Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC

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Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC
Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC
Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC


Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 Personal and Professional Development in HSC

QFC Level

Level 4

Task 1

Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC - Uk Assignment Writing Service

1.1 Compare personal values and principles with the principles of support for working in health and social care.

I am working as a support worker in the health and social care and getting treatment is the right of every individual. I am available in order to render adequate level of support to the service users in order to get the proper assistance. As a service provider it is my responsibility to take care of the service users. During the treatment of Janet in need to maintain the confidentiality and equality as it is very important while attending different service users. Every individual has a right to get the equal treatment at health and social care. With the help of the confidentiality and privacy factor there is effective enhancement in the level of trust and faith among the service users (Bourner, 2011).

In  health and social care  scenario it is preference the principles of support along with need to follow their personal values and principles. My personal values and ethics shows my moral in context that how can I treat other people whether they are staff members or service users. In the above scenario Janet is mentally ill due to the excessive consumption of drugs that results into physical and verbal abuse towards their family and it might be possible now it will happen with me as I am the service provide at healthcare home. As per my dignity I am not able to hear abusive words or get physically abused but she is mentally ill I need to handle this situation and has to support them in getting overcome from it (Bourner, 2011).

1.2 Assess how your own personal culture and your own experience would influence the support would give to the service user in the case scenario stated above

As a support worker in healthcare home it is my duty to take care of Janet and make sure that she is getting proper care. I need to make sure that proper treatment is given to the Janet because being a support worker I have to take care of her and it is in my routine work to perform all these activities. I am also responsible to render physical support if she is not able to perform the suggest activities such as manual handling of patients and also make use of the different equipment in order to support the patients. As per my culture I need to treat every individual equally and didn't try to make any kind of discrimination among them because there are various factors that can be followed in order to make discrimination such as race, religion, sex, age and income group. As per my own experience I get to know that getting proper treatment is the right of every individual and as an health care service provider I need to render them equal treatment. This shows my high moral and it also helps me in rendering effective care services to the users (Gordon, et. al., 2015).

As per my own experience I get to know that there is effective requirement of building adequate level of communication among the service user and other professionals so that service user get adequate level of treatment. Professional get deep information and current situation related to the patients that helps in rendering adequate level of treatment to cure their issues and problems (Gordon, et. al., 2015).

1.3 Discuss how new developments (i.e. new legislations, new priorities, new targets, new research, codes of practice) and changes to your own personal values can impact on working in health and social care.

Any development or change effective influence the associated activities. Government introduce "The Care Act 2014" that effectively influence the activities of the health and social care sector. This act make effective changes in their processing as the service users get effective benefits such as they appeal against the council decision over the eligibility criteria of getting the funds.

As per the act service rendered by the health and social care also get regulated by the Human Rights Act in order to safeguard the interest of the service users as they are getting proper treatment services or not. Along with this there are lot many act get introduced such as: "The carers and disabled children act 2000", "Disabled person act 1986" and a act in order to provide exclusive rights to the carers such as "The Carers (Recognition and Service) Act 1995 and many more (Crotti, 2014).

Along with these act there are effective advancement is made in the technology sector that also influences the processing of the service providers. With the development in technology they need to maintain proper record of their activities, render their employees effective training and development programs in order to make use of the latest equipments (Crotti, 2014).

With the effect of these changes and development there is effective changes is noted down among the employees performance. As they need to enhance or improve their functioning, monitoring and controlling their activities. They need to improve the level of service rendered to service users as per the acts and legislations implemented (Crotti, 2014).

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Task 2

2.1 Report on Key influences on Learning

Key Influences on Learning:

Introduction: There are various factors that influence over the learning of the individuals and these key factors will discussed in the below report. There are various theories will get discussed in context to the learning. I am studying about Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care under the program of "CPK36 Level 5 Health and Social Care". In college there is effective level of support is provided in the form of tutors, supervisors, mentors and peers. They render adequate level of support by providing study material, their proper guidance and assistance.

In order to learn new things I got effective opportunities such as learn through classroom activities (like team work, time management), placement experience (working with the service providers and getting live experience of the things performed), life experiences (like personal experiences), etc. helps in getting adequate level of services. In order to enhance the learning I make use of the internet and put questions against any doubt or issues from the tutors (Hu, et. al., 2013).

According to the theory of Mumford and Honey there are four learning styles such as; -

  • Activist: - According to this style individual get learning by doing the things. They follow open minded approach in order to perform by involving themselves fully into it.
  • Theorist: - According to this style individual get learning by understanding the theories behind the actions. They follow the models, concepts and available facts in order to learn the things (Hu, et. al., 2013).
  • Pragmatist: - According to this style individual get learning by implementing their learning in the real world processing and get the results accordingly.
  • Reflector: - According to this style individual get learning with the help of the observations and thinking over the happening activity. They always prefer to watch the sidelines (Hu, et. al., 2013).

As per the theory if I am is activist then I will make use of my previous learning's and experiences into actions and implement them in order to get the results. My learning get influenced with the cours
If I am theorist then I will chose between the formal and informal way of getting learning that help me in getting effective level of learning as in formal learning style I get to make evaluation of the models and concepts.
If I am pragmatist then I have to create an learning  business environment  that helps in getting effective learning as the I make evaluation of the results attained by me by implementing the learning in real situations.
If I am an reflector then I need to access the resources in order to make observations and enhance thinking process so that effective learning is made with the help of it (Hu, et. al., 2013).

These factors put adequate level of influences over my learning and while serving to the patients I need to implement my learning so that they get effective level of services. On the other hand I need make effective level of communication that is essentially required for the purpose of rendering better treatment to the patients. Learning in the classroom get implemented practically in the real world and its results get evaluated in order to make adequate level of evaluation of learning.

After the whole discussion it is concluded that availability of the resources and the available theories put effective influence over the learning's. Previous learning and experiences effectively helps in getting proper theoretical solutions against any problems faced by them. On the other hand formal learning helps in getting effective opportunity in order to perform adequately whereas informal learning didn't provide certified learning that create somewhat difficulties for the learner (Hu, et. al., 2013).

P2.4 Evaluate how personal learning and development may benefit others

Personal learning and development make inclusion of the improvement in awareness and identity, it helps in developing talent and its potential, enhance the quality of life and may more.

It is important because it improves: -

  • self-awareness
  • self-knowledge
  • skills or learn new skill set
  • wealth
  • health
  • strength
  • potential
  • talent
  • self-esteem and many more. (Minnema, 2014)

It helps in developing ourselves as well as others also. It helps in knowing personal development methods, learning programs, assessment systems, tools and techniques. It helps in enhancing or improving the internal capabilities that helps in attaining the set targets.

It helps in focusing over the required knowledge and information that helps in near future in order to deal with the adverse situation or hard situations. It is the process of the continuous learning and prepare himself for the changed situations. It helps in adopting the changes or innovations in their field. There are lots of changes or innovations are takes place in the health and social care services (Minnema, 2014).

Task 2B (2.1)

Questionnaire: -

S. No.


Highly agree




Highly disagree


You easily meet out the needs and wants of the patients.







You are capable enough to render adequate services to the patients.







You didn't require any assistance from your superiors







You make effective level of communication with the patients.







You are capable enough in communicating the information to the superiors related to patients.







You are capable in executing the assigned activities in effective manner.






Questionnaire 2

1. Did you consider yourself as a good listener as well as dictator?

2. Did you require external motivation?

3. Didn't you prefer brainstorming process in order to get solution of the problems?

4. Did you consult with superiors before performing any activity?

5. Did you implement you learning in order to resolve the problem or consult with the seniors?

(Quiggle, 2014)

SWOT analysis: -



I am having effective verbal communication skills

I am good problem solving skills.

Having time management skills.

Having adequate knowledge over the implied acts related to HSC sector.

Weak in non-verbal communication.

Having weak leadership skills

Having no live experience



Campus placement opportunity.

Need of energetic health care workers.

Huge number of skilled labours are available with experience.

Task 3

3.1 Explain the nature of different professional relationships in health and social care contexts.

There are various professional relationship in health and social care contexts such as: -

Relationship with service users: As a service provide it is my responsibility to build up effective relationship with the patients so that they share their problems or issues in effective manner. With the effect of it they share their situation in detailed version so that it become easy to render them effective treatment. It become very important to know about the needs and wants of the patients so that treatment can be modified accordingly as there is effective requirement of getting participation from patients side also. It helps in observing their activities and helps in rendering proper treatment (Varga, 2011).

Relationship with family members of service users: It is an responsibility of service provider to build effective relationship with the family members of patients. They are the worried one that are in search of getting proper treatment for the patient. It is very important to maintain positive relationship with them so that they feel comfortable and remain relaxed. With the effect of the good relationship status they share effective level of information related to the patients (Aveyard &  Sharp, 2013).

Relationship with staff members: It is necessary to maintain effective level of relationship with the co-staff members as they render adequate level of support for the purpose of executing the activities in effective manner. They share the work load and provide effective support while rendering services to the patients. It is necessary to respect them as it helps in creating positive and effective relationship with them (Aveyard &  Sharp, 2013).

Relationship with superiors: Superiors are those who provide effective level of help in executing the task and provide new ways or techniques to process the things in effective manner. It is necessary to build healthy and effective relationship with the superiors so that they help in difficulty scenarios. They are also engage into various process such as increments and appraisals or promotions. So it become important to improve the relationship with superiors (Aveyard &  Sharp, 2013).

3.2 Evaluate personal effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual using models of support to support your answer.

In order to promote and support the rights of individual I will make use of the Medical health and social model such as:

Advantages are as follows: -

  • In my work experience I always take care of patients rights and try to promote them effectively.
  • I always maintain adequate level of privacy and confidentiality.
  • I treat every individual equally and render them effective level of services.
  • I render them effective level of services so that they get proper treatment that helps in get recovered soon.
  • My approach is patient centred and with this effect it is possible to evaluate the risk.
  • I effectively follow the implemented acts or legislations in order to render effective level of services to the patients and these acts helps in getting right decisions at right time in effective manner (Bauman, 2013).

Disadvantages are as follows: -

  • I need to get in-depth knowledge of the implemented acts and legislations so that it helps in reacting in effective manner.
  • Sometimes I get indulge personally in order to resolve the issues of patients due to which conflict get created. In order to avoid conflict situation I need to learn remain professional(Bauman, 2013).

3.3 Discuss ways to resolve issues encountered in professional relationship.

In professional relationship there are various issues get encountered. These issues and their possible solutions get discussed below such as:

It is difficult to serve patients with strong  employee relationship  as sometimes they become so much demanding because it create problematic situation for them. For example when a demand made by patient can't get fulfilled by me create conflict situation between us and hampers the relationship. So in order to avoid this situation I need to maintain a proper distance with patients and never fulfil even a small demand of patients.

It is also difficult to maintain strong relationship with the patients family members as they demand for extra personal care or demand for personal assistance more than I am already rendering. Family members of patients never get satisfied with the services rendered by healthcare professionals and they demand for extra care. This situation lead to create conflict among them and hampers the relationship among them. In order to avoid the conflict situation there is effect need of reminding them over the implied rules and regulations of the social care so that they remain patience(Chinn & Moorley, 2014).

Sometimes there is effective conflict arise between the co-workers due to the effect of the competition among them in order to get the upper position. Due to unhealthy competition among the service providers hampers their relationship. In order to avoid this issue they need to maintain healthy competition among them that helps in getting competition positively and perform accordingly (Chinn & Moorley, 2014).

Task 4


Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC 1

Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC 2

Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC 3

Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC 4

Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC 5

Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC 6

Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC 7

Unit 4 Assignment on Personal and Professional Development in HSC 8

Task 5a Self evaluation


Always appropriate

Mostly appropriate

Not always appropriate

Not appropriate

Dress & Appearance

















Ability to work with other people





Ability to talk to staff& people who use the services





Willingness to learn





Willingness to take an active part in placement





Ability to understand & follow instructions





Willingness to ask for help











Maintain confidentiality





Safety conscious






What do you think you have achieved from placement?

From placement I got an opportunity to implement my theoretical knowledge in real world to solve the things and process the activities accordingly.It gives me an platform to perform the internal capabilities and make use of learning's.

Which of your targets do you think you have achieved?

The target of getting an opportunity to perform with the Health and Social care unit get achieved with the help of the education or learning get in the business school.

What do you think the staff and people who use the service learned from you?

The staff and people who use the service learned various things such as communication process, build effective coordination, arrange the work in systematic manner, process the activities according to the priorities and many more (Choper, 2013).

Task 5b: Organisational structure and job roles

Job title: Domiciliary Care worker

What qualifications are needed for this role?

Health and social care diploma


What is your role within the organisation?

I am supporter within the organisation.


What are your responsibilities in regards to your client group?

I need to render services to the service users and communicate the information to the carers, professionals and councillors.


How does this governance link to codes of practice?

All patients get treated equally, effectively level of confidentiality and privacy should be maintained at the workplace.


What opportunities are there for further training and development in this area? (Career opportunities/ pathways)? You may wish to include a diagram to show this

There are lots of opportunities are available in the training and development such as training of new equipment and others.


How does the job role work as part of a multi-disciplinary team?

I make effective communication within the team and build adequate level of coordination within the team.


Task 5c Witness Statement


Learners Name











Description of the activity. (What did you do?)

Rendering services to the Janet and other peoples as an domiciliary care worker.


Where did the activity take place?

These activities are takes place at the health and social care homes.

Describe how the activity meets the unit specifications.

These activities shows the learning implementation for executing the assigned duties.

Log book:


Hours per day

Activity undertaken

Reflective activity


10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)



4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.




10 AM - 3 PM

5 hrs

Activity: Lifting a patient using a hoist(Manual handling)

Skills developed: Team work skills

My confidence grew as a support worker


3PM - 4PM

1 hour

Activity: Lunch break


Relaxation (it is necessarily required)




4PM - 6PM

2 hrs

Activity: Prepare documents and other necessary reports to communicate professionals


Skill developed: enhance communication, develop documentation

It make improvement in my non-verbal communication.



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