Unit 18 HRM for Service Industries Assignment – Hilton Hotel

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Unit 18 HRM for Service Industries Assignment – Hilton Hotel
HRM for Service Industries Assignment Hilton Hotel
Unit 18 HRM for Service Industries Assignment – Hilton Hotel


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 18 HRM for Service Industries Assignment

QFC Level

Level 5


This project is related to the concepts of human resource management in the service Industries. Human Resource Management is the process which includes the procedures of planning, recruitment, selection, training, motivation and termination of an employee in the organisation in the best possible way.  This project will include the learning of concepts like employment law and how it impacts the service industries and their business. It also includes the current state of employee relations in the service industries. These concepts will be discussed by considering Hotel Hilton in Stratford. The practical situations of the recruitment and selection processes will be discussed which administers the human resource functions of the hotel or any other service organisation. The importance of Training and development in these industries will be discussed to know how much contribution they make in the success of the business.

Human Resource Management is an important part in every business organisation which manages people and their satisfaction levels in the organisation. It also helps in integrating the efforts of human resources to maximize their performance and to achieve success for the firm.

Unit 18 HRM Assignment - HND Help

LO 1 Understand human resource management

Human Resource Management is the process of managing human resources in the organisation in a way which maximises the performance of an employee and satisfaction to achieve the goals and objectives of the business. There are many responsibilities of a human resource manager which are aimed at improving the overall performance of employees and the business. This task explains various functions of human resource management and the purpose of the same (Afonso, 2016).

P 1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford.

The main role and purpose of HRM includes Planning, staffing, motivating, training, developing and maintaining them in the organisation for the betterment of the hotel. These points will be discussed below for getting proper understanding on the same:

  • Planning and forecasting:  Planning refers to the estimating in advance the need of Human Resources in the organisation for the fulfilment of the duties properly. HR forecasting is one of the principle function of HRM  because it helps in establishing and fulfilling the business strategies and also helps in employing the correct no of employee which are required by the organisation. It fills up the gaps in between the required and needed human resources (Bratton & Gold, 2012).
  • Recruiting process, Contracts of employment: HRM is the function which recruits and selects the required no. of employees for the organisation and it also tries to select the best employees for the organisation which helps the business to be at a competitive position in the industry by providing excellent services. Hotel Hilton recruits the candidates from the Hospitality management colleges and universities and takes interviews and aptitude tests for testing them on the grounds which are required to be tested by the hotel HRM department.
  • Deployment and monitoring employees, Training and development: HRM functions and roles does not stop at selection of new employees for the organisation, but it also involves monitoring of employees, monitoring their work whether they are fulfilling their duties appropriately o not. The HR managers are also responsible for Training and development of the employees from time to time so that they become capable of learning new methods and meeting the challenges of the business (Kramar  &  Syed, 2012).
  • Budget monitoring, Relationships (employee relations, employees managers): Another important responsibility of Human Resource Management is to maintain the healthy relationships between the employees of Hotel Hilton and the management. They also build up and make policies for the maximisation of benefits of the employees. They are required to main healthy and safe environment for the employees. They try to maintain good communication between the employees and the management which brings prosperity to the business (Torrington, et al., 2009).

Storey in 1989 given two approaches that are Hard HRM and Soft HRM which are opposite from each other. The main focus of Hard HRM is on development and betterment of organisation while Soft HRM focuses on the maximization of interests of employees. Hard HRM aims at maximizing the utilization of resources while Soft HRM focuses on the feelings and emotions of the employees and motivates them to work for the satisfaction at work. Both the styles of HRM are not sufficient individually and the integration of both the Hard and Soft HRM is required for the better productivity and growth of the organisation (Torrington, et al., 2009).

P 1.2 Justify a human resources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford.

HRM planning refers to the process of determining the present and future requirements of human resources in the organisation so that the goal and objectives of the firm can be achieved successfully. In hotel Hilton, The HR manager is required to determine the vacant positions and to fill it immediately with the best matched talents in the industry so that the Hotel can provide best services to the customers and gain competitive advantage in the industry (Meijerink, et al., 2016).

HR supply forecasting can be referred to the process where the HR manager estimates the availability of Human resources in the industry and the demand of the same. Supply of HR is forecasted through internal and external sources. Internal sources can be the employees already working in the organisation and external sources can be campus placements, placement agencies, newspaper advertisements (Meijerink, et al., 2016).

HR planning for Hotel Hilton Stratford

Hotel Hilton does Human Resources Planning by following the following process:

Step 1: Identify the main positions in the hotel

The first step of the HR planning of Hotel Hilton Stratford is to recognize the significant positions which are to be filled up with capable candidates. After the identification of vacant positions, Hotel Hilton starts its recruitment and selection process (Sanders & Yang, 2016).

Step 2: Recognize the qualities and skills required

This is the second step in the planning process where the required capabilities in the employees are recognized. It is to be identified that what all qualities and skills are required in the candidates by the Hotel and what they are trying to find out in the employees for providing an edge to the services of the hotel (Ball, 2012).

Step 3: Recruit the capable employees who are suitable for the positions

The third step in the HR planning is to recruit maximum employees who are fulfilling the criteria’s for the vacant position.  The recruitment advertisement is given in the newspapers by Hotel Hilton and the others are recruited through the Hospitality management institutes. There are two sources of recruitment. Hotel Hilton can internally recruit the candidates by transferring the existing candidates from some other location to Stratford or promoting existing candidates. It can externally recruit the candidates through universities and newspaper advertisements (Gama, et al., 2012).

Step 4: Select the best suitable candidates by testing them on the basis of interviews and aptitude tests

After the recruitment process, here comes the final selection of candidates which is made after analysing and testing the candidates on different basis and finally the candidate is selected who has all the skills and qualities required by the organisation for different vacant positions. The best matching candidate will get the position.

Step 5: Evaluate and monitor the plan

This is the last phase where the plan of Human resource is been evaluated for checking the effectiveness of the plan. It is seen that whether the objectives of the organisation are been achieved or nota and on the basis of that, the effectiveness of the plan will be measured. The gaps will be identified and then to fill them, different measures will be taken (Gama, et al., 2012).


The forecasting of supply for human Resources helps in utilizing the resources in the best possible way and for meeting the requirements of the hotel

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LO2 Understand the effect of employee relations and employment law on service industries businesses


Employee relations management is the system in the organisation which provides support to the relationship between the employees and the management. It helps in enabling healthy relationships which fulfils the tasks and focuses on the solutions of any problems between the management and the employees.

P2.1 Assess the current state of employment relations for the Hotel industry.

Unionization can be referred to the process which helps in organizing the employees of the company and it also acts as a intermediary between the employees and the company’s management so that the problems can be resolved easily and the rights and safety of labour can be protected. In the hotel Industry, unionization governs the environment of workplace and helps in building the healthy and effective communication between the top and lower levels of management and workers. In Unionization, a leader is been selected by the votes taken from different members of the union. Its functions are collective bargaining for the workers of the hotel and negotiate for the better working conditions of labour to protect their rights. It empowers the workers at the hotel and also set up a complaint cell where the employees can share their problems and they can ask for the solution of the problems (Gilbert, et al., 2015).

Employment laws are the guidelines which determine the activities of the hotel and how the policies will be formed for Human resources in the organisation. The employee laws in UK states that the law protects the rights of the workers and the strong relationship within the workers and the management should be maintained. The employee law also states that there is a minimum wage decided for the human resources working in the hotel which should be paid to the workers and this will be governed by The National Minimum wage Act 1998, there will be fixed working hours beyond which no worker is allowed to work and it is covered under The Working Time Regulations 1998 and there are other laws like right to have flexible working hours, right to leaves, etc. Hotel Hilton has to consider these laws while making the policies for employment in the hotel (Brewster, et al., 2016).

P2.2 Discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources for the Hilton Hotel as selected service industry business.

Employment laws have its impact on the management of human resources for Hotel Hilton as it helps the hotel to achieve its aims and objectives in the disciplined manner and these laws also makes a basis for making decisions in the hotel. In the hotel Hilton, the laws helps in taking up the activities of routine life and in determining the terms and conditions of the employment. It also increases the liabilities of the hotel towards the employees. Some laws which are considered by Hotel Hilton in determining the terms and conditions are:

  • Health and Safety at work act 1974:  This act requires the hoteliers to take care of the substances which might cause injuries to the staff and protective instruments and clothing should be provided to the staff for maintaining safety and precautions from the hazardous situations. Signals of safety should be placed so that the employees can be informed about the same (Brewster, et al., 2013).
  • Licensing Act 1964: The hotel provides alcoholic beverages which needs it to hold on a license to sell the same. It provides rights to the hotels to serve alcohol to their guests and there should be a separate bar for serving the same.
  • Data protection Act 1998:  This act states that the hotels are not allowed to disclose any information about the guests residing or have been a customer of the hotel. The data should be secured and should be destroyed after a specific period of time.
  • Equality Act 2010: This act states that the hotel cannot discriminate between the service providers on the grounds of disability, gender, race, religion, sex or age.
  • Employer’s liability Insurance Act 1969: This act states that Hotel Hilton is required to provide insurance to cover the liability of the employees for any harm by the employee at the workplace (Brewster, et al., 2013).

There are some other laws as well which helps in determining the rights of the employees and also guides the employer as well as employee to work in the hotel. These laws includes Right to Equal pay, Right to Safe Working Environment,  the Workplace Regulations Act 1992,  The Working Time Regulation, 1998, etc.


4.1. You are required to assess the contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation of Hilton Hotel Stratford.

Training and development are the activities which plays a major role in the growth and success of the employee and of the organisation as well. It improves productivity, helps in personal development of an employee, work safety, etc. At Hotel Hilton, the staff is directed by the seniors so that the work gets complete with effectiveness and quality. It enhances the productivity and quality of employees as well (Brody, 2009).  Training at Hotel Hilton can be given by the following methods:

On the job Training

Off the job training

On the job training is provided right at the workplace and during the actual job timings and place. This type of training is carried out by the employees who are experienced and is inexpensive.

For e.g. role plays, lectures, case studies, conferences, etc. (Brody, 2009).  

This type of training is given outside the location of the work and there is no active participation like on the job training. This type of training is carried out by professionals and experts and is expensive. It also consumes time which affects the actual work of the employees and the organizations.

For e.g. Job rotation, job instruction, learning by doing, etc.


Hilton image 2 - HND Assignment


The programs for training and development of employees are nowadays in trend as they provide excellent results, increases productivity and minimize the costs of the companies. Training and development are used together but these are two different concepts which are to be understood. The basic difference between the two is that training is given to make the employee more effective for the company and to make the employee fulfill the short term needs of the company. Hotel Hilton provides training to the employees to make them understand their roles and responsibilities so that they can perform their duties comfortably and efficiently. Whereas Development of employees improves the overall personality of the employees which fulfill the long term needs of the company and also develops the employee which helps in the future career development of the employee (Bratton & Gold, 2012).

Hotel Hilton in Stratford is a new set up and the employees in the hotel who are hired needs training so that they can be groomed and their development can take place. Training is important contributor in the success and growth of the organisation and it also develops employees which makes them capable of performing even in the tough situations at work. The importance of training to the organisation and to the employees in Hotel Hilton Stratford is given below:

  • It develops the productivity of employees: Employees in Hotel Hilton are hired to perform and fulfill their duties. Training makes them capable of fulfilling their long term goals and gain competitive advantage among the millions of candidates available in the industry. It also creates future development and career opportunities to the employees.
  • Culture of the organisation: training and development programs promote positive work culture which establishes a learning culture which helps in fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the company as positive work culture motivates employees to work effectively for the company (Bratton & Gold, 2012).
  • Improves the quality of products and services: proper training of employees improves the quality of the work of the employees which ultimately satisfies the customers of the hotel and improves the image of the organisation in the eyes of public.
  • Increased profitability: Training and development of employees enhances the quality of business which increases the volume of business and thus, the profitability of the business of hotel increases.
  • Provides motivation: training provides motivation to the employees to work more efficiently and also develops them to fulfill the roles and responsibilities which are given to them by the organisation (Afonso, 2016).

Training and development, as already discussed is important for the organizational and for the employees as well. Training is needed to tackle the hardships of the organisation because it develops employees to face critical situations. It is needed to improve the performance of the employees and showcase their strengths and skills and also make them learn to grab the opportunities available to them. It is required by the entrepreneurs so that the profitability of the organisation can increase, the business can have a competitive edge in the market and to build up customer loyalty by creating a positive business image in the public.

It is required by the employees so that their overall development can take place and the gaps can be covered which are created due to any reason in their performance. It is clear from the above discussion on training and development that it plays a very important role in the overall development of the organisation and of the employees which helps in taking the business of Hotel Hilton to the new heights and new candidates hired can get familiarized with the organizational needs and objectives which are to be fulfilled by the employees (Afonso, 2016).


It can be concluded that HRM in service industries plays a very important role right from the planning of Human resources to the recruitment, training and termination of the employees. It is clear that Hotel Hilton which is opening a new hotel in Stratford needs to focus more on its human Resource management activities which helps in the development of its employees and the business as well. Different employment laws are discussed in the report which builds up positive relationships between the management and the employees of the hotel.

It is clear that Training and development activities provide an edge to the employees in this competitive industry of hospitality.


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Gama, N.d., McKenna, S. & Peticca-Harris, A. 2012, "Ethics and HRM: Theoretical and Conceptual Analysis: An Alternative Approach to Ethical HRM Through the Discourse and Lived Experiences of HR Professionals", Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 111, no. 1, pp. 97-145.