Unit 24 Aspect of Employability Skills Assignment

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Unit 24 Aspect of Employability Skills Assignment
Unit 24 Aspect of Employability Skills Assignment
Unit 24 Aspect of Employability Skills Assignment


Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit Number and Title

Unit 24 Aspect of Employability Skills 

QFC Level

Level 5


Unit 24 aspect of employability skills assignment case study delves with the employability skills that are considered to be set of capabilities that assist in enabling a person for doing an effective task in respect of the employer. Employability skills are similar to life skills or key skills or general skills that will assist in explaining the roles the individuals are playing in a team and in what ways they can collectively function for actualisation of the shared goals and suggesting alternative methods for the completion of tasks as well as actualisation of team objectives.

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Task 1

1.1 Develop a set of own responsibilities and performance objectives.

Personal responsibilities and performance objectives have a connection with personal management. Personal Management can be defined as the ability of an individual for offering most proper outcome in respect of their specified tasks. Two initial tasks of management which are arrangement and preparation depend on personal management. It provides assistance to individuals for finding out their personal capabilities as well as claim. Individuals possessing improved skills regarding personal management are having certain special capabilities. Such capabilities are able to re-assess the personal strengths as well as weaknesses. Individual capability has a lot of significance since it is having a rational beneficial aspect in respect of employability skills that includes cleaning, housekeeping and babysitting. (Griffin, 2015)

In this part of the case study, a discussion has been made regarding the scope of personal management. I am required taking initiation for demonstrating my individual capabilities. There exist options to determine my own responsibility in respect of employability skills that includes cleaning, housekeeping and babysitting.

A person has the ability of undertaking the below mentioned traits to set up individual responsibilities as well as performance objectives,

  • Doing the evaluation as well as contrasting of individual skills with others in similar places for deciding on the required improvements.
  • For acting in a specific manner that is considered suitable for the colleagues, seniors as well as juniors in the organisation.
  • To have a working environment that is having minimum threat.
  • The individual should be acknowledging his/her functional aspect as an employee as well as do the utilization of the control that he/she has earned during the process. (Griffin, 2015)

In respect of enhancing my employability skills that includes cleaning, housekeeping and babysitting, there exists some particular roles and responsibilities that are needed to get actualised by me in a proper as well as productive way. For enhancement of my skills related with employment, my functional aspects as well as responsibilities are associated with work associated with cleaning, housekeeping and babysitting. As a housekeeping staff, I should be well aware of the various works that should be doing. In addition to performance objectives, there is the need to make sure that there exists a positive feedback from the client regarding the quality of the service that they are receiving from my end in respect of housekeeping.

1.2 Evaluate own effectiveness against defined objectives.

There is a need to do the evaluation of personal capability of myself regarding the functions as well as aims that are mentioned in respect of a housekeeping staff, for analysing the various ways by which I should be carrying out a planned situation,

  • Value as well as receiving responsibility for individual work – In this respect, there will be the recognition of my work post the completion of the previous needs associated with client service, enhanced work, utilizing the resources as well as creating an impact.  The scope of my work should possess the aspects of cleaning, housekeeping and babysitting in relation with the processes as well as qualities required for a housekeeping staff. I am required to be utilising the methods of measuring values that are being used simultaneously in relation with methodical task development. (Armstrong, 2014)
  • Control of individual work – The determination and prioritization of work load is done in respect of the time frame that has been assigned, after that there is the assigning of the next work to the proper individual who has been identified in respect of the previous developed act. Individual charges are considered in relation to the prior resolute circumstances as well as re-evaluation is done in contrast to the ascertained value of work as well as variety.
  • Application of the information as well as considering the responsibility of the committee – Work associated with various staffs assists in deciding the relation amongst them. I as well as the other staffs are required to follow the duties as well as tasks in respect of employability skills that includes cleaning, housekeeping and babysitting. (Griffin, 2015)
  • Welfare of the society – Threat associated with the security are identified as well as responded in relation to proper welfare of the society. The identification of the societal dilemma should be done in the least possible phase and should be corrected in proper process. The situational results do not possess the familiarity with the different clients, therefore proceeding outcomes are varied in respect of different clients. (Armstrong, 2014) I should be getting the assistance from the other staffs as well as individuals who are part of the community.
  • Supervising the changes – For developing as well as alter the external changes that occur in housekeeping job. There is a change associated with the area of work in relation to my personal work and it is considered as well. Previously selected changes of the outcomes of the staffs are put into action. For providing proposals associated with work, there is the selection of the precise ways. (Griffin, 2015) Suggestive methods in respect of work culture are taken into consideration in a positive mindset.

1.3 Make recommendations for improvement.

Human resources are very much inclined towards promoting and also is having the interest to showcase choices that are associated with improvement. It is the employees who should be making attempts and supporting the housekeeping job at each and every stage by concentrating on scenarios such as cost reduction, development of benevolence, as well as issue of improved services. Specific plans can get utilised that are taken into consideration as suggestions towards improvements. These proposals towards improvement are related with,

  • Re-evaluation of management – Changes that occurs in respect of employability skills that includes cleaning, housekeeping and babysitting is generating reactions that are employing changes.
  • Evaluation of opportunity – I possess an idea of the most appropriate scenario that prevails in respect of housekeeping job that will provide me assistance for the development of ideas in respect of my work related growth. Hence, all the employees should have the motivation to share thoughts towards the improvement of the opportunity for work as well as preparations. (Baines, 2012)
  • Protection of personal effort towards improvement – This is a different approach for analysing as well as quantifying personal routine of work. This will be assisting in the structuring of an improved area of work.
  • Involvement of peers – In a selected or new area of work each and every employee can have an active bonding with other employees as well as will be able to do idea distribution in respect of the area of work.
  • Doing adjustments – Since all people are not having the required  information knowledge , hence doing adjustments with the new area for work is an important scenario. (Baines, 2012)

There is the existence of particular job aspects that can assist me to improve my skills as well as enhancing the productiveness of the same. There is clarity that the role associated with constant training could be immense for similar reason. It can assist to improve the present skills as well as the level of competence when dealt with the clients. The training can support to increase the learning in respect of my job title or position as a housekeeping staff and in the later period it could result in actualisation of performance objectives. (Armstrong, 2014) Having an honest discussion with my manager will be providing immense assistance in respect to nurture the element that needs strengthening as well as the dealings with the small matters can be done in an appropriate manner. This will also be working as a feedback in respect of the performance in a specific phase. With the help of the feedback, the flaws could get noticed in association with having excellence towards performing a job. Also, there could be the development of confidence and most significantly there could be justifications made in respect of the roles as well as responsibilities. (Armstrong, 2014). With the help of appraisals, the performance desirability increases and learning of new methods will be remaining at its zenith as well as will be resulting in increased level of development.

1.4 Review how motivational techniques can be used to improve quality of performance

As per the motivation theories provided by Maslow, important scenarios in respect of employee encouragement are associated with satisfying the needs.  In regard of Hierarchy of Needs Theory of Maslow, the lower level employees possess a lot of eagerness for satisfying their lower level needs. Lower level needs are considered as physical needs as well as needs for shelter. In this respect, to encourage personnel for housekeeping job, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory will play a very significant role. Management will be using efforts to encourage their employees in relation to their needs. (Baines, 2012)

In the research that was conducted by McGregor, he is relegating the issues associated with encouragement. He states that, there is the presence of two types of employees. One type is not interested in performing the task and does the complaining of a pressure-like situation and on the other hand, the other type of employee is interested in performing their tasks as well as does the consideration of task as common task. By conducting the research, it can be stated that the staffs that are having the motivation possess the interest towards task completion. But employees who are not motivated do not have the interest towards completing the task as well as constantly try to do the switching of tasks and take the better work. In this respect, managers are needed taking steps for encouraging the employees. (Armstrong, 2014) As because, the motivated employees are working with absolute eagerness for the development of their employability skills that includes cleaning, housekeeping and babysitting. There exist various methods associated with the encouragement of staffs that are mentioned as under,

  • Providing transportation – The major hurdle in respect of the employees is associated with transportation. As a result, the employer can provide assistance by giving assistance for transport in respect of the employees which are considered to be motivation that are non-financial.
  • Provision of accommodation – The employer will be providing the provision of accommodation for the housekeeping staffs that are yielding better results, as a result of which there will occur competition to surpass one another in respect of performing ability to utilise the scope. This type of provision will be acting as a motivation in association with the financial aspect. (Armstrong, 2014)
  • Gratuity – This can also be taken into consideration as encouragement. There will be the liability of the housekeeping staffs to receive gratuity regarding the benefits of the employer. When the senior management makes this kind of declaration, the employees start giving their best for availing the gratuity. (Armstrong, 2014)
  • Prizes – The employer will be giving prizes to the employees in respect of the number of tasks that they are doing. The employees that are yielding better results will be provided with prizes that might be in respect of money. As a result, the employees will have the interest to do improved task, so that they have the opportunity for availing the scope. In this regard, prize is considered to be the financial scenario.

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Task 2

2.1 Develop solutions to work based problems.

To find solutions regarding the crisis situation can be explained through the assessment of certain type of flaws, as well as taking action for finding out a solution in respect of the problem. For defining in a more detailed manner, it is associated with finding solutions towards the problem in involving the aspect to solve the problem, in relation with asserting the quality, as well as crisis management. Planning for solving the crisis is an important aspect in which proposals are considering the actions for clearing the scenario of problem. There is not the requirement of a senior taking participation in respect of planning each and every time but there is a need for finding solution regarding the problem at the area of work that are mentioned as under,

  • Reassessing the use of tools – There is the need to evaluate the tools as well as there should be proper preservation that is required to be done.
  • Offering services to the clients – Clients are required to receive the scope of having involvement in the situations that are associated with the solving of crisis. They might have the involvement to organise, allotment of resources as well as to find solutions for emergency situations.
  • In emergency time – When the housekeeping staffs are required finding solutions towards circumstances related with non-criterion that might occur. (Baines, 2012)

To find solutions to problems is considered to be very important situations in respect of housekeeping work as well as there are the involvements of tasks. But, employees are needed for finding answers for higher level of problems. For example, people who are involved to find answers towards the problems associated with cleaning, housekeeping and babysitting as well as others aspects that have an involvement in respect of housekeeping job must need a higher level of finding answers to the problems associated with impediments. (Baines, 2012)

A person who is involved with matters in relation to find answers to the problems should be analysing the accountabilities as well as the environment associated with the task. A housekeeping staff is required educating himself as well as doing the evaluation of the action stages that are mentioned in the area for work. There exist different explanations towards finding answers in respect of the problems that are mentioned as under, 

  • Communication that is verbal as well as written – Verbal and written communication are considered to be the most common resolution aspect that occurs to find answers in respect of the problems. These mean of interaction can be used for development of sincere actions that will also help in the improvement of primary concentration towards a work. It delves with stating a message, what are the ways for taking actions with the colleagues as well as clients, and also it is considered to be a very important method of communication.
  • Pattern of body – Patter of body is considered to be an important scenario to solve the crisis that is occurring. At times, patter of body possess a significant scenario for interacting with people that are physically challenged such as those who are deaf and mute as well as there is functioning in an improved manner. (Baines, 2012)
  • Task receptiveness – The major concern for any work are the customers. Hence, it is important to be in better terms with the clients in relation to find answers for challenging aspects as well as provide options to find answers to the problems. This is very important in respect of communication.

Work based problems might occur in housekeeping jobs, but the important concern is to identify the problem and then find the necessary solution. In this respect, there is the need to have housekeeping staffs possessing the necessary merit for finding answers to the work based problems. For housekeeping jobs although there is a very less chance of work–based problems to occur but there should be the solving of the uncalled work-based problems by taking appropriate actions so that the work based output do not get damaged.

2.2 Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels.

There is significance for communication in respect of the accomplishment of housekeeping job. The scenario for employability is majorly related with communication. In respect of a scenario of task, there are four important aspects that are mentioned as under,

  • In respect of reading
  • In respect of writing
  • In respect of communicating
  • In respect of hearing

Scenarios in respect of processes are to be studied as well as solutions are to be found out as well as records of definitions regarding multiple works are needed. (Bonoma, 2011) In the present scenario, technology is playing a significant role towards communication in the area of work. One more important scenario is associated with language and in this respect it can be said that English is the considered to be the language of preference. People who possess fluency in this language as well as are having the ability to communicate.

In common terms, communication is not considered to a very easy process, and there is a need for different steps as well as stages that are required to be cleared, therefore an individual is required finding out the proper ways for communication in respect of the sections as well as fundamentals with which an individual is functioning. Ways associated with clear communication is required at all the level of the organisational act. (Bonoma, 2011) There is a need for the employees in maintaining proper communication with the clients in respect of assignment of messages, giving greetings in respect of specific events and many others through the use of proper medium of communication.

2.3 Identify effective time-management strategies.

There is a strong requirement for effective time management strategies for housekeeping jobs. In particular, regarding the talent of an employee there is the requirement for time management strategies that are successful. There is the consideration of time management to prepare as well as categorize that is considered to be a successful talent associated with employability. Time management strategies that are effective can be observed through the use of particular means. The effective time management strategies are mentioned as under,

  • Importance of task
  • Preparation of stages for task
  • Delegation of challenging work
  • Disruption of time
  • Quantifying the work that is time taking (Kondalkar, 2013)

Effective strategies for time management does the inclusion of an approach that is very reasonable as well as disciplined. Primarily, there is a huge need to focus on the diary management. With the help of diary management, an individual can easily focus on taking note of a task which has huge significance. It will assist to remember the significant works that are needed to be actualised on a basis of priority. The tasks could be noted down and could be competed one after the other. (Kondalkar, 2013)It is also important to make sure that the individuals should get sufficient amount of time for completing their task. Also, the various strategies for time management take into consideration the aspect of breaking the task into smaller parts. This will assist in providing the required information in respect of the emergency or challenge associated with any task. Consequently, there could be the allotment of time for a specific task and most significantly the time management strategy will have the ability in becoming appropriate as well as precise.

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Task 3

3.1 Explain the roles people play in a team and how they can work together to achieve shared goals.

For understanding the role of individuals for the actualization of goals in respect of housekeeping job, there is a massive need to concentrate on the Belbin Team Theory. It will be providing accurate circumstances in respect of the role that will probably be played by the people in the team. The Belbin Team Theory is suggesting the nine roles in respect of individuals. There is the segregation of these functional aspects into three main segments which are roles that are action-oriented, roles that are people-oriented and roles that are though oriented. These are mentioned as under,

Roles that is action-oriented: For completion of the task or actualisation of the shared goals, the roles associated with shapes are very huge. These are the ones that are responsible for the creation of the challenging task in front of others as well as motivating them in performing well in respect of the organisational benefit. These are considered to be the ones that will be taking the initiative.

The next role is associate with that if the implementer. These are considered to be those individuals who are fulfilling the initiatives that the shapers undertake. They will be taking a step ahead in respect of actualization of shared objectives through the inheritance of the plan inside the team or project. These are the individuals who could rely on the intention to do job since they are well organized as well as methodical while they do their work. (Lind, 2014) Moreover, for actualisation of the shared goals, the complete finisher’s role is huge since they are focusing on the eradication of the flaws that are occurring in respect of the project. They have a clarity of role that they are required carrying out in respect of the  research project  in an appropriate as well as productive manner. (Lind, 2014)

Roles that are people oriented: This takes into consideration the coordinator, team worker, as well as investigator of resource. These kinds of individuals are playing a very important role to ensure that there is the maintenance of teamwork. Moreover, it is associated with acknowledgement of the aspect that the coordinator is acting as individuals for supporting the coordination in respect of working in a team by offering scopes to individuals working in a team. The guidance that they are providing should be considered to be significant by the entire team. (Lind, 2014) The next team workers are those individuals who offer assistance in respect of the entire team and most significantly these are the individuals who do the execution of work or the responsibilities that a team leader assigns. Investigators of resources are those individuals who are maintaining a bond with the external stakeholders and most significantly doing negotiation with them on the team’s behalf. As a result, these functional aspects also assist in the actualisation of the shared objectives.

Roles that are thought oriented: These are the individuals who are having the function of generating certain effective knowledge as well as ideas in respect of task completion in a proper way. The individuals who are considered as plant are very much creative as well as innovative, as well as they are all the time providing answers to the crisis situations while having their engagement inside the working of a team. A significant consideration is taken in respect of these individual’s approaches as well as ideas. There is the evaluation of these ideas by the monitor evaluator who is functioning as a team analyst. (Lancaster, 2010) Their function is making a rational decision post the analysis of all situational aspects as well as options that are available. Specialists are considered to be those individuals that are having specific skills as well as capabilities in respect of a particular task or in relation to need of the project.

Therefore, it can be concluded by saying that these are the particular functions as well as accountabilities of individuals inside a team that are needed to be fulfilled for actualisation of shared objectives.

Unit 24 Aspect of Employability Skills Assignment 1

3.2 Analyse team dynamics.

For getting knowledge regarding team dynamics the Tuckman’s model cam be considered.

Unit 24 Aspect of Employability Skills Assignment 2

As per the above diagram, this model consists of four stages. These stages are forming, norming, storming as well as performing. These are the stages that are explaining the Tuckman’s Theory of team dynamics. At the stage of forming, the teammates are coming in contact with one another and trying to have an understanding of one another. Here, the teammates started gaining familiarity with one another such that there is the clear understanding of the roles as well as responsibilities in relation with the shared objectives. (Jenkins, 2011) Moreover, the stage of storming is representing where individuals are coming into the stage of discussion with one another. This is considered to be the point where individuals are sharing their viewpoints regarding the methods or techniques for the completion of the task or project. It is considered to be a very significant period since the teammates are having the scope of understanding the potentiality of one another as well as there could be the diminishing of the traits associated with ego as well as grudges. Then after that the forming stage provides the indication in respect of the intermediate phase in which the degree of conflict is very less. (Iqbal, 2011) Since, everyone is having the clarity in respect of their roles and responsibilities, they are successful in delivering outstanding contribution. Last but not the least, the performing stage is associated with the completion of the task in relation to the discussion or definition of levels at the period of storming.

Therefore, the aforementioned theory has explained precisely the various stages of team dynamics.

3.3 Suggest alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals.

There exists a lot of accuracy for the alternative ways and they are depending on ideologies having philosophical aspects. It is for acknowledging that the goals of the team could be reached only when the teammates are having communications that are effective as well as the process of interaction. When there is any discrepancy in the process of communication then, it is very much challenging for dealing with the conflicting situations and most significantly, information sharing could also become very much unproductive. Hence, the alternative ways to complete the task and actualise team goals takes into consideration establishing appropriate communication. Moreover, there is also the clarity regarding the sense of respect that is needed to be generated within the teammates. (Mital, 2014) It also assists to build the healthy relationship amongst the teammates as well as individuals. Therefore, in this manner, these alternative ways could be used in respect of actualisation of the objectives.

Task 4  

4.1 Evaluate tools and methods for developing solutions to problems.

The tools and methods for developing solutions to the problems are evaluated as under,

  • Heuristics – It is the situation that is perceptive associated problem solving, educating as well as process of finding out. It is the pattern of emotion which might not be functioning at all the situations. Problems that occur for an employer in the current circumstances by different elements can be resolved through the utilization of this process. But, a drawback of this method is that it is unable in finding answers to each and every direct challenging problem circumstances.
  • Mathematics – Algorithm is considered to be a very important means to find answers in respect of the problems. It is considered to be a very methodical pattern in respect of mechanisms of growth as well as to find solutions to the crisis situations. In respect of algorithm, the mathematical patterns are considered very familiar. Through the utilization of algorithm it can be explained the realisation of definite answers can occur but it fails to state in a clear manner that algorithm is the most proper scenario to find solutions to the problems. (Kouzes, 2012) To find solutions to the problems with the help of algorithm is common because it is providing a common scenario as well as problem taking place related with housekeeping work and which can be resolved through the use of benchmarks that are earlier mentioned. But, in some circumstances, algorithm fails to operate since it is taking a significant amount of time and is also not properly connected at certain times.
  • Test and mistake – The method of test and mistake is to find answers to the problems where there exists different numbers but those are not functional. This is considered to be an alternative scenario and utilization of it occurs by the  customer satisfaction  when every other alternative is not being able to function. (Markman, 2012) When there exists options that are readily available, then there is no requirement for utilizing this tool for finding answers to the problems.

4.2 Develop an appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem

For developing an appropriate strategy to resolve a specific problem, the following aspects are to be taken into consideration,

  • Evaluating the problem – In respect of housekeeping job, for finding answers in respect of a particular problem, an individual need to consider the problem at the initial stage. In this respect, ways are to be analyzed for understanding the category as well as intensity of the problem. At this stage, there is searching in respect of the problem as well as the crisis pattern is found out.
  • Setting the plan – The next approach is associated with setting the plan for finding answers to the problems. For finding out what is to be done, organizing takes place. In this respect, association is made for clearing of the specific problem. In this respect, it is selected in the earlier organisational stage. There should occur the development of specific methods as well as patterns for finding answers to the problems. The alternatives should be considered for answers to the problems. (Griffin, 2015)
  • Execution – In this stage, the individuals who have an involvement with functioning will be putting into practice the plan that needed clarification in the earlier stage. Since there exists different alternatives, the most suitable alternative should be chosen to get the best outcome in relation to the situation. (Hohpe, 2012)
  • Assessment – It is stating the review of the stages in the stage of problem solving. After finding the answers, it is required to make clear that there exists no flaw.  If there exists any, then proper evaluation should be done and the reason in respect of the flaw should get evaluated.

4.3 Evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy.

In respect of housekeeping jobs, for finding answers in respect of a particular problem, an individual need to consider the problem at the initial stage. In this respect, ways are to be analyzed for understanding the category as well as intensity of the problem. At this stage, there is searching in respect of the problem as well as the crisis pattern is found out. Then, plans should be set for finding answers to the problems. For finding out what is to be done organizing takes place. In this respect, organization is made for clearing of the specific problem. In this respect, it is selected in the earlier organisational stage. (Cox, 2014) There should occur the development of specific methods as well as patterns for finding answers to the problems. The alternatives should be considered for answers to the problems. In respect of execution, the individuals who have an involvement with functioning will be putting into practice the plan that needed clarification in the earlier stage. Since there exists different alternatives, the most suitable alternative should be chosen to get the best outcome in relation to the situation. Lastly, assessment is associated with stating the review of the stages in the stage of problem solving. After finding the answers, it is required to make clear that there exists no flaw. (Cox 2014)  If there exists any, then proper evaluation should be done and the reason in respect of the flaw should get evaluated.

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This case study is associated with the aspect of employability skills where a set of individual responsibilities as well as performance objectives are developed, then evaluation of personal effectiveness against defined objectives are considered, after that recommendations are made for development as well as reviewing of the techniques of motivation are done for improving the quality of performance. After that, solutions to work based problems are developed, and effective time-management strategies are identified. Also, various methods to develop answers to the problems are evaluated.


Baines, P (2012) ‘Essentials of Marketing’. Oxford University Press
Bonoma, T (2011) Organizational Buying Behavior. Marketing Classics Press
Cox, S. (2014). Managing Information in Organizations. Palgrave Macmillan.
Griffin, R. (2015). Fundamentals of Management. Cengage Learning.
Hohpe, G. (2012). Enterprise Integration Patterns. Addison-Wesley.
Iqbal, T (2011). The Impact of Leadership Styles on Organizational Effectiveness. GRIN Verlag.
Jenkins, D (2011). Managing Empowerment. Random House.
Kondalkar, V (2013). Organisation Effectiveness and Change Management. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Kouzes, J. (2012). The Leadership Challenge. John Wiley & Sons.
Lancaster, G (2010). Essentials of  Marketing Management . Taylor & Francis. Publisher
Lind, P (2014) Monitoring Business Performance. Routledge
Markman, A. (2012). Smart Thinking: How to think big, innovate and outperform your rivals. Hachette UK.
Mital, A. (2014). Product Development. Elsevier.