectively and provide fair and equal services to the care patients coming to health and social care workplace (Frontiera, et. al., 2012).

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Task 2

AC 2.1 Assess your current skills abilities and learning styles by using one or more assessment tools.

Very individual working at the workplace has different preferred learning styles; it varies from person to person working in health and social care workplace. There are various tools available with the help of which these learning styles could be evaluated. These tools of assessing learning styles are SWOT analysis, or Honey and Mumford Typology of learners. In my case I will prefer to choose SWOT analysis so as to assess my current skills and abilities and learning styles. This tool will be used by me because it will help in gathering the information of my weaknesses and threats working on which help me in developing my skills and abilities.



  • I can follow the instructions provided to me at the workplace.
  • Can build effective relationship with the care patients and colleagues working with me at the workplace.
  • I have patience and interpersonal skills which helps me to keep calm and provide effective services (Gaurav, 2014).
  • I can handle the challenges provided to me at the workplace and could fulfil the needs of it.
  • I get emotionally attached with the people coming to health and social care workplace.
  • Have little knowledge of the new legislations regarding health and social care workplace.



  • Effective communication skills help in providing better explanation of various aspects.
  • Remain prepared to accept the changes at workplace and try to learn new things.
  • Frequent changes in the laws and legislations are threat to me as any kind of mistake could affect my whole career.
  • Cultures and diversities can affect the work processing.

Therefore, with the help of  SWOT analysis  it could be evaluated that I have pretty effective skills which are require in a care practitioner as having a good communication skills is a most important aspect in health and social care workplace. Effective communication skills help in making people understanding about various aspects and factors (Hambrick, 2011). But there are several other things that could affect my career as well as future goals and objectives. It is necessary that I should work on these aspects so that my skills could get more refine and I could provide more effective services to the care patients coming to health and social care workplace.

Ac 2.2 Produce a holistic development plan for yourself with short, medium and long term goals.

Planning is a most important aspect for every individual’s life. It is necessary that an individual should develop a plan which should include the short term goals, medium term goals and long term goals. It is also necessary that after preparing the plans an individual should work on it and should try to attain all the goals in prescribed time as these will help in taking the life to better future and will help in attaining success in life (Whetten, 2011). My holistic development plan will include SMART objectives which are specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant and time bound. Such type of objectives ensures success in the life of an individual.

Holistic personal Development Plan


 basis for  Success


Requisite  actions

Strategies to be implemented to attain goals.

Resources required to attain goals


 Skills of  entrepreneur

(Long term goal)

When I will be able to understand how to manage the people and the work. When I will be able to develop critical thinking skills and bring innovative ideas.

Participating in innovative aspects, creating some or the other new things.

Working hard at workplace and participate in all the development programs

Teachers, mentors, colleagues, experts, counsellors.

5 yr.

Skills of  leadership

(Mid-term goal)

managing the people in an effective manner, influencing people with the things that I communicate to them

providing influential speeches, learning some or the other new things

Interaction with people who are new to me

Be present at seminars and conferences  (Boddy, 2008).

Teachers guidance,



2 yr.

Skills for  Time management and communication

(short-term goal)

Learn how to do multitasking and managing things effectively.

Interacting with new people, taking classes to improve communicating skills


Prioritizing the work and make a try to do several tasks at one time.

Try to interact with new people and participating in various group discussions, debates and speeches  (Helyer, 2015).

Working according to the set priorities.

Guidance of teacher, mentor, experts, family and friends

6 months


AC 2.3 Monitor your progress against the plan according to the requirements of a care practitioner, revise the plan as required.

Monitoring the progress is an important aspect for every individual. Such type of practice helps in removing all the loops and breaches that occurs in formulation of the plan in real life of an individual. Monitoring of plan will involve several aspects with the effect of which an individual will be able to gain information regarding the loops and will be able to move on the path of fulfilling the requirement of the plan in real life. These aspects are:

  • Conduct skill assessment: Skills assessment will help in gaining information regarding the skills that an individual have and various skills require fulfilling the criteria of the plan.
  • Revise the plan: After conducting the skill assessment it is necessary to revise the plan which is being developed. Revising the plan will help in gathering information regarding the present requirements. With the help of information gathered plan could be revised and implementation could be formulated effectively (McLeod, 2015).

By monitoring various aspects I have evaluated that there are various factors that are required to be worked upon by me. I need to focus on my English communication so that I could refine my communication skills. It is required that not only leadership and communication skills will help in attaining my long term goals. With the leadership skills I will also have to develop the interpersonal skills as well as critical thinking skills and the time that is required is for 2 years so that I gather proper information of market and behaviour of people present in the market (Miller, 2014).

AC 2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the development plan to your development as a health and social care practitioner.

By developing a better understanding with various aspects present in the market and requirement of health and social care workp;lace I have evaluated that the development plan that I have prepared is effective and will help in future progress of mine as a health and social care practitioner (Davis, 2011). For a health and social care practitioner it is necessary that he should have effective  communication skills knowledge  about the work he is processing, have influential power, so that he can influence people to take care of their health. A health and social care practitioner should have the skills of critical thinking and effective decision making so that at the time of emergency situation he can make appropriate decision and could provide effective solutions to the problem. Leadership skills will help in managing the team and people w orking in the organisation to work more effectively and help in managing the health of people present in the society. Therefore, reviewing all the aspects it could be said that the development plan that I have prepared is effective and is beneficial for my future growth which lead me to a better future and help me in serving better and effective services to the people in need (Dunlosky, et. al., 2011).

Task 3

AC 3.1 Explain the nature of different professional relationships in the context of your work place?

  • Professional relationships- This is a kind of relation that is being handled by group of people in the professional capacity in order to generate a good amount of nexus in the working capacity of process system. An organization has to develop a good relationship with its employees and simultaneously has to develop a better employee’s behaviour in the process working system. In the betterment of organization there are number of professionals are hired so that working effectiveness and professional relationship could be enhanced throughout the time (Stone-Johnson, 2016).
  • Relationship with team members- In context with the social care and health responsibilities upon the employees and co- worker there is need of high level of policies and regulation on the working system. Team members have to come forward to help each other and all the employees have to work together in order to encourage health and social care aspects. Health and social care context in the organization is very big channel and its covers employees medical insurance cover, using of different tools and measures when employee are engaged in hazardous work in the process working system. Social and health care also put emphasis upon the working style, managers concern with their subordinate, professional code of conduct, trust and advocacy in the system (McDonagh, 2012).

AC 3.2 Evaluate your personal effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual in your work place?

Personal effectiveness- employees are the key pillars in the success of an organization and achievement of set goals and objectives. Personal effectiveness is the term to evaluate working quality of the employees in the working process. Personal effectiveness provides aid in many ways to employees in supporting and promoting their individual rights and behaviour in the organization working system. Development of personal effectiveness in the organization system is very important, in order to overcome process dilemmas, risk in the working process, concern related to abuse between employees, challenging behaviour and employees responsive attitude with the respective circumstances throughout the time. Number of key points that have came into the notice with wide level of study but ethical and concern related with the organization sustainably tries to put on the high remark that could be managed by the employees, if proper assistance is given with the aid of developed effective channel in the organization (Scott, et. al 2013). There are various rights of the employees that should be given to them by the process line manger to each and every employees in the office premises e.g. employee has right to speak on any matter, employees are at their liberty to reciprocate to any kind of mischievous act. There are various points that should be taken into consideration either by top management or line manager to save the interest of employees at large. With all the study and given study material I could say that personal effectiveness is the major part in developing a good amount of nexus between employees to employees and employees to organization. Personal effectiveness is generated with the help of proper communication understanding of responsibilities and authority assigned to each and every employee for the time being in force. Sometime it is being noticed that collective team efforts catering employee’s needs, team performance catering needs of several employees and positive attitude of employees and managers plays a vital role in managing a good relation between employees and organization working system.

AC 3.3 Discuss ways to resolve issues encountered in professional relationships?

Issue in the organization concerned with the professional relationship- professional relationship is the key term to denote the culture and behaviour of employees with each other in the process working system. It is seen that in order to maintain the sustainability of the organization in long run employees and their professional effectiveness plays a crucial role in the working system. In most of the cases there are several issue encountered in the professional relationship of the employees such as- ethical dilemmas, working conflicts, ego, confrontation with the rivalry in the working system, winning reward and their benefits, groupism, different working style, less effectiveness in team working and further more.

  • Development of proper working system and providing adequate amount of employees to encounter the problems in best and efficient manner.
  • Helps employees to get them out from the ethical dilemmas and services concern.
  • ‘Incorporation of different functional channel for the troubleshooting of stakeholders grievances (Gray, et. al 2012).
  • Creation of separate whistle blower mechanism that would be the silent best aid to employees in their working system.
  • Conduct proper meetings and agenda for proper communication with employees and their concerns in the process system.
  • Provide a clear critical path to employees with complete draft so that employees do not get confused with the assigned task in the process system.
  • Collective efforts of team and group members working in the same process by catering their needs, meeting their personal goals and objective could be proved to be helpful for the personal effectiveness in organization working system.         
  • Proper arrangement of working structure and functional system that could establish a positive culture and effective working environment for the employees in several processes of organization.
  • Consistent team training and imparting required process knowledge accompanied with the social tactical working style is also very imperative in the organization.

The most important point to understand is that social and health care are very imperative for better management of employees on sustainable basis.  With the whole study I have understood that collective team efforts and employees own contributions are the main points in troubleshooting major process problems in the organization working system (Gray, et. al 2012).

Task 4

AC 4.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of your personal contributions when working with others in your work place.

Performance of every individual is important and crucial at the work place in health and social care. The following are my contribution as a social worker in the health and social care.

  • In the work place my focus is on the client and his needs. I try my level best to identify their needs and fulfil them effectively.
  • I have essential skills like computer skills and analysis skills which are helping in making my contribution effective.
  • My roles and responsibility towards the work place are helping me in maintaining confidentiality at workplace (Savoyard, et. al 2011).
  • At work place I keep trying to develop a culture to innovate and entrepreneur by my activities to enhance the quality of the activities and their effectiveness.
  • My behaviour at the work place is always in order to support the activities and goals of my team and making them more effective by positive attitude and effective communication which can be verbal, non-verbal and written.
  • While executing my activities at the work place I keep considering the possible and reliable budget of the activity and keep the activities cost conscious. This helps in achieving the most effective results.
  • Health and social care is all about doing welfare of the people who really need it. The social aspects are also considered in my task to make it more beneficial for the society.
  • I try to develop and increase the level of creativity in my work which can help the whole team to grow.
  • At the work place the hierarchal level is very important to be followed. In my activities I keep trying to follow that level of authority and respect that.
  • I suggest my views and ideas to the team which can help in growth and increases the level of participation in decision making (Dziegielewski, 2013).

AC 4.2 Explain how the limits of your work role impacts on work with others.

To maintain discipline and control in the organisation roles and responsibilities of every employee have some limits which also makes impact on their work. I also have some limitations as a health and social care worker which are as follows.

  • I keep focusing on maintaining confidentiality of the records and information of the clients in my work at work place. This is the limits of my work and this makes impact on work with others that I may not fulfil the condition of the confidentiality in the activities.
  • As a social worker I have to consider the culture and society of the clients and have to take decisions on that basis. In case of working with others I may not be able to focus on the culture of the clients and their requirements which can lead to ineffective results.
  • While working with others or in a group there emerge a limit on taking decisions on a particular task or activity because there are considered views of every member.
  • In case of working with others it is important to generate trust and respect within the members and I fail in this than it will decrease my role in the task or activity at the work place (West, 2012).
  • Data protection is my responsibility and this must be considered to protect and secure the electronic data and its access by others. But this is also limited in case of working with others.

AC 4.3 Analyse your role in minimising barriers to effective teamwork in your work place.

Every team gets successful when there is developed effective teamwork at the work place. There are some essentials for the effective teamwork which can be developed to achieve the most effective results at the workplace Following are the essentials in the teamwork to be maintained.

  • Leadership - Leadership can be defined as a tool to lead all the activities of the team in direction of achieving the objectives. Leadership helps in effective management of the activities. A good leader distributes and allocates the jobs in effective manner to all the team members and reduces chances of any complexity.
  • Communication - Ineffective communication is a barrier to effective teamwork in the work place. This leads to misconceptions and delay in the decision making which is a hurdle in opportunities and taking their benefits.
  • Interpersonal interactions - There must be effective interactions between the team members to enhance the level of engagement in the team and increase their role in team work. Poor interpersonal interaction can be barrier to effective teamwork (Gordon, et. al 2012).
  • Motivation - Lack of motivation can be a barrier to effective teamwork. There must be policies and methods adopted to motivate the team members.

These barriers can be minimized by enhancing trust in the team members, giving opportunities to the members to take decisions and innovate in the teamwork, developing effective channel for communication in the team and motivating the employees to increase their performance and helping them in any kind of complexity which leads to increased performance (Maccoby, et. al 2013).

AC 4.4 Discuss how to improve your personal contributions to the collective effectiveness of your team.

While  working with leading people  the contribution of each member is equally important in terms of contributing to the effectiveness of the work performance. The individual efforts and contribution of all team members collectively make the team work effective. There are various methods by which the contribution can be made by an individual towards team effectiveness. These include sharing of ideas and views with other team members and co-workers. This help in the enhancement of creativity and improvement in the concept and ideas shared as the suggestions received from the co-worker can be incorporated and as a result an effective idea could be generated (Persily, 2013). Another method is helping others when they are in need. This facilitates sharing of work and thus reducing the burden on single person. If it is discovered that some scope of improvement exist in any work done by any other member, then in such case suggestion shall be made to him immediately so that the quality is improved and the effectiveness is achieved. The most important factor is to communicate within the team effectively in an organised manner so that the goals and objectives could be explained easily to others. While working in a team each member shall take the responsibility and be accountable for the work done by him so that ambiguity is removed and quality is enhanced (Persily, 2013).

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With the above discussion held in this report it could be concluded that health and social care workplace is the workplace in which it is necessary to manage the work in proper manner. An individual should have a proper development plan if he is working in a health and social care workplace. Care practitioners play a very vital role and service users have many expectations with the care practitioners and so it becomes the responsibility of care practitioners to maintain the decorum of the workplace and provide equal treatment to the service users of health and social care workplace. This study has helped me to understand the several aspects of the working effectiveness of the employees and how they put the contribution for the betterment of organization working process system and achievement of set objectives. In the report we have understand about the role and responsibilities of employees in health and social care. Different aspects of the effectiveness of the personal contribution on the growth of the work place and different barriers in the teamwork and ways by which we can overcome with them.


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