Unit 19 Heritage and Cultural Tourism Merit Copy

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Unit 19 Heritage and Cultural Tourism Merit Copy
Unit 19 Heritage and Cultural Tourism Merit Copy
Unit 19 Heritage and Cultural Tourism Merit Copy

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In the current times, it can be seen that there are many different destinations in the world that have a lot to offer to the people who visit the places and the government of these places make it a point that they use the high points of these destinations to promote the business that they get from the travel and tourism industry. It can be studied from the trends and patterns of the market that the people are very much interested in exploring and experiencing the culture and heritage of the different parts of the world like London and Tibet. Through this Unit 19 Heritage and Cultural Tourism Merit Copy I have tried to understand the aspects of natural and cultural heritage preservation, the cultural travel and tourism in UK and the various organizations that are involved in this work.

Task 1

P 1 Understand the growth and development of the heritage and cultural industry within travel and tourism


It is very known fact that the travel and tourism industry in the present time is a very wide industry and there are many different sub industries that are included under this umbrella and one of them happens to the culture and heritage industry which is picking up attention in the times where there are means to make the people aware of the offerings of the world and give them a chance to witness them.

P 1.1 Analyse the growth and development of the UK heritage and cultural industry

In the current times, there is very high degree of competition that can be observed in the world today and there are many different reasons for the same like the development of technology which enables the destinations to connect with the people that are a lot of distance and for the people to be aware of the offerings of the different parts of the world. Then there is the process of globalization which helps the government of the different countries to be able to have a liberal exchange of people and resources with other countries of the world. All these facts have forced the leading destinations of the travel and tourism industry to have a unique factor that they can use for selling the tourism of their country and the same has been done by the destinations of the united kingdom as well and the factor that they have used happens to the culture and heritage of the country which is a known fact that the country is very rich in the very same. The government of the country along with the companies of the market makes it a point that they do not hamper the valuable assets of the country to entertain the people that travel to the country for the purpose of entertainment and vacation but at the same time they have always made it a point that the experiences that they offer to the people are the best in the class and for this purpose they keep modernizing the buildings and the monuments in the country but never changing their architectural design and structure. This has helped the companies of the travel and tourism industry along with the government of the country to get the desired that they want in this sector and at the same time promote the heritage and culture of United Kingdom. The culture and the heritage of the country gives a very good insight about the way the country has managed to come this far and attain the status of one of the most frequently visited country in the world. This is the reason that the culture and the heritage of the country has been preserved in every form or type so that the people who travel to the country can relate to it and experience it first hand by the different means that have been placed at all points in the country. (Bryant, 2010)

P 1.2 Discuss potential conflicts in the conservation of heritage and cultural resources using the case study of Lhasa, Tibet

Like it has been mentioned in the introduction of this assignment that there are many different parts of the world that still believe in the preservation of the culture and the heritage that the country carries and in order to succeed in the travel and tourism industry they make it a point that they use the same culture and heritage of the country to be able gain a high amount of business from the people that are interested in exploring a new side of the world which is different from their own. In the current times, it trend has taken up one of the high points in the working of the travel and tourism industry and destinations like the London city are using their culture an heritage to retain their position. Also tourist destinations like the Lhasa, Tibet are also using their culture and heritage to make a place for themselves in the world market and in the minds of the people and this is the reason that it can be seen that the destination has managed to gain a high degree of success in the travel and tourism industry. But at the same time, companies of the market also have to face a lot of issues in order to keep using the culture and heritage of the country to get the success that they desire in the travel and tourism industry. The first and the foremost issue that is faced by the companies of the travel and tourism is that the people of the country are not ready to compromise on the culture and heritage of the country while it is important for the industry to have some sort of improvisation for the culture and heritage to be able to attract the people different parts of the world. This creates a rift between the people of the country and the companies of the travel and tourism which affects the image of the destination of Lhasa, Tibet. Another issue that is being faced by the culture and heritage of Lhasa, Tibet is that it is not very developed destination and they do not much funds that they can use for the development and the improvement in the culture and heritage of the country. All these issues have to be resolved to make it happen for the destination of Lhasa, Tibet to be able to have a good business in the world.  (Kokemuller, 2007)


All the points that have been covered in all the parts of this task gave a huge discussion about the business that comes along for the travel and tourism industry of the country of United Kingdom and Lhasa, Tibet. It is important for these destinations to make sure that they do not hamper the culture and heritage of the destination since it is one of the selling points of the destinations in the other parts.

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Task 4

P4 Understand the role of methods of interpretation within the heritage and culture industry.

4.1 Evaluate methods and media used for interpretation within the heritage and cultural industry for tourists

In the city of London it can be noticed that there are many different sited in the city of London that make it possible for the destination to gather as many people as they can from the different parts of the world to experience the heritage and culture that they have to offer by the means of these sites. There are many different sites which have their own means that they use for the promotion of the offerings that they have and in this part of the assignment, there will be an analysis and a study of two main sites.

British Museum

British Museum is one of the places in the city of London that make it possible for the people to understand that there are many different aspects in the city of London that contribute to the heritage and culture of not just the city but also of the entire and this is the one place where the people from the different parts of the world can understand the history that the country has gone through and made it in the current times and also at the same time the relevance and the importance of the different sites and monuments that can be found in the different places in and around the city of London. Since the British Museum is not just a place to gather the information that the people desire but also a tourist destination, therefore the authorities and the management of the museum has made sure that there is a high degree of security in the place and also that the facts that are presented in the British Museum are valid and supported with the proved and evidences from the past. This is the point which makes the people enjoy what is being offered in the museum. Since it is a known fact that the people from different parts of the world visit the British Museum so it is necessary that the people of the museum understand what they are seeing there are translation machines at every specimen which have been collected from different parts of the world. Another thing that can noticed in the British Museum is that the place is not just for the adults who have an interest in the history and culture of United Kingdom but there is also a lot of stuff that is there for the children like art and literature from the ancients time which help them to understand their roots. To give additional information to the people who visit the British Museum there are volunteers and staff members at every corner who make it a point that the people who visit the British Museum have a good time and can experience all that the place has to offer. The architecture of the museum is very ancient which is very attractive but at the same time there are all the modern facilities in the premises that will be needed by the people and the management has a maintenance crew for the place. (Reymarie, 2013)

The Natural History Museum

Like t has been mentioned before that there are many different in and around the city of London that are there to promote the different types of cultures and heritage that can be observed in the different parts of the country and the management and the employees of these places make sure that they give out all the possible information that they carry about the theme that they promote or the specimen that they carry in their premises. Apart from the other places, one of the main one happens to be the Natural History Museum which talks about the environment and the natural habitat in the country of united kingdom and also in the different parts of the world and in the current times, it is a very important issue since the environment is going down and the people need to be aware of the roots of the natural place so that they can do their bit for the process of preservation. The Natural History Museum makes sure that they can do their bit in this process but bringing together special specimens from the different parts of the world so that they can give out all the possible information in one place and at the same time it can be seen that there are even extinct specimens present in the museum to make the people of what they have lost from the planet and what they can still preserve. since it is known fact that the people that travel to The Natural History Museum are not aware of all the specimens and for this purpose the management of the place have made sure that the history of the element along with the origin details and the role that it plays in the environment is stated in the manuals that is given out to the people. Along with this, the business management of The Natural History Museum conducts a movie night every week to play a movie about the environment and the specimens in the museum which give a good insight to the people and the children that visit The Natural History Museum have a good time during this screening. All these things have been done by the management of the Natural History Museum so that they can give the people a different side to the cultural and the heritage of the country and the world under one single roof. (Helmikuuta, 2012)


By the means of all the research and analysis that have been done for the different parts of this assignment are very important for the business that is come for the country of united kingdom and in the end of this assignment it can be seen that the country gets their business is mainly because of the culture and heritage that they offer to the people who visit the country and this is the reason that the companies of the market and the government of the country make sure that they preserve the culture and heritage in all possible forms.


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