Unit 12 Physiological Principles for Health Social Care Assignment

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Unit 12 Physiological Principles for Health Social Care Assignment
Unit 12 Physiological Principles for Health Social Care Assignment
Unit 12 Physiological Principles for Health Social Care Assignment

Unit 12 Physiological Principles for Health Social Care Assignment - Assignment Help in UK


In this Unit 12 Physiological Principles for Health Social Care Assignment we will talk about the anatomical body parts and their features as well, that include digestive system, immune system and nervous system etc. And aging effects on these also needs to be described. Cellular metabolism and digestive system and respiratory system also need to be described.Functions of growth we will talk about. Other than this, how human body responds in daily routine life and cellular as well as tissues stricture we will discuss.Hypertension related aspects also talk about that how it affects the functions of the body.Other than this, diabetes type 2 we will also talk about with the functioning of body and structure as well.

Unit 12 Physiological Principles for Health Social Care Assignment - Assignment Help in UK

Task 2

(2.1) Explain normal body responds to his everyday physical activities. Choose any activity (Breathing, Eating, Excretion or other physical activities –movement, co-ordination etc. as appropriate for the activity chosen).

Human body responds to the changes, which includes most of the physiologic system but not the all. Movements of the human resources necessitate the activation as well as the control of the musckeltol system. The respiratory system as well as the cardio vascular gives the capability to sustain the movements of the human body(Engelen, et al., 2012). Over extended periods of time.When the body involve in physical activities like exercise for a certain period of time, human bodygo through peculiar adaptations, which is helpful in increasing the efficiency as well as the stamina of the human body.The body of the 25 year old boys who is the regular student of the college,breathing system of himadvocates for relaxation as well as the balancing of psycho physiological states to enhance the functioning of the organs.Breathing system of the human bodyis consisting of two phases that affects from the daily activities.First phase is the inspiration and second one is expiration.Muscles of the human body contract at the time of inspiration as well as expiration.Breathing of the human body is very essential part and functions of the breathing can be automatically.The behaviour as well as the control of the breathing system is situated in the cortex of the brain.Playing instruments like, flute and saxophoneare the examples of the control of the human body.The daily activities of the human body of the college student are affected by the voluntary and automatic or metabolic breathing.Automatic or metabolic breathing system needs not any kind of attention to maintain the breathing system.

(2.2) In relation to the above response, discuss how body responses are explained by cellular and tissue structure and physiology (in relation to Breathing: Gaseous Exchange OR Eating: absorption of nutrients OR Excretion: function of kidney etc.).

The boy who is the regular student of the college body responses of the cellular structure is consisting of organisms.Cells generates by the division of pre-existing cells. Cells can produce more cells which can be of two types (Hasegawa, et. al., 2015). First is;in-vitro which is outside organism and in-vivo which are inside organism and cells.The structure of the cells is more rigid and complex but organized.Cellularrespiration involves in breaking down of organic molecules so that ATP can be produce.An appropriate amount is required for the whole mechanism of respiration.Cellular system also produces the carbon dioxide in the human body.In that structure exchange must be there like carbon dioxide must go out from the cell and oxygen should come into the cell.Whereas the tissues are the made up of so many cells and are similar in structure.All tissues work as a team in the human body.There are mainly four types of tissues which are named as-epithelial tissues that provide cover to the deep body layers, connective tissues that combine other tissues and include bone, blood and lymph tissues etc., muscle tissue these are straight, smooth and cardiac muscle etc. and nervous tissues that involves.The main function of the tissues in the normal human body of the student are- transport the gases, transport the waste products from the human body like, water and urine etc.And also control the ph level otherwise the cells can be damaged.Toxins are removed from the blood by the blood tissues(Hasegawa, et. al., 2015).

(2.3) Explain how his body will coordinate its internal activities: Discuss homeostasis withfeedback loops designed to lower or raise relevant parameters (e.g.: regulation of body temperature OR heart rate OR blood sugar).

The internal environment of the body tissues are the in the fluid form. If cells needs to reactive and healthy the combination of the tissues must be constant. And that is only possible when the blood remain constant in the human body.The nervous system and the functions of that system are described below-

Nervous system is the essential part for the human body, which coordinate between voluntary and non- voluntary system(Sathananthan, 2011).Other than this the nervous system in the human body also transfer signals from one part to other.In human body generally two types of nervous systems are there. First, central nervous system (CNS) and second is peripheral nervous system (PNS). CNS is the consisting of spinal cord and brain whereas, the PNS is consisting of nerves. Reflex arc is the main action or active unit in the nervous system.Main parts of the nervous system in CNS are the brain, cerebrum which is important for the consciousness, creativity or innovation, thoughts and recognition etc.(Knowles, et. al., 2011).Lower part of the CNS is responsible for the muscular activity coordination and spinal cord in the CNS automatic reflexes the activities.On the other hand the PNS is consisting of spinal, Cranial nerves which transfer the sensory instruction to the motor impulses through the central nervous system (CNS)(Sathananthan, 2011).Another example can be digestive system.When the blood pumps from the heartultimately is passes to the other organs of the abdomen.In the digestive system only the intakes or food safety in the body is break down into the nutrient molecules, which are absorbed by the small intestine.After that the enzymes are produced by the digestive tract, which are helpful in digest.Liver in the human body is helpful in generating the bile, whichis helpful in digesting fat in human body.Bile is established in the gallbladder enter into the small intestine which is necessary for the digestion of nutrients in the body.Liver is also essential for monitoring the blood as well as it also breaks down the toxic stuff in the human body like alcohol and drugs etc. and produces the urea that generates from the nitrogenous metabolism.Liver also generates the plasma protein and store glucose after the intake.At the time of eating it releases glucose and maintain the blood glucose. Additionally, liver desolate the old blood cells. So by this we can say that it is very important for the human body.

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Task 3

(3.1) Explain how routine measures are recorded (ethical consideration: dignity, individual rights and privacy) and what are their uses in health and social care? (Decision making, monitoring the progress and in legal issues).

As in the given scenario the 65 year old man is suffering from hypertension(HT) that is also known as the high blood pressure generally does not show any kind of symptoms.High blood pressure can cause the heart attack, vision loss, failure of heart and kidney disease.Routine test include laboratory tests like- BMI, pulse, respiration rate, blood pressure, food intake and blood test(Ogedegbe, et. al., 2014).

Ethics are grounded on the socio culture and convictions of the society. In the health and social care the health insurance portability and accountability act (HIPPA) play a vital role. This act was basically implemented for the medical professionals and patients.It gives protection to medical professionals as well as to the patients(Tu, et. al., 2016).According to this act protection should be provided to the employees regarding their records and data.This act ensures the patients as well as employees that their personal data cannot be share with other person unless it is necessary or required for the certain purpose.Other than this act also suggests that sensitive information regarding the patients cannot be publicized. The internal data of the patient have to be highly confidential.Other than this in healthcare dignity related act can be implemented.To maintain the dignity of the patient human right act came into existence in 2000.European convention on human rights is consisting 16 fundamental rights which also ensure the dignity of the patient(Engelen, et al., 2012).

Measures of the patients which are related to health have numerous benefits to the medical professionals as well as to the patients.There we have so many practical barriers which have limited the use of patient’s health related measures within routine activities.Such barriers can be overcome by maintain the measuring the records time to time. In so many studies that are found that measures of the patients like old man given in the scenario can be valuable and overall assessment can be done of that old man effectively(Marcus, et. al., 2014). Other than this the physicians will be able to get the feedback and functional and routine problems can be detected through the measures.By this the staff of the healthcare will be able to take decisions accordingly and health supervision of the patient can be done easily. Legal issues in the healthcare are related to the specific needs of healthcare which is consisting of ethical responsibilities in the healthcare.By understanding the legal and ethical aspects at the healthcare the performance can be enhance.

(3.2) Assess how these (Temp., Pulse, BP, BMI, ECG etc.) routine measures provide the GP with information about the body functioning of this person.

Vital signs of the human body are the very fundamental functions.These vital signs are body temperature of the individual, pulse rate, blood pressure and BMI etc.These vital signs are helpful in detecting the medical problems. Body temperature varies according to gender, current activities of the individual and age.Normal body temperature of an individual can be 97.8-99 degrees.A lower body temperature can affect the plasma epinephrine and platelet density distribution of the individual. Internal temperature is called hypothyroidism; if it is imbalanced then it can cause deficiency in thyroidhormone(Ogedegbe, et. al., 2014).A pulse rate is the measurement of heart beat per minute.Normal pulse rate have to be 60-100 beats per minute and that may vary according to the activities like running, age etc. But an old individual’s pulse rate who is suffering from high blood pressure can affects the daily routine function(Kong, et. al., 2012). Other than this the respiration rate is the number of the respiration that one breathes in one minute.Respiration rate may vary for e.g. in fever it can increase or with other medical condition. In the given scenario the old man is suffering from HBP so that may have a vast impact on his reparation. He may suffer difficulty in taking breathe. Blood pressure i.e. when the heart beats blood pumps into the arteries that result in high blood pressureas the heart contracts(Marcus, et. al., 2014).If the blood pressure vary that may spoil the functioning of the kidney. In so many cases the high blood pressure can be reason behind the heartache. A swelling can call edema in the kidney. As the kidney function affects individual can suffer from the loss of appetite, weight loss, chest pain, insomnia and problem in urination and so on. So the kidney and the high blood pressure of the old person have to be diagnosed time to time by urine test and blood test. To overcome from the blood pressure dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) eating plan has to be followed(Ogedegbe, et. al., 2014).

(3.3) Examine how such information about the body functioning may inform care planning for this person (Hypertension and chest pain).

For the old man the care home can suggests to maintain the blood pressure in a certain range. Old man has to physical activities, which is helpful in lowering the blood pressure.Other than these,certain points have been described below which care planning has to keep in mind(Ogedegbe, et. al., 2014).

  • Cardiac output has to be decreased- Risk factors in cardiac output can be ventricular rigidity, vascular resistance can be increased etc. interventions can be monitoring the blood pressure and edema may indicate the heart attack and stroke. Other than this the central and peripheral pulses have to be checked time to time.Sometimes the pulses can be diminished in the legs and reflects effect invasoconstriction.Pulse rate have to keep in mind that it is working etc. (Kong, et. al., 2012)
  • Acute pain- Pain is the unpleasant sensory, which may occur because of potential tissues.Interventions for this can be that bed rest has to maintain by the patient, disruption have to be minimized. Blood pressure level can be maintained by acknowledgement of this.
  • Ineffective tissues perfusion- The purpose is that the circulation in the old man’s body is not impaired. Expected outcomes in this can be no head pain as well as faintness. Interventions can be hypotension have to measured time to time etc.
  • Knowledge deficit- This refers the lack of knowledge regarding the disease.Expected outcomes can be patients can share their acknowledgement at the early stage of disease.Interventions can be nature of the disease have to be described with the purpose of strategies.Major roles have to be described to maintain the weigh(Goodwin, et. al., 2013)t.Diet must contain low sodium and fatigue can be avoided in the activities etc.

Task 4

(4.1) Explain how her age may have affected her body structure and functioning. (Nervous and Respiratory system).

In type 2 diabetes, human body produces more insulin; even the body is not able to use it appropriately or properly.The reasons can be beta cells in the human body generate the insulin but not lower the blood sugar.And the other reason can be that is called “insulin resistance” in that body cells do not work accordingly. In the older age the type 2 diabetes oral medication and insulin doses are required so that blood sugar can be controlled. The symptoms can be increase in thrust and hunger, frequent needs of urination, problem of un-healing the wounds, fatigue and vision related problem etc. diabetes in the older people can reduce the life expectancy and risk of mortality increase.Diabetes for the old woman can be risk factor as compared to the man.Diabetes can affect the nervous system, which an individual cannot control. Nervous system controls so many factors in body functioning, like- blood pressure and heart rate, pulse rate etc.Automatic nerves control the blood vassals and heart rate, so that can increase the blood pressure of that old lady and may cause the dizziness. Other than this,automatic nerve system also affects the gastrointestinal (GI) system control(Sathananthan, 2011).Nerves’ contracts the stomach and moving of food that is called the diabetic gastro paresis. Old lady cab need feeding tubes which established in the small intestine.When the nerves damage because of diabetes, symptoms can be – vomiting and nausea, constipation and diarrheal, because of reaction in the abdomen etc. urine system may be affected at the old age.Vacating the bladder incomplete or slowly that may cause the urine infection in the body of that old lady.Other than this the single nerve can get affected also that may cause the paralysis of muscles and weakness of these muscles(Garvey, et al., 2014).Additionally, diabetes type 2 may decrease the lungs function. At the older age the lady can have problem related to the poor lung functions.


In the above Unit 12 Physiological Principles for Health Social Care Assignment we discussed the whole digestive system, nervous system and immune system with the aging affects. And cellular metabolism importance to maintain the life is also discussed with the various aspects. A normal body respond is also discussed with the certain examples. Other than this how internal body coordinate with other system is also described well.Hypertension related aspects their precautions also defined well and diabetes type 2 effects on the human body and prescriptions are also described with suitable examples.


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In this Unit 12 Physiological Principles for Health Social Care Assignment we will talk about the anatomical body parts and their features as well, that include digestive system, immune system and nervous system etc, Locus Assignment Help in UK postingunits solutions so scholars can explore assignment help and get review the quality of our work.