Unit 2 Principles of Health Social Care Practice Assignment Sample

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Unit 2 Principles of Health Social Care Practice Assignment Sample
Unit 2 Principles of Health Social Care Practice Assignment Sample
Unit 2 Principles of Health Social Care Practice Assignment Sample


Diploma in Health and Social Care (HSC)

Unit Number and Title

Unit 2 Principles of Health Social Care Practice

QFC Level

Level 5


Health and social care means an integrated effort done by the various people all together to help others by providing them medical care or help them socially. Those people who don’t have shelters to live or children don’t go to school to take an education; no games to play those can help in their intellectual development. People from various group like students who can share their academic knowledge with these needy students and people who can spend or have capability to spend their money on the welfare of the people.

Task 1

1.1 Explain how principles of support are applied to ensure that individuals are cared for in Health and social care practice.

All such support is a practice which is done by the agencies, communities, students and health & social care centres all together. They work with the full coordination and consistency of each other. Some of the patients are mentally stressed and not involved with the others in performing activities so special care is provided by this ABC care homes is a useful remedy for them. Principle of support insists on support provided by the people either there family members, friends, peers or social helpers those who want to do charity. The ABC care homes will provide the medication help and social help to get overcome from their trauma so, that these people can also love a normal life. No discrimination done by anyone and offer equal opportunities is to be given to these sufferers. People living in the ABC care homes are shown less respect and less dignity so, on the basis of equality the care, respect and love are equally given to them with full dignity by the care centres. (Bennett.S, 2012).
Principles of support are:

  1. Share experience is principle of support- Experience includes knowledge also. It is one of the most important principles that shall be implemented in every care for supporting patients.
  2. Equal treatment to all irrespective of illness of people.
  3. There should be give and take relationship. One should support others and expect support from others.

Most agencies come forward and donate all essential things to fulfil the requirements of the people. All helps related to medicines, eating, drinking, and reading books, etc. whatever the requirement is there in these homes. People of different age group have different desires and requirements so all useful helps done by the various groups are welcome for these different age groups. The respect and dignity given to these people is simply boosts their self-confidence and increase their self-esteem. If any of the sufferers is suffering from any mental disability and cannot express his/ her requirement then the facilities are provided to him/ her after asking their family members or peers or the concern person of the ABC care home.
Respecting and giving equality to all patients, visitors and other people related to health care. Treating people with respect and equality will provide them confidence to face the world and problems that they has. According to this principle of support, people shall be respected and treated equally without any discrimination. In case of health and social care principle, there shall be equality in terms of equal treatment; views of patients shall be respected, etc.
Another principle of health and care is to make patients or other users independent in terms of decision making and other factors. Providing self-confidence and self-belief to patients about their ability and beliefs is the important principle of support. Supporting patients is required and principle of supporting because making patients and service user of health care independent is necessary to boost their self confidence. There shall be active participation of patients and other service providers in the health and care services.
Examples are:

  • When we see ill people doing all his/her work alone we should help them and support them in respect of emotions.
  •  Helping service user of ABC care home in their routine work.
  • There are regular sessions in ABC care home that helps in building social environment.

1.2 Outline the procedure for protecting clients, patients and colleagues from harm.

Some patients who are helpless and have mental illness stays in the ABC care homes but these patients cannot think their better and even cannot differentiate in between bad and good. These patients are mistreated by their family members or sometimes abused by the staff members of the care centres. Proper safety or protection is to be given by these care centres to these patients or especially female patients to protect them from any of the mistreatment by others (Butler.F, 2006). Safeguard is on the priority basis which is given to the patients and the procedure to protect patients from any of the harm will get start from the patient itself. First, a proper training is given to improve the skills of the patient so that he/ she can protect him/ herself. Nothing is to hide. Various agencies come forward to gives the protection to the patients and also proper protection training is given to the security staff of the ABC care homes.
Following are some examples of protecting from harm:

  1. ABC care home has proper fire sprinkler system in force so as to avoid big loss and to protect patients from fire.
  2. ABC care homes has special task force whose primary responsibility is to manage emergency situation and to protect patients and staffs
  3. ABC Care Home has CCTV surveillance so that any miss happenings can be recorded and responsible person can be traced.  
  4. ABC Care Home has adequate and professional staff so that protection to service users will be protected.

1.3 Analyse the benefits of following a person- centred approach with users of health and social care services.

Person centred approach means valuing people by all the members of the ABC care homes to look for the new face of its care home in the near future. ABC care home have some responsibilities for these patients and they have set up some rules to work upon for the benefits of the patients. If all the staff members of ABC care home approach towards the reduction in the ailment of the patients living there and also care them properly without harassing them. So this approach all collectively will improve the rapport of the ABC care home (Duggan.M, 2002).This approach emphasis on the partnership done by the staff members and the various agencies that is ready to help the ABC care homes. These agencies always work for the welfare of the community and also maximize the opportunities for the benefits of the children. Once all the helping hands comes forward and start working all together then the services given to the patients are always of a good quality. To attain more benefits from the staff members aproper training facility is given to them for working more efficiently with the use of new skills. A proper care or action plan is made or require for the benefits of the patients prepared by the ABC care home.
Benefits of PCA are as follows:

  1. By applying PCA staff can know exact need and requirement of patient so that they can concentrate on that need and will leads to improvement of service quality.
  2. People will get service at right time and this will help ABC Home Care to provide service at right time. Person cantered approach is the most effective approach in terms of timeframe related to patients or service receivers.  
  3. PCA will increase confidence of patients and encourage them to involve personally. Involvement of patients or service receiver in health care will prove principle of support in terms of independence and brings equality in treatment.  
  4. Patients shall be involved in decisions that need to be taking for their improvement and treatment given to them shall be informed to them. Since patients know what actually they are feeling about their problems therefore Person cantered approach support this phenomena.
  5. Person cantered approach put more focus on patient rather on services that ABC health care or other health care provides. In this manner, Person cantered approach provides base for understanding patients and able to provide them more quality and exact services that they required.
  6. Person cantered approach also benefit ABC health care in terms of developing and maintaining more effective and deep relationship with their patients. Person cantered approach enables ABC health care to understand requirement of patients more effectively.

PCA can be beneficial for ABC Home Care in following ways:

  1. PCA needs to know patient and its need. ABC Home Care has to give proper attention towards each and every patient so that exact need can be identified.
  2. ABC Home Care has to promote comfortable environment to its patients both mental and emotional and physical.
  3. PCA requires attention towards personal experiences and life story of patient so as to evaluate nature of patient.  

ABC Home Care

1.4 Explain ethical dilemmas and conflict that may arise when providing care, support and protection to users of Health and social care services.

Ethical dilemmas and conflicts arise in the social services in between the setup targets to achieve by the ABC homes and services currently given to the patients. If care home is unsuccessful in meeting targets or reaching its aims so conflicts arouse. They may raise the tension in the whole environment of the ABC care Home. Laws and regulatory framework can take a necessary action against the care Homes if any complaint is done against it by any of the family or friends of the patient. Reasons are not taking care of the patients in the proper way, mistreatment, careless bystaff members. Dilemmas created in the mind of the family of the patients which impacts on the aim of the ABC care home. On the complaint actions can be taken by the security officials of our country. Ethics means changes in the behaviour that is a negative behaviour towards others. ABC care homes works as a social worker generally faces all such dilemmas on daily basis. The ethics of the Social care homes are divided in the dignity and integrity or social justice(Westwood.M, Rodgers.M and Sowden.A, 2003).
We must appreciate on the following of such ethics by the ABC care homes. As in the first scenario related to this case study Mrs Y is suffering with the problem of Alzheimer’s. Due to it she even cannot walk properly without support. Now, ABC is taking proper care of her but sometimes due to her wish she does not wear strap while walking and consequence arise that she got hurt. The reason of conflict is that visitors of her take this issue as a negligence of the staff of ABC care home. In second scenario, Mrs Z also suffering from the problem of Learning disability. She was a good player in lighting the fire. She was known as a lady of fire lights. But now as she is not a quick learner so her psychiatrist suggest the staff of ABC care home to keep her in checking every time so that she cannot carry any matches or lighters with her. Due this the conflict arises that she got irritated and the blame of negligence in her treatment is put on the care home by the local authorities and her family. So such patients should handle after following all code of practices as prescribed in its framework.
In this case ethical dilemma is conflict of two different rights under Human Right Act 1998 i.e. one is treating everyone equally or equal treatment shall be given to all the patients and another rights is to protect or save al service user of ABC health care. Mrs Z shall be protected from harm that she is causing to herself and at the same time not to hurt their equal treatment and independence right. Therefore ABC health care shall put some criteria or some system into its working that can be used to prevent Mrs Z from harming herself.

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Task 4

4.1. Explain own role, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties in the context of working with those within & outside the Health and social care workplace.

Duties and responsibilities are defines by the management of the ABC care homes of their own because the regulations as designed by the country only states the rules to follow.
I have been appointed as manager of ABC Care Home because they are facing many difficulties in operating business of home care. ABC care home many problems is like quality of services, errors of staff, insufficient knowledge and lack of training for employees. Since I have appointed for maintain proper system of services that ABC care home provides. I will be operating as a manager and responsible for following responsibilities:

  • Primary responsibility will be of maintaining service quality so that trust of service can be obtained and maintained. For doing so many new techniques has to apply and old methods of provision of service has to be updated. Due care on equipments used to provide service will be given by me and old and ineffective equipments shall be replaced.
  • Another responsibility of mine is to conduct training sessions for new and existing employees so that internal policies and rules will be communicated to them and strict action shall be taken on violation of any rule shall be taken. Latest technologies and procedure should be made and implemented so that quality of services shall be improved and maintained.
  • My responsibility will include appointment of inter-professionals so that all area of improvement shall be covered. Area of improvement includes quality of service, maintenance of hygiene or cleanness, staff errors, staff development, training needs, etc.
  • My responsibility is to develop and implement plans and policies related to internal matters.
  • I have to make policies that should cover guidelines issued or directed by external agencies or regulatory bodies or government. Matters that legislation requires to comply with are to be taken care.
  • My responsibility includes liaison with outside or external agencies and regulators so as to maintain effective communication.
  • Most important responsibility is to comply all rules and regulation that are applicable on ABC home care.

I an appointed as a manager of ABC home care by board of directors. I am accountable to board of directors or those charges with governance.

4.2. Evaluate own contribution to the development & implementation of health and social care organizational policy.

ABC home care is engaged in providing care services to service user. ABC home care is registered with regulatory body and has to follow many guidelines and rules that are applicable on ABC home care. ABC home care has made many internal rules and policies so as to achieve its aim or goal. One of important policy of ABC home care is health and social care policy. In this policy ABC home care has to follow some rules or guidelines to achieve health and care objectives. For that I have been appointed by ABC home care’s board of directors and have given following responsibilities:

  • I have to review internal policies at early stage of its development and recommendation give shall be take care. Recommendation can be on any matter that contributes in development of policy related to health and care.
  • Quality control policy has to be made by me and this policy has to be approved by board of directors. Quality control requires continues improvement on service and this has to be take care by me. Many new techniques have been suggested by me in preparation of health and care policy. I have contributed in development of health and care policy in suggesting clause of policy like replacement of old equipments, cleaning policy, technology up gradation required in diagnoses centres of ABC home care, etc.
  • Continues control and monitoring on implementation of policies related to health and care policy. Proper and applicable policy for implementation of policy is been suggested by me. I have appointed special task force to look into matters related to implementation of health and care policy. My responsibility includes acting as a ombudsmen person so that quarries and shirt coming in policy can be seen and managed by be.
  • I have contributed in planning, co-ordinating, directing, controlling, monitoring and implementing of health and care policy.

4.3. Make recommendations to develop own contributions to meeting good practice requirements.

Good practices are policies that have to be followed by organisation in order to make and implement good practice on organisation. Generally this policy is internally made by organisation with the help of some outside agency or expert. Each and every member of organization has to contribute in policy formulation. Following are some of contribution:

  • I have to polish leadership qualities so that other employees or staff will get influenced and motivated and start working in favour to organisation or ABC home care. I have to contribute by setting example.
  • I have to take care of resource that is used by ABC health care so as to optimize use. I have to use resources in optimized manner so that other staff will follow same.
  • I have to make change in me so that other can develop same. As a manager I have to give directions to team. I can contribute in development of skills of other team and this will increase their productivity.
  • I have to access quality of services that staff of ABC health care is providing to its user. More emphasis on service quality has to be given by me so that service user will get best quality services.
  • I have to learn some management skills so that I can manage staff and other members of ABC health care in effective manner and will be able to extract maximum from them and from other resources.
  • I will get involved in social care system of ABC health care so that exact requirement and problem of service user will be identified. 

All above recommendations plays an important role in the ABC health and social care home in providing best treatment to all patients without doing any discrimination.


Health and Social Care homes or centres are the place who gives non- financial supports like providing them the services as a moral support and medical treatments to the patients unconditionally. Some patients cannot get recover in their homes staying with their families so they are treated by the skilled staff in such homes. Some of the suffers are not medically unfit but they are facing the social problems like unemployment, poverty , domestic violence so such patients also get moral support from these social care homes. All such homes must follow all the legislations and regulations designed by the nation.


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