Leading Tourist Destinations Management Assignment

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Leading Tourist Destinations Management Assignment
Leading Tourist Destinations Management Assignment
Leading Tourist Destinations Management Assignment


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Leading Tourist Destinations Management

QFC Level

Level 5


This study tells us about the UK and worldwide destinations for tourists. Through this study, learners will also learn the different cultures, social behaviour, and physical features of the particular destinations. It also tells us about the coming issues and trends that could affect the popularity of the destinations. We can also learn about the number of visitors, income generation sources and the location. Past issues and also the future expectancies cab calculated through relevant data and statistics. It also tells the impact of tourist on a destinations and how a tourist get influenced by the destination. There is a change in the tourism sector that results in upgradation in this industry. Bringing up of innovative ideas and introducing new things gives the tourist a good experience of tourism. The best hospitality is provided now a days to make the trip as best as possible. In this way we can examine the changes

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Task 1

1.1 Analyse main tourist destinations and generators of the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation.

With the help of the  data collection  from various secondary sources It could be analysed that London is one of the most visited place by the tourists available in the world. Data shows that about 18.69 million people visited London in 2014. Capital of Thailand is one of the biggest competitors of London. With the help of the data gathered for 2013 it could be evaluated that Bangkok is one of the most visited place. Time changes and so the requirements as well as choice and preferences of the people also get changes, a downfall in the visit of tourists was noted in year 2014, it was a 11% downfall in the visitors of Bangkok on the other hand increase in the visitors was seen in London. There was increase in 8% of the visitors in London. Bangkok noted downfall in the visitors because of the political consequences in Thai a capital of Bangkok (Sever, 2015).

Top 20 Global Destination cities in 2014 are (visitors in millions)

London with 18.69

Bangkok with 16.42

Paris with 15.5

Singapore with 12.47

Dubai with 11.95

New York with 11.81

Istanbul with 11.60

Kuala Lumpur with 10.81

Hong Kong with 8.84

Seoul with 8.63

Barcelona with 7.37

Amsterdam with 7.23

Milan with 6.82

Rome with 6.79

Taipei with 6.29

Shanghai with 6.09

Vienna with 6.05

Riyadh with 5.59

Tokyo with 5.38

Lima with 5.11

It could be analysed that London is ranked 1 in the number of visits as well as in the spending made by the visitors. This helps in the growth of travel and tourism sector of London as well as GDP. Approximately US $ 19.3 Billion is being spend by the visitors every year in London. To ensure that more people could prefer to visit London and it remains at the position on which it is, it becomes important that London should focus more upon the development of travel and tourism sector and make a trial to make it more happening and attractive (Tai, 2012).

1.2 Analyse statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends-

Trends in travel and tourism keep on changing and it becomes the responsibility of tourism destinations to analyse them because by analysing the present trends strategies for the future trends could be developed which could help the tourist destination to grow and develop in near future:

Leading Tourist Destinations Management Assignment 1

                        Fig: showing the past trends of tourism destinations

It could be seen that with the passing time interest of people have increased in the travelling on a continuous rate. It could be seen that travel and tourism sector is growing on the growing rate. With the help of the information gathered it could be analysed that UK is the eighth biggest tourist destinations in the world. Spending of tourists is estimated approx US $22.02 Billion in UK (Garrod and Go?ssling, 2008).

Cities which are most visited by the visitors in UK

Leading Tourist Destinations Management Assignment 2

Above figure is showing the most visited place in UK by the visitors in which Edinburgh is one of the most visited places in UK. There are certain studies done on UK travel and tourism in which certain statistical analysis were done which shows that in future travel and tourism of UK will grow on the continuous range. Predictions are made for the global arrival of 1.6 billion people by 2020 in UK which will help in the development of UK travel and tourism sector and will ensure its success in the market (Bruce-Lockhart, 2008).

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Task 2

2.1 Analyse cultural, social and physical features of tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists

There are three features of tourist destinations that are written as follows-

  • Cultural
  • Social
  • Physical

Culture: As a member of a society, there as some values, beliefs, attitudes, ideas, artefacts and many other meaningful symbols and signs that represents the pattern of lifestyle of the people that help them to differentiate them from others. It also helps to evaluate, interpret and to communicate them as individuality. It comes from learning and experience outcomes. Culture is all about how people interact between themselves. The way they talk and communicate is also depends on the culture. Social relations are also a part of culture. In culture the generations are developing and acquiring behaviour, knowledge, and values from their forefathers. This is subdivided into sub cultures. Subculture is defined as a religion, ethics, racial character of a person, and different geographies. They all are interrelated to each other. Tastes, taboos, lifestyles are also generated from culture itself.(Garrod and Go?ssling, 2008)

Culture tourism- Culture is an important component of tourism. When a travellers explores to a particular place so that he is able to understand the culture of that place then it is termed as culture tourism. It includes-(Bruce-Lockhart, 2008)

  • Galleries
  • Studios
  • Arts
  • Rituals
  • Festivals
  • Heritage
  • Language
  • Handicrafts
  • Music, architecture
  • Tradition
  • Type of work etc.

Social: Social tourism is related to human that lives in a society and the members. It includes “changes in demography” which means a population which is a well-being and has some knowledge about the culture development of them. It defines the society where they are brought up. Demography defines the population of a country that is educated, healthy; earn money for their livelihood etc. society is divided into sub groups’ i.e.

  • National
  • Regional
  • Religious
  • Customer group
  • Local communities(Ritchie,

A social group is termed as a group where there are two or more than two persons that are living at a particular place and have  information and knowledge  about each other’s existence. They share a set of beliefs, values, ethics, religion, relationships, and interdependent behaviour. These all things are relate to each other and also make a link between two different individualities. In social tourism they have maintain a regular contact between each other and also have to cooperate each other in times. They have some common goals which can’t be accomplish without helping each other. Social groups are very important as they play a role of a socialisation. They help to understand the function of a society. When we live in a society, we have to behave in a proper manner.(Sherwonit, 2009)

Physical features: A feature can be defined as tangible object which can be touched, feel and seen. It is materialistic in nature. A physical feature relates to the leisure and relaxes that an individual get after exploring to a destination. Such features are special like climatic condition, vegetation, scenery, culture, etc. Some of the physical features of tourist destinations are-(Garrod and Go?ssling, 2008)

  • Beaches
  • Historic monuments
  • Mountain
  • Rivers
  • Geology
  • Man-made places
  • Nature(Xu and Liaw, 2007)

2.2 Compare features of developing and leading tourist destinations.

Discussion will include information of two countries which are the most visited countries for the tourist purposes. This report will help in understanding all the aspects of travel and tourism and will help in understanding various features of the travel and tourism sector of both the countries.



Cuba is a tourist attraction place which provides the beauty of nature to the people coming over there for the tourism purpose.

UK is the travel and tourism destination which ensures to provide a new experience to the people coming to over there and help the economy of the country.

Cuba travel and tourism sector contributes 4.3% to the economy of the country.

UK travel and tourism contribute about 10% to the GDP of the country

People visit Cuba to see its monuments, world heritage sites, natural reserves and the protected natural areas.

People visit UK for the purpose to see its entertainment industry and the infrastructure provided by it.

According to the competitive index of travel and tourism sector Cuba is at developing stage.

UK is at the 8th state in the world.

According to the estimation there are 4 million people who visit Cuba every year for tourism purpose.

About 34.4 million of the people visited UK for travel and tourism purpose.

Cuba is known for its sea food which is cheap and hygienic.

Food is expensive but hygiene is taken care by the UK tourism.

Cuba does not have effective transport facility people face little difficulty in reaching various places.

UK have an effective transportation facility which helps the people in reaching anywhere to the country.

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Task 3

3.1 Compare the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with that of currently developing tourist destinations.

For a business analyst it becomes necessary to analyse all the aspects related to the field in which analysis is to be done. Analysing the aspects and statistical data related with the travel and tourism it could be evaluated that travel and tourism sector of UK is one of the leading sectors which helps ion attracting the huge number of tourists to the country (Yokoyama, 2008). Travel and tourism sector of UK is trying to develop and bring the necessary changes which could help it in attracting the people, there are certain man made monuments that helps in attracting the tourists towards UK. There are certain theme parks which also help in attracting effective number of people towards the tourism of UK. It is being evaluated that approximately US $ 15 billion is being earned by the travel and tourism sector of UK by attracting the people towards its theme parks. Approximately £2.1 Billion is being earned by UK travel and tourism sector by the American Visitors and holds the most valuable inbound market which helps the economy to grow and develop. Infrastructure of UK is also one of the aspects that help in attracting tourists towards the country (Wills, 2005).

Key drivers that influence tourists to visit UK are:

Leading Tourist Destinations Management Assignment 3

It could be seen that Blackpool Beach is one of the most attractive tourist attraction spot in UK. It is being analysed that approx 7.9 million of people visit Blackpool Pleasure Beach every year. There are various other tourists’ spots also that helps in attracting effective number of people and helps the travel and tourism sector to grow in the market (Yokoyama, 2008).  

3.2 Evaluate how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal

Tourists get attracted because of certain reasons towards the destinations. It is necessary that destination should have certain set of features which could help in attracting the tourists towards the country:

There are various gains available in the travel and tourism sector like social and economic gains. To attract more people towards the country it is necessary that the country should focus on its characteristics which could influence the people to get attracted towards the destination. France is one of the most visited and preferred tourist attraction spot of UK. With the help of the statistical data gathered it is being analysed that about 83 million people visited France for the tourism purpose with the help of which 10% of the contribution was made by the travel and tourism sector in the GDP. Reasons due to which people prefer France so as to visit for tourism purpose are skiing, cultural events and for Wine industries as it is one of the most dynamic industries of France. Analysis shows that about 24 million people visits Wine region of France every year (Ritchie, 2009). Some of the negatives aspects attached with France which affects the travel and tourism sector as well as perception of the travellers are Paris attack and expensive food products. Due to terrorism many of the travellers of France got reduced.

On the other hand Brazil is a developing tourist destination which is being visited by most of the people because of its beaches, rainforests and dunes. Nature and beauty of Brazil are the main characteristics of Brazil because of which people prefer to visit over there. Rio Carnival is one of the biggest reason for the main attraction of travellers towards Brazil, people visits Rio carnival to see the beauty of the culture of Brazil and enjoys there tourism. Negative aspects attached with Brazil are safety and security of the tourists and food. People visiting Brazil do not feel safe as the safety and security aspects of Brazil are not effective (Sherwonit, 2009). Brazil also does not have the varieties of food products due to which many of the tourists do not visit over there for the travel and tourism purpose.

Task 4

4.1 analyse issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations

There are many issues that affect the popularity of any destinations. But it doesn’t mean that a destination will be neglected just because of the issues. Issues can be sort out through certain solutions and problem solving team. It takes a long period of time to be popular for anything but just a small thing can spoil the popularity of the destinations. Popularity is a kind of goodwill that is earned by destinations by giving many years of time. Issues are of many types and a destination have to face them. To maintain that popularity among the visitors, it is compulsory for the government and also the care takers of the destination to maintain it in a way that it gradually becomes the leading destination of the world. In this way a developing destination can become a leading destination for the tourists.(Yokoyama, 2008)

Some of the issues through which the popularity of a destination gets affect-

Leading Tourist Destinations Management Assignment 4

Physical issues- physical issues are related to the tangible facilities that are made available for the tourist by the government and the care takers of that destination. It includes all the components that can be touched, felt, seen, and other materialistic things. It is one of the major issues that affect the popularity because it gives a first impression on the tourist. To maintain this issue, the bulk amount is invested by the government of country.The form of government which is working in a particular country is defines as a political condition off a country. In many countries there is a democratic government and in many countries there is a rule of a king or a queen. Politics plays a very important role as it defines the system by which the country is running. It also highlights the current scenario of a destination and its country.(Sherwonit, 2009)


  • Poor infrastructure of any destination
  • If there is a lack of clean water supply then it would also create a negative impact
  • Improper sanitation facility
  • When the transportation is not good

Social issue- There are the issues that are related to the society of a country where destination exists. Generally social issues are not much effective but still they also contribute to the popularity.Social condition defines the conditions that are related to the society in which the destination lies. It also depicts the culture and values of a society. Society plays a very important role while making a destination famous or non-famous because if the society is good, it attracts more and more tourism and if the society and its norms are not up to the mark then the visitors are not feeling comfortable to visit that destination. (Wills, 2005)


  • Population of a country
  • Level of poverty
  • Income of a persons and the whole

Economical issue- It directly relates to the monetary condition of country. It depicts the economies currency value in other countries.The economic condition of a country is depending upon the money and work related to the money. It reflects the gross domestic product of any country. The transaction that takes place with in a country in a financial year is termed an economical condition. By calculating all the measures of economy we get to know the economic condition of nation that helps to make policies and in  decision making (Xu and Liaw, 2007)


  • Per capita income
  • Currency value
  • Exchange rate

Political issues- It comprises of the government that is presently working in a particular country. Government plays a vital role as it is the only body that maintains the destinations.The form of government which is working in a particular country is defined as a political condition of a country. In many countries there is a democratic government and in many countries there is a rule of a king or a queen. Politics plays a very important role as it defines the system by which the country is running. It also highlights the current scenario of a destination and its country.(Sherwonit, 2009)


  • Democracy
  • Corruption rate
  • Social and political groups

Climatic issues- Climatic issues are the issues that are not in the hand of any party either it are government or any other party. But climatic issues are the most crucial issues that a destination faces and hence results in declining the popularity of the destination. Temperature of the destination is the most effective issue. The weather, seasons, like winters summers, autumn, springs etc. it also includes the natural disasters and calamities that takes place in a particular country where the destination. (Wills, 2005)


  • Temperature of a destination- May be high temperature leads to deduct in the amount of tourism.
  • Sunshine- Sunshine also reflects the temperature.
  • Quantity of Air and wind- High tides and tornadoes are the part of wind and air.
  • Huge amount of rainfalls- Rainfalls are the sign of high flood areas.
  • Extreme cold – Snow fall and jams of roads are the major issues of tourism.

4.2 Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide tourist destinations

The destinations become so through the marketing of it and also through the social and cultural factors that influence its popularity. There is a vast potential hidden under the destination because every destination carries some uniqueness in it which attracts the tourists worldwide. Destinations are formed when a person explores to a place which is totally unknown to him. He observes every small thing lies in that place and make it popular by telling every person he meets.(Sherwonit, 2009) Gradually the times runs and people get to know about a destination. at initial point it become famous in a state then in a country and then if is having a potential to attract more tourists it becomes world famous.  Some of the potential that is responsible to enhance the world wide tourism are-

  • Attractiveness of a destination- It refers to the charm that a destination carries within it. The charm is something that pulls the tourist towards itself. Just like when we go Paris to visits Eiffel tower the attractiveness of that place remains same thought out the time.
  • Recreation of the destination- Sometimes there is a need to recreate the destination to maintain its popularity. For this there is a need of renovation of a destination. This includes the expenditure that occurs when a recreation takes place in a destination.
  • Surroundings and environment- Surrounding and environments are the factors by which the destination get influenced or vice versa. Environment can be the nature or the habitation that found near the destination.(Garrod and Go?ssling, 2008)

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The aim of the study is to measure the behaviour of the travel and tour industry, image of the brands, destinations, brand loyalty, potential of tourism, products & services, and the marketing strategies made by the tour operators and the mediators. In the past years tour operations are not much effective but with the increase in the interest of travelling of people, tour operators are becoming more famous. Many innovations are coming into tours and travels industry which leads to expansion and growth of this industry. Through this study we understand the need of the tour and travel industry in the growth for the growth of any country. The destinations are becoming famous due to the trends coming up.Destinations come about when a person explores to a place which is totally unknown to him. He observes every small thing lies in that place and make it popular by telling every person he meets. Gradually the times runs and people get to know about a destination. At the initial point it becomes famous in a state then in a country and then if ithas a potential to attract more tourists it becomes world famous.


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