Unit 11 Research Project Assignment Sample Copy

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Unit 11 Research Project Assignment Sample Copy
Research Project Assignment Sample Copy
Unit 11 Research Project Assignment Sample Copy


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 11 Research Project

QFC Level

Level 5

Unit Code


Task 1 Research Proposal

Title/Topic: Investigation of the factors contributing towards the economic performance of a technological innovator country South Korea

Background: This research project is a detailed study of various aspects related to the research conducted by an entrepreneur who want to start a business with a new product or service which is beneficial for the organisation that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation (Banks, 2013). This research report will show the effectiveness in the investigation of different factors which contributes in the various aspects in economic effectiveness of the organisation and lead to positive results in the organisation.

Unit 11 research - HND Assignment help

Literature Review

In the present business environment there are required to have effective and innovative business environment that can make impact on the economic development in countries. There are various aspects which are required to be analysed while taking any decision related to the performance of the organisation that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of any country and its economic performance. South Korea is leading innovator company which is generating new innovations which are using by all the countries in the world and making positive impact on the overall economic positioning of the country.(Mohammad, et. Al 2012)

The country is attracting effective foreign direct investments in the country by promising effective results by the innovative environment in the country that make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation. South Korea is leading as innovative country which is influenced due to various factors that influence the economic position of the country. These factors includes effective planning and management, effectiveness and efficiency of resources which can be financial resources, human resources which can make impact on the effectiveness of conducting different activities within country to manage effective innovative atmosphere to support economy. Social, political and environmental aspects also make impact on the effectiveness of any country’s economic position influenced with innovative culture.

Aims of the research

There will be effective investigation of different factors like effective resources that can be financial and human resources and make impact on the economic performance of the innovator country South Korea and other factors that are important for the purpose of the effectiveness and development of the country (Bekkers, et. al 2012). Aim of the report is to identify and analyse these factors and their impacts in detail.

Objectives of the research

There are defined some objectives which are required to be achieved in the organisation to be achieved and influence the overall process of research. These objectives must follow the approach of SMART objective approach which make impact on the overall effectiveness of the research project. This research projects is conducting to achieving the organisational goals and objectives in the organisation. These objectives must be SMART which means they must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound which leads to effective results in the organisation (Bisognano, et. al 2012). In this research project following are the SMART objectives which are required to be achieved by this research projects.

  • To identify different factors contributing in the economic performance of the innovator country South Korea.
  • To investigate various aspects and impacts of these factors on the overall effectiveness of the achieving effective economic position in any country.
  • To evaluate the role of these factors in developing innovative environment in country like South Korea.

Research questions

Research is conducted to resolve some research questions which are required to besolving in the research project that can make impact on the overall research process (Denning, et. al 2012). Research questions of this research are defined as follows-

  1. Define the endogenous factors which contribute in the economic performance of the innovator country South Korea?
  2. Investigate various aspects that are involved and make impact on the innovative environment of any country?
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of these factors and their impact on the overall performance of any country and their significance on overall performance of South Korea?

Research Methodology

Every research project is required some methods and techniques to effective execution of activities of the research programme and make impact on the effectiveness of the results of the research (Feser, et. al 2011). There are defined various research methodology which are having different attributes and significance and suitability for different research programmes. There are qualitative and quantitative research methodologies which can be selected in any research in which there are selected various methods and techniques which are going to be selected for the collection of data and information and their effective analysisand evaluation to achieve effective results of the research programme.

  • Population / Sampling- In every research programme there are selected various aspects related to the selection of the sample from the population which make impact on the overall research programme and lead to effective and reliable results. This helps in collecting data and information from different the target population. There are various methods of sampling like simple random sampling, stratified sampling, average sampling etc. For the purpose of collection of primary data there is required to select sample from the population.
  • Research Design- Research design includes different activities and effective and efficient way and manner to complete them in the research project. There are designed effective methods and techniques for the research methods which make impact on overall effectiveness of research programme (Griffin, et. al 2012).
  • Data Collection- Data is the key aspects for conducting any research to achieve effective results which are defined in the aims and objectives. Generally there are two types of data which is primary data and secondary data.Primary data is raw data which is collected by the researcher by own which is collected by contacting the target population by taking their interviews and by questionnaire which helps in identifying perception and views of individuals in the organisation that can make impact on the overall research programme. Secondary data is the already researched data which is used in the research and help in analysing different things which can make impact on the effectiveness of the results of the research. It is collected by the secondary sources like websites, newspapers, research papers etc. (Griffin, et. al 2012).

Ethical considerations

There are required to effectively consider all the ethical considerations like managing the confidentiality of data and information collected from the respondents and all the activities must be beneficial for all the parties of the society.

Action plan

There are defined all the activities which have effective role in the research programme and scheduling them in accordance with the time involved in these activities.



Starting date

Time Slot

Completion Date



1 November 2016

5 days

5 November 2016



6 November 2016

8 days

13 November 2016


Data Collection

14 November 2016

10 days

23 November 2016


Data Analysis

24 November 2016

3 days

26 November 2016



27 November 2016

1 day

27 November 2016

Gantt chart-

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Task 2 Research Report

Title/Topic: Investigation of the factors contributing towards the economic performance of a technological innovator country South Korea

Elaborate on Literature review and be critical

South Korea is leading innovator country which is making its efforts and generating new and advanced technologies to the world. There are various factors which are helping the country to achieve this position and making the country financially and economically effective (Luskin, et. al 2011). Some of the examples are effective and efficient resources and human resource in the company that make impact on overall effectiveness of execution of every activity and development of new technology and new products for the organisation.

(Sauwaluck, 2012)

In the present business environment there are required to have effective and innovative business environment that can make impact on the economic development in countries. There are various aspects which are required to be analysed while taking any decision related to the performance of the organisation that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of any country and its economic performance. South Korea is leading innovator company which is generating new innovations which are using by all the countries in the world and making positive impact on the overall economic positioning of the country. There are various aspects which are contributing in the overall performance and effectiveness of the country as innovating company that make impact on the overall economic position of the country. (Mohammad, et. Al 2012)

The country is attracting effective foreign direct investments in the country by promising effective results by the innovative environment in the country that make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation. South Korea is leading as innovative country which is influenced due to various factors that influence the economic position of the country. These factors includes effective planning and management, effectiveness and efficiency of resources which can be financial resources, human resources which can make impact on the effectiveness of conducting different activities within country to manage effective innovative atmosphere to support economy. Social, political and environmental aspects also make impact on the effectiveness of any country’s economic position influenced with innovative culture. Following are the endogenous factors contributing in the economic performance of any innovator country. (Sirojiddin, 2010)

Human capital- It is required to have effective resources in countries to effectively execute and develop creative and innovative environment in the country which can make impact on economic positioning by growing and making effective positioning in the world.

Efficient resources- There is required to have effective and efficient resources for effectively conducting creative and innovative researches and development programmes. Success of these researches makes impact on economic positioning of the country.

Government policies and regulations- There is also impact of the government policies and regulations in developing creative and innovative environment in country and develop country in effective manner. South Korea is leading innovator company because of the support of country’s government.

Technological environment- In the process to innovate and creative development in the organisation that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the country that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of economic development (Meyer, et. al 2013).

Elaborate on Aims of the research

Every research is conducted for specified results or purpose which is required to be fulfilled in the overall research process. Aim of this research is to identify and investigate various factors that influences and contributes in the economic performance of any innovative country like South Korea. There will be effective investigation of different factors like effective resources that can be financial and human resources and make impact on the economic performance of the innovator country South Korea and other factors that are important for the purpose of the effectiveness and development of the country (Rowley, 2011). Aim of the report is to identify and analyse these factors and their impacts in detail.

Research questions

Research is conducted to resolve some research questions which are required to be solving in the research project that can make impact on the overall research process. Research questions of this research are defined as follows-

  1. Define the endogenous factors which contribute in the economic performance of the innovator country South Korea?
  2. Investigate various aspects that are involved and make impact on the innovative environment of any country?
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of these factors and their impact on the overall performance of any country and their significance on overall performance of South Korea?

Data collection and sample

Data is the key aspects for conducting any research to achieve effective results which are defined in the aims and objectives. Data and information is essential and can be collected from different sources to achieve effective results. In every research programme there are selected different methods and sources for collection of data and information. Generally there are two types of data which is primary data and secondary data.

Primary data is raw data which is collected by the researcher by own which is collected by contacting the target population by taking their interviews and by questionnaire which helps in identifying perception and views of individuals in the organisation that can make impact on the overall research programme (Stahel, 2010).

Secondary data is the already researched data which is used in the research and help in analysing different things which can make impact on the effectiveness of the results of the research. It is collected by the secondary sources like websites, newspapers, research papers etc.


  • Innovation and creativity is the requirement of the current business environment which leads to growth.

 Strongly agreed
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Strongly disagree

  • South Korea is leading country for its innovative and creative development.

 Strongly agreed
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Strongly disagree

  • The Country is less developed but is growing due to its innovative culture and environment.

 Strongly agreed
 Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

  • Economic development and position is supported by the results of innovation in the country.

Strongly agreed
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

  • There are defined various endogenous factors making impact on the economic positioning of innovative country South Korea.

Strongly agreed
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

  • It is required to have and develop innovative culture in business environment of country by developing effective policies and regulations in the country.

Strongly agreed
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

  • Effectiveness of the results of the researches and innovation make impact on the overall economic condition of the country.

Strongly agreed
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

  • Innovation of new products and technology attracts foreign investments in the country and make more attracting in world market.

Strongly agreed
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

  • The flow of money also increases with the increase of the demand of new products of innovator country which make impact on the economic effectiveness of the country.

Strongly agreed
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

  • The less developed country like South Korea can be developed with the results of its innovative development making impact on its financial positioning.

Strongly agreed
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree


This research project will show various aspects that make impact on the economic effectiveness of a country influenced with the technological advancement and innovative environment in the country.  Different aspects and factors have been discussed in the research project which is making impact on the overall financial and economic positioning of the country who is involved in the development and innovative environment (Vitartas, et. al 2013). This report is concluding as the factors like technology development requirement, market conditions, demand of the market and availability of resources and their effective utilisation, government regulations and political support and other demographic factors make impact on the innovative culture of the country.


The research report is showing the effectiveness of these factors in economic development of the country but there are various recommendations which are making impact on the overall effectiveness of the development of the less developed country South Korea. Following are some recommendations which should be followed.

  • There should be increase in the effective support of the government of the country to enhance this innovative and creative culture in country.
  • There must be provided effective support to innovation in the country and for that there can be taken support of the financial sources outside the country (Vitartas, et. al 2013).
  • There must be provided effective trainings and development programs to human capital of the country which can help in achieving the set objectives in the country.


Banks, K. 2013, The Rise of the Reluctant Innovator, 1st edn, London Publishing Partnership, GB.
Bekkers, R.R. & Martinelli, A.A. 2012, "Knowledge positions in high-tech markets : trajectories, standards, strategies and true innovators", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 79, no. 7, pp. 1192.
Bisognano, M. & Kenney, C. 2012, Pursuing the Triple Aim: Seven Innovators Show the Way to Better Care, Better Health, and Lower Costs, 1. Aufl.;1; edn, Jossey-Bass, Hoboken.
Denning, P.J. & Books24x7, I. 2012;2010;, The Innovator's Way: Essential Practices for Successful Innovation, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Feser, C., Books24x7, I. & Soundview Executive Book Summaries 2011;2012;, Serial Innovators : Firms That Change the World, 1st edn, Wiley, Hoboken.
Griffin, A., Price, R.L., Vojak, B.A., eBook Library (EBL) & Ebooks Corporation 2012, Serial innovators: how individuals create and deliver breakthrough innovations in mature firms,Stanford Business Books, an imprint of Stanford University Press, Stanford, California.
King, B. 2014, Breaking Banks: The Innovators, Rogues, and Strategists Rebooting Banking, 1st edn, John Wiley & Sons Inc, SG.
Luskin, D., Greta, A. & Books24x7, I. 2011, I Am John Galt : Today's Heroic Innovators Building the World and the Villainous Parasites Destroying It, 1st edn, Wiley, Hoboken.
Meyer, M.M. & Books24x7, I. 2013, The Innovator's Path : How Individuals, Teams, and Organizations Can Make Innovation Business-as-Usual, 1st edn, Wiley, Hoboken.
Rowley, J.E. 2011;2010;, Being an information innovator, 1st edn, Facet, London.
Stahel, W.R. 2010, The performance economy, 2nd edn, Palgrave Macmillan, New York;Basingstoke, England;.
Vitartas, P., Kinnear, S. & Charters, K. 2013, "Supporting Innovation in Regional Australia - Perceptions from Regional and Urban Innovators", Journal of Economic and Social Policy,vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 0_1