Pinkberry Human Resource Management Assignment

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Pinkberry Human Resource Management Assignment
Pinkberry Human Resource Management Assignment
Pinkberry Human Resource Management Assignment


Pinkberry is an international brand that is quite popular for its top-notch frozen yogurt business. Actually, this brand is the inventor of the delicious flavoured cuisine of frozen yogurt with dry toppings, fruit toppings, shaved ice and other products. Shelly Hwang and Young Lee established this brand which first store was opened in the year 2005. With impressive quality of yogurt and unique style of presentation, Pinkberry has become the high-flying brand which is recognized as the top retailer across the globe in this business sector (Beardwell et al., 2001).

Pinkberry has now approximately 250 stores in twenty-seven different states and across nineteen countries all over the world. In different types of shops, kiosks as well as at airports, flexible stores of Pinkberry can be found. This brand provides broad-spectrum opportunities in various states and countries across the globe. The expert teams of the organization are offering support and training programs to its franchisees. As the franchisees of the brand are on the rise, this eminent company has been providing dedicated supportive operations for sustainable growth and globalization of the brand Pinkberry (Langford et al., 2014).      Pinkberry Human Resource Management Assignment ,Assignment Help

Task 2

Analyse the reasons why HR planning is important

HR planning of Pinkberry mainly involves information collecting, recognizing and making the necessary objectives as well as the several decisions that help this organization to achieve the provided business objectives (Budhwar & Debrah, 2013).  The major and key aspects related to HR of Pinkberry are always focused in the sector of HRM which comprises certain factors, like-

Number of employees in Pinkberry

  • Types of staffs in Pinkberry in proportion to their skills and talents
  • The utilization techniques linked with the resources in the company
  • Factors for the sustainability of the number of employees  

In this 21st century, these planning help the organization to achieve the goals and get succeeded in this competitive era. Strategic planning of staff management is prepared by the HR practitioners with the help of HR program. This program in Pinkberry supports the career planning of the staffs and also helps them to understand the objectives of Pinkberry systematically. It also gives support to the administration of HR department’s actions. Motivational theories are well-suited with the program which generates interests in case of the employees for the ultimate progress of Pinkberry. Changes in an organization are a critical part because members of staff sometimes can’t get accustomed to it. Therefore, HR planning in a company is necessary to be level with the necessary changes. It changes the personnel composition in line with the corresponding changes in the organizational level (Kerzner, 2013).

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Goals of the HR Planning by Pinkberry

  • To estimate the future needs related to human resources
  • Comprehending the optimum number of employees required for the smooth running of the organization
  • Reducing the additional labour and also the numbers of absentees
  • Ensuring the availability of skilled employees whenever it is required
  • Harmony between Organizational and HR Planning
  • Finding out the current recruitment as well as training level
  • Positive and negative effects of technology on the job along with human resource at Pinkberry
  • Appropriate estimation and prediction of costs
  • Management of different programs along with the requirements in situations like- expansion.

Stages of Human Resource planning at Pinkberry

  • Analysis of the organizational planning: The HR department of Pinkberry relates the goals and the business strategies  for the organization. Once the objectives as well as the plans are cleared in relation to the policies set by Pinkberry, then the department focuses on different modern approaches like- marketing, expansion, productivity, finance and technology. Both short-term and long-term goals are included in this analysis (Boselie, 2014).
  • Prediction of manpower: Forecasting is the key concept in this stage of HR planning, where the HRs of Pinkberry forecast the number of workers required in the near future and their effectiveness together with their skills. It depends on the sales and productivity graph of Pinkberry and according to this analysis employees get recruited. Certain mathematical formulae based on ratio are used for the appropriate forecast (Kerzner, 2013).
  • Evaluating the gap: When Pinkberry is all set for the supply and demand processes, again the whole human resources are identified so that it will give a prospective idea of employing new employees as per required if there is a need of extra manpower. Deficit along with surplus are two important factors in this stage which indicates the additional required employment of new staffs and the termination of some staffs respectively. It is called the “assessment of gap” which is related to manpower in accordance with their proficiency and knowledge (Varma & Budhwar, 2013).
  • Action Planning: New planning are proposed and then designed to fill the manpower gap and the HR department in Pinkberry meet up the deficit factor by different operations like- Promotion, recruitment and selection, strategies or policies as well as the surplus factor reorganizing and redeployment of different groups and manpower in other departments (Cowling & Mailer, 2013).
  • Management with Monitoring: The entire Human Resource agreement as well as structure of Pinkberry is again evaluated and then controlled by standardization after implementation of the stage of action planning. Eventually, this stage of monitoring and managing encompass HR deployment as well as allocation. Perfect action planning with correct monitoring and control helps Pinkberry to overcome all the insufficiencies (Budhwar & Debrah, 2013).

Compare how recruitment and selection is done in Pinkberry compared to a large organization and evaluate the effectiveness of the company

In large organization, it is suggested to go for the team roles while the recruitment and selection procedure is going on. However, it has been noticed that they hardly pay any kind of attention to this factor while they principally focus on the factor known as- Job Experience. Many large organizations conduct interviews but professionals suggest that only interviews are not the proper way of recruitment and selection and they should go for the assessment because through this the skills and decision-making abilities of a candidate can be recognized. However, due to the issues of time as well as cost many organizations ignore the facts related to assessment (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).

Mostly, the recruitment and selection processes of large sized organizations get varied depending upon several factors like- Size of an organization, pool of applicants, results, organizational structure based on the working line like- straight line structure for particular duties, supporting line structure with line managers and other staffs as well as departments etc.               

Pinkberry’s recruitment and selection process is quite different from other organizations and the selection process is carried out on the basis of technical abilities (Langford et al., 2014).

Recruitment process of Pinkberry is based on two different sources, one is internal and other one is external. In case of internal sources emphasis is given to the recommendation of current employees as well as former employees. Other internal sources are- referrals and candidates who have applied previously, while external sources is about promotional activities or advertising the recruitment in newspapers and several top-notch employment agencies. Online advertisement of recruitment is a special thinking of Pinkberry due to the high-tech approach of advertisement (Budhwar & Debrah, 2013).            

The major criteria of selection of Pinkberry are-

  • Necessary qualification
  • Technical skills and qualification
  • Job experience
  • Work expertise 

The selection process is then conducted by the HRs of Pinkberry with the diverse modern techniques of employment.   

There are three major selection levels through which Pinkberry selects candidates according to their skills in the Yogurt business. Lower level of selection is about contractual recruitment that is on temporary or short-term basis. Other examples of this level of selection are- Employee selection on the basis of hours and months, selection processes of applicants for overseas training and the readiness of applicants on working in different shifts (Varma & Budhwar, 2013).

In top level selection process of Pinkberry, job experience is the key element which is given more emphasis. The four-factor methods for checking the abilities of a candidate is the main part here, where understanding ability, management ability, ability of right decision and ability of providing training to the other employees who are at the lower levels are the key areas. Long-term employees are selected with this level of selection process by conducting tests, assessment, personal interviews and technical interviews as these candidates work as the top level management system in Pinkberry and for this high skilled workers are needed with technical knowledge (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).

Task 3

Discuss the link between motivational theory and reward management

According to the “path-goal model”, reward management is positively related to the performance of an employee in the organization and from the fundamental explanation of motivational theories states that motivation is related to the performance of an employee and thereby the cognitive theory states that reward management is directly proportional to the motivation.

Motivation is the major element by which the behaviour of an employee gets influenced by looking at others. The offering power of Pinkberry makes the reward management and along with it maintains the higher level of motivation inside every employee by recognizing their personal requirements as well as individual goals. Motivation theories are categorized in to two important parts; one is content theories which are about what is motivation and what are the factors involved and process theories which are about the motivational processes. Reward management is for the achievement of employees which they get throughout their jobs. Both financial and non-financial incentives like- payment incentives, salary raise, bonuses by Pinkberry as well as promotion, praise and other accomplishment incentives respectively are offered to the employees. Maslow and Herzberg theories of motivation are based on the concept of reward to the employees through immense motivation by emphasizing the hygiene factor and job satisfaction as well as providing decision-making responsibilities to the members of staff (Langford et al., 2014).   

Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors that can determine pay

Job evaluation is a process by which sizes related to different jobs in Pinkberry are determined and defined. Equitable ranking and grade systems along with pay structures are designed with the job evaluation. Systematic techniques are carried out for this particular kind of evaluation. The motive of the program is clarified to the employees along with its significance. Then, a group of all the expert and visionary HRs and staffs are provided with the works for the purpose of evaluation that belong to every department of Pinkberry.

There are two major types of job evaluation processes conducted by the group assigned by Pinkberry that are- Analytical and Non analytical. Analytical evaluation is for the points ranking, comparison on the basis of factors and non-analytical evaluation is about job grading, ranking, classification and other comparisons (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).

Some other factors are there in case of Pinkberry those determine the pay and these factors influence the pay structure of the employees as well as create the difference of roles in Pinkberry. Those factors are- Size, Seniority and position, talents as well as experience, profitability, performance of the employee and many others.

Assess how effective different reward systems are

Different reward systems have different types of approaches in the organizational life. While, there are organizations who think pay is the only motivator for greater performance and sustainable development whereas Pinkberry thinks both financial and nonfinancial reward systems are necessary to keep the employees motivated.

  • Compensation System: It is a system which is designed for the payment of the employees in an organization, where a manager thinks about the payment that should be given to the employees according to their work. Pay structure, Pay level and Pay form are the components of compensation system where changes of pay depend on seniority, cost of living, performance, increased qualification of the employee and alteration in the job scope etc.
  • Motivation with Pay: It is a reward system, in which pay structures are developed with additional roles of motivation which can affect the behaviours of employees positively. It very often creates difficult situations like- inequity.
  • Merit Pay Systems: It is a reward system that is based on performance of the employees. This reward system includes performance evaluation which is an imperative aspect which decides the annual raise of an employee. It motivates employees as they get their desired pay with greater quality of performance skills.
  • Commissions: Commissions are based on the position in sales and it can be of salary basis or one time individual pay. Several new styles of methods are utilized in this reward system like- profitability after selling an item, sales on the basis of the value of dollar and many more. Motivational potential of this system is not quite good as it motivates the employees to some extent for extra incentives (Cowling & Mailer, 2013).      
  • Profit Sharing : On the measure of annual profitability, this system provides reward in the form of yearly bonuses which makes people working harder and thereby the turnover of a company keeps rising.
  • Bonuses: Bonuses are modern style of reward systems which are awarded when an employee in a specific sector gets accomplished towards a very particular set of objectives, like- project completion in the right time. Enhancing the performance abilities is a good factor in this reward system which implants motivation in the mind of the staffs.   

Finally what methods can be used to monitor employee performance?

For monitoring of the performance of employees within an organization, there are various methods which are conducted by different organizations in different manner. It helps to improve the efficiency of the employees and some of those methods are-

  • Reviews on performance- Review sheets provide the standardized data about the performance of employees which illustrate the progress of an organization and the achievements regarding the goals of the organization.  
  • Peer evaluation- These peer appraisals are gained with the help of the performance of the colleagues. These evaluations are gathered in a database which are utilized in the form of feedback sources and can be easily tracked and measured by the performances of the employees.   
  • Dashboards- Different sorts of matrices and indicators are used for the monitoring of departmental performance of an employee. It is mainly used in manufacturing and financial department.    
  • Customers’ standpoint and views- Customers’ voice are important monitoring elements that include a monitoring mechanism that comprises Excel sheets and databases to keep the reviews given by the customers for an employee (Budhwar & Debrah, 2013).      

Task 4

Reasons why employment may be terminated within an organization like Pinkberry

There are several reasons for which employment termination may be happened in case of organization like- Pinkberry. Among those reasons most of the reasons have strong link with the predicaments associated with the Human Resource Management sector.

  • Reduction in budget: When profits in an organization like Pinkberry will be down, then it will face shortages of funding. Investors won’t invest in the works and therefore companies can’t have the funds for the entire staffs. Therefore, many organizations take the decision of terminating jobs.   
  • Attendance: Some of the employees take leaves over and over again which creates a situation of employment termination. The reasons of such leaves may be- sickness, death of somebody in the family or vacation. Lateness is another reason of job termination for the employees who frequently come late to the workplace (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).   
  • Performance: In many organizations, when employees fail to achieve the goals again and again, managers start to think about their employment termination. In financial market, not getting the target sales repeatedly and neglecting in the projects causes termination of an employee.    
  • Behaviour: A good respect is the first and foremost demand of an organization for a candidate, because it will symbolize the politeness and decency of the organization. However, when an employee shows profanity to his fellow member, to the employer or to the clients then he could be terminated. Attitude plays a vital role in the industrial sector so there is prohibition of drugs and alcohol as well as offending the organization, stealing, bad behaviour to the customers etc. is with the policies of most of the organizations (Langford et al., 2014). Any kind of violation can lead to termination of the job.

Describe the employment exit procedures for Pinkberry and a large organization

There are different styles of voluntary exit procedures associated with large organizations. Some of them are- handing out resignation and exit interviews. In case of receiving a resignation notice, the line manager contacts the HR department as soon as possible. The employee has to send the latter to the line manager and he will acknowledge the letter but it should be on writing and then he will forward the resignation letter to the cafter keeping a copy. Then he will confirm the last working date of the employee and the HR department will send a termination form so that the payroll will be offered at the right time. This process is the exit procedure that has been followed in case of Pinkberry and other many larger organizations (Langford et al., 2014).

However, several other large organizations conduct exit interviews with which the employee will be invited to the organization for voluntary leave, then some questionnaires will be put in front of him and the staff has to give his comments honestly and a member of the HR team will be there to conduct the interview. Then the Pinkberry Human Resource Management Assignment of the interview will be sent for evaluation to the line manager and according to his feedback result will come.

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Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on HRM and employment termination arrangements

There are diverse laws associated with the legal and regulatory framework on Human Resource Management. That are-

  • Sex Discrimination Act and Race Relations Act: These acts are for the protection of any sorts of discrimination related to gender, race, colour, nationality, origin, ethnic, and marital status in any field of employment.  
  • Equal Pay Act: This act is for the equal treatment as well as pay for both men and women in the employment sector (Varma & Budhwar, 2013).
  • Disability Discrimination Act: This law makes any kind of discriminations based on the issue of disabilities illegal in employment field.
  • Employment Equality Act: This act prohibits people from discrimination based on race, gender and disability.
  • Employment Act: This act has been made for the reconciliation of any kind of disputes between the employee and the organization.
  • Work and Families Act: This act supports the employees in balancing their life between the organization and families and therefore it allows leaves such as- maternity leave, paternity leaves and flexible timing for working. Through maternity leaves payment offering is obligatory for an organization.
  • Data Protection Act: This act is based on the gathering, storing, transferring or transmitting and the destruction of data.
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act: This act helps people who have spent their rehabilitation period after criminal convictions so that in future there will be no problem of employment.    


Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Boselie, P. (2014). Strategic human resource management: A balanced approach. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Budhwar, P. S., & Debrah, Y. A. (Eds.). (2013). Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge.
Cowling, A., & Mailer, C. (Eds.). (2013). Managing human resources. Routledge.

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