Unit 11 Travel and Tourism Management Assignment

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Unit 11 Travel and Tourism Management Assignment
Unit 11 Travel and Tourism Management Assignment
Unit 11 Travel and Tourism Management Assignment


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 11 Travel and Tourism Management

QFC Level

Level 5


The term management indicates reaching objectives of an organization through working with and through people and several other resources of the organization. The main purpose of unit 11 travel and tourism management assignment is to create a self-analysis process, personal reflection and fair appraisal of one’s strengths and weaknesses. This is what will help in evaluation of leadership value and management training.

Unit 11 Travel and Tourism Management Assignment

Task 1


Every organization has managers who are known for managing processes within an organization, whether corporations or hospitality sector. The roles performed by the managers in handling different situations reflect the style of management. Being an ex-employee of Hilton Hotels and present employee of Hotel Marriott, the management styles in each case can be easily assessed. In Hilton Hotels the managers follow a strict regime and the employees are required to follow the same. However, none of the managers force subordinates on any perspect. In case of Hotel Marriott it is experienced that the management is very calm and the subordinates are given a friendly environment to work. The subordinates are given chance to place their views and each of them have right of expression.

There are different management styles such as Autocratic, Consultative, Persuasive, Democratic, Chaotic, Laissez-faire and Management by Walking Around (MBWA). On the basis of these styles the management style of Hilton Hotels can be placed under the category of Autocratic and Consultative Styles of Management. Under Autocratic style the management makes decisions them and the subordinates are expected to perform accordingly. But the Autocratic style is of permissive type as the subordinates are never forced rather given latitudes in performing their work. Again it can it referred to that of Consultative style as the decision is undertaken by the managers on the basis of interest of the subordinates. In case of Hotel Marriott the management style can be referred to as Persuasive, Democratic and MBWA(Agenda 21 for the travel & tourism  industry, 1995). Being Persuasive the managers maintain control over the process of decision making, being Democratic enables the managers give chance to the employees to present their point of view and decision is finalized by considering majority confirmation and the reason for categorizing it under MBWA is that the managers here are active listeners and any decision arrived is done with full support and consent of the subordinates.


By the term leader it is understood that an individual who will be followed by a group of people because his way of handling situations is extraordinary and who directs the group towards certain goal. Every organization has a leader who leads a group or team. The basis for distinction here becomes the how leader successfully handles his position and faith of his assistants and what distinctive characteristics does one leader has which differentiates him with that of the other(Boniface and Cooper, 2001). The following are the leadership characteristics that have been experienced while working under the management of Hilton Hotels and Hotel Marriott:

Hilton Hotels

  • The management of the organization has a good sense of vision. The management is always formulating plans for making the business successful. They come up with new and creative ideas and offers from a service point of view for accomplishment of strategic planning.
  • Integrity forms an integral part of the management of the organization. They are always fair and honest while planning for service structures. As service providers the management is true and fair to their customers and commits to offer the best service; thereby maintaining inner values of the organization.
  • Keeping humble and polite is another trait that the management follows in this organization. They treat their customers with utter politeness and humbleness. Listening is the first attribute of a good leader.

Hotel Marriott

  • For the management in this organization, “People should always come first”. They consider that their service is all about the people. The management looks forward to create interpersonal relationships. The interpersonal relationship is not limited within guests and the staff but also among the staff members.
  • Inspiration is another attribute of a good leader. The senior managers carry out their tasks in such a way that inspires the subordinates. The management shares their vision with the subordinates and frame tools of reaching the same smoothly. This accelerates the confidence of the subordinates(Boniface and Cooper, 2001).
  • Innovative nature is one of the characteristics that every leader needs to pursue. The management of Marriott is more focussed on quality of their services rather than quantity. They are always trying putting efforts to bring improvement in all areas, starting from  human resources  to front-line beverage and food services.


Hilton follows more of a transformational leadership. The communication process is not very transparent and the subordinates cannot directly reach the senior managers. Each of the departments has their own point of contacts that will carry their message to the senior level.it follows more of autocratic and consultative styles of management.

Marriott creates an open communication procedure for its employees where there is no preference given on the basis hierarchy. The subordinates are free to meet and address their issues to the senior managers. The subordinates are given equal importance in the organization. Their point of views is also weighed. As Marriott follows a Persuasive, Democratic and MBWA style of management the subordinates are always given chance to express themselves and their point of view is also considered. If it is seen that their viewpoints will add value to the organization they are considered.


Every organization has a set of rules to be abided by its employees starting from the highest position to the lowest. The organizational culture varies from business to business. In hospitality industry although each one is directed towards a common goal still there are differences in their culture. The culture of Hilton hotels can never be similar to that of Marriott, due to difference in management style. Hilton hotel, although an independent entity, has to abide by the corporate standards of Hilton Corporate. The employees are expected to be in their professional uniforms for front-line staff (also known as Front desk). They are ones who are the first point of contact for the customers; hence they have to maintain a minimum standard of attire. The supervisors and the mangers need to look highly professionals with good ethical behaviour. The dressing and activities of the back office staffs is decided by the management. The staff members are always expected to behave cordially with the customers and take care of every issue they face. The organization has a rule of assessing the performance of every employee at regular intervals. The senior managers always make sure that their subordinates are properly guided on every matter and keep updated about every new decision.

The core values of Hotel Marriott are considered as the key to success for their employees. The belief of the organization is to place the people first, pursue excellence, and act with due diligence and embracing change is what makes up their organization culture. The culture of placing people first has placed the organization to a good position and earned recognition throughout the world. The subordinates are always given scope to grow and express their views and create a family like work environment. The organization seeks to offer best services to their customers and maintain fair pricing policies. The organization arranges for advanced training facilities for the junior staff to keep them updated with every new challenge(Reisinger, 2005). Apart from internal activities the organization seeks to help the society by eradicating poverty, illiteracy, development of workforce and wellbeing of children.

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Task 2


Being the General Manager of Dorchester Luxury Hotel , London I have huge responsibilities to be performed in order to ensure the set goals and objectives of the business is met and need to ensure  a clear vision of analyzing the environment and outcomes of the set procedures.

The following is a self assessment of my skills being the General Manager:

  • I believe that my management team are the key to my success, therefore whenever I face any problem I always seek for their assistance and try to resolve things accordingly(Reisinger, 2005);
  • While delegating work the first thing which comes to my mind is selecting the best ones who can accomplish the task efficiently within least possible time;
  • I try to maintain a regime of weekly meeting with my management staff through whom I get feedback about the others and suggestions relating to improvement of procedures which will enable the business attract more customers;
  • I try to make a  careful analysis before arriving to any decision instead of relying on instincts;
  • I believe that the employees must be given scope and chance to express and figure out the problems themselves and sort out the same at their own capability so that they can express themselves and realize how to work together;
  • Being the General Manager of a  hospitality sector  the main concern is well-being of the customers which I believe is done by maintaining discipline among the employees(Reisinger, 2005).
  • While in meeting I play the role of moderator or facilitator when required and this help in understanding their performance;
  • I try to motivate the employees by tailoring my approach and try to avoid creation of any conflict;
  • The goals of each team are assessedand applicability of the same in real time is calculated.This includes introduction of new ideas and future assessment of customers.       




I hold professional degree on Management of Human Resources;

I generally avoid trying for big offers as I don't feel confident with those;

I believe in team involvement in every matter;

My management team feels I take time in decision making;

Customers and employees are the main concern for me;

I have a habit of making several assessments before arriving to final decision;

I have good motivating  and influencing power which helps me build up a team of efficient workforce;

Cannot make decisions with only profit making motive.

I do not believe in hierarchical process for interacting with the employees;


Our finance team has recorded a 38% hike in customers this year compared to that of the last year. This has been possible because of my team effort(Sharpley, 2006);


We arrange several advertisement campaigns which involves participation of general public;


I have full support of my team and the board who has re-appointed me for the post.




The business has recorded a hike of 38% in terms of customer turnover and 35% in terms of profit;

Completion from leading hotel industries in UK;

I am formulating plans for opening branches in cities like Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool;

Limited resources compared to the big hotels hence time is taken for making investment related decisions;

Plans are being formulated for opening Institutes for Career Development Plans with an intention of boosting workforce;

Pressure from suppliers and creditors

Initiating a server which will help the customers directly come in contact with the hotel and where they can check the status of availability and book rooms online as per their convenience throughout the world.



This can be done with the help of SMART objectives and targets.

SMART objectives and targets:

  • Specific – I have to develop more professionally in order to reduce time of decision making so that turnover can be increased at a faster pace, say at the rate of 15% instead of 10%;
  • Measurable – Instead of investing 20% of time in meetings and 10% time in setting development plans I have to increase the time in setting development plans and visit sites personally to understand each and every requirement personally, thereby reducing dependency on management staff;
  • Achievable – Icrease presence on the floor so that I can see myself what is going around and how the front office staffs are interacting with the customers. This will enable to understand the actual performance of the staffs and make judgement on real time basis. Set a target of meeting 50% increases in the number of customers(Sharpley, 2006).
  • Realistic-  Have to increase self potential as well as the potential of the staff through training sessions in order to realize the new innovations and technologies used in hotel industry and make estimate of achieving the same.
  • Timely – Deliver service at the correct time so that time utility is created. Timely service will increase faith of the customers.

Task 3

The goal of Jamie Oliver is to increase their customer base by 50% by the end of 2016. This Christmas they are planning for increasing the revenue by almost double for which I have been appointed as the manager responsible for leading a team in their new chain in Covent Garden, London.


The following are the ways in which the team needs to be lead and motivated in achieving the goals at Jamie Oliver:

  • The first step is to articulate the vision which is directed towards increasing customer base and revenue to the team so that they understand the expectation and create opportunities for them;
  • Secondly, an interactive session is arranged which will require the team members to express their experience in the relevant field and their perceptions;
  • Thirdly, the team members are allotted their individual targets and responsibilities which they are required to fulfil for achieving desired goals;
  • Fourthly, arrange for training session in order to make the team aware of how they will perform their respective duties and ensure that the session is interactive;
  • Fifthly, the employees are acknowledged about the parameters of performance appraisal and their incentives(Sharpley, 2006);
  • Sixthly, the employees need to be observed closely how they are performing and give regular feedback as well as taking feedback from the employees;
  • Seventhly, the team members are given a perception that they are the driving force for the organization and their contribution matters and the success of the organization depends upon their hard work;
  • Eighthly, lead by example and personally interact with customers in order to create an example to the team members;
  • Ninthly, always be available for the members so that they can reach out whenever required and increase visibility;
  • Finally, the main purpose which is fulfilment of set target needs to be stressed upon and inspire them to work harder.


The aim of the business strategy is to increase its customer base along with doubling its revenue by end of 2016. This seems quite tough but achievable by the decision taken by the mangers which involves setting of a new restaurant chain and train and motivate a team for this purpose. Setting up of a new restaurant will definitely increase the number of customers and which on the other hand will boost the revenue. Training is definitely the best option for the team members as they will come to know how to handle situations. Improvement in quality of service is what can be possible only through proper training and motivating the team members.

Recommendations for improvement:

  • The management needs to make investment in a HAVC system which is more efficient, this will help in controlling unnecessary costs;
  • Differentiate the services from that of competitors by arranging for special offers such as exciting discounts over a certain limit, couple pass, arrange for events especially for children, etc.;
  • Satisfying the employees;
  • Creating a home like feeling for the customers where they can sit and relax;
  • Initiating incremental sources of revenue by gently and smartly persuading the customers to spend more. For example, discounts on bill if the amount crosses a certain limit;
  • Providing 24 hours services during the festive time;
  • Set the design of the restaurant in such a way that the customers get impressed;
  • Take the advantage of the point of sale opportunity by the front desk which may not seem pushy but is capable of selling certain things like, Christmas tree, cake, gifts, etc.
  • Remunerate the employees for overtime and based on their service counts as this will keep them motivated to serve more efficiently and will draw self targets;

Task 4


I am presently employed as senior marketing executive in a leading hotel based in UK. I lead my team in implementing campaigns, arranging for new launches and offers, contact the journalists, bloggers for raising brand profile. I started my career as a junior marketing executive two years hence. I find myself to be ambitious and expect to start my own hotel in the coming years. I got the promotion this year. However due to lack of resources and enough expertise and contactsit will take time for me to start a new hotel business. My career plan is therefore to gain more and more expertise and experience in this field and create a network of contacts in this particular industry in the coming years. For me the next step will be gaining experience as a marketing manager so that I gain more experience in handling clients or customers and get myself deeply involved with management of relationship with client and leading in pitches for the business(Tourism, globalization and development: responsible toursim planning, 2004). These skills will help me in setting up of restaurant business. Hence, this became a growing interest for me at present. Therefore, it is evident that career plans get adjusted on the basis of available opportunities and one’s own interest. The basis of career development planning are, identification of one’s objectives, assessing the skill set at present, identification of the options and creation of an action plan and follow the same.


Personal development is essential as this helps in improving awareness and identity, develops talents and strength, helps in identifying personal capabilities, self assessment and helps in realizing dreams and aspirations. The current performance is an assessment of what one is doing at present. Is the job preferable or not, what are the expectations of the assessors and are their expectations met(Tourism, globalization and development: responsible toursim planning, 2004). The future need to produce a development plan is to see whether the expected and set goals have been met or not, whether the skills have developed or not and what are the backlogs which need to be addressed and handled through training or guidance.

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The report creates an understanding about the practices and principles of Management theories and styles of Management. It creates a clear understanding about the key skills of managers and assessment of personal strength, weakness, opportunities and threats through  SWOT analysis  and SMART objectives and targets for development of one’s potential. The report highlights on the personal skills of a manager how they will lead a team and develop them for accomplishment of business objectives at the same time the need for career development.


Agenda 21 for the travel & tourism industry. (1995). London: World Travel & Tourism Council.
Boniface, B. and Cooper, C. (2001). Worldwide destinations. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Reisinger, Y. (2005). Travel Anxiety and Intentions to Travel Internationally: Implications of Travel Risk Perception. Journal of Travel Research, 43(3), pp.212-225.
Sharpley, R. (2006). Travel and tourism. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Tourism, globalization and development: responsible toursim planning. (2004). Choice Reviews Online, 41(05), pp.41-2927-41-2927.
Travel & tourism. (1993). Brussels, Belgium: World Travel & Tourism Council.
United Kingdom travel & tourism. (1996). London: World Travel & Tourism Council.