Program |
Diploma in Health and Social Care |
Unit Number and Title |
Unit 23 Employability Skills in HSC Assignment |
QFC Level |
Level 5 |
Self-appraisal is a way of analysing and monitoring one’s own performance, activities and conduct to improve the NHS services in the community. In the present Unit 23 Employability Skills in HSC Assignment my work experience as an NHS employee is critically evaluated in the different perspectives to prepare a self-appraisal form. An NHS employee provides health and social services in the community. Though doctors and the nurses are mainly involved in providing NHS services other employees like health assistants, radiologist, dietitian etc. plays a vital role in providing health and care services in the community. It is the core responsibility of an NHS employee to provide quality care and best services to the patients and community. In the present assignment the role and experience of mine is studied and critically evaluated (Reed, 2009).
Job Title: Registered Nurse
Date at work:
Time: 37 hours
Table 1 |
Column A Key responsibilities at work 1.1 |
Column B Performance objectives at work (your own effectiveness) 1.2 |
Column C Make recommendations for your own improvement 1.3 |
Column D Effective motivational techniques you use at work 1.4 |
Column E Communication skills needed at work 2.2 |
Providing patient care: Medication and other assistance:
Provide extreme care and proper guidance to the needy:
Need to learn Team working skills: In my 1 year experience of working I have learned that I am weak at team work and could not coordinate many times with the other team members. I would like to improve this and would try to work in a smooth way with the other team members (Gorsky, 2008).
Motivational Counselling : Counselling should be client centred and focused on the problems of the client. Counsellor must talk in a polite manner and make the patient convince on The words of counsellor. Counsellor must believe on the patient and must not be angry or harsh towards client. Patient must be motivated in a manner that it could resolve the problems of the client. |
Fluency in English: Being a native speaker of French language, I felt little difficulty in communicating In English with patients at work place. I required being more fluent in English to make effective conversation with the patients of different places and nationality.
Maintaining the records of the patient
Be loyal in services and confident in working:
Personality Development Programmes: I realized from my work experience that I required to improve my overall personality i.e. communication skills, dressing style, confidence, positive outlook etc. To improve my efficiency. I would join a personality development programme and also work individually to improve myself. |
Counselling needs patience: effective counselling needs patience. Counsellor must show sympathy towards the client and illustrate him that his health is the prime importance and must be taken care of it. Questioning should be done in an appropriate manner and make the client believe that his information would be kept confidential and secret in all the conditions (Funnell Koutoukidis & Lawrence, 2009). |
I need to improve the communication skills required to talk with the children. It is very obvious that it is quite a tougher job to convince the children to obey you at a clinic or health and social care centre because most of the children are afraid of being at a health centre or hospital. So, it is mandatory to develop the communication skills required to converse effectively with the patients of all age groups. |
Providing proper diet to all the patients and keep their data
Need to enhance my knowledge and awareness about the health and care services.
Be a patient listener: Counsellor must listen to all the problems and circumstance of the client attentively and must not do hurry at the time of counselling because counselling could only succeed if the counsellor achieves the trust of the client (Kozier, et al. 2004). |
Communication with illiterate or visually impaired: Skills are required to interact effectively with the illiterate or the patients with hearing or visual impairment. This could be attained by learning the sign language and learning the ways to explain and interact with the illiterate patients. For example; For vision testing C chart or picture chart could be used for the illiterate patients. |
Professional development and Education responsibility
Give examples: Appropriate examples could help the client in understanding the viewpoints of the counsellor. Show audio video recordings of previous patients and their counselling and its outcome. For example; a COPD patient who is smoking for last 20 years has completely quit smoking after counselling sessions could help in motivating others with his viewpoints and experience. |
Team Communication: Communication with all the team members in an effective manner is also very essential to work properly in health and social care sector. Effective communication among team members helps in maintain good relations among the members and proper discharge of duties like, Proper hand over and takeover of duties, proper exchange of duties, proper work distribution, regular meetings, sharing of experience and thoughts etc. |
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Table 2 |
6. Solutions to problems 2.1 |
7. Evaluate Tools and Methods for developing solution 4.1 |
8. Strategies for solving problems 4.2 |
9. Time management Strategies 2.3 |
1.Team working skills This could be improved by developing and managing the skills required to work in a team. Listening: It is very much essential to listen to each other’s viewpoints patiently while working as a team. Questioning: Ask questions discuss points and make fair arguments to bring out innovative ideas and conclusions through team work. Persuade and Respect: It is also essential to have skills of persuading others on own plan and words because without the support of team members team work cannot be completed. It is also essential that all the team members respect the feelings and thoughts of each other. Helping and participation: It is also required for team functioning that all the team members help each other and participate actively in all the activities, meetings or discussions. 2. Personality development: Attributes of attractive personality like self-confidence, impartial behaviour, communication skills, leadership qualities etc. Are required to work effectively in NHS team. 3. Need to enhance my knowledge and skills regarding health and social care service: Further improvement in my knowledge base, understanding and awareness about recent research in the field is required. 4. Computer and technical knowledge |
To evaluate my own performance and analyse the experience I would adopt the following tools:
The problems which are observed by the others in the feedback and found in the self-assessment would be solved in the first priority. The problems which are found in the self-assessment and online tests would be solved s second priority. And the problems which are found in only any one test would be treated in the last.
1. To develop my team working skills I would join long term i.e. of 1 or 2 year or short term course i.e. of 2,3 or 6 months on Advancement in team proficiency. Training from experienced staff: Could learn from the senior or experienced staff members. I would also join some online courses to learn these skills. I would focus on my pronunciation and language problems and try to improvise it by online learning and practising. 2. Personality could be improved through improvement programmes, short term and long term courses, related audio visuals presentations and recordings, practising the skills etc. I would participate in group activities and presentation programmes to improve my public speaking skills. 3. Nursing could be explained as that art or understanding which makes nurses to feel the problems of the patient before they utter. Nursing requires heart and emotion with caring nature along with the theoretical knowledge. To train the nurses different training and development programmes are also organized regularly which could help in improving the knowledge about nursing. Long term or short term courses including practical training along with the theoretical classes could help to resolve this problem 4. Computer and the technological knowledge is one of the basic needs of today’s work culture. I faced problems while working on technological tools and equipment and need to upgrade my technological skills and knowledge. For this I would join computer course to learn the basic of computer usage and also join the course to learn the methods and ways of working on the machines and equipment based on the technology (Bradshaw & Lowenstein, 2010) |
Effective time management is very necessary in Nursing as nurses generally had a very busy schedule and have to face many types of emergencies so it is very crucial for them to manage their timetable appropriately and strictly. For effective time management I planned to follow these guidelines: I would keep my all the stationary, records and other required materials properly arranged. In my one year of work experience I observed that many times the things become more time consuming if everything is scattered or unarranged so I decided that I would spend 10 minutes daily to arrange and keep my things properly . This would help me to complete my tasks rapidly. I have learnt that it is not possible for a person to perform many tasks in the same time and for this I will say no to the things which could not be done and would not compromise with the quality of work. Nursing is a job in which plan and priority could change suddenly. For example; when I planned to go for a ward round to check all the IPD patients an accidental case emerged suddenly as an emergency and I have to left my plan and attend that patient. To manage this I would try to be timely in my works and would not spend time in unnecessary chats and gossips.
10. Evaluate the impact of implementing Strategies on the business 4.3 |
1. Implementation of strategies to solve the problems coming in working would help to improve my community and health care services and make me more capable of performing my tasks effectively and in an appropriate manner (Bolton, n.d.). 2. Proper time management strategies would help me to manage the risks and emergencies in an appropriate way and I would become more confident and enthusiastic in handling the situations. 3. Improvement in communication skills and personality would help me to communicate effectively and in a confident manner in the community which would help me to gain the trust and faith of the people which is very essential in health and social services to convince the patients and the family member on the words of the NHS employees. 4. Improvement in computer and technical knowledge would make me more learned and efficient in my working and I could perform my tasks more rapidly than before and need not to be dependent on others for these types of tasks (Hacker, 1998). |
Table 3 |
11. Team roles Your observations 3.1 |
12. Team dynamics3.2 |
13. Suggestions 3.3 |
Duties distribution Team leader Senior nurses Junior Nurse Ward boy and assistant All the team members have different roles and responsibilities which they need to execute in patient care and services. Team leader would be the head of department and she would guide all the other nurses and staff members. She would be the person responsible for allocation of work responsibilities and she is also the final authority in making decisions for the department. Senior nurses would be the expert nurses who would guide junior nurses towards patient care. They are also ensuring that the orders given by the nursing leader is carried out. Junior nurses would be taking care of the routine activities and documentation part of the patient care. They would also assist in critical care along with senior nurses. Assistants and ward boys would be more indulged in physical movement of the patient and assisting them in their daily routine activities. |
It is an important task to distribute the duties effectively among all the team members according to their area of interest, education and capabilities. According to the Belbin’s team role theory the people are divided into three categories i.e. action oriented thought oriented and people oriented. It is observed by me that in work environment there was friction between members at some occasions. Mostly this friction was because of lack of communication and ambiguity in the roles and responsibilities division between members. It is sometimes observed that junior nurses are not sure who was supposed to do a particular work and in the end nobody does the work and it come back as a complaint. Other than this overall work environment and abilities of the team members is excellent and there are no major issues or threatening situations which can impact the services. These few areas require attention and improvement to enhance the effectiveness of the team. |
Coordination between team members is the first problem which has been identified on observing the team working. There is a clear lack of coordination between junior members of the team whilst senior members appear to be much more articulated. It can be said that this coordination and team dynamics is observed and identified and gained by the senior members through years of experience and working in close proximity (Barker, 2006). This capability of senior members is needed to be percolated in the junior members of the team also. It can be done either through developing an orientation program for the new members and informing them about the need, importance and strategies to achieve coordination. Secondly informal gatherings and open meetings can be arranged to discuss all kind of grievances and issues with senior members and to reach an amicable solutions.
Weekly meetings are suggested for the entire team which would be informal in nature and it would include some form of entertainment and open dialogue. This will bring members closer to each other and communication process would be smoothened.
Secondly performance appraisal and evaluation of the employees should be linked with their performance in the team and a 360 degree feedback system should be employed where feedback from the juniors and senior members. This will help in developing a pattern of behaviour which is desirable in team environment.
Barker, A. (2006) – Improve Your Communication Skills, 2nd Edition (Kogan Page, 2006) ISBN-10 0749448229, ISBN-13 978-0749448226
Bolton R (nd) – People Skills (Simon & Schuster, 1986) ISBN-10 067162248X, ISBN-13 978-0671622480
Bradshaw, J & Lowenstein (2010) Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions
Funnell, R., Koutoukidis, G. & Lawrence, K. (2009) Tabbner's Nursing Care (5th Edition), page 72, Elsevier Pub, Australia.
Gorsky, M. (2008) "The British National Health Service 1948-2008: A Review of the Historiography," Social History of Medicine, Dec 2008, Vol. 21 Issue 3, pp 437–460
Hacker, S.(1998) "The Historical Logic of National Health Insurance: Structure and Sequence in the Development of British, Canadian, and U.S. Medical Policy," Studies in American Political Development, April 1998, Vol. 12 Issue 1, pp 57–130
Kozier, B. et al. (2004) Assessing, Fundamentals of Nursing: concepts, process and practice, 2nd ed., p. 261
Reed, P. (2009) Inspired knowing in nursing. Pg. 63 in Loscin & Purnell (Eds) (2009) Contemporary Nursing Process. Springer Pub
Webster, C. (1990) "Conflict and Consensus: Explaining the British Health Service,” Twentieth Century British History, April 1990, Vol. 1 Issue 2, pp 115–151
Webster, C. (2008) Health Services since the War. 'Vol. 1:' Problems of Health Care. The National Health Service before 1957 479pp.
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