Unit 1 The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment Solution

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Unit 1 The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment Solution
The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment Solution
Unit 1 The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment Solution


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 1 The Travel and Tourism Sector

QFC Level

Level 4

Credit value

15 credits

Unit Code



In the present report we are going to discuss tourism and travel and what factors affects the tourism and travel industry of a country. Tourism is the basically the business of people travelling and staying at different places for a short duration for work and pleasure. Travel and tourism is a big industry in the United Kingdom and we will try to assess the strengths and weakness of tourism in the United Kingdom. In this report we will also discuss the impact of tourism on the Georgian city of Bath and how it has developed from the ancient times to the present times. In this report we will also try to analyse the positive and negative impact of tourism on the social, economic and culture aspects.

unit 1 travel and tourism


P3 Understanding the effects of supply and demand on the travel and tourism sector

P 3.1 Explain factors affecting tourism demand in the travel and tourism industry in UK

There are many factors that have affected the tourism demand in the United Kingdom, they are as following:
Visa facilitations: The United Kingdom visa issues had greatly influenced the Britain’s competitiveness as a tourist destination because in the Europe one Visa is valid for 26 members of the Schengen area, but United Kingdom is a non-member therefore this increases the visa complexity and due to this reason people prefer Europe over Britain. Also there is more documentation required for a Britain visa like evidence of marital status, immigration status of sponsor.    
APD: it is the Air Passenger Duty and the rise in its inflation has further affected tourism in Britain also though now the talks are there to remove it but still it has not been implemented as the increased APD means increased fares for the tourists.
Air access: The department of Transport report on Aviation says that there are no new runways built in the UK and this puts constrains on the Airport’s capacity and this results in less flight for the United Kingdom and this directly influences the domestic and international tourists and this causes more problems for the United Kingdom tourism department.
Marketing impacts: United Kingdom has not had a very influential marketing strategy and they have not reached worldwide as it has not got so much promotion internationally and in the recent times it has only got bad publicity as an expensive country with strict rules (TOURISM ECONOMICS, 2012).

P 3.2 Explain how supply has changed to meet the effects of demand in the travel and tourism industry in UK

There has been a significant change in the needs of the consumers and many factors have affected those changes. There are more products in the market, more destinations on offer, and technological advancement. There has been more advancement in the transport and communications. The supply in the United Kingdom industry has changed to meet the demand in the travel and tourism industry as above we have discussed the factors that affected the tourism demand now we will discuss how this demand has influenced United Kingdom:
Inflation: the increase in inflation has led to low cost airlines that provide a budget options to the domestic and international tourists. Also United Kingdom wants to break its image of an expensive tourist destination and for this it is promoting the less explored tourist spots that are cheaper than the regular tourist destinations.
The increase in the demand of transport has led to the supply of cheaper transport option in the forms of buses, trains and cars. Also the traditional sea travel is being given a revival.
The tour operators: have also become more advanced and quick and also United Kingdom has tried to have more numbers of authorised tour operators to deal with increased tourism requirements.
Attractions: the different attraction places are being developed to meet the demand of the tourist. There are many different types of attractions and they are as following:
Natural attractions: this includes natural beaches, lakes, mountains, and tourist destination like the Bath city of natural hot springs.
Man-made Attractions: Manmade attractions which have had historic value like the museums, palaces, historic houses, art galleries, theme parks like the Thorpe park or the Victoria museum, national museum.
Events: to attract the more amount of tourist United Kingdom has events like the Edinburgh festival, Notting hill carnival, and these events happen throughout the year. Some events are free of charge and some are nominally charged. 
Accommodation: United Kingdom has developed the accommodation capacity to deal with the demand of increased tourism and accommodation includes hotels, guest rooms, holiday parks, self-catering, youth hostels, and campuses. There are around 22,000 hotels, and guest houses and 16,000 bed and breakfasts. Hotels are generally in private ownerships with big brands as owners like Hilton, Radisson, Holiday Inn and Accor. Then Holiday parks are famous in France and Spain and are gaining momentum in the United Kingdom.

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P4 Understand the impacts of tourism

P 4.1 Evaluate the main positive and negative economic, environmental and social impact of tourism

There is a lot of positive and negative economic, environmental, and social impact of tourism and those impacts have been discussed below:
Social and cultural impacts of tourism:
Positive impacts:

  • The local community gets the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and lifestyles and this may result in better practises and improved lifestyle.
  • Tourism can lead to better facilities and infrastructure for the local people and this would lead to better education, health and safety, employment opportunities.
  • Tourism also leads to the conservation of local culture and heritage and it gives a new push to crafts and arts.
  • Tourism gives more social and cultural events options to the local people like exhibitions, events, fairs.
  • Tourism helps in increasing the youth exchange plans, village tourism.

Negative impacts:

  • The infrastructure may suffer due to an over increase in the number of people and the roads, railways may get overcrowded.
  • Local population may have to deal with tourists who may interfere in the local lifestyle and living.
  • Too much tourism may lead to crime as this may lead to theft and burglary as the locals would consider the tourists as rich people.
  • Tourism also creates language gap between the tourist and the locals and they may cause communication issues.

Economic impacts of tourism:
impacts: When an area is developed as a tourist place then it leads to the creation of more income for the country and for the local people, it also creates lots of new jobs. The new income can be used to increase the infrastructure even further and help the local in getting a better lifestyle.
Tourism also leads to the inflow of foreign currency which helps in the further strengthening of the economy.
Tourism also helps in the developments of banks, hotels, cultural places and more earning opportunities for the locals who get new customers every day.
Negative Impact: The negative impact of tourism may be that the employment opportunity created would be temporary or seasonal in nature which may lead the youth to unemployment for most part of the year.
Employees would not see this as a career and would only be interested in it as a part time work.
Tourism has made many local places to be over dependent on it and the present and future scenario may see a slowdown in the economy and this may cause the tourism to face a temporary or permanent decline according to the situation’s severity.
Also inflation is increasing at a high speed and this will negatively affect tourism as the goods and services would become expensive (ROWE, Ann et al., 2002).

P4.2 Explain strategies that can be used to minimise the negative impacts while maximising the positive impact

Some strategies can be used to minimise the negative impact of tourism and they are as following:
To deal with the negative impacts of tourism the national and local government need to work together in cooperation where the national government need to listen to the suggestions of the local government and implement them.
Sustainability needs to be adopted as a mandatory policy in every venture related to the tourism department.
The local people are required to be made aware about their heritage and they need to be made a part of the conservation and development of the heritage place.
A country need to make a policy where the tourism stays throughout the year at different parts of the country and also tourism should be promoted as a good career option.
The government should support the local arts and crafts and they should be promoted all over so that the local artisans can get a revival of life and culture.
The people are required to be less greedy and more practical and the tourism and tourists should be controlled at places where the area is fragile and where there is too much pollution due to tourism and tourists.
The government should promote the less known tourist destinations so that the pressure at a single tourist site is reduced.
The government of any country is required to use a balanced approach where there is development of the tourist area but there is no over use of the tourist area only then the negative impacts of tourism can be curbed and the positive impacts can be maintained.


In the present report we have discussed tourism and travel and what factors affects the tourism and travel industry of a country. We have also seen that the Travel and tourism is a big industry in the United Kingdom and we have tried to assess the strengths and weakness of tourism in the United Kingdom. In this report we have also discussed the impact of tourism on the Georgian city of Bath and how it has developed from the ancient times to the present times. In this report we have also tried to analyse the positive and negative impact of tourism on the social, economic and culture aspects.


BUTLER, Richard and Wantanee SUNTIKUL. 2010. Tourism & Political Change. good fellow publishers.
LEE, Younghee. 2003. Application and Evaluation of Spa Town Life Cycle Model. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society. 38(3), pp.413-425.
The travel and tourism industry. [online]. [Accessed 24
july 2014]. Available from WorldWideWeb:
ROWE, Ann, John D. SMITH, and Fiona
BOREIN. 2002. Travel and Tourism. Cambridge university press.
TOURISM ECONOMICS. 2012. International demand for British tourism: Alternative outlooks. [online]. [Accessed 24
july 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <http://www.visitbritain.org/Images/VisitBritain%20TE%20Scenarios%20v2_tcm29-35120.pdf>
UNESCO. 2014. CITY OF BATH. [online]. [Accessed 24
july 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/428>
VISIT BATH. 2014. History & Heritage. [online]. [Accessed 24
july 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <http://visitbath.co.uk/plan-your-visit/in-the-media/information-sheets/history-and-heritage>
VISIT WORTHING. 2014. Tourism Industry Structure. [online]. [Accessed 24
july 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <http://www.visitworthing.co.uk/tourism-industry/statistics-and-research/tourism-industry-structure>
july 2014]. Available from World Wide Web: <http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/sites/default/files/whs_endorsed_plan_feb_2011.pdf>

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