Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment- British Airways

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Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment- British Airways
Human Resource Management Assignment- British Airways
Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment- British Airways


Diploma in Business (Marketing)

Unit Number and Title

Unit 21 Human Resource Management

QFC Level

Level 4

Credit value

15 credits

Unit Code



Human resource management is all considers about the management who controls or manages the activities of the most important resource of the Organization i.e. employees. It all includes the recruitment, training, development, termination of employees. Without the manpower, running any of the organization is not an easy task. So, for this purpose a skilled professional team of employees is must.
As a Human resource Manger in the hospitality & tourism industry i.e. of the British Airways company I have a full responsibility to take the charges of the manpower & recruit only trained & experienced staff and also continue with the further procedure by keeping all the legal framework in the mind.

Task 3

3a. Using the example assess the link between motivational theory and reward within the context of your chosen organization.

Motivation is the process, which is given by the organization to the employees by presenting them with the reward. It gives the direction to the employees of increasing their efforts for the work and gives their best.
Rewards includes monetary / non- monetary (Harzing, A. W.2004). There are various motivational theories specified by the various scholars and have their own specialty.
British Airways follows the both Maslow’s and Herzberg theory. It uses the Maslow’s because it personally feels that if the company has achieved the one level then motivates it to achieve for the next level. In addition, its aim is to provide the reward to their employees in monetary terms like paying them the interest to work more & best in their own departments. The Airways motivates its staff by appreciating them like with a good communication, showing them their trust by giving more responsibilities on the shoulders of employees and also involves them in taking decisions for the welfare of the organizations. All such rewards are related with the nonfinancial rewards. Organization also gives the facility of the pension system that this given by the employers after his retirement to employee on every interval. A reward means extra benefits in the terms of like Life Insurance / medical Insurance with some extra offers & discounts.
There is a direct relationship in between the performance and the pay. Pay in terms of monetary or non- monetary. Results always depend on the working group and its effectiveness of performing activities. If an employee of the British Airways works better and tries to gives it best that is shown consistently then rewards are paid to him. Earlier in 1990, Scholars believe that nothing to do special to motivate employees because it is not an essential part but later it is proved that paying rewards in either the way is just not to give the employees recognition only but it is one of the priority for an employer to motivate employees . Then they will try to work more hard and always gives their best by keeping the clear picture of a goal in their mind.

3b. Analyze and discuss how your organization determines pay using the process of job evaluation.

In British airways, Pay of every level of employee determines by the Top Management with the help of the Human resource management. A certain pay scales are decide for every level of the designation and specific educational/ experience criteria are decided which were checked at the time of appointment of the employees. Job evaluation is the process that describes the jo size within the company in order to establish the internal activities. It involves the fix pay structure of all employees, grading system and managing job activities of all manpower. Evaluation is follow in the British airways in the standard / orderly approach as already predefined by the company. The company always declares the importance of it to the employees before initiating for an evaluation. The specialists of human Resource do evaluation of work of employees. The every department of its own does it separately and the top management takes the final decision.

3c. Assess the effectiveness of the reward systems in the chosen Organization.

It is the Business strategy of the British airways to reward the employees on their performance & basis of evaluation done by an organization. In British Airways, different types of rewards are plan by the HRM for all different departments. Rewards given to the employees are the only way to show them the support of the organization that gives the motivation to all employees. The two ways follow by the employer for its employees in giving rewards are extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic are the tangible rewards that are paid to the employees for their good performance example: bonus, increment in salary, promotions, compensations etc but intrinsic rewards are those give only personal satisfaction to the employee example: Employer trust and recognition gives to employees. Bonuses and salary increments boost up the morale of the employees and give them the motivation also, enhance their selfrespect. Planned bonus schemes by the British Airways always helps in retaining the best employees in the company to stay long. Promotion also improves the morale of the employees and gives the employees a complete job satisfaction. However, Improve performance is an effective reward system it always initiate employee to work better or hard for getting more rewards in future. To make it possible employees use their own skills and always try to take initiatives to enhance their skills and gain new knowledge. Ultimately, Reward system results in the terms of profit for an organization. Employee gives their all efforts in completing the activities of their job profile and in return, the company earns goods revenue or profit. It maintains the healthy environment and good relations in between employer and employee.  

3d. Discuss how would assess the effectiveness of the reward system in the chosen organization. Explain how employee performance monitored and measured in your organization.

There are various ways to examine the effectiveness of the employee but varies from one organization to another. Besides different ways but they are based on the same grounds. In British there are many ways like-
Quantity: How much work completed by the employee that shows that the employee has met his targets or not. It is simply follows in the marketing / sales department in the airways. 
Quality: this factor examines the quality of work done by the man power and the quality of the service provides by the air hostess / customer service staff. 
Cost- bear: How much cost of the organization is spent on per employee. E.g. in sales the cost incurred on employee as a travel. Mobile/ petrol expenses. Expenses incurred on the uniforms of the staff also. If the efficiency of the staff is equivalent with the cost incurred then means the employee is giving his/her best.
Time consuming: How much time is taken by the employee in completing one task. like in manufacturing sector, a product produced by per labor. So quality of a multi tasking is the best quality & benefit of it will be given to the employee (Legge, K.2005).
Creativity: Dealing with the customers in the hospitality stream is like an art which shows the creativity of the employee. At last, first impression is the last impression. Besides the training is given to air hostess by the organization still the rest of all efforts are done by them only. 
Grooming: it is the important factor which cannot be ignore in the airlines stream. It applies on both male/ female staff. The more quality of the grooming gives you the more appreciation as the employee always gives his best in this field and leaves the good impact on customers/ organization. 
Appraisal: It means appraise in the employees designation. It is done by the organization by doing enquiry from the peers, managers, line managers about the employee. It is known as self appraisal, peers appraisal and manager’s appraisal. 

Task 4

4.1 Examine the causes of termination of employment with an organization and compare the exit procedures used in your and another similar organization.

Reasons & procedures of termination are moreover the same in every organization like in British airways too. Termination means to get fired i.e. the relationship in between the employee and the employer is finished.
The reasons of the termination of employment with the organization are:

  •  Company’s property damaged by the employee
  • Use of drugs/ alcohol inside the Airways.
  • Alterations in company’s records
  • Misconduct / bad behavior
  • Un satisfactory performance
  • Stealing the products.
  • Another types is – Resignation, death, quit without given notice to the organization & retirement (Ivancevich, J. M.2007).

Various procedure and formalities are done by the organizations mainly its HR management in every termination reason.

  • Specific different forms are there which employees has to fill like retirement form, termination form, exit form etc. depends upon the termination situation.
  • Accepted by the HR line manager & then submitted to the HR management.
  • The whole situation will be discussed by the HR management to the top management.
  • Settlements of the salary part. Clear all the previous dues if any.
  • If employee is leaving on good terms then if requires or with the approval of the management the appreciation letter will be given.
  • Experience letter will be given to the employee later after certain specific periods depend on organization.

4.2 Evaluate the impact of legal and regulatory framework when arranging employment cessation or termination using your Organization as an example.

There are the various laws designed under the legal framework approved by the Country. UK has their own laws applicable on the appointment/ termination of the employees. These legal frameworks ahould apply on the termination of the relationship between employee & employer. No one should break the law

  1. Retirement: It is the one who breaks the relationship between the employee & employer. All the benefits of the retirement are given to the employee by the employer which is already mentioned in the legal framework. Violation in giving all perks / benefits is the abide of the law. This is truly unfair with the employee.
  2. Termination due to any misconduct: If any misconduct like bad behavior, stealing property- certain steps are followed by the organization mentioned in the Law of the country. FIR is must and it is the first step to move with. Later the copy is to be kept with th employer itself. No benefits are to be given to the family of the employee (Harrison, R.2000).
  3. Exit on the basis on good job prospects: This is the reason when employee leaves the organization is his getting the good job offers in some other organizations then laws defines to gives them the gratuity if any and also the benefits of the PF’s means provident funds etc.All the legal frameworks are made under the legislature that is by the parliament and approved by the superior authority of the judges under the act of labor. All employees rights act, 1996 are followed at the time of both recruiting and termination time of employees.


Many activities are performed by the human resource management starts from recruiting till termination of employees. All are followed by the management by considering all important facts from the legal framework passed by the nation. Motivation is the main strategy given by the employees to the employees in various terms by paying those rewards in the terms of monetary / non-monetary. It boosts the confidence level of the employee and also makes the relation strong in between the employer & the employee.  


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  • Desimone,R.L.,Werner, J.M. and Harris, D.M. (2002). Human Resource Development. (3rded),Orlando.Harcourt College
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  • Harrison, R. (2000). Employee Development. (2nd ed), London.Institute of Personnel and Development.
  • Ivancevich, J. M.(2007).Human Resource Management. New York: New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
  • Legge, K. (2005).Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities (Anniversary ed). Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Marchington, M. and Wilkinson, A.(2002).People Management and Development. (2nd ed). London, CIPD
  • Harzing, A. W.(2004).‘Strategy and structure of multinational companies’, in A. Harzing and J. VanRuysseveldt (eds.) International Human Resource Management, Sage, 2nd edition, 33–64.
  • Harzing, A. W.(2004a).‘Composing an international staff’, in A. Harzing and J. Van Ruysseveldt (eds.)International Human Resource Management, Sage, 2nd edition, 251–282.
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  • Smith, P. (2002). ‘Culture’s Consequences: something old and something new’, Human Relations, 55(1),119–135.

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