Tools of Internet Marketing Assignment

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Tools of Internet Marketing Assignment
Tools of Internet Marketing Assignment
Tools of Internet Marketing Assignment


As a manager of e-marketing, it is the role and responsibility to make sure that an organization’s online presence is not hampered rather it is enhanced to make the organization’s business operations online to be highly productive and competitive in nature. This paper has been developed to focus on improvising the online presence of a specific organization by enhancing the customer relationships and by managing the stakeholders associated. Tools of Internet Marketing Assignment will in turn lead towards increasing productivity and competitiveness within the industry (Dominici, 2008). The selected organization for the purpose as described is E-Bay. The reason of selecting this organization lies in the success that this organization has achieved in the online presence domain not only from the perspective of the stakeholders but also from the perspective of the customers.

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Task 1

1.1 Elements of Internet Marketing

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The above figure 1 is a descriptive figure elaborating on several elements of internet marketing. E-bay will require focusing on these elements while expanding its online present. Internet marketing field has recently started to flourish and several organizations after recognizing the benefits of internet marketing have adopted this practice. E-Bay is known as a leader in the field of internet marketing with diverse range of products and services being delivered with high quality to its customers. Organizations such as E-bay when engaging to develop their online presence have to focus on the elements of Internet marketing in order to understand that the organizations have a competitive advantage (Grönroos, 2008). These elements are either micro or macro in nature helping organizations to prosper in the long run and establish themselves in the virtual environment.

E-bay has to be taking into consideration a number of elements while being present on the arena of marketing being done through the internet. There is a number of other organizations also, since recent times, who have been making entry in the field of marketing through the internet. However, there are a number of factors that have been driving the organizations like E- Bay to conduct the activities of marketing through the internet and an increased need for being virtual in this central is not the only basic need for the business for being virtual (Grönroos, 2008). E- Bay has been highly successful within the field of marketing through the internet, particularly as the organization has been within the field since more than a decade.

However, there is an involvement of a number of that behave as the elements of internet marketing that help the organizations like E- Bay for defeating the competitors. These can be macro as well as micro. Firstly, the organizations should be taking care of the different models of marketing that they need for selecting their services as well as their products. As a second thought, E- Bay will need to be taking care of a number of different types of data and disclosed in accordance with the provision to secure the information that is extremely within the threat to be attacked by a number of different hackers (Grönroos, 2008). However, both of this consideration assists the organization like E- Bay only when micro as well as macro elements are present.

The top most essential components of a computerized battle comprise of portable contemplations, natural pursuit, online networking promoting, substance showcasing and lead sustaining.

  • Substance Marketing: Substance is a significant activity considers an advanced promoting methodology. Using an online journal on a website is an awesome approach to assist give guests new and applicable substance. This will help lead to an increment in site guests, client engagement, which both work to drive transformations.
  • Online networking Marketing: Social media promoting is an incredible medium for a business to construct and build brand vicinity all through the Internet.
  • Inbound Marketing: Numerous organizations use Outbound Marketing and put resources into standard mail crusades, chilly calling, distinctive types of promoting, or media purchases. Outbound Marketing pushes a brand's message "out" and would like to achieve the right gathering of people to produce leads and deals.
  • Email Marketing: This kind of advertising permits organizations to send messages to arrangements of prospects or current clients to secure or keep up progressing connections. Regularly underutilized, email promoting is to a great degree practical (Forbes 2014)

Key terms:

  • A-rundown bloggers otherwise known as A-leisters or Those Miserable Buggers Each one of those scholars who overwhelm the Technocratic rankings (see Technocratic, beneath). Getting a gesture from one of these people can mean exponential development in site movement.
  • Portable Type A mainstream blogging stage.
  • Online networking A term authored by somebody who needed to distribute more books. Normally alludes to the numerous web journals, bookmarking locales and different destinations that permit guests to interface with one another and the site proprietor.
  • Ping Initially a systems administration term, in web showcasing speech "ping" means informing the world that you've overhauled your site. Pings are typically sent naturally to locales, for example, Technocratic.
  • Recorder The administration you use to save an area name.

1.2 Marketing Mix Evaluation of Internet

Unlike the traditional elements of marketing mix, the marketing mix of Internet for E- Bay will be on the basis of 7 different Ps. These 7 Ps include partnerships, physical evidence, process, people, promotion, place, price and product. Additionally, the marketing mix of internet cannot be considered as being generic by nature for each and every customer, but it can be considered as being generic for each and every segment related to the customers. There is a need for considering the below stated point, in accordance with the model of 7 Ps of marketing mix (Dominici, 2008):

  • Precision should be having a reference in order to increase the level of accuracy related to the process for the selection of segment being targeted and in order to position themselves within the perspective of digital forms that have been introduced by the systems responsible for the management of database
  • Systems to make payment need security and their needs must be accessed for being easy and favourable for the customers
  • The concern related to personalization seem to be arousing the possible consideration for the creation of an interface that involves flexibility and has the ability for the adaptation of the needs related to the consumers and the desires they hold
  • The choice of trade- off can be considered by the strategies of pull and push between the policies in order to communicate the demands held by the users in an active manner

However, after the traditional model of marketing mix had to be undergoing a number of changes, the technologies of digital sources and the capabilities based on internet contribute in regulating the elements related to marketing mix for the organization of E- Bay in the below stated ways:

  • Product: In the current era of globalization, there is an increased need for redefining products as today, the products involve a number of advantages by the time that the customers will be getting the capital being exchanged. The application of this definition can be done towards the perspective of scenarios in digital form as well. From the point- of- view of the supply, policies related to the products help to attain the advantages from the capability of internet to engage the consumers within the relationships for the long duration of time that lead towards the development of new products (Grönroos, 2008). The internet has the nature of being interactive and has the capability of connectivity which results in E- Bay towards a concept related to new product that is referred to as the product in its virtual form. The product within the levels at virtual level, primarily shows evidences as an intangible and tangible point- of- view whose adaptation and personalization is done with respect to the preferences of consumers with respect to variations and varieties.
  • Price: Redefining the price here is critical that is all being delivered to the acquirer with respect to the efforts, timeliness and capital made in order to obtain a particular product. From the point of view of the consumer, the relevant advantages related to the internet for E- Bay shows concerns with the reduction in asymmetries of information for helping the consumers in comparison with the amount of prices within the scope of the actual scenario, and to gain more transparency in the outlook. In addition to this, the implementation of the Artificial Intelligent Agents for E- Bay that will assist in order toallow the tailoring comparison and automatic comparison for the amount of prices and the characteristics that leads towards the reduction of cost in consideration with the efforts and time made (Fjermestad & Romano, 2003).

From the point- of- view of the producers, the amount of prices being modified within the actual time has the possibility because of the internet being available which in turn results in order to threaten the prices of competition with consequently reducing the margins of profit. For the avoidance of this consideration, using internet for the purpose of communication for E- Bay will be within the direction of perceptions like differentiating and qualitative attributes with respect to the particular services or products.

  • Place: There is also a need for defining place within a number of different ways as of the digital point- of- view that it now possesses. The definition of place can be provided as all that is done and relevant to smoothen the process of exchange. The application of this definition can be done with respect to the digital scenario in order to add the elements for the process of purchases as a relevant feature in the elements related to e- marketing mix for E- Bay. Therefore, the filling of process has to be done with easiness and smoothness at the same point of time in order to build the relationships of customers in an appropriate manner (Grönroos, 2008). Virtual place can be considered as a physical space here with respect to this and will also be including intangible aspects of the transaction. The major contribution of the internet to the business cannot only be considered as the basic platform for the sale of products, but this also has the capability to help the company like E- Bay for building the strong relationships with the customers. The internet seems to be having the capabilities of interaction that help the organizations like E- Bay for the implementation of their systems for the management of relationship with the digital customers in an effective and efficient way. This also assists to gather data utilized for the management of customers as gathering of data is registered at all durations of time and can be utilized in an easy manner with easy accessibility.
  • Promotion: This also needs to be redefined and also includes each and every data, the delivery of which is done amongst the parties being involved. This attribute of definition seems to be including the digital aspects of communication interactive (Grönroos, 2008). There are also certain variations and differences among other media of mass communication along with the internet. In this context it can be stated that internet is an appropriate medium that has the ability of reaching large population of customers that are highly dispersed.

However, it is extremely important to have the capability of the differentiation of internet from these media of mass communication, in consideration with the features of interaction and the characteristics of multimedia that lacks amongst the others. As stated by Novas and Hoffman, in the platform of the web, the concept related to one to all results in the loss of cogency even if there are a number of paradigms of all nature being present (Jobber, 2001). Interaction within the personal environment related in the issue of messages within the direction of a particular individual with heightened degree of flexibility, the delivery of which cannot be done by any other sources related to mass media. In turn to this, the will be helping E- Bay for hitting the market being targeted in each and every situation even within the scope of the lowest involvement.

1.2 Comparison between the Tools of Internet Marketing

  • Vertically Responding: This is the tool that is utilized in an easy manner to help in order to build relationships, fast capabilities for the camping of online tracking, professionally developed and available templates related to email marketing and even the effectiveness of cost. Vertically responsibility has been designed for a number of small- scale businesses in which tools involve less sources of technology to know how there is an increased need for the development and running of system (Fjermestad & Romano, 2003). When the first campaign is being launched, less duration of time is needed for being spent. In addition to this, vertically responding helps to organize lists but E- Bay will be having the responsibility of inputting the list and keeping the list in an updated way. After the launch of any campaign, there will be availability of a report in detail with respect to being opened only a click away.
  • We Me Us: This tool had been developed initially by a CEO who was a females with the desire of allowing organizations for organizing, managing and retaining each and every professional contact along with their relationships to acquire and build for the purpose of development. Unlike the tool of vertically responding, this tool is the one to assist in order to build relationships, management of contacts, e- mails being blasted, and tools to campaign with every single related element in combination with it (Dominici, 2008). This particular tool can be considered as being a personal tool for the management of relationship with the customers instead of a tool of social networking and each and every information involves privacy and each and every user has the capability to see only the individual contacts instead of having knowledge regarding the contact information of other people.
  • Mail Chimp: This is another tool that has a number of differences in comparison with the tools of vertically responding and We Me Us as it is within the shape of a web site that operates for being friendly to the user (Dominici, 2008). There are a number of ways within which the utilization of this can be done, however, this tool seems to be having a similar feature for vertically responding, but the base of information within this particular tool stays intact which cannot be considered as the case within the tool of vertically responding. There are certain features held by this particular tool like the auto responder that are not in the case of tools for We Me Us and vertically responding.
  • Sales Force: This has been identified as the other significant tool of e- marketing which had been the base for the management of the relationship with the customers for small- scale businesses that are present online. The role played by this tool is focused on helping the pioneers for tracking the relationship being present amongst the sellers and buyers (Dominici, 2008). The purpose and responsibility related to this tool is highly differentiated from the three that have been stated above at the sales force that has been identified as a significant solution when there is a desire of application advantages.

1.3 Examination of Interactive Order Processing

Interactive Order Processing is referred to as the basic base required for online business organization in order to present the business organization in front of the base of customers with authenticity, with respect to the practical purpose and availability of e- commerce. Once the selection of the right product is done, majority of the problems can be solved, but the key issue involved is that of the selection. Initial facts for E- Bay also seems to be including the persona for the creation of products and to understand the way in which there is a need for marketing it. The persona being profiled has to be performed in the most appropriate way for demanding the customers along with the standards for buying and giving value to the products. There is an increased need for estimating the level of awareness with respect to the brand by E- Bay. For the processing of this particular technology, there is an increased need for the consideration of below stated points (Fjermestad & Romano, 2003):

  • Consolidation of order
  • Varying methods to process order that is available like one- by- one, within a batch or utilizing the scanners related to barcode
  • Advancement in the capabilities to print
  • Deal with the order lifecycle of each and every individual on the basis of the aspect of capabilities for assessing and monitoring the process

Task 2

2.1 Demonstration of the Mechanics related to Marketing of Search Engine

The marketing of search engine is referred to as the methods of visibility of search engines and traffic gain by the efforts of unpaid and paid consideration. An engine of search needs the consideration of optimization for improvising a web site of the company for making it available in an easy manner with respect to the outcomes of search engine. This seems to be of huge significance for E- Bay as there is a need for the simplification of terms and rank held by the organization can be increased within the scope of the engines of search (Goi, 2005). The mechanics of search engine seems to be including a broad range of aspects being available for large or small scale businesses that operate through the platforms of web. A website has a number of pages and the hosting of this is done in a personal term of host. In the normal context, each and every page on the website can be found by the links that begin with the home page of website like the home page of  E- Bay.

When you scan for things on eBay do you find that either a heap of insignificant things show up or you discover scarcely anything? This is presumably on the grounds that you have to enhance the way you utilize the hunt box. This is a manual for how to get the best from seeking. By the way these inquiry tips likewise work with most Search Engines for discovering sites as well.

  • Hunt Title and picture Utilize sparingly - Searches the thing titles and the words in the entire posting. I say utilize sparingly in light of the fact that utilizing this can regularly imply that you discover many things that are not applicable to you, or comparative things which dealers have utilized words knowing it may action you into a thing you don't generally need.
  • Rudiments of Searching Be Simple. Firstly attempt and use as couple of words as could be expected under the circumstances at first. Make a wide hunt at first, and after that thin it down when you think about the outcomes you get.
  • Utilizing eBay Categories When you hunt down things, on the left hand side of the screen all the classifications that the things found are in show up, with the classification with the vast majority of the things in showing up at the highest priority on the rundown. You can utilize this to slender down to applicable things ( n.d.)

2.2 A suitable opt-in email marketing newsletter

With email advancing, interested buyers can subscribe to one or a more prominent measure of your mailing records by adding you to their Saved Sellers list or by tapping the "Sign up for Shop flyer" interface on your shop presentation page. Using our email blueprint instruments, you make handouts that propel your shop and send them to people from your mailing records. You can even make leaflets that are characteristically sent constantly, for instance, an after quite a while notice that advances your latest postings.

Begin by heading off to my eBay and tapping the Account tab. Click the "Showcasing Tools" connection and afterward tap the "Email Marketing" connection. The Email Marketing page demonstrates a synopsis of your mailing records, including the quantity of endorsers of every rundown and the aggregate number of supporters of every one of your rundowns. To go there:

  • Go to My eBay.
  • Move your cursor over the Account tab until the "Showcasing Tools" draw down menu shows up.
  • Click the 'Email Marketing" connection

To outline an email pamphlet:

  • Go to My eBay.
  • Move your cursor over the Account tab until the "Promoting Tools" draw down menu shows up.
  • Click the "Email Marketing" connection.
  • Click the Create Email catch.
  • Select the email format and the general design. You can pick among a few formats, including Welcome, Ending Soonest, Newly Listed (default decision), Previous Purchase, or Custom (make your own particular substance and design).
  • Tweak your email by changing the standard substance and alternatives as required ( n.d.)

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2.3 Best Practices in Online Relations with the Public

Effective organizations don't simply correspond with prospects and clients for extraordinary deals. Today, eBay making crucial is a fundamental key to showcasing achievement. It's an awesome approach to include quality, upgrade eBay brand and position against fight.

  • Convey habitually How frequently do you connect with clients? Do the majority of your correspondences concentrate on item offers and deals? For best results, its imperative to convey as often as possible and differ the sorts of messages you send. Rather than a consistent blast of advancements, sprinkle in supportive bulletins or gentler offer message involvement in this whole process.
  • Offer client rewards Client unwavering or prize projects function admirably for some sorts of organizations, from retail to journey and travel. The best projects offer graduated prizes, so the more clients spend, the more they acquire.
  • Hold extraordinary occasions The organization supported golf excursion is back. With the replenished enthusiasm for holding and up-offering current clients, organization supported unique occasions are coming back to the front line.
  • Manufacture two-way correspondence Concerning client relations, "tuning in" can be just as imperative as "telling."  eBay Using each apparatus and chance to make collaboration, including requesting criticism through Web website and e-pamphlets, sending client overviews (online or disconnected from the net) and giving online message sheets or sites. Clients who know they're "listened" right away feel an affinity and a relationship the organization (, n.d.).

The below stated three practices seem to be serving as a significant example for E- Bay from the point- of- view of which, the implementation of best practices can be done and being followed up within the organization for best online relations with the public (Goi, 2009):

  • Leaving the pitch of sales
  • Target the press being released
  • To be timely

2.4 How Businesses can utilize new communities of digital media

"When you consider [multimedia platforms] and what that is about, it’s about having the capacity to convey mass promoting messages to the gadget of decision on interest. Mixed or multimedia media devices to backing the business- -the advertising, the deals and advancement of their items and administrations.
Here's a view at the absolute most viable approaches to influence media, for example, photographs, podcasts, features, and different sorts of versatile showcasing.

 Offer ongoing motivating forces. EBay will naturally empower you to distribute photographs to your Twitter and Facebook represents free through versatile and Web stages. Who needs 140 characters to portray your business when a photo is justified regardless of 1,000 words? Tweet pictures of marked down and new things or offer selective impetuses.

  • Sharing features over the Web is another extraordinary asset for eBay organizations in creating online networking vicinity, especially on account of what number of individuals are tuning in.
  • Webcasting is basically television a feature or media record over the Internet utilizing spilling media innovation, which can be conveyed to numerous concurrent viewers immediately. Done the right way, webcasts, additionally called feature podcasts, blogs, video casting or Web shows, can be successful limited time instruments.
  • Blasting a feature for YouTube or beginning a more expounds webcast basically takes four fundamental fixings: hardware, a subject, an online home and promoting.
  •  EBay have the most attractive feature around, however it wouldn't make any difference in the event that you didn't do something that was intriguing and predictable, for webcasts, stick to a normal telecast plan, whether that is at one time a day, week or month.
  • Demonstrate to utilize your item. With a motto as straightforward as "Telecast," numerous eBay clients are doing simply that, particularly regarding the matter of indicating how their items or administrations can be utilized

The new communities of digital media have the ability of helping organizations for the development and prosperity in order to always stay in connection with the customers. E- Bay can make utilization of networking sites of social media that have been proven to be the most effective and best in connection with the customers. In order to do this, E- Bay will be needed for seeking the customers through the sources of social media in an active manner. In order to ensure that the activity related to social media is in translation of the revenue, it will be critical for setting the goals and objectives related to the analytics of Google (Goldsmith, 1999). Utilizing the tool related to social referral will assist E- Bay in order to see the traffic that the web page has the ability of getting socially involved and then, the utilization of goals has to be done in order to see the broadness related to the traffic. This will be helping the organization in order to ensure that the customer with high potentiality does not seem to be lost on the website and the page involves the making of adequate changes.

Task 3

3.1 Conducting Secondary Research on Marketing

Amazon seems to be having secondary data for each and every source where the research on internet market has been done already. Before the expansion of any business venture, it is relevant for the business organization for understanding the industry in an appropriate manner with respect to the level of competition and the audience being targeted. Even though the gathering of specific information is done often by the tools for the conduction of primary research like surveying and interviewing, performing the research on marketing secondarily is easy as it will be heading towards the business sections of local library (Goldsmith, 2002). There are a number of different sources of information like associations of trade, publishers of commercials, and the agencies held by the government authorities.

3.2 Online Survey

Online survey is known to be helping the organization for understanding the point- of- view of the customers on the business operations  conducted by Amazon. Amazon should be prioritizing the finding, creating effectiveness, adding value, and ensuring cooperation by the analysis of feedback related to the customers. The important aspect is that should be acknowledged in order to present the results from the survey within an efficient and effective manner. Therefore, this has to be done in order to ensure the visibility of results to the customers in an appropriate manner. For acknowledging and implementing a design related to online, it is extremely important for accessing interface of the end users (Grönroos, 2004). Huge importance should be given for understanding the population that is available that will be becoming an important element within the survey being conducted. The availability of this online survey will be there whenever purchases is being done by the customers through the web page for increasing the chances of having better understanding regarding the level of satisfaction held by the customers.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Please take a few moments to complete this satisfaction survey.

  • Overall, how satisfied were you with the product / service?

Very SatisfiedSatisfiedNeutralUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedN/A

  • Would you recommend our product / service to colleagues or contacts within your industry?

DefinitelyProbablyNot SureProbably NotDefinitely Not

  • Would you use our product / service in the future?

DefinitelyProbablyNot SureProbably NotDefinitely Not

  • How long have you used our product / service?

Less than a month1-6 months1-3 yearsOver 3 YearsNever used

  • How often do you use product / service?

Once a week2 to 3 times a monthOnce a monthLess than once a month

  • What aspect of the product / service were you most satisfied by?

QualityPricePurchase ExperienceInstallation or First Use ExperienceUsage ExperienceCustomer ServiceRepeat Purchase Experience.



 3.3 Utilization of Electronic Marketing of Customer Relationships

Electronic client relationship promoting is an idea that build up out a business; apart from that client relationship advertising was done utilizing basic business method for comparison, now eBay associations have the capacity to connect with their clients through electronic method for comparison.

Relationship or contact of promoting the business Contact of promoting is all about building an association with a focused on group of onlookers. The relationship between people utilizing E-CRM is more dynamic and one on one. EBay Sites have visit windows where customers can interface with the association to ask their questions.

Administration division relationship Administration situated organizations have client question alternatives where they can top off structures when they have a few issues. Web facilitating locales have a one on one methodology with their customers.

eBay Relationship administration is dull, to keep the group of observer drew in requires a great deal of exertion, eBay associations have pages on long range interpersonal communication area where people can be entertained and locked in.

  • Social media is an awesome approach to have a discussion with your business sector and oversee associations with prospects, client, and bloggers. Tweeter has a web index that let you post any data and can be connected to eBay's stage.
  • Companions on Facebook will have direct impact of what is occurring around you and your business and will likewise go to from companions to companions if even they are not yours. EBay is connected to Facebook which goes about as an aberrant type of PR, Instant message could likewise take shape by visiting on both stage.

The internet has the nature of being interactive and has the capability of connectivity which results in E- Bay towards a concept related to new product that is referred to as the product in its virtual form. The product within the levels at virtual level, primarily shows evidences as an intangible and tangible point- of- view whose adaptation and personalization is done with respect to the preferences of consumers with respect to variations and varieties. The new communities of digital media have the ability of helping organizations for the development and prosperity in order to always stay in connection with the customers (Gared, 2004b). E- Bay can make utilization of networking sites of social media that have been proven to be the most effective and best in connection with the customers. This particular tool can be considered as being a personal tool for the management of relationship with the customers instead of a tool of social networking each and every information involves privacy and each and every user has the capability to see only the individual contacts instead of having knowledge regarding the contact information of other people. 

Task 4

4.1 Outline for Internet Marketing Plan

Step 1: To known the audiences being targeted in a significant and intimate way: This step will be involving the basic requirement for defining the particular audience being targeted for the creation of persona in a significant manner. A persona is referred to as the description of a particular person who has the demand towards specific type of services (Gumper, 2005).

Step 2: To keep an eye over the competitors in an ethical and healthy manner: There is an increased need for placing the spreadsheets so that there can be storage of each and every information. This particular information will assist to channel the sources of digital marketing in order to reach the customers. In an ethical way, the environment of competition should be looking at it for prioritizing the tricks in the best possible way (Grant, 2000).

Step 3: In order to prioritize the tactics within the platform of digital marketing and to channel them: There is an increased need for looking at the channels of digital world and researching how relevant those channels had been for conducting the business operations like emailing, G Plus, and promotion by the sources of social media. 

4.2Advertising by Pay per Click

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Tools of Internet Marketing Assignment,Assignment help

It is a model of advertisement that occurs online where the amount of payments are made on the basis of a number of clicks being received over a specific advertisement that has been sponsored by the business organization. The related benefits are as follows (Grönroos, 2008):

  • There is visibility of the advertisement in an instant manner to the customers and other people to search with related key words
  • The cost of set up along with the cost of sponsoring an advertisement is cheap with respect to the visibility being offered
  • Helps in order to track the Return on Investment


Interactive Order Processing is referred to as the basic base required for online business organization in order to present the business organization in front of the base of customers with authenticity, with respect to the practical purpose and availability of e- commerce. The marketing of search engine is referred to as the methods of visibility of search engines and traffic gain by the efforts of unpaid and paid consideration (Hoffman & Novak, 2007). An engine of search needs the consideration of optimization for improvising a web site of the company for making it available in an easy manner with respect to the outcomes of search engine. Before the expansion of any business venture, it is relevant for the business organization for understanding the industry in an appropriate manner with respect to the level of competition and the audience being targeted.

E- Bay will need to be taking care of a number of different types of data and disclosed in accordance with the provision to secure the information that is extremely within the threat to be attacked by a number of different hackers. However, both of these consideration assist the organization like E- Bay only when micro as well as macro elements are present (Jobber, 2001). Organizations such as E-bay when engaging to develop their online presence have to focus on the elements of Internet marketing in order to understand that the organizations have a competitive advantage. These elements are either micro or macro in nature helping organizations to prosper in the long run and establish themselves in the virtual environment.


Dominici, G. (2008). Holonic Production System to Obtain Flexibility for Customer Satisfaction. Journal of Service Science and Management, 1 (3): 251-254.
Fjermestad, J., & Romano, N. C. J., (2003). An Integrative Implementation Framework for
Electronic Customer Relationship Management: Revisiting the General Principles of Usability and Resistance, proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences.
Goi, C.L., (2005). Marketing Mix: a Review of ‘Ps’. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 10 (2). [Online] Available: