Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment – Tesco

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Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment – Tesco
Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment – Tesco
Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment – Tesco


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 23 Employability Skills – Tesco

QFC Level

Level 4


The skills of employability have a major role in the shaping of growth and development of the individuals who are engaged in various positions within the business organisations. Such skills are instrumental in ensuring a competitive atmosphere within the work place thus enhancing the growth as well as the success of the organisation. The proficiency and the competency levels of the employees to deliver their respective responsibilities are also enhanced and their contributions towards their employer earns them the respect of being treated as organisational assets, driving the company to acquire the highest degree of market share in the competition. In  Employability Skills Assignment Tesco UK has been considered as the case study organisation to study the aspects of employability skills in the context of a real life business organisation.

Task 1

1.1 Development of personal objectives of performance and responsibilities within an enterprise

The development and growth of the individual career within an enterprise is largely dependent on the development of objectives of performance and responsibilities. Through this process of development the individual becomes efficient in contributing towards the organisational success and growth. This in turn helps the enterprise in tackling the competitive challenges in the market place with utmost ease. Individual responsibilities and skills can be developed in various kinds of ways within an enterprise. The individual in the due course of its training in his specific domain can acquire knowledge through the strict abidance to the guidelines and advices imparted by the trainers (Verhoef et al., 2009). The level of individual capability and proficiency also increases in their specific job roles and delivering of responsibilities. The individual can also attend seminars and workshops so that he gets more familiar with his roles and responsibilities pertaining to his job and that would also help in accumulation of the required expertise, skill set and acumen for delivering a diligent and effective performance in his own field of operation ( Baker and Henson., 2010).

Self assessments would also help the individuals in monitoring their performance level in the enterprise. Such endeavour enables in the process of comparative analysis of own performance against that of the colleagues at the workplace thus identifying the weak areas and the strengths that could be fixed for optimising the level of productivity and contribution towards the organisation (Mason et al., 2009). The individual would accordingly implement measures to improve his capability and competency for delivering the assigned responsibilities and duties in his respective domain of activity within the enterprise. The culture of a healthy competitiveness within the workplace must be promoted by the individuals to ensure a heightened sense of mutual understanding and trust within the teams.

1.2 Evaluation of the effectiveness against objectives of performance

It is most important that the individual has clarity about the responsibilities and roles that he is supposed to deliver within the enterprise. This enables the disposal of job role and responsibilities in an efficient way thereby mutual understanding and harmony within the workforce. The evaluation of the individual effectiveness becomes almost mandatory since the level of efficiency of the individual must be in proper alignment with the organisational objectives and goals, so that the contribution of the individual towards the organisational growth remains effective at all times (Patrick et al., 2008). As accountability for all kinds of work related actions at the enterprise must be borne by the employees thus the process of evaluating the effectiveness would result in the improvement in the level of commitment and contribution thereby enabling the enterprise to deliver an enhanced level of satisfaction to its consumers (Cassidy., 2006).

The scope of the individual engagement within the workplace must be thoroughly understood so that the performance of the individual can be driven towards achievement of the required responsibilities and roles through adherence of the organisational; policies and guidelines. Individual must try to promote a healthy and safe workplace culture ensuring safety and security of the team members and also developing a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect within the workforce. Organisational transformations, innovations and changes in the functional and managerial aspect of the organisation must be accepted positively by the individuals and more priority must at all times be given to the organisational requirements and needs over the personal ones at the workplace (Lowden et al,.2011).

1.3 Recommendations for improvement

A crucial role is played by the human resources of an enterprise to ensure employee satisfaction in their respective operational domains. The enterprise motivates and encourages the workforce to remain committed and dedicated towards the realisation of the goals related to the different kinds of activities within the organisation. The employees must be provided with a safe, secure and healthy working ambience by the management so that the individual productivity gets enhanced and the workforce is in a constant state of motivation and are always encouraged to raise their performance to an optimal level thus helping the enterprise amass increased revenues and profits from their operations (Wilton., 2011).

The enterprise must always take a note of the fact that the wages, salaries and remunerations of the different employees engaged at the various levels of the organisation are paid on the specified time along with the benefits such as provident fund, concessions on holiday packages, gratuity and medical insurance that accrues to them. Payment of the timely monetary consideration by the management ensures that the employees are free of the stress and are ever eager to take that extra step through their respective performance for ensuring the long term business benefit to the employer ( Mason et al., 2009).

1.4 Utilisation of techniques of motivation for improving performance quality in Tesco

The organisation that utilises the methods of motivation within the workplace is usually blessed with a committed and dedicated workforce who propels the enterprise towards success and growth. Tesco in the retail sector of UK has been known for its employee engagement which incidentally has been responsible for increasing their market productivity throughout its years of operation. The retail sector in the nation poses strong challenges in form of market rivals and Tesco over the years has focused on strengthening its human resource by innovative techniques of motivation, thus inspiring the employees to deliver optimal level of productivity, thereby helping the organisation in maximising its revenues and profits and secure a premium market share in the competition (Mason et al., 2009). The human resource by innovative techniques of motivation, thus inspiring the employees to deliver optimal level of productivity, thereby helping the organisation in maximising its revenues and profits and secure a premium market share in the competition (Mason et al., 2009). The organisation has implemented the hierarchical need based model devised by Maslow to gain appropriate understanding about the expectations, wants and various kinds of needs of the workforce.

The organisation has effectively provided the necessary needs of food, shelter and clothing to all of its employees by ensuring timely payment of their respective remunerations and the expectations of the psychological level of need has also been met successfully by the provisions of various kind of on-job training, career development, financial and non-financial incentives, rewards and recognitions as well as retirement benefits, thus guaranteeing a superior level of satisfaction amongst its employees (Berry., 2011). The incentives rae based on individual performances and this model has fostered a sense of healthy competition within the workplace as every individual tends to put their best efforts to get recognition and financial incentives thus enhancing the quality of performance and service within the enterprise. Tesco is known to cover that extra mile to ensure that the employee interests gets served in the best possible manner and thus, has encouraged the culture of participative management within the workplace, involving the employees in the process of making decisions, thereby making them feel secure and gaining their loyalty in the long run. The perils of absenteeism and employee turnover has reduced manifold and it has helped Tesco enjoy an advantageous position in the market competition over a long period of time.

Task 2

2.1 Identification and solution for a work based problem

Tesco’s productivity in the recent times has suffered a dip due to a rising problem in its workplace. With technological evolution as the enterprise started incorporating transformations within its workplace, a large section of the employees have offered resistance. Changes within the work place become imperative since through the modules of change the enterprise endeavours to mould itself with the external changes in the environment of the enterprise (Wickramasinghe & Perera, 2010). The employees of the retail giant of UK has been facing stiff resistance lately from its workforce in the form of internal protests and opposition notwithstanding the fact that the change proposal has been made by the marketing management to keep up with the challenges of competition in the evolutionary retail market of UK. The employee resistance has posed difficulties in the implementation of the transformation and as an effect the productivity of the enterprise in the recent times has taken a huge toll.

Over the several years of the brand’s operation in the retail sector of the nation, there has not been many number of changes and therefore the workforce has got accustomed to the similar work pattern and with the sudden changes that the management of Tesco plans to incorporate, the employees are apprehensive because it would mean moving out of their comfort zones within the enterprise (Edmondson & Mogelof,  2006). The challenge however can be tackled well by promoting the sense of involvement amongst the members of the enterprise and introducing the participatory model wherein the employees would get responsible for making vital decisions. The management should also communicate effectively the cause and consequences of the change that they had planned to incorporate within the workplace thus making the employees feel safe and secure in their workplace. It is only through the creation of an understanding about the advantages and benefits that Tesco can extract through the implementation of change amongst the workforce, can they be convinced to withdraw their opposition and enhance the prospects of growth and success for the enterprise in the competition (Raelin., 2008).

2.2 Different styles of communication for work based problems

The problems that are being faced by the management of Tesco at its workplace can be tackled through the process of communication across all levels of the enterprise. There could be various modes of communication followed by the managers in the middle management that helps in conveying the information of the top managerial level to the subordinates of the enterprise. The process of communicating can be done either by writing, speaking, reading and listening. Within Tesco it is important that the policies and decisions are conveyed either in writing or orally to the subordinate employees by the management. It is also important that the communication is done in an appropriate language that is understood by all the employees (MacCann et al., 2012). The implementation of intranet and web based services for communication at the workplace must be also promoted within Tesco so that the chances of miscommunication and thereby crisis can be averted in the best possible manner. The managers of Tesco can also adapt verbal communication model so that the team leaders can convey the information and ideas to the members in person at regular intervals and also motivate them personally to give their optimum productivity towards the realisation of the goals of the organisation ( Jackson and Joshi., 2011).

2.3 Time management strategies of Tesco

The strategies of time management are crucial for guaranteeing optimal levels of organisational productivity. Through the application of such strategies the company enjoys a uninterrupted flow of the business operations as a result of its undelayed production schedules. Tesco could in the present circumstance utilise the method of SMART objectives so that the enterprise can ensure that the level of business productivity does not get reduced at all. SMART objectives comprise of the characteristics of strategies that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound in nature (Yammarino et al., 2010). The adoption of the strategy of SMART objective within the Tesco workplace would result in an enhanced level of productivity of the individual employees thus ensuring the enterprise to remain at the top end of the competition in the retail sector. The revenues and the profits would remain secure and the brand by the implementation of this business strategy could maintain an advantageous position in comparison to its business rivals in the retail sector of UK.                     

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Task 3

3.1 Team roles in Tesco and suggestions of collaborative effort for goal achievement

An optimal level of productivity of the business enterprise can be ensured in the presence of efficient teamwork which not only encourages creation of innovative and contemporary ideas within the organisation but also drives it towards the realisation of the organisational objectives and goals. The daily workplace challenges confronted by Tesco are effectively handled by an able spirit of teamwork existing within the organisation that expertly tackles such crisis with various kinds of strategies and solutions (Andrews and Russell, 2012). Such effective management of crisis within the workplace helps in the maintenance of an advantageous market position by the company in the presence of stiff competition from its rivals in the retail sector of UK. The channels of effective communication must be maintained within the workplace so that there is smooth flow of information and sharing of ideas and knowledge among the members of the team (Patrick et al., 2008). The process of communication is quite vital since it helps in the creation of awareness about the respective roles and responsibilities of each of the team members, the goals that are needed to be achieved and the individual contribution that is being delivered towards the achievement of the common goal of the enterprise. Tesco maintains a healthy workplace environment where the individual roles and duties are delegated in a routine manner amongst its employees through the most innovative mediums of intranet and web based services and ensures that every individual team member as well as the team as a working unit contributes handsomely to the accomplishment of the organisational objectives and in the growth and success of the enterprise (Raelin., 2008).

3.2 Analysis of the dynamics of teams at Tesco

The promotion of mutual understanding and collaborative effort by the team members is highly emphasised by the management of Tesco within its workplace, and such a practice over a long period of time has resulted in a perfect state of unity and harmonisation amongst its teams within the organisation. The Tesco management has proactively supported the utilisation of an efficient channel of communication within the enterprise which had fostered not only a sense of developed understanding amongst its employees but has reflected positivity in the degree of employee co-ordination across all functional levels of the enterprise. The cordial and healthy workplace ambience within the organisation has played a crucial role in the promotion of mutual understanding, rapport, trust and respect, thereby effective teamwork within the workforce (North and Macal., 2007). The employees remain satisfied with their delegated jobs and this gets amply reflected in their individual workplace demeanour through their willingness to extend a helping hand to their colleagues as and when they are in need of it enabling a sense of healthy camaraderie and competitiveness amongst the team members.

3.3 Alternate methods of task completion and achievement of goals at Tesco

The most effective alternative way towards completion of the tasks at Tesco workplace for meeting the desired targets and goals of the enterprise comprises of the process of delegating the responsibilities among the members of the workforce on the basis of their specialised skill sets and expertise. The organisational procedures related to the allocation of jobs must be reorganised and made more efficient enabling the managers to delegate job responsibilities based on individual proficiency level and also the level of their expertise which in turn, would result in an enhanced level of productivity of each of the employees of the enterprise ( Alter., 2006). When the aspects of competency and strengths are focused on within the workplace the contribution of the individual employees towards the success and growth of the organisation gets heightened, thereby leading it to a competitively advantageous situation among its market rivals. The competitive advantage thus gained by Tesco would help it in generating high volumes of revenue and profit for the organisation.

Task 4

4.1 Tools and methods for resolution of a work based problem at Tesco

One of the most important determinants of the prospects of a business organisation is the aspect of problems that tends to arise at the organisational workplace. These kinds of problems that tend to affect the work place of the organisations harms the productivity of the organisation and such businesses fail to generate revenues from their market operations thereby losing the competitive edge in the market competition (Wilton., 2011). Tesco has had a high degree of market share in the retail segment of UK for a considerable period of time, but has been losing its market share to its competitors in the recent times thus making it imperative to scrutinise and identify the problem which has been acting as a hurdle to its growth. The problem that was identified was the absence of communication amongst the various levels of workforce which had been affecting the productivity in a negative manner and has been instrumental in reducing the margin of profit for the enterprise (Dymock et al., 2012). Tesco due to this work based problem, was in fact, prevented from extracting the advantage of its strategic share in the market competition and as a result its falling levels of productivity drove the organisational profit level towards a state of detriment in the recent times.

4.2 Strategy development for problem resolution

The problem that Tesco has been confronted with, as has been discussed in the previous section, can be tackled by introducing a channel of communication within the workplace which would not only help in the conveyance of information and sharing of decisions among the different functional levels of the enterprise, but would also develop a sense of harmony and synchronisation across various levels of the enterprise. Through the implementation of this kind of an effective communication process, the promotion of employee understanding and efficient teamwork would result in the maximisation of revenues of the enterprise and thus, the brand would be better placed in the competitive market arena with a high degree of market share ( MacCann et al., 2012). The presence of an able system of communication within the enterprise would result in the creation of a better sense of understanding of the difficulties, needs and wants of the employees by the employer and thus, would enable the company to eradicate such problems through effective implementation of certain measures leading towards effective means of employee engagement within the enterprise (Wickramasinghe & Perera, 2010).

Such efforts by the management of Tesco would result in a heightened sense of satisfaction amongst the employees and the rate of employee retention would increase eventually adding to the list of loyal employees of the enterprise. As a result Tesco’s competitiveness would increase in the retail segment and the brand would spiral up the ladder of success in no time.

4.3 Evaluation of the impact of Strategy implementation

  • The effects that would likely be faced by Tesco due to the implementation of the strategy discussed in the earlier section for resolving the problems at the workplace has been enumerated as under:
  • The enterprise would be enabled to encourage a sense of mutual understanding and harmonisation amongst the members of the various teams employed at various operational levels of the company.
  • The channels of communication would become efficient and it would smoothen the flow of various kinds of information and decisions taken in the course of business operations across the various levels of hierarchies within the organisation from the highest management levels through the middle managers down to the level of subordinate workforce (Sperry., 2009).
  • It would encourage the understanding of the management towards the issues and difficulties that are being confronted by the workforce in the course of their daily operations within the workplace (Cottrell., 2015).
  • Tesco would be able to promote a sense of loyalty and satisfaction amongst its employees resulting in an enhanced level of employee retention at the workplace.

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The report has thus highlighted the several issues related to employability skills in an organisational setting and has also undertaken a detailed assessment of the difficulties that are faced by the organisation at their respective workplaces, along with strategy recommendation to resolve such crisis, so that the business activities in the several functional areas within the enterprise is smoothened and it retains its competitiveness with the market rivals. 


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