Unit 2 Principles of Health Social Care Practice Assignment

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Unit 2 Principles of Health Social Care Practice Assignment
Principles of Health Social Care Practice Assignment
Unit 2 Principles of Health Social Care Practice Assignment


Diploma in HSC

Unit Number and Title

Unit 2 Principles of Health Social Care Practice

QFC Level

Level 5

Unit Code



ABC Care Home takes care of the requirements of helpless people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. However, the Care Home is facing a lot of problems and has failed to serve people in an adequate manner. ABC is facing complaints from the residents and families related to the care quality, staff errors, poor clinical-care standards and insufficient supervision that results into poor safety and effectiveness of care. The health care is also facing a lot of allegations and CQC has reported that ABC Care Home Ltd was not acquiescent with 10 of the necessary standards, which the law demands providers must comply with. Thus, as a new manager it is necessary to solve the various problems, which the ABC Care Home is facing and increase the level of health and social care.   

unit 2 principles of health and social care

1 Understand how principles of support are implemented in health and social care practice

1.1 Explain how principles of support are applied to ensure that service users are cared for in ABC care home.

The health care practice offer immense support to patients by offering them protection and ensuring that they remain safe in all facets of the care organisation and service. In the current era, the demand of health and social care practices has increased and it has become essential to serve customers considering the changing factors. Principles of support are the significant that will aid in guaranteeing that effective health and social care should be delivered to customers.
These principles are developed on the basis of a group of values that are acceptable in the society. The key principles of support, which must be applied to ABC Care Home to ensure that service users are cared for, are equality and assortment, dignity of humans and worth, sympathy, social justice, safety, privacy, honesty, convenience, and beneficence, and risk taking in a responsible manner that must not affect patients. Applying these principles of support in ABC Care Home will ensure care for individuals and people providing health care should be obliged to pursue all of these principles (Alcock, Daly & Griggs, 2008).

1.2 Outlines the procedures that are adopted in ABC care home for protecting clients and colleagues from harm.

The below mentioned procedures should be adopted in ABC care home for the protection of clients and colleagues from harm:

   unit 2 health and social care

Apart from the above mentioned procedure colleagues will be directed to ignore all abuses and infringement of confidentiality as this can cause harm to both patients and colleagues (Alcock, Daly & Griggs, 2008).

1.3 Analyse the benefit of following a person-centred approach with the service users of ABC care home.

The person-centred approach directs all the recent health and social care practice in the UK (Edwards, 2012). The person centred model of care is based on the therapeutic efforts of Carl Rogers, which focussed on defending the personal rights of customers, and taking decisions in a way that complies with their distinctive requirements in the best possible manner (Moon, 2008). Although, the person centred approach is utilised frequently in other health and social care organisations, but many of them discover themselves truly depending on the financial and political thoughts while planning for care (Moon, 2008). The advantages of this person-centred approach are wide and ranges from enlarged customers satisfaction, the capability to arrive at the people from a varied range of ethnic, religious and financial backgrounds and more successful case outcomes (Edwards, 2012).
It is noteworthy, that implementing a person-centred approach with the service users of ABC Care Home, will allow it to place preferences, requirements and needs at the top and serving them in a suitable manner. The service providers will be able to serve customers with dignity and taking care of the privacy of service users. Moreover, executing person-centred approach with the service users of ABC Care Home is necessary because it becomes remarkably significant in situations of multicultural society, where people have diverse ethnic, social, cultural, and religious backgrounds (McCormack & McCance, 2010, 4).

1.4 Explain any ethical dilemmas and conflict that may have arisen when providing care, support and protection to the elderly clients in ABC care home.

Health care service providers have to face several ethical dilemmas and conflict that arise when offering care, service and protection to health and social service users. Although, the key task of health care professionals is to take care of customers problems at biological level of functioning only, but then also sometimes it becomes impracticable to ignore the ethical challenges. For example, in the case of Mrs Y who is suffering from Alzheimer, the service provider is under an ethical dilemma and has to make a decision whether transit straps are used to prevent Mrs Y from falling or not as Mrs Y does not like them. This is challenging because on one hand the key principle of health care stated that people should be treated in the best possible manner, while on other hand, the choice and dignity of individuals should also be respected due to which there is an ethical dilemma. There is a need in the case of Mrs Y to choose between two alternatives that do not comply with her needs, while working with this vulnerable member of the population (Edwards, 2012).
In this regard, the ethical guidelines and policies provided by the NHS for all health care practitioners can be considered and pursued (McLean, 2010). In addition, these guidelines are also subject to continuous improvement to acclimatize to altering population requirements.

2 Understand the impact of policy, legislation, regulation, codes of practice and standards on organisation policy and practice

2.1 Explain the implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to own work in ABC Care Home.

The NHS constantly assesses its policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice to make sure that they are appropriate and specific to the changing ethnic, financial and cultural backgrounds of the population (Tingle & Bark, 2011). Currently, the Health and Social Care Act 2012 acts as the most widespread legislation directing the health care field within the UK (Department of Health, 2012).
This act provides policies for health and social care managers, professional responsibility and the administration of the field, and thus, this is relevant for own work in ABC Care Home. It is because this act has particular policy standards and delivers a superior voice for clients, provides a better patient-centred approach of care and regulations on reforming health and safety services to avert inefficiency in services. Thus, it will be highly relevant because following it will result in higher accessibility of care and enhanced health and social care competence (Department of Health, 2012).
Apart from this, other relevant policies are, Rights to Action, Quality Protects, Every Child Matters, Valuing People, The Care Standards Act, 2000. The NHS codes of practice that are relevant for own work are confidentially concerning the patient’s consent to utilise their health records, information security management, and a range of compound legal  professional obligation that restrict or set conditions in regard to the management, utilization and revelation of information.               

2.2 Explain how policies and procedures can be developed in ABC care home in accordance with national policy requirements.

Although the UK legislation directs the health and social care organisations all through the region, but then also policies and procedures may differ relying on the needs of the population. For instance, regions with superior or lower socioeconomic statuses may get used to local health and social care rule accordingly (Tingle & Bark, 2011). Policies and procedures will be generated in ABC care home in line with national policy requirements so that best care can be delivered on the basis of an individual’s personal conditions.
ABC will work together with health and social care organisations to comply with people’s needs. In addition, people will be allowed to choose the services that are suitable for them so that they can have a control on their own financial plan. In addition, policies and procedures will be generated in ABC to eradicate barriers to incorporated care. Besides this, people’s care will be coordinated as they may have complicated needs.
In this regard, a care plan will be generated in the Care Home for supporting patient’s needs and offering superior information on individual’s health and care requirements. In this context, the staff will be allowed to share information related to an individual’s assessments, treatment and service. Additionally, working documents will be generated in consultation with stakeholders and will be customised to comply with particular requirements of Care Home.

2.3 Evaluate the impact of policy, legislation, regulation, and codes of practice on policies and practices of ABC care home. 

Policy, legislation, regulation, and codes of practice will have a considerable impact on policies and practices of ABC Care Home. This is because of the fact that this impact will bring a reform in ABC Care Home, and subsequently, it will protect both customers and service providers. At the same time, it will deliver practical direction related to best practices for precise health and social care requirements (Department of Health, 2012). The objective of including policy, legislation, regulation and codes of practice is to make sure that standards in ABC Care Home are up to date, pertinent, clear to clients and employees and make sure that safe and ethical care should be provided to all the individuals (Tingle & Bark, 2011).
The key benefit of the including the policies, regulations, codes of practice and legislative acts in the area of care giving in ABC Care Home is that they became widespread, and will provide the organisation a standard, which they can refer to and can perk up their work in accordance with the superior standards and practices. In addition, ABC Care Home will be able to generate policies and practices that will not put the life of patients at stake, allow them to offer risk free services and protect themselves in future from the allegations that have been put by CQC on the organisation.  

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 3 Understand the theories that underpin health and social care practice

3.1 theories that underpin your work as care worker in ABC Care Home.

In context to ABC home care, system theory is quite applicable as it focuses on the human behaviour and his compatibility with the complexity of the system. The centre must focus on the system and that include fulfilment of care, timely services, fulfilment of attributes and expectations of the people existing in this system. The system theory can be considered as a group effort that an individual or the group of individual must apply in order to make lives better and convenient. In case of ABC, it is quite applicable as people are facing problems due to disruption and ineffectiveness of the services given to the patients.
The applicability of this theory helps the individuals to survive in the appropriate manner. In addition to this, it can be seen that social learning is an essential process that can enhance the knowledge, awareness and literacy of the individuals. It will help in raising their standards of living and enhance their awareness regarding keeping the fit for longer. They can also take support of external agencies like NGOs and other social organisations in order to make health care centre a biter place to live.

3.2 impact of social processes service users in ABC Care Home

Man is considered as a social animal and thus it can survive in a batter way within social groups and communities instead of a solitary confinement. He can interact with other individual or a group in order to maintain his quality of life and living standard. Same can be applied to the users associated with ABC care home (Pujari, 2014). The home care could organise social programmes where patients can interact with each other and share their life experiences. There must be an interactive session between people of similar ages and their guides.
Every individual must get a chance to interact with guides and share their ideas of life and health care activities. The social processes implemented by the health care could help in fast recovery of the patients that are suffering from depression and other psychological diseases then the physical one (Pujari, 2014). In addition to this, it can also be observed that social processes have great impact on the life style, habits, hygiene and mental state of the individual. To a considerable extent, it can be seen that physical and social activities are of great importance for the patients’ health and well-being. The key reason behind this is that human beings enjoy social company and social activities are necessary for refreshing their minds from regular monotonous behaviour of life.

3.3 effectiveness of inter-professional working for ABC Care Home

Inter-professional working can be defined as a group of individuals that belong to different discipline and working skills within the same institution. They interact with each other in order to share his or her knowledge and get the best results, it is considered as the best strategy. In context to ABC home care, inter-professional working can be highly effective and implementable. In the health care centre, patients belonging to different difficulties are present (Inter-professional Teamwork 2012). It is advisable for ABC home care to implement Inter-professional working style as it would help the staff members to provide facilities to the patients as per their needs and convenience.

unit 2 health and Social care

It would also help in providing satisfaction to the users regarding services and regain the lost reputation of the home care. Since, this professional group would discuss the actual condition of the patient and then set objectives to bring him back to the best of his health, it will enhance the level of satisfaction of service users and achieve recovery of the patient as soon as possible (Leathard, 2004).  In addition to this, it will discuss the roles, rationale and skills of midwife, nurses and other professional experts in order to provide timely services to the patients in the home care centre. It would not only help in achieving users’ satisfaction, but will guide in implementing the services that are related to occupational therapy, physiotherapy, radiology and social services to poor and downtrodden. Considering all the above factors, it would be easier for the ABC Care home to regain its reputation as an efficient home care for vulnerable people.

4 Be able to contribute to the development and implementation of health and social care organisational policy.

4.1 roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties of manager

The chief aim of ABC home care is to gather its reputation and popularity as an ideal home care centre that has been dedicated towards the wellbeing and convenience of the patients suffering from diseases. As a manger, it is the duty of a person to strictly monitor the staff members whether they are handling their responsibilities in an effective manner or not. In order to judge this situation, the feedback of patients as well as attendants is necessary to make immediate improvements. Through this strategy, the frequent improvements and changes can be made so that the earlier reputation of the home care can be regained.

unit 2 health and Social care assignment

Besides this, manager must ensure that they provide equity in the provision of care, accessibility of the facilities provided by the centre, financial help and liberty to the patients depending on their background and ultimately focus on the moral principles and sentiments of the diseases patients in the home care. There are several responsibilities of a manager for a patient, including health care services. It is the chief responsibility of the supervisory body to ensure whether patients are receiving appropriate medical care or not. It is the major issue that must be focused as life and well-being of the patient is absolutely dependent on the apt medical aid given by the home Care Centre. The role of a manager not only ends here, but is extended to the diet given to the patients, timely cleaning of rooms, personal hygiene and security of patients to a considerable level. 

4.2 Evaluate your own contribution to the development and implementation of organisational policy in ABC Care Home to rectify the shortcomings pointed out by CQC

It is noteworthy that as I am working in a health and social care organisation, which is practicing in a miscellaneous range of settings, my role is vital in the development and implementation of organisational policy in ABC Care Home (Edwards, 2012). No other employee ABC Care Home owns the right blend of organisational and practical knowledge as I have being the manager, and thus, my contribution is crucial in allowing other professionals, in performing their duties in the best possible manner (Jones & Atwal, 2009).
Furthermore, being the manager of the organisation, I will be the primary line of defence in protecting vulnerable population, and chiefly accountable for directing organisational policy with respect to the safety of individuals (Department of Health, 2011). During the protection of clients' human rights, I will be accountable for acquiring the resources required to encourage best practice standards in ABC (Pereira et al., 2008). At last, by engaging in ethical standards, efficiently handling case loads and progressing to augment professional knowledge, my work is influential in contributing to the quality of care (Edwards, 2012).

4.3 Make recommendations to develop own contributions to meeting good practice requirements in ABC care home in the future

For the purpose of meeting with, good practice requirements the education and professional development of employees is vital, and thus, the same should be focussed in ABC Care Home and adequate training will be provided to employees. Through progressing to receive additional training, employees can enhance their skills and comply with the altering and complex needs of the diverse population in best manner (Courtenay, 2012). In addition, it is recommended that integrating evidence into practice can assist a superior level of quality in a health and social care organisation (Rushton, 2005). This practice comprises of reviewing and disseminating current research adjacent to health and social care, and the successive execution of this evidence into practice (Day & Wigens, 2006). The amalgamation of these recommendations will guarantee the protection of vulnerable groups, a collaborative working atmosphere and the winning observance to best standards (Courtenay, 2012).
Other key recommendations to develop own contributions to meeting good practice requirements in ABC care home in the future are accreditation and CPD, proper supervision and management in the organisation and delivery of time to time guidance to employees. Moreover, offering peer support, taking feedback and acting accurately on it, deciding rights and responsibility for decisions and performance will be fruitful for developing own contributions. 


To conclude, it can be mentioned that ABC Care Home is suffering from a lot of problem related to ineffective and inefficient services that did not allow the organisation to please CQC. In this context, the discussion in the report details out policies and procedures considering the legislations, policies and codes of practice that will help the company. In addition, recommendations have also been made to comply with good practice requirements.    


Courtenay, M. (2012). Interprofessional education between nurse prescribing and medical students: a qualitative study. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Day, J., & Wigens, L. (2006). Inter-professional working: An essential guide for health and social care professionals. London: Nelson Thornes.
Department of Health (2011). Safeguarding Adults: The role of health services. Retrieved from:  http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndguidance/DH_124882.
Department of Health (2012). Health and Social Care Act Explained. Retrieved from:  http://www.dh.gov.uk/health/2012/06/act-explained/
Edwards, A. (2012). Putting patients first. British Medical Journal, 344, pp. 233-240.
Interprofessional Teamwork (2012). Retrieved from: http://www.ttuhsc.edu/qep/teamwork.aspx
Jones, M., & Atwal, A (2009). Preparing for Professional Practice in Health & Social Care. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Leathard, A. (2004).Interprofessional Collaboration: From Policy to Practice in Health and Social Care. Routledge.
McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2010). Person-centred Nursing: Theory and Practice. Oxford: Wiley & Sons.
McLean, S. (2010). Autonomy, Consent and the Law. London: Routledge-Cavendish.
Moon, J.A. (2008). Reflection in learning and professional development: theory and practice. London: Routledge Falmer.
Pereira, J., Nagarajah, L., Win, K., Joachim, P., & Wjesuriya, L. (2008). Formative feedback to students: the mismatch between faculty perceptions and student expectations. Medical Teacher, 30(4), pp. 395-399.
Pujari, S. (2014). Social Processes: The Meaning, Types, and Characteristics of Social Processes. Retrieved from:  http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/sociology/social-processes-the-meaning-types-characteristics-of-social-processes/8545/
Rushton, A. (2005). Formative assessment: a key to deep learning. Medical Teacher, 26(6), pp. 509-513.
Tingle, J., & Bark, P. (2011). Patient Safety, Law Policy & Practice. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.