Unit 18 HRM in Service Industry Assignment Sample - Hilton Hotel

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Unit 18 HRM in Service Industry Assignment Sample - Hilton Hotel
Unit 18 HRM in Service Industry Assignment Sample - Hilton Hotel
Unit 18 HRM in Service Industry Assignment Sample - Hilton Hotel


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 18 HRM In Service Industry - Hilton Hotel

QFC Level

Level 5


The unit 18 HRM in service industry assignment sample - Hilton Hotel is prepared in relation with Human Resource Management in service industry in which Hilton Hotel Stratford is taken for reference. This report will avail the information related with the role and responsibilities of the human resource management and the benefits they avail to the employees working at the workplace. This will help in developing the understanding with various aspects that are required at the workplace and the requirements of the legal legislations in hotel industry. Information regarding legal rules and regulations is provided so as to protect their rights and ensuring the smooth functioning of the hotels in the market.

Unit 18 HRM In Service Industry Assignment Sample - Hilton Hotel

Task 1

P1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected services industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford

Human resource management  plays a very vital role in managing the work process of any organisation. With the help of human resource management an organisation could ensure that the employees working at the workplace could manage the work process in an effective manner. Taking the reference of Hilton Hotel Stratford understanding will be developed with the role and purpose of human resource management in service industry. According to Hilton Hotel Stratford human resource are the assets of the company (Aquinas, 2009). Every service sector should try to manage the human resource and should have an effective human resource management. 

Role of Human Resource Management

  • In a service industry Human resource management looks after the requirements of the human resource at the workplace. It keeps eye on the people required at the workplace of Hotel Clarks so that they could provide effective set of services to the customers coming to the workplace.
  • Human resource management provides training to the employees working at the workplace. It ensures that the people working at the workplace should have knowledge about what they are doing and how they should do the work.
  • Human resource management of Hilton Hotel Stratford keeps the employees motivated so that they could work effectively at the workplace (Martin, 2010).
  • Human resource management of the hotel indulge in the activity of talent management
  • Works towards to build effective relationship with the labour because without labour they cannot manage the day to day work of the hotel.
  • Human resource planning is done by the human resource management of Hilton Hotel Stratford
  • Recruitment and selection is another aspect that is being done by the human resource management of the hotel
  • HRM of Hilton Hotel Stratford keeps eye on the performance of the employees working at the workplace and provides rewards to according to their performance and the work done by them.
  • Personal administration is another aspect that is looked after by human resource management of Hotel Hilton Stratford.

These are some of the role and purpose of human resource management of  Hotel Hilton Stratford.  It is necessary that same aspects should be followed by the human resource management of Hotel Clarks so that they could manage the employees as well as manage the work process of the hotel. Following this will help the hotel to maintain its decorum and grow in the service industry. For a service industry it is necessary that employees should be managed in an effective manner so that they could provide quality services to the customers coming to enjoy the services at the hotel (Miles, et. al., 2010).

P1.2 Justify a human resource plan based on an analysis of supply and demand of a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford.

Human resource planning is one of the most important aspects attached with the organisation. It is necessary that the organisation should work on planning the human resource and forecast the requirement of the people so as to manage the work and provide effective set of services to the people coming to enjoy the services of the service industry. Planning the human resource helps in managing the waste and reducing the risk of uncertainties. Human resource planning involves forecasting with the effect of which they can manage the supply and demand of the human resource at the workplace.


Human resource management of Hilton Hotel Stratford do forecast as a part of human resource planning. With the help of human resource planning HRM of the hotel ensures that the hotel should invest in the quality and should bring the talent which could manage the work and could ensure to avail the services which are effective and are of quality.

Demand Forecasting - Determining the objectives of the hotel, human resource management of Hilton Hotel Stratford firstly forecast the objectives of the human requirements at the workplace. This helps in hiring the required number people at the workplace. Then human resource management of the hotel forecast the necessity of the human resource for each objective that is evaluated for the processing of the work. Then aggregate demand forecasting is done by the organisation so as to manage the human resource at the workplace.

Supply Forecasting

  • Supply forecasting of Hilton Hotel Stratford include choosing appropriate human resource programs
  • In which internal programs includes
  • Promotion, transfer, career planning, training, and turnover control.
  • External programs includes (Bing, 2009)
  • Recruiting, external selection and executive exchange
  • Then internal supply is forecasted and at the same time external supply is forecasted
  • Then aggregate supply is forecasted

Then it is being evaluated whether aggregate supply meat aggregate demand or not, if it comes with yes then final step for the feasibility analysis is done and of it comes with no then whole process of supply forecasting is repeated. It is necessary that Hotel Clarks should work this process only so that it could ensure that the demand and supply of the employees could be managed in an effective manner. HRM of the hotel should plan the process effectively so that it could manage the inflow and outflow of the employees and should manage the work process and provide the required services to the service users coming to Hotel Clarks. This type of planning is one of the most important aspects attached with the human resource management (Tayfur, 2013). This planning helps in reducing the excess cost of production and helps in maintaining the decorum of the workplace.

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Task 2

P2.1 Assess the current state of employment relation for the Hotel Industry.

Employee relation is one of the most important aspects attached with the hotel industry. It is necessary that human resource management of service industry should look upon building effective employee relation. Doing so helps the hotels to reduce staff turnover ratio with the effect of which they could manage to reduce the wastage of money and resources (Jarvis, et. al., 2012). According to Hotel Hilton it is necessary that the management of service industry should have positive relations with the staff members working over there because staffs are the links that directly interacts with the customers. Positive employee relation helps in spreading happiness at the workplace with the effect of which staff members’ avails quality services to the customers coming to enjoy the services of the workplace. There are various objectives that are set by human resource management of Hilton Hotel Stratford with state of employment relation:

  • It helps in maintaining the high levels of employment. Maintaining the high levels of employment will help the organisation to attract new talent towards the organisation with the effect of which hotels will be able to avail quality service to the target customers coming to enjoy the services
  • According to Hotel Hilton Stratford it helps in ensuring the price stability. Price could be stabilised with the help of employment relationship aspects.
  • It also helps in maintaining the balance of payment. Payments of the employees could be balanced and ensured that employees working at the workplace could get equal pay and manage the work according to the pay they are getting (Byrne, 2012).
  • Employee relation helps in reducing staff turnover ratio with the effect of which organisation could manage the extra expenses which it has to invest in the hiring of the new talents and providing training and developments to the target hired people at the workplace.
  • Building employee relation also helps in building positive image in the market. This type of activity helps in attracting customers towards the organisation and helps in providing them the services which are required or demanded by the customers coming to enjoy the services of the hotel.

It is a responsibility of human resource management to build effective set of relationship with the employees because it helps in creating the happy and healthy environment at the workplace. Building effective set of employment relation helps the employees to work with each other and working as a team. Team work is the aspect with the effect of which people could bring quality to the work (Chan, et. al., 2012). There are certain aspects attached with the new employment relationship values these aspects are:

  • Flexible deployment so that employees could work flexibly and effectively
  • It brings more focus to the customer that helps in availing more effective services to the customers coming to enjoy the services
  • It also helps in enhancing the performance of the employees
  • It is necessary that hotels should avail the project based works so that employees could manage the work effectively
  • Helps in developing the human spirit at the workplace
  • Provides the opportunity to learn and develop at the workplace (Ballester, 2013)
  • Open information should be there so that employees should have the information regarding what they are doing and what they should process out

P2.2 Discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources for the Hilton Hotel as selected service industry business.

There are various legal laws and regulations developed by the legislation so as to maintain the decorum of the business and to protect the rights of the employees working at the workplace. These laws and regulations have the direct impact on the management of human resource and have a direct impact on the processing of the same. It is necessary that the organisation should look after the employment law and individual  labour law for business  because these are the aspects that have a direct impact on the human resource management of any organisation. Human resource management of Hilton Hotel Stratford needs to ensure that the employees working at the workplace should have get equal pay. It is stated by the legislation that according to Equal Pay Act 1970, it is necessary that service industry should provide the pay according to the skills and abilities it have rather than paying them on the basis of the caste, religion, gender or culture (Aquinas, 2009). According to Sex Discrimination Act 1974, it is necessary that service industry should not discriminate in selecting the talent for the workplace. Any discrimination in selection of the employees will directly affect the human resource management of Hotel Clark.

Race Discrimination is another aspect that could affect the organisation as well as human resource management of the hotel. According to Race Discrimination Act 1976, organisation cannot discriminate in selecting the employees on the basis of colour, race and nationally. Working Time Regulation 1998, it is necessary that organisation should provide a set time for the workings of the employees. It is necessary that the employees should get extra pay for the extra working of required. A set time period to manage the work according to the law is 9 hours for every individual working at the workplace. Violation of these laws and regulations will directly affect the hotels as legislation will penalise the hotel for the breach which will affect the image of the hotel and so will affect the sale and the customers. It is necessary that policies of the hotels available in the service industry should be developed according to the legislation (Martin, 2010). Human resource management should ensure that these legal policies should be followed by each and every employees as well as management so that hotel could function in a smooth manner and could develop a positive image in the market. Human resource management of Hotel Hilton ensures that they should work according to the legislation and should follow all the laws and regulations that are made for the welfare of employees as well as for the welfare of the hotel

Task 3

P3.1 Discuss a job description and person specification for a hotel industry job.

Job Description and Job Specifications are the two aspects that are directly related with the process of human resource management. These are the aspects which are related with the recruitment and placements of the people at the workplace. There are several aspects that are availed by the service industries to the candidates willing to work in the hotel:

Job Description

  • Human resource management provides job titles to the candidates who prefer to work in the organisation.
  • They provide the location where the candidates have to work
  • They avail the job summary which includes the work that employees have to do, timings of the work, types of the works that they have to manage and the position that they will get at the workplace.
  • Duties and responsibilities are also being provided to the candidates so that they could understand the tasks that they have to perform at the workplace.
  • Information related with the machines tools and equipments is provided on which they have to work upon.
  • Materials and forms that are being used in the work process that the candidates have to do
  • Working conditions like the terms and conditions of the hotels related with the work that employees have to do at the workplace
  • Hazards related information is also availed. If in case job includes any kind of hazardous aspects then these aspects are also being explained to the candidates who are willing to work at the workplace.

Job Specification

It is another aspect that is attached with the roles and responsibilities of the human resource management with the hotels and the jobs availed to the employees willing to work at the workplace. Job specification avails the information regarding the requirements and the eligibility of the candidates that are required by the specified job. These aspects are:

  • Education criteria that is required for the job. Hilton Hotel Stratford requires the full time management course in hotel management
  • Working experience is also being availed to the candidates while recruiting the people towards the workplace or the vacant job in the hotel. Hilton Hotel Stratford requires minimum of 3 years of experience on the field of providing services to the customers coming to enjoy the services at hotel (Miles, et. al., 2010).
  • Training that will be provided to the employees after getting hired at the workplace. Hilton Hotel Stratford provides training of minimum 6 months to the newly hired candidates so that they could refine their skills at the workplace and could manage the work in an effective manner.
  • Physical efforts that will be required at the workplace, it is necessary to mention the physical efforts that are required at the workplace so that they could manage the work and could provide the required services to the targeted customers.
  • Physical key skills that are required at the workplace like communication skills and managing the work by coordinating with others working at the workplace
  • Responsibilities that are to be followed in providing services to the customers coming to the workplace
  • Emotional characteristics that an individual should have so as to perform the job in an effective manner and managing the work accordingly

These are some of the job descriptions and job specifications that are required by Hotel Hilton Stratford so as to manage the work process and to manage the customers coming to the workplace (Bal, et. al., 2015).

P3.2 Compare the selection process of different service industries businesses

Different organisations have different set of selection process. It is necessary to have an effective selection process because it is a very crucial task. Hotels hire the people so as to manage the work, it is necessary that right talent should get hired at the workplace who could manage the work in an effective manner. Comparison of the selection process of Hilton Hotel Stratford with Holiday Inn will help in developing better understanding with the selection process that a hotel should have so as to hire the people at the workplace:

Holiday Inn

Hilton Hotel Stratford

Holiday Inn advertises the vacancies with the help of newspapers and online recruitment sites.

Hotel Hilton Stratford advertise in the business magazines so as to recruit and select the people for the vacant job

Online forms are availed by the hotel so that eligible candidates could apply for the job

Application forms are availed with the business books only so that candidates could apply for the jobs (Bing, 2009)

Holiday Inn takes 8 rounds of interview of the candidates.

It gives the phone calls to the selected applications and takes the interview

Human Resource Management of Holiday Inn include psychometric test in the selection process.

It selects the candidates for the final face to face interview on the basis of phone call interview.

Final Interview is taken by the manager of the company (Tayfur, 2013)

Final interview is taken by the HR of the company

With the help of comparison it could be evaluated that the selection process that Holiday Inn have is very effective because it includes 8 rounds so as to get the assurance that the candidate that they are selecting have the skills to manage the work and the customers they are coming to enjoy the services of the hotel. It is necessary that Hilton Hotel Stratford should make the improvements in the selection process because judging the person on the basis of the telephonic interview is not a right procedure to evaluate the skills of a candidate. To ensure that right talent should get hired at the workplace it is necessary that organisation should make much effective interview process and should get assured that the right people could get selected towards the workplace. Having an effective recruitment and selection process always helps the organisation in attracting the effective talent to the workplace so that they could provide effective set of services to the target customers coming to enjoy the services of the hotel. Focusing upon the recruitment and selection process and making it more refine will help the organisation to manage the work process and will help in ensuring that the organisation could hire the experts and masters in the work at the workplace. It should be known by every organisation that they should hire right talent at the right place so that they could manage the work with the expertise and could avail the services in more refined and effective manner to the customers coming to enjoy the services (Jarvis, et. al., 2012).

Task 4

P4.1 Understand training and development in service industries businesses

Training and development is one of the most important aspects attached with the service industries business. It is necessary for every organisation to provide effective set of training to the employees who are newly getting hired to the workplace. It is also necessary that hotel industry should introduce the development programs at the workplace so that employees could refine their abilities and skills at the workplace and could bring quality to the work which they are working in the service industry:

There are various types of training that is being provided to the newly hired candidates at Hotel Hilton Stratford:

  • Induction or orientation training in which information related with the organisation is provided to the newly hired candidates. It avails the information related with the process and the functions of the hotel that are followed (Byrne, 2012).
  • Job training is the training in which training related with the tasks that are to be performed at the workplace are provided to the newly hired employees
  • Safety training is the training in which employees are provided the training regarding safety and security and the steps that are to be taken by the employees at the time of the hazardous situation
  • Promotional trainings are provided to the employees which includes the aspects that help the employees to refine their skills so as to clear the promotion at the organisation
  • Internship training is the training that is being provided to the interns who are to be hired at the workplace so as to manage the work process of the organisation

Difference Between Training and Development



Training is a short term process

Development is a long term process

It is provided to the non managerial peoples and is a very systematic aspect

It includes the management people and is processed in a very organised way

It is a learning process that helps the individual to learn how perform the present job

Individuals are prepared for the future job and helps in growing in all the aspects of life

It is a reactive process

Development is a proactive process

Providing training is the initiative that is being taken by the management so as to refine the skills of the newly hired employees at the workplace (Chan, et. al., 2012)

It is a result oriented process which focuses on helping the people to developing and refining their skills and provides internal motivation to them so that they could work more effectively.

Benefits of Effective Training

Training helps in refining the skills of the employees working in the hotel. Training helps the employees in managing the work process in more effective manner and bringing quality to the workplace.

  • Training makes the skills of the employees more effective and efficient
  • Training helps the employees to secure the promotion and helps in enhancing the future progress
  • Training helps in minimizing the mistakes at the workplace and bringing quality to the work
  • It helps in meeting the targets within the prescribed time
  • It helps in making the workplace more effective and helps in creating a healthy and happy working environment (Ballester, 2013)

Role and Need of Training

  • It helps in responding to the technological changes which could affect the job requirements
  • It helps in responding to restructuring the organisation
  • It is the process with the effect of which an organisation could adapt to the increased diversity of the workforce
  • Training avails the career development opportunities to the workplace
  • Employee needs gets fulfilled and growth opportunities are availed to them so as to grow in the market of service industry
  • It helps in establishing the standards for work practices
  • Skill levels of the employees remain maintained with the help of training process.

It is necessary that organisations should working upon to provide effective set of training to the employees working at the workplace and should try to fulfil all the needs that are required to be fulfilled at the workplace. Skills and abilities should be refined by the organisation so that they could manage the work and could bring quality to the workplace. People gaining effective set of training works more effectively then the people who did not get any type of training because training avails the information regarding all the tasks which are to be followed at the workplace and assurance could be provided that quality could be brought to the workplace (Aquinas, 2009).

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It could be concluded that service industry should have the human resource management which can help the employees working at the workplace and could help the management also. It is necessary that organisation should ensure that they should avail all the human resource management services to the employees and should ensure that employees could bring quality to the workplace. Service industry is the industry where work cannot be managed without skilled workers because it is the industry in which employees interact directly with the customers and do not provide any type of physical products to the customers. Hence in this case it becomes necessary that right person should get hired at the workplace.


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