Primark Marketing Intelligence Assignment

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Primark Marketing Intelligence Assignment
Primark Marketing Intelligence Assignment
Primark Marketing Intelligence Assignment


Primark is an Irish clothing retailer. It has branches all over the world. It was established in the year 1969 by Arthur Ryan in Dublin, Ireland. It mainly operates in France, UK, US, Germany, Ireland and many more countries (Primark, 2015).

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This Primark Marketing Intelligence Assignment will present all the marketing strategies, methods, plans etc. adopted by Primark in order to achieve the successful position in the market. To execute marketing strategies, it is important for the organizations to understand the consumers and their buying patterns and behaviours.  All the trends of fashion industry, market analysis, competitor’s analysis, customer satisfaction analysis etc. will be discussed.

Task 1

Describe the main stages of the purchase decision-making process for an individual consumer as part of the introduction to your report.

Before making any purchase, every customer follows a series of step which helps him in selecting the best product and services according to his needs. The consumer buying pattern helps in identifying the needs and requirements of the consumers, which helps the organizations to focus on the demands and attract the target consumers.  

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Every individual follows the single buying process which comprises of following steps:

  • Need Recognition: This is the first stage where the consumer recognizes its need and requirements. The needs can be self generated or it could be generated by the organizations.
  • Information search: When a person identifies its needs and desires, he started searching the related information in order to find out the best products and deals to satisfy the needs. During this stage, the organizations must adopt the best marketing strategies to attract the consumer’s attention. Organizations must provide all the relevant information about the products so that it can persuade the buyer to select the products.
  • Evaluation of alternatives: When the person identifies various sources to satisfy its need, the next stage comprises of evaluating and comparing the alternatives. Alternatives help the person to compare and select the best product as per his needs and requirements. It offers various choices to the consumers and enables the person to choose the products which provides maximum satisfaction.
  • Purchase decision: It is the final stage of selecting the products and services which satisfies all the parameters of the consumers like price, quantity, quality, brand, packaging etc. The consumer finally makes the purchase.
  • Post purchase decision: The purchase process does not end with the final purchase but it continues even after the purchase. This last step helps in identifying and measuring the actual satisfaction level of the consumer. Organizations should also focus on the post purchase services like guarantees, warranty, after-sales service/repair, complaints resolving, sales communication etc. These post purchase services provides the satisfaction to the buyer and makes him/her loyal towards the organization. Post purchase services also influences the future buying process of the consumers (Tyagi & Kumar, 2004).

Explain the importance of understanding buyer behavior and explain two theories of buyer behavior in terms of individuals and markets.  Apply them to Primark.

Primark and every other organization must understand its customer’s and their needs. It is essential for the organizations to understand the importance of buyer’s behaviour as it helps in understanding the consumer’s better. The investment to identify the consumer’s buyer behaviour is very important for the organizations like Primark because:

  • It helps in understanding the real demands, needs and desires of the consumers.
  • Creating and developing the desired goods to be purchased by the consumers.
  • It also helps in understanding and creating the goods for the future economic stability.
  • It helps the organizations to identify the key element which attracts and persuade the consumers to make the actual purchase.
  • It makes it easy for the organizations to decide where the goods and services should be made available.
  • To determine the price of the product. Buyer’s behaviour helps in identifying the price at which consumers are ready to purchase the product.
  • It also helps in understanding the reasons, factors and elements which affects the buying process of the individual as well industrial consumers.

There are various theories which could help the organizations to understand the buying behavior of the individual and industrial consumers. Every individual goes through the same buying process however; various consumers will finalize the buying decision on the basis of various factors like culture, personality, lifestyle etc. Buying behaviour theories helps in understanding the consumers and the methods to influence their behaviour. Two of the buying behaviour theories are as follows:

  • Rational Actor Theory: According to this classical economics system, the consumers make their buying decisions by logically analysing their interests and needs. It varies from situation to situation. An individual’s buying behaviour can be analysed by identifying the benefits of various methods and how it would benefit an individual. The same theory applies to the buying decision of various businesses.
  • Process theory: Is another economic theory which explains the difference between the theoretical decisions and practical decisions of the consumers regarding the purchase. As per this theory, consumers either make decisions from self-defensive perspective or opportunistic perspective. It depends upon the buyer’s perception of possible loss or gains. It means that if the buyer thinks that, the buying decision will not be fruitful, he might change the decision but if it seems to be beneficial, then the buyer can opt for the products and services. The buyer analyse the future course of action before finalizing the purchase process. For instance: A good offer on the bulk products may influence the buyer to buy large quantity (more than the actual requirement) of products. This decision is based on the buyer’s opportunistic perspective whereas; the industrial buyer may sometime ignore or reject the favourable purchase scheme simply because he does not believe and trust the person or company offering the plan. This decision is based on the self-defensive perspective of the consumer or buyer (Thompson, n.d.).

Both of these theories could be applied on the individual and market consumers. With the help of buyer’s theories, Primark was able to understand and fulfils its consumer’s demands. Primark’s consumers wanted the true value for its money. In order to satisfy and provide value for their money, Primark adopted various methods like:

  • Designing the simple clothes.
  • Using the local and comfortable fabric which is economical for Primark.
  • It doesn’t spend huge sums on advertising.
  • It buys the raw material and semi finished goods in bulk quantity.
  • It has created popular sizes of clothes for all the consumers.

All these techniques were used by Primark to provide value for money to its consumers.

Explain three factors that could affect buyer behavior.

The consumer’s buying behaviour is heavily influenced by various factors which simply or complicate the buying process. Three of the most important factors which could affect the buyer’s behaviour are as follows:

1. Cultural factors: It involves the environment from which the individual or industrial consumer belongs. In order to understand the consumers or target market, t is important for the organizations like Primark to understand the culture of the consumers.
Culture inculcates the values, tradition, and beliefs etc. in a person which forms his personality. The cultural factors are visible in the purchase decision of the consumers. It is very essential for Primark and every other company to understand the cultural factors of each market in order to adapt or develop the strategies as per the cultural requirements of different markets.

For example: It is acceptable in USA to wear fashionable and short clothes but it is simply not allowed in UAE. Therefore, the Primark should design clothes as per the cultures of different countries.

2. Social factors: includes status, lifestyle, family background, reference groups etc. Family is the most influencing factor while taking decisions for each individual. Family forms the personality of a person which comprises of attitude, behaviour, choices, opinions on different subjects, social relations and so on.
The individual can also inherit the buying pattern of his family. The background and social status of family also forms the buying behaviour of an individual. For example: A rich person can afford to buy Ferrari or Audi whereas the middle income group will prefer to buy small car. The organizations have understood the role of social factors, due to which they have created the brand image reflecting the social status. For example: Audi is known for luxurious cars which directly form an image in the consumer’s mind that the company manufactures cars only for the rich people (Pride & Ferrell, 2008).

3. Personal factors: It includes the values, opinions, interest, and qualification which form the personality of a person. Personality is the combination of various traits like confidence, ambition, curiosity etc. All these factors determine the buying habits of a consumer. The personality of a consumer reflects in the buying process.

For example: Apple has created an image which communicates innovation, creativity and confidence. These elements attract the consumers who can relate to these features. The more an organization communicates a positive, favourable and innovative self-image among the consumers, the more it will be able to attract the consumers.

Evaluate the relationship between brand loyalty, corporate image and repeat purchase. Examples may be used to reinforce your answer.

  • Brand: When a unique name, image, or symbols are used to create a distinctive image of an organization which differentiates it from its competitors, is known as brand.
  • Branding: Is a process of creating a unique image of an organization in the minds of the consumers. It is done with the help of advertising and marketing activities. Through Branding, an organization aims to attract and retain the consumers by developing a significant presence in the market.

According to Phillip Kotler – Author of Marketing Management:

“A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of the competitor”.

Brand Loyalty: When the consumers becomes loyal towards a specific brand and make repeat purchases, is known as brand loyalty. It reflects the tendency of the consumers to buy the products from the same brand again and again. Brand loyalty is very important for every business as it builds a strong relationship between the customers and the brand and also earns high revenues and profits for the company (Anandan, 2009).

Every company adopts various strategies to create a brand name. Brands are not made over night. Lots of hard work, strategies, policies, brainstorming, resources etc. goes in to the creation of a brand. The same has been done by Primark. Some strategies are there which can are used by Primark:

1. Target marketing approach: When the organization is concerned about a specific segment of market for a given product, it is known as target marketing. It involves segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies. Primark is a retail clothing brand which reflects that it has followed a specific segment. Primark is known for its clothing, and it only focuses on this segment. It has never ventured into any other segment or product.

  • Segmentation: Refers to the process of dividing or categorizing the whole market into smaller sections or target markets. Organizations can choose any target audience according to its nature of business, scale of operations and the objectives. Primark’s segments are analysed on the basis of clothing’s and footwear. With the help of segmentation Primark was able to concentrate on specific segment and conduct all the market research to satisfy its customers.
  • Targeting: It is the process of deciding any particular section or group on which the strategies will be acted or applied. For example: Johnson n Johnson has selected the infants and small kids as its target market. It produces all the medicated products only for this particular age group. This is known a targeting.
  • For Primark: differentiated marketing strategy is applied as it deals with multiple products for various sections of the market. Different segments are evaluated on the basis of age, sex, and income and status level. Primark has different products portfolio which are targeted towards these many segments.
  • Positioning: Aims to capture a distinctive position of a brand in the minds of consumers. Brand positioning gives the consumers an insight into the brand and its performance. Advertising, marketing and promotional techniques are used to improve the brand position in the market. Primark has always emphasized on the convenience and value for money due to which is known as the budget fashion retailer. Primark has achieved this position with the help of target market approach.

2. Product marketing approach: When the organization adopts various marketing strategies to promote the products is known as product marketing approach. Brands have the power to attract the consumers on the basis of their products and its features (Morris, Pitt, Honeycutt, Jr., 2001).

It is important for the organizations to select and execute the branding strategies to create and promote their own brands. When the company creates a brand name for itself, it is able to attract large no. of customers, expand into different segments, earn profits and enjoy brand loyalty.

There is a very strong relationship between brand loyalty, corporate image and repeat purchase. To enjoy and earn the brand loyalty, an organization has to work very hard to create a name for it-self. When the organization is able to create a brand name, it starts attracting customers, capturing the market share, and creating brand loyalty. Primark is able to create a brand name due to which it enjoys loyalty from the consumers. But to have brand loyalty, it is very essential for each organization to provide excellent services and great quality to it customers. When the brand offers quality products at competitive prices, it attracts the consumers and retains them as their loyal audience.

Corporate image is a picture or thoughts about an organization in t he minds of consumers. It helps in retaining the customers. New organization can not enjoy the brand loyalty. Primark has experience of several years and it has maintained its status and goodwill by providing the best products to the consumers and satisfies their needs due to which it enjoys the brand loyalty. Consumers prefer to make repeat purchase from the brand they are committed to. Brand loyalty helps in increasing the profits and also helps in promoting the organization through word of mouth.

Corporate image, repeat purchase and brand loyalty are all interconnected and it depends upon the positive image of the organization. Repeat purchase signifies the loyalty of consumers towards a particular brand. Hence every organization must try to work hard and provide best products & services to its customers in order to retain the customer and enjoy the brand loyalty.

Evaluate three different types of market research techniques that Primark GB could use in its market.

Market research refers to the process of collecting, recording, evaluating and studying the market data. Market research is of two types:

  • Primary research: It is the basic form of research in which the data are collected from the real source i.e. consumers, competitors, trade experts etc. It includes the process of collecting data with the help of field surveys.
  • Secondary research When the data is collected and evaluated from the existing source like journals, articles, magazines etc. is known a secondary research.

In order to execute primary research: two research methods are adopted:

1. Quantitative research method: Quantitative methods are used to collect the information from a broad section or area. Primark uses this method when it wants to identify the needs and desires of a large section or group. It can be executed by conducting surveys through on-line and off-line methods.

Methods of Quantitative research include:

  • Online surveys & paper surveys: Primark can conduct its surveys through online or offline i.e. paper survey. Online surveys are essential as it helps in collecting the data or information of lager no. of people at a single time. It is also less time consuming. Paper surveys can also be done but it involves huge time and cost.
  • Telephonic interview or survey: By calling the existing and prospective buyer, Primark may conduct the market research. Though this method is not very useful as people are generally busy and do not want to share information on telephone.
  • Face to face communication: It is also known as field survey. The representative can directly talk to the people and collect the relevant information.

2. Qualitative research method: Is used to find out the detailed information or data. It mainly works for a small section. Primark can use this method by collecting information from the few people of the target audience and talk to them about their desires, needs and preferences. It helps in identifying the exact information from the selected people.

Qualitative research methods are as follows:

  • Group discussions: Is the simplest method to collect the information. Few people are called for small discussion session where they talk about the services of the company, needs, expectations, problems or issues associated with the products or services. General perception can be identified with the help of group discussion.
  • Participation or observation: Primark can observe the buying behaviour of a small group of existing customers. The company can observe the changes in their buying pattern and compare them to identify the changes to be made, features to be added and the quality needed by the consumers (Balnaves & Caputi, 2001).

Identify and use sources of secondary data to achieve marketing research objectives and assess the validity and reliability of market research findings.

Market research is conducted through primary and secondary data. It is very essential as it helps in fulfilling the following objectives of the organization:

  • It reduces marketing cost as it helps in identifying the best advertising, selling and promotion technique.
  • Identify likes and dislikes of consumers by interacting with them through surveys, face to face interaction, telephonic surveys and so on.
  • It helps in determining the price policy by comparing the market position and pricing of competitors’.

Secondary Data: The information which has some relevance and use in the research. Secondary data is collected and evaluated from the existing source like journals, articles, magazines etc. It is not very useful in the current projects but somehow helps the organizations in comparing and measuring the past information and decisions with the current scenario. It helps the Primark in realizing its issues and adopting the new or successful methods which has been executed in the past.

There are two sources of secondary data: Internal source and external source.

Internal source includes the:

  • Profits and loss statements
  • Sales figures
  • balance sheet
  • Past market research data

All these sources provide the past information of the organization. The organization can study and evaluate these sources and develop strategies for the future.

External source includes:

  • Government Statistics: It provides the ratios or statistics approved and recognised by the government. It is useful for the businesses to identify the future statistics. It may include: Population rate, import / export statistics, agricultural statistics, health rates etc.
  • Associations: Financial institutes, business & trade associations, etc. have wide collection of information. Businesses can get the required information from such associations.
  • Media: It includes internet, magazines, newspaper, articles and journals which provide the latest and the past information about the rules & policies of government, current and past trends of the market and the consumer’s preferences (Zikmund & Babin, 2012).

In order to get the relevant and reliable information from the market research, the organizations must follow the following steps:

  • Set the objective and problems of the market research
  • Develop the research tool with utmost care and precision like questionnaire
  • specify the exact requirement
  • Add relevant questions
  • specify the measurement technique
  • collect the data from the target market

Task 2

Propose a marketing research plan

Primark is planning to launch new shoe product in the UK market for the younger clients. Here is the market plan of Primark:

  • Rationale: Primark is an established brand in clothing and footwear segment. It offers multiple products to the consumers of various age groups. It is now planning to launch a shoe for the younger audience by the next year. In order to achieve this objective or target, Primark needs to conduct market research in the London to identify the tastes and preferences of the young age people. Market research will help in creating the shoes as per the demands of the consumers. Proper budget, time scale, etc. will be analysed and determined before executing the market plan.
  • Scope: Primark has a famous brand image hence there is scope of success for the new products in the markets. Primark has established its brand name by providing the best quality at appropriate price to its customers. Hence there will not be much problem in the introduction and expansion of the new product.
  • Objective of the research: Primark is planning to conduct the market research for its new product. The objective is to identify the exact demands, tastes, style, preferences etc. of the younger people of UK. The research also aims at identifying the recent trends of the UK’s fashion market. This is important because the products are meant for consumers so it has to match their tastes. If the product fails to attract and satisfy the needs of the consumers then it will incur huge losses for the company (ESOMAR, 2008). 
  • Methodologies of research: Both quantitative and qualitative research methods will be executed in order to collect all the information of the market.

Methods of Quantitative research include: Online survey, telephonic survey, paper survey, face to face communication.

Methods of Qualitative research include: group discussion, personal interview, observation.

Secondary research methods are equally important hence; these will also be used to gather the information from various reliable sources which will be useful in comparing the past and present trends, policies and methods in order to achieve the research objective.

Time frame: Primark has set the time duration of 5 months to complete the research process as it has a target to launch the new shoe at the starting of the next year.

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This plan is based upon the Gantt chart. Every plan must be prepared in this format as it clarifies the tasks, functions and requirement of each and every step or stage of the plan.

Research plan with budget:


Budget (pound)


Time duration(start/end)

Prepare a complete plan


3 Senior marketing managers

1-3 week

Design the questionnaire



2 marketing manager

3-5 week

Designing and uploading online surveys



2 Software experts


Implementing the research methods:


Primary data


More than 50 representatives are required to carry out the whole field survey and online survey.


8-12 week

Secondary data

1,50, 000

5 expert data collection officers.

Within the duration of primary data

To analyse and evaluate the  complete data




12- 14 week

Final presentation

1, 00, 000

5 marketing managers

14-15 week

Final decision



Top management

15-18 week


10, 00,000

67 employees and the top management

18 weeks


Provide an assessment of the size and the trends for the fashion industry in the UK.

Each Market consists of two segments: Consumer and business market.

Consumer market: refers to that market where buyer and seller come in contact to exchange goods and services. The manufacturer provides the goods to the consumers for their satisfaction. In consumer markets: generally the products are: FMCG goods, consumer durables etc.

Business market: When the company produces goods for another company is known as business market. Here the buyer and the seller are two separate businesses or industries. They generally deal in raw materials, semi finished goods, furniture, machinery etc.

Primark’s new product belongs to consumer market as it will directly reach to the consumers and satisfy their needs. Every market goes to many changes in terms of economic stability, trends, preferences and these are more relevant and visible in the fashion market. Fashion industry follows the trend and provides the goods as per the latest trend to the consumers. Primark is always known for its clothing and footwear fashion as it follows the market changes and produces goods accordingly.

UK was the ninth largest consumer of the footwear in the year 2011. It is one of the most important markets globally with 2.1 % share of footwear consumption. In 2012, the footwear market of UK was estimated at a value of £8.39bn. The total consumption of clothing and footwear market was £57.61bn.

Women’s are the largest consumers of the footwear industry with 50% share whereas the men’s footwear market has 31% share and the rest is occupied by the kids. There are different types of products used by the UK consumers which mainly consist of rubber and plastic footwear, leather shoes, waterproof, textile footwear and others. But the research shows that the mainly the rubber and plastic footwear are preferred by the consumers. It has 36% share in the footwear market and leather shoes have 26% share and the least preferred by the British citizens are waterproof footwear.

The market trends suggest that the UK’s footwear industry will grow more and more. Here, I present the chart of UK’s growing footwear trend:

Marketing trend - Assignment help UK

This 10-year period is expected to define a considerable growth of 49.8% from £7.22bn in 2008 to £10.81bn in 2017 in the UK’s footwear market.

The latest trend in the UK market is the demand of technology and medical advancements in the footwear. Companies like Nike, Adidas have always been known for providing technological advancements in their shoes.

The trends and fashion keeps on changing in the footwear industry of UK due to excessive changes in the weather. Due to extreme weather in 2013, the retailer’s suffered a huge loss. Now the footwear industry has realized that 2-season model doesn’t work any longer as the weather keeps on changing and restricts the consumers from shopping. Primark and every other company must keep a record on the changing patterns and also try to develop footwear with new technology which can adapt the seasonal changes and can be utilized throughout the year (Clark, 2014).

Primary must consider the technological aspect before developing the new shoes. Innovation is the key element in today’s scenario. Companies like Nike and Adidas are constantly improving their technology to provide the best running and sports shoes to the athletes. Nike has introduced a new shoe with FlyKnit technology which makes it extremely light weight and comfortable for the wearer or consumer. In the same way, Primark should also develop new technology to induce in their shoe which will definitely attract the consumers and will increase the sales of the product. Along with technology the Primark can also use medical advancement like the Andrew Weils. This company has introduced footwear using the biochemical orthotic technology with modern design. It main benefit is that it prevents the user from foot ailments, back pain, knee pain and also relieve the person from tired legs.

Such advancements are required in today’s time. Primark has to develop its shoe by inculcating these requirements then only it will be able to achieve its objectives (PDF, n.d).

Plan and carryout a competitor analysis for a given organisation

Like any other organization, the Primark has to face the intense competition in the market in order to retain its position and survive. Primark has various competitors like ASDA, Zara, New look, Matalan etc. It is important for the Primark to analyse each of its competitors so that it can measure its position with them and take necessary actions (Viardot, 2004).

With the help of competitors analysis Primark has realized that it has high market share, financial stability, profits and business strengths in comparison to its competitors. But it lacks in marketing, technology and management (Viardot, 2004). Marketing strategies are very essential to promote the brand and to maintain its position and image in the consumer’s minds. Marketing also helps in determining the current changes in the preferences, technology and demands of the consumers.

It is essential for the Primark to strength its strategic planning. In order to do so, Primark must consider and evaluate the external forces and environmental changes. Currently, Primark is facing an intense competition especially from the brands like Peacock and Matalan. These organizations are offering quality products at cheaper prices to its consumers. This has increased the competition a lot for the Primark (Viardot, 2004). In fact, Primark’s consumers are switching to the rival brands because of the quality and marketing schemes which Primark is lacking.

Marks and Spencer’s is also a big competitor of Primark. It uses heavy marketing strategies and promotions to promote its products. Marks and Spencer advertises its products on each media available and indulge in heavy advertising and promotions which has increased its sales and created a strong brand image in the market (Viardot, 2004).

Primark is not spending on marketing, promotions and advertising which is considered as the biggest drawback. With the competitor’s analysis, it has been identified that the competitors of Primark are using advertising and marketing strategies due to which they are successful. Primark must understand the need of marketing and promotions and should indulge in heavy marketing for its existing and new products.

Provide an evaluation of Primark's opportunities and threats for a the new shoe product aimed at young consumers in the UK

In today business world the top position holding by the UK fashion market because of some key fashion players such as Primark, mark and Spencer, mulberry, French connection etc. almost € 60 billion spent by the UK households on the footwear and clothing, Apart from this € 900 spent by the British consumers on fashion. The mayor of London Boris Johnson said that the economy of UK made by the fashion industry, huge contribution given by the fashion industry. Great Britain is the leading centre for the manufacturing of shoes, clothing, and fine quality fabrics as par data of 2009, £285 billion retail sales were recorded in the UK fashion industry which makes the UK economy strong.  293,510 retail outlets in UK in 2009 and in this time £471.0 per week spent by the UK households (fashion united, 2013).


  • 47 new stores are opened by the Primark in UK and 7 new shop are opened in the Spain
  • Global presence is increasing day by day apart from this well stabilized in the UK fashion industry (CIPD, 2015)
  • Due to domestic factors early internalization of Primark
  • Because of some dramatic changes expansion of market is increasing across the globe
  • Almost 22 million customers visit in a week at Primark stores
  • Most of time retailers do not take risk to enter in global market, instead franchising and exporting can be start globally.
  • Primark can increase its purchasing power globally because of high consumer demand
  • New store can be open through franchise agreements (CIPD, 2015)


  • Competition is increasing in all the areas of business due to this Primark losing its business scope
  • Competition also increasing in retailer sector this is the huge problem for the Primark
  • Competitors such as mulberry, mark and Spencer, French connection etc. are dealing in the same field and their store are opening on continuously (CIPD, 2015)
  • The market of ASDA and Sainsbury are expanding while Primark faith still relying on the mega store if these kinds of things will happen then Primark can lose its reputation among the customers.
  • Primark management need to come with new strategies and scenario so that no of store can be increase otherwise risk management will increase (CIPD, 2015)

In your plan, evaluate two techniques of assessing customer response.

Customers are the primary element of every business. Hence; for each organization it is very essential to identify their needs, preferences and requirements. There are various methods which can be used by the organizations to identify the customer response.

Two of the most important techniques of assessing the customer response are:
Home Customer Survey: Primark can use home customer survey for the needs and expectations of the customers. Home customer survey can be done through various methods such as using email survey, mailed surveys, direct home surveys, and survey over the phone etc. in these surveys Primark can assess the customer response about the products and services and how they react on the particular products. Important means are provided by these surveys (Parsaei, 2001)

Customer Suggestions:  As we know that customer is the king of market and every suggestion provided by them is useful for the company. Customer suggestions can improve the products and services. These kinds customer suggestion always increase the new business opportunities for the origination. For this suggestion Primark need to prepare a questionnaire and volunteered it then form filled by the customers and they will call in customer care and approach to Primark employees about the services. Primark can use this technique in order to determine the customer purchase wish or learn about the customer behaviour which can be implemented later (Parsaei, 2001).

Evaluation of the techniques: These both techniques are very helpful in further business progression of Primark. With the help of home customer survey techniques Primark can improve its products and their qualities while on the other hand same techniques is also helpful to improve the services (Parsaei, 2001). Customer suggestions technique also very reliable methods for the business activities improvement of the Primark with the help of this technique Primark can know about the customer opinion and perception about the products and services.

Advantages of these techniques:

  • New business idea can be develop
  • Customer loyalty can be improved
  • Primark can capture on large market
  • Products qualities can be improved
  • Primark can create strong brand image in the mind of customers


  • Not useful for the competitor point of view
  • Cost of production will increase
  • Not customer oriented
  • Quite expensive method

Conduct customer research for Primark on this new shoe. Design and complete a customer satisfaction survey. Your questionnaire should contain a minimum of 12 appropriate questions.

Customer satisfaction survey is conducted by the Primark to assess their response towards the new shoe of Primark. Here, is the survey:

  • Have you ever used the products of Primark?


  • How do you find it-
  • From the quality aspects: Very Good

Not Good


Price aspect of the product:

Very High

  • Are you satisfied with our products

Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfies
Not satisfied
Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied

  • Chose following word and describe our shoe

High quality
Value for money
High priced
Quality is poor
Unreliable product

  • Does our product meet with your needs?

Very well
Extremely well
Not at all well
Not so well

  • Please the rate the product quality

High quality
Neither low quality nor high
Poor quality

  • Please rate the value for money of the footwear and clothing products

Below the average

  • Our responsiveness and concern about the product

Very responsive
Extremely responsive
Somewhat responsive
Not so responsive
Not applicable

  • How long have you been our customer?

Last 6 months
More than 6 months
1-5 years
I haven’t purchased any product from your company

  • Would you like to purchase our product again?

Very likely
Extremely likely
Not so likely

  • Primark is about launch a new shoe for the younger customers. Have you heard about it:


  • If yes, then please specify the source:

Television advertisements

13. Would you like to recommend this shoe to your family members or friends?













14. Would you like to add any comments or suggestion?



These are the few questions which were added in the questionnaire. These questions are able to identify the customer’s response towards the Primark and its products.

Review the success of the completed customer satisfaction survey in question.

From the above survey, it is evident that the survey has been successful. This survey is very useful and helpful for the Primark Company; as it will helps a lot for the new shoe launch by the Primark. The customers were very friendly and well aware about the Primark Company and its products. The positive response was contributed by all of them who were the part of survey. At the same time, the representatives’ did not find any problem during the conduct of the survey. Overall if we look at the survey- it was identified that it was very successful because every customer contributed their thoughts and opinions very genuinely in the survey. The results of the survey are as follows:

  • Have you ever used the products of Primark?


  • How do you find it-
  • From the quality aspects: Very Good

Not Good

Price aspect of the product:

Very High

  • Are you satisfied with our products

Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfies
Not satisfied
Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied

  • Chose following word and describe our shoe

High quality
Value for money
All of the above
High priced
Quality is poor
Unreliable product

  • Does our product meet with your needs?

Very well
Extremely well
Not at all well
Not so well

  • Please the rate the product quality

High quality
Neither low quality nor high
Poor quality

  • Please rate the value for money of the footwear and clothing products

Below the average

  • Our responsiveness and concern about the product

Very responsive
Extremely responsive
Somewhat responsive
Not so responsive
Not applicable

  • How long have you been our customer?

Last 6 months
More than 6 months
1-5 years
I haven’t purchased any product from your company

  • Would you like to purchase our product again?

Very likely
Extremely likely
Not so likely

  • Primark is about launch a new shoe for the younger customers. Have you heard about it:


  • If yes, then please specify the source:

Television advertisements

13. Would you like to recommend this shoe to your family members or friends?













14. Would you like to add any comments or suggestion?

The company must advertise and promote the products more so that it can reach to every consumer.


The survey has reflected the positive response from the consumers. It will help the Primark to develop its new shoe as per the customer’s demand and also the suggestions will be considered in the shoe development.

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The above primark marketing intelligence assignment has discussed all the marketing and business plans in respect to the launch of new shoe by the very famous clothing and footwear brand Primark. Research plan has also been developed in the same context. Competitor’s analysis was also carried out to evaluate their position and market share. With the help of various research, plans and strategies, Primark was able to develop a new shoe for its younger customer base.


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Clark, J. (2014). Fashion Merchandising: Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
CIPD. (2015). SWOT analysis Resource summary. [online]. Available from:
ESOMAR. (2008). Market Research Handbook. John Wiley & Sons.
Fashion United. (2013). Facts and Figures about the Fashion Industry. [online]. Available from:
Morris, M., Pitt, L., Honeycutt, Jr. (2001). Business-to-Business Marketing: A Strategic Approach: A Strategic Approach. SAGE Publications.

Locus Assignment Help is the best assignment help provider in UK. Our online assignment writing help UK is especially dedicated for the students studying in all UK colleges and universities. We offer the best quality primark marketing intelligence assignment service assignment help for the students who are studying business at under-graduate, post-graduate or research level