HRM in Hotel Hilton Stratford Assignment

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HRM in Hotel Hilton Stratford Assignment
HRM in Hotel Hilton Stratford Assignment
HRM in Hotel Hilton Stratford Assignment


Diploma in Business

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HRM in Hotel Hilton Stratford Assignment

QFC Level

Level 5


Hotel Hilton Stratford is the 4-star luxury hotel in UK. It is just outside historic Warwick that provides quality features a leisure centre, stylish restaurant and latest room facilities to the customers. The Hilton Hotel Warwick is top hotel in UK that satisfies the demand of customers. Then current study identifies the role and purpose of human resource management in the Hotel Hilton Stratford and explains the human resource plan that is based on analysis of demand and supply. The report evaluates the current state of employment relations in the hotel industry and effect of employment law affects the management of HRM in the Hotel Hilton. It also discusses job description and person specification for the job of hotel and also compares the selection process of different service industry. The study explains the contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation of Hotel Hilton Stratford.

HRM in Hotel Hilton Stratford Assignment

Task 1

1.1 Role and purpose of human resource management in Hotel Hilton Stratford

The major importance of human resource in the organization is to select and train the candidates in the organization. Human resource management is the best to hire the correct person at correct place. Hotel Hilton appoints the Hr manager to select the candidate in the organization thus they are able to meet the man power need in the organization. It helps the organization to provide training to the employees thus they are able to give their best towards the organizational goals. Feedback collection is the liability of Hr manager thus he can evaluate the overall performance of employees. Through effective training Hr department is able to contribute in the growth of business. Human resource management can easily reduce the external hiring in the organization and motivate the business to hire the candidates from the internal sources. It provides strong man power base to the organization by which Hotel Hilton can easily serve quality services to the customers. HRM is the cost effective process that provides qualified candidates to the organization thus they are able to meet the expectation of organization (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). HR department forecast the future need of the employees in the organization and then hire the candidates from internal and external sources.

Human resource management has the liability to keep the employee motivated and try to encourage them to do better. HR manager solve the quarry of employees and try t give best alternative in order to do better. The foremost task of HR management is to hire the candidates on the basis of job specification and then take the interview of the candidate to evaluate the skills of candidates. HR manager keep an on the performance of the candidates and then try to increase the efficiency thus they are able to perform better. HR department should do the task that is free from discrimination and try to implement it in the organization. Another role of human resource management is to maintain discipline in the organization thus all the employee follow rules and regulation. It is the foremost duty of the organization to maintain discipline in Hotel Hilton. It can be said that HR management is the most crucial part in the growth of whole organization it provides essential element to the organization that is man power. A skilled employee is asset for the organization without it management cannot achieve the goals. Hiring and removing the unnecessary candidate from the organization is done by the HR department they identify the need of employee in the organization thus they plays vital role in the growth of organization ( Human resource management is the essential part of the organization because it helps the management to execute the policy of top management and achieve the Hotel Hilton’s objective.

1.2 Human resource plan based on the analysis of supply and demand in the Hotel Hilton Stratford

HR department has to identify the need of human capital in the organization thus they are able to fulfill the need of manpower in the organization. They also identify the future need of ma power in the organization and take the suitable action to recruit the candidate. Hotel Hilton always tries to retain their employees because recruiting new candidate in the organization is a problem that they have to give training to them. The first phase of recruitment is to identify the demand of manpower in the organization then move to the next step. Under demand management ask the entire department that they must inform the HR department that what kind of employee they need at the vacant pos. After this step management identifies the sources in the organization thus they are able to recruit the candidates in the organization. Demand and supply of employee’s is the most important factor proper analysis help the business to meet the requirement of candidates in the organization. The most important criteria in the organization is to identify the need of all the department related to the man power (Teklehaimanot and Teklehaimanot, 2013). Following are the factors that help the management to identify the human capital need in the Hotel Hilton:

  • Assessing human resource: The first and foremost step of HR manager to identify the human capital needs in the organization thus they are able to recruit the required candidates in the organization. With the help of data collection management can easily identify the need of man power in the organization. By identifying the internal sources in the organization management can easily talent in the organization itself.
  • Demand forecasting: It is the method under which management can evaluate the demand of the candidates in the organization and try to fulfill it with various sources. Demand forecasting is the major factor that helps the management to provide the suitable services to the clients and management too.
  • Supply forecasting: Supply forecasting is another factor that affects the mentality of the HR manager to recruit the suitable candidate in the organization from different sources. Supply of man power is depends on various sources like consultancy, colleges, interview etc. Manager needs to contact with this kind of sources (Griffin, 2016).
  • Matching demand and supply: Manager must match the demand and supply in the organization and try to find out the actual figure that how much candidates are required in the organization.

Task 2

2.1 Current state of employment relations in the hotel industry

Employee relation is the most crucial part of the organization if employee works in coordination then they are able to achieve the organizational goals easily and effectively. Management has the liability to meet the expectations of the employees thus it will create sound relation among the employees. The main motive organization is to keep the employees motivated and providing them the correct duty. Managed relations among the employee and employer set the standards for the new talented employees and also motivate theme that employees in Hotel Hilton are working with coordination. Effective relation among the employees creates good working environment and set the benchmark of services for the organization. Hr manager has to maintain good relation with the all the employees in the organization thus they are able to get the work done from the employees. Employee relations is totally based on the efforts of organization like providing performance appreciation, bonus, salary increment etc. The main role of the Hr manager is to provide the quality working environment to the employees and try to maintain it. Try to keep the perception of the employees positive thus they are able to work dedicatedly for the organization and always maintain the peaceful working environment. Another factor that keeps the employees motivated that understands between hr manager and employees ( Employee relation is mainly based on the checking and identifying solutions for the issues that are faced by the lower level employees.

For effective management of work in the organization needs to keep effective relation with the employees. Monetary benefits to the employees are the best way to keep the sound relation with the employees in the organization. Manager has to keep the effective relation with in various ways like monetary benefits, promotion, free accommodation etc. To maintain effective relation with the employees Hotel Hilton provides various kinds of benefits to the employees like free dinner, lunch, breakfast, accommodation, education to the children etc. This kind of initiative helps the management to promote effective relation with the employees. Trade unions are the best way to keep the employees in touch with management and also help the employees to identify their rights. UK follows the win and wins approach thus all the related parties must get the benefit from all the action of the organization (Wang, 2013). Management has to maintain the relation with the entire person either internal or external employees so this is the most effective policy to get the work done.

2.2 Effect of employment law on the management of human resource in the Hotel Hilton

UK government binds all the organization to follow all the guidelines in the organization thus employees did not feel discriminated in the organization. It is the foremost liability of the organization that employment law must be followed in the organization. Management has to identify the new laws and regulation tries to implement them in the organization. This laws affects the old procedure of the organization and bind the management to regulate the in the current procedure. Hotel Hilton always follows the legal procedure in the hiring and selection of the candidates. Governments of UK try to make that kind of laws that keep the employees motivated and maintain effective relation with the employees. If any organization did not follow these laws then government of UK may take the legal action against the organization. The law facilitates the organization to maintain the quality relation with the employees and manage the employees in the organization and external employees too. It develops the trust of the employees in the organization and create positive image of organization in the mind of employees. The law facilitates Hilton to protect the rights of employees in better way which they can easily get from the management. It develops the trust of employees over the organization and keeps them motivated to achieve the organizational goals (Purce, 2014). In case of discrimination an employee can take the support of law to protect his rights and get the desired outcome from the organization. Following laws are available that protect the rights of employees:

  • Employee relation act: This act protect the rights of employees in the organization it is the best law that give the information to the employees that in case of any discrimination in the organization any employee can take the legal action against the organization. It is the best law that helps the employee to get the proper salary forms the management.
  • National minimum act: the act was established in 1998 protect the salary rights of the employees and help the management to get the proper salary from the management over the work (  The act protects the right of employee and employer both and boasts the morale of employee by delivering the correct decision.

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Task 3

3.1 Job description and person specification for the hotel industry job

Job specification is the way to describe the job in the organization and enable the applicant to give proper detail about the job. It is the best way to explain the job to the employees thus employee can easily understand the requirement of job. Job specification is looks like the portfolio of the job that contains all the details related to the job and solves all the doubts of applicant regarding job.  Another term is job specification that contains job title, working schedule, reason of job, responsibility and duty etc. HR department of Hotel Hilton describe the liability thus employee is able to work in the organization.  It is the brief about the job that help the entire applicant to understand the nature of job.

Table 1 Job Description

Job title:- Receptionist

Salary: - $12000 - $ 15000

Job reason: - Receptionist will hold the customers and the first person who deals with client either on face to face contact or phone. He/she will be the spokesperson of the Hotel Hilton which take care of the different departments, solve the quires of the customers and answer the calls.

Duties and Responsibilities:-

  • Must be able to describe full information of all packages.
  • Divert the customer towards the organization (
  • Must have all the detail about arrangements of organization.
  • Capability to complete the task on given time (Boella and Goss 2013).
  • Always take the challenges in the positive way.

Candidate must be able to hold the practical conditions and easily give solutions to the customers.

Person specification means that detail of applicant that helps the management to provide the detail about the job. It clearly explains the requirement of the person in the job. The organization explicit the vacancy and clearly mention the person required for the job. It is the way under which management hire the candidate for the vacant seat. For example organization need the candidate that is technically sound and have the ability to operate the computer.

Table 2 Person Specification


  • Graduation is necessary
  • Confident in English


  • Candidate must have the experience of more than 1 year
  • Able to hold the problems of customers  (Hutchinson and Purcell, 2010)


  • Must be able to manage the team members
  • Quality communication skills
  • Focused towards work (
  • Must be able to handle the complex conditions and communicate politely
  • Bendable in all the working conditions
  • Updated with the technological changes

3.2 Comparison of selection process of different service industries

Selection is the process in which an organization hires the candidate for the organization and fills the vacant seat for the department. The process helps the management to identify the best candidate for the business and try bridge the gap between organization and employee. Selection has various advantages like right person at right job, fill the gap of employee, achieve the task on time etc. It consumes less time and hires the correct person for the job by taking the interview of the person. Hr manager have the liability to fulfill the need of employees in the organization. Selection process contains the selection of the correct person in the organization with the help of identifying the skill of candidate through interview and recruits him for the job. It is the most suitable way to select the candidate in the organization and get the seat occupied (Davenport, 2013).

It can be evaluated that Hotel Hilton hire the candidates on the basis of interview and hard of the employee in the organization at the time of training. Organization hires the candidate from internal and external sources thus they are able to identify the skills of candidates. Different organization hires candidates from different sources like colleges, institutions, consultancy etc. Organization like Inter Continental Hotel Group hires the candidate on the basis of experience of the employee so they did not hire the fresher candidates in the organization. Hotel Hilton hire the candidate on the basis of online test of the candidate if he may pass the test then they call him for the interview. It is the most advance method of selection if candidate may not be able to qualify the test they may not waste the time of candidate ( Hotel Hilton select the candidate on the basis of communication style of the candidate on the other hand Inter Continental Hotel Group hire the candidate on the basis of knowledge of the candidate.

Task 4

4.1 Contribution of training and development activities in Hotel Hilton

Training and development help the management to improve the efficiency of the employees in the organization. It is the best way to keep the employees motivated in the organization and maintain good working environment. Through training and development management is able to motivate the employees to get the work done and perform the better task for the organization. Fresher candidates in the organization can easily be trained and easily meet the desire of the top management. For instance, if any employee joins the Hotel Hilton and he is weak in communication skill then management will focus on his communication skill to improve it. Proper training assistance improves performance of the employee and it directly benefits to the organization. Senior employees play vital role in the training of the new candidates because senior employees are experienced and they can easily give training assistance to the employees in the organization. Technical fields are hard to learn so employee has to learn various things in the organization like data entry, communication skills etc this all learning is possible with the help of training only (Calderhead, 2012). To improve the performance of the candidates in the organization management has to give proper training assistance to the employees.

Training can be provided in various way like attending the seminars, online classes, e-learning etc. With the help of internet management can easily develop the qualities of leadership among the employee and keep the employees motivated in the organization. It is the best way under which all type of qualities can be developed among the employees of Hotel Hilton. Motivation is the part of training that helps the management to prepare the employees towards the work and try to increase the morale of employees in the organization ( Hotel Hilton develop the schedule of training for the employees thus they are able to perform well in the organization.

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The study explains that Hotel Hilton try to motivate the employees in order to perform better and always give the monetary and non monetary benefits to the employees. The working environment of the organization is suitable for the employees in the organization thus they are able to perform better. Training plays vital role in the growth of organization by which they can easily meet the expectation of the top management. Hotel Hilton clearly explains the job specification to the applicants thus they can easily identify the requirement of the job.


Books and Journals
Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Boella, M. and Goss-Turner, S., 2013. Human resource management in the hospitality industry: A guide to best practice. Routledge.
Budiman, A., Anantadjaya, S.P. and Prasetyawati, D., 2014. Does job satisfaction influence organizational citizenship behavior? An empirical study in selected 4-star hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia. An Empirical Study in Selected, pp.130-149.
Calderhead, J., 2012. The contribution of research on teachers' thinking to the professional development of teachers. Research on teacher thinking: understanding professional development. London, pp.11-18.
Davenport, T.H., 2013. Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press.
Gatewood, R., Feild, H.S. and Barrick, M., 2015. Human resource selection. Nelson Education.
Griffin, R.C., 2016. Water resource economics: The analysis of scarcity, policies, and projects. MIT Press.
Jiang, K., Lepak, D.P., Han, K., Hong, Y., Kim, A. and Winkler, A.L., 2012. Clarifying the construct of human resource systems: Relating human resource management to employee performance. Human Resource Management Review, 22(2), pp.73-85.