Unit 3 Working in partnership and Health social care Assignment

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Unit 3 Working in partnership and Health social care Assignment
Unit 3 Working in partnership and Health social care Assignment
Unit 3 Working in partnership and Health social care Assignment


Diploma in  Health and Social Care

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Working in partnership and Health social care

QFC Level

Level 5

Task 1

1.1 Partnership Philosophies:

As per Glasbyand Dickinson (2014) Partnership can get established in between an agency, some organizations or among individuals with some shared form of interest. Usually there exist some kinds of predominant persistence among the partners so that they can continue working together and a diversity of particular objectives. Often partnership gets formed for addressing some types of issues which are specific in nature and can range from a long to short time period.

  • Empowerment: It is defined as a practice of management of information sharing, reward partaking and power allotment so as to give the other a scope to find out solution of some problems and take quick decisions for the improvement of performance and service (Reeveset al. 2014).
  • Independence Power Sharing: In every perspective of our daily living, Independence is considered as the most important aspects (McKeownet al. 2011). This implies supporting and empowering the individual who is in care you for maintenance of a dynamic body and soul.
  • Autonomy: It is defined as allowing liberty so as to make the right choice of decision making at the right time in the place of work. The manager who will be granting the autonomy will be outlining the project goals and hence permitting all his employees to choose the right choice in their finest ways for succeeding goal (Leathard, 2004).
  • Respect: As an acknowledgement for the absolute significance of patients, we have come across the name‘respect’. And such revolves around the autonomy respect of the patient. Lastly the term that we will be promoting over here consists of two dimensions:

Behavioural Dimension:

Cognitive Dimension:

Making Informal Choices: To take informed selections, individuals are in need of information. The procedure of using and finding facts will be charging material resources, time as well as effort for all individuals. Henceforth, the information accessibility stands as significant in confirming those who are in need of getting the right selection in the most informed ways. Instructions helping both the social care and health services to perform better:       

Individuals other than their usual titles and roles are needed to make use of more expertise and communication and knowledge as well as responsibility where the conflicts can get the finest consequences with the relationship model of non-hierarchical model. Agreeing on the same expertise as well as work practice is an extra advantage where working together is considered as ability for a better potential of networking (Glasbyand Dickinson, 2014.

The partnership relationship between the social care and health are needed to utilize the term ‘negotiation’ which would certainly lend a hand of support to effectively operate. Henceforth, for the evaluation of relationship within the services of ‘health and social care’ it is absolutely perfect to put emphasis that both the parties are needed to concentrate on the existing work.

The users of these kinds of services include:

  • Refugees
  • People having mental issues
  • People having difficulties of learning
  • Disable individuals
  • Elderly
  • Seekers of asylum
  • Children

1.2 Evaluate partnership:

According to Mittler (2012), Partnership primarily moves with the prime essence of ‘sharing’ or ‘allotment. And such gets marked by a key term known as ‘respect’ towards every individuals with some other functions like divisions of role, information rights, competence, accountability and worthiness rendered to every people input. Or it can be said that each of the partners is looked to make a contribution, share their power and take joint decisions whenever problem arises. These roles are respected as well as get backed legally. In terms of partnership relation, such a term gets used for characterizing partnership which is referred in term of power sharing, taking decision jointly and acknowledging the responsibilities and roles.Terms to acknowledging Partnership there exist a lot of terms for defining partnership and such includes:

  • Collaboration
  • Cooperating each other
  • Participating in every problems and its consequences
  • Shared learning
  • Working in a team
  • Practicing or educating jointly
  • Working with leading people 
  • Partnership working as interdisciplinary
  • Guidelines which will be helping the social care and health services working progressively are discussed below:
  • They are needed to make more use of knowledge, expertise and responsibility as well other than the titles or roles they are performing
  • Sharing of expertise and practice of working
  • For resolving the conflicts, utilization of the model which is identified as ‘non-hierarchical’ is attained
  • Capability of working altogether without any means of negligence or envy
  • Better potentials of networking
  • Working in a team and venturing jointly

The service user will be forming a relationship of partnership with the groups performing professionally such as the:

  • Health sector workers for example the district nurses, GP and others
  • College tutors or other educationalists
  • Therapists
  • Care manager
  • Centre manager for day care
  • Support manager
  • Definition of Care Plan

Also known as Support and Care Plan, the Care Plan will be fixing out the various ways with which the requirements of care and support will get met (Wallcraftet al. The user of the service will be having his full involvement over drafting of the plan with the presence of their relatives and family, social worker, care manager and professionals who belong from non-health organizations and they will be partaking into such a kind of care services. All these people will be receiving copies of all the agreements of the care plan written (Munn-Giddings and Winter, 2013).

The care plan is needed to set out certain things like:

  • The requirements which have been identified with an analysis detailing out the reasons for making the criterion of eligibility
  • The various needs which the authority is going to meet and how it will be intending to attain for some individuals who is in utmost requirement of care

For the one who is caring an individual, that is the ‘carer’ and his consequences which he wants to accomplish with his patient, and their desires of care providing, recreation, learning and work where supporting is a relevant term with the personal means of budgeting Advising and information on the things which can be implemented or what have been achieved for reducing the questioning and to put a prevention of the development delays in the near future Where all the requirements been met through  a direct process of paymentand there all the needs get attained through direct payment

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Task 2

2.1 Analyse models

As per Julie’s partnership relationships she is in constant need of care from the health care centre as well as taking home leisure at the same time(Murrayet al. 2012, p. 2018). She enjoys the health care benefit three days a week with care and concern from her children and relatives. So talking on this context, Partnership is analysed as a model of two elements consisting of:

  • Assertiveness: It enables knowledge exchange among each individuals of an organization.
  • Cooperation: Together working so as to yield a common purpose or a mutual profit

As in Julie’s case, empowerment would be having its more effect on partnerships with its other members through:

  • Ideas sharing
  • Increment of manpower
  • Confidence increment
  • Increased diversity and access

As per the theories of ‘collaborative working’ a partnership can be established between several individuals, organizations or agencies with some shared means of interest. Generally there will be an overarching persistence for each of the partners to continue working together with diverse objective range of specific variety. Often partnership is set up for addressing certain specific issues which can linger of a longer or might be of a short period of time. For achieving of coordinated partners of service the partnership would be in need of a great communication, a better cooperation and a superb cooperation from the workforce. While there remains that it is not needed to possess any extensions about models linking with consequences especially for the users of some specific service.

2.2 Review current legislation

The local authorities and bodies located at England can have their role on pooling of budgets; can togetherly join all the structure of management as well as staffs and commissioning delegates giving responsibility to each other and such has been mentioned at the NHS Act 2006 under section 75. As per the Health Act 2007, ‘the Local Government and Public Involvement’ will need chief care from the ‘Trust and Authorities’ in order to create requirement assessments of joint strategies for the well-being as well as health of all their populaces. And this needs to be shaped with joint services of marketing planning. Moreover the ‘Health and Social Care Bill’ would be making boards on well-being and health in the every area having local authorities so as to make the finest coordination among the social care and health care.  

Below are mentioned all the legislations which have their maximum affect over the partnership working in terms of Children and Young People:

  • Mental Health Act 1983
  • Children Act 1983
  • Human Rights Act 1998

Togetherly working for children safeguard since 1999 a framework with the need of assessing requirements of children and their families since year 2000 Fair Access to Care Services since year 2002

  • For Mental Health, National Service Framework since year 2000
  • Legislation even has its effect over the partnership working:
  • On October 1991, the 1989 Act of Children came into action
  • The 1989 Act of Children got underpinned with principles like:
  • Parental roles
  • Principle of welfare
  • Partnership of family and professionals as in Julie’s Case

2.3 Working practices:

Authors through their various analyses have found that a wide range of alterations and variance around the several roles and values have brought the foundation of barriers which has increased the base of integration at its team level. They worked with key themes like:

  • Hierarchy and Power in building managerial and professional relationships can put off the partnerships effectively without any reluctance.According to Party (2012) working jointly is equally difficult as there exist difference in between the occupational groups along with the individual participants. Several practitioners even perceive a lot of threats to their status, control and autonomy whenever they are been asked for making of a democratic decision.
  • Differences in the conditions of employment among the several diverse organizations which at times can prove to be the biggest barriers of integration especially wherever there comes a request of some new patterns within the twenty-four hours.

In the terms of integrated and partnership the character of the community and voluntary sectors along with the carers and users often remains very much unclear. Rarely there can exist any kinds of clarity about whether the particular subject is predictable for operational, advocacy, strategic or representative. Next are the behavioural barriers for which differences in working practices and policies have its maximum effect. Such as the autonomy, professional or the mistrust raised inter-professionally of some individuals can have its maximum affect over understand the other person (Goodwinet al. 2012). Lack of information about the other professional may lead to create a tendency of stereotyping the other individuals (Cookand Miller2013, p.624).

2.4.Short reflective analysis:

After observing LO2 I have understood the various ways of promoting working of positive partnership along with the service users of both the organizations as well as the professionals in the social care and health services. I understand analysis of models which the partners have been using while working across the sectors of ‘health and social cares’. After that I have reviewed the on-going legislation and the practices of the organization along with policies which mentions the rules of partnership for the same health and social care services.Lastly I critically examine theexplanation of several differences in practice of working and the policies which affects working collaboratively. I have observed that effective Partnership can have barriers because of the political, cultural or external influences. For an effective and a good partnership ‘time sequence’ can have its longer effect over the expediency allowance politically. Often partnership is expected to link up with the services which happen to be entirely unconnected to that of the level of central government.

Hence, with the assistance of Care I can obtain the best ever support of partnership at the same time assistance in terms with:

  • Living independently
  • Giving a lot of control over your livinghood
  • Taking part with the society with an access over the employment and with the family life
  • Offering the best outcome of living a life
  • Overcoming all the barriers and following Julie’s Case Study offering an option of keeping dignity with respect as much possibl

Task 3

3.1 Possible outcomes:

As per the case study of Julie’s Partnership relationship she used to live all alone where she was living with arthritis and leg ulcer which was never meant to be healed up anytime (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014). But as she borrowed a hand of support from a district nurse who actually treated her illness with all competence and expertise she went for the nicest partnership working which proved to be competent enough to give her a better living. Likewise Partnership Working has its vibrant advantages for all the organizations, professionals or service users (Hunter and Ritchie, 2014).

Partnership has its own terms of empowering individuals with idea sharing, increasing of manpower, increasing of confidence, resources as well as has an increased diversity and access (West et al. 2014). Sharing of information remains the key for delivering better with all the more efficiency in serving for public demand and such is continued with the vision of:

  • Delivering the best
  • Coordinated as per the requirements of an individual
  • Enabling an early preventative and intervention
  • Wider protection towards public welfare
  • Enhancing a soothing mean for promoting and safeguarding welfare

The common terms which actually characterizes the term ‘partnership’ includes power sharing, decision making jointly and recognizing respective responsibilities and roles. The main intention of doing partnership is of sharing (Millar and Hall, 2013, p.926). It is a kind of respect which an individual is required to possess for each other with divisions of role, information rights, competency, accountability and accorded value to all people. Partners who are included under the head of Partnership are required to contribute their parts, share power as well as make a joint decision and most importantly their roles get backed up legally with extra advantage of moral rights (Cameron et al. 2014, p.229).

3.2 The potential barriers:

The working theory for potential barrier includes:

  • A partnership can be established in between an agency, some organizations or with an individual but there should be shared interest among all (Tuohyet al. 2013, p.19)
  • Usually there exists a purpose which is overarching with a selection of some particular objects
  • Often partnership gets formed for addressing all the specific issues and such can limit of long or short periods
  • For achieving a coordinated partner of service it is required to have a good communication, a great deal of cooperation and the best coordination with each partners (Brett et al. 2014, p.639)
  • One of the productive arenas of making a further research would include an investigation about the models consisting of activities with multi-agency and such will be bringing about the different outcomes for service users, agencies or professionals (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014).
  • The multi-agency movement takes a lot of forms where the terminology has its manifold variation. `
  • While talking about informed decision making it is defined as when as user, public or carer is involved into some kinds of discussions and are taking a decision using their genuine partnership then such will be marked as Informed decision making.

Potential Barriers:

  • Effective and potential partnership can be seriously affected by barriers caused with cultural, external or political influence:
  • Time Sequences for establishing an active partnership need to stretch for much a longer period in comparison to the political expediency allowance (Hunter and Ritchie,  2014).
  • For controlling the sorts of problems which are of long term and complex short term, grants which are non-recurrent and ad-hoc funding remains an absolute must.
  • Mess of initiatives along with policy rafts can prove to be one of the most tough and contradictory too for negotiating.

3.3 Devise strategies:

The factors which have been discussed above will have its biggest effect more or less in all the levels or partnership types (Millar and Hall, 2013, p.932). Thereof to be well geared and shielded with the proper armour lets discuss about the things with which we can steer clear from any kinds of partnership barriers:

Knowledge comes as the first defence Open acknowledgement comes as the second shield inside the partnership Hereafter partnership will be needed to make a proper identification of all the factors on which control every time is not possible and henceforth taking action against the same is also time-consuming (Brett et al. 2014, p.645). Partnership will be required to recognize and categorize all such aspects which they are able or unable to control and take steps on the factors which come under their wings of power.

In the year 2004, Pettigrew and Armistead made a description of ‘Partnership Viruses’ where they have caught the founding member carrying out unwittingly poor practice as well as bad skills within partnership (Cameron et al. 2014, p.231). Therefore those individuals who are under the niche of ‘partnership’ are needed to be well serious about their practice since it can have its worst effect over the future. Moreover they are required to be watchful and attentive about the maintenance of what is termed as ‘healthy life style’ so as to cut off all the chances of contracting any kind of viruses (Millar and Hall, 2013, p.940).

The strongest advice ever came from Millar and Hall (2013, p.938) is that if you are not having any ways of achieving what you desire of or tackle some problems then better you don’t. The reason is it will be consuming a lot of your time, will be expensive and difficult to handle. Try to cut off the number of partnerships which you are having right now and put on the best ever principle which you think have its finest effects, make a clarity for its purpose, obtain an active development of organization and get some suitable resourcing to the partnerships which are just a few in number especially to the ones which you consider are the most important for organization (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014).

  • Let’s try out some questions which can help you in devising the final strategy:
  • Consider on a partnership within which the management of the organization will be involving or they are likely trying for establishing
  • Consider your aims which you are likely to follow with the required kinds of partnership method or tactics
  • Try to find out all the positions where the managers are thinkingof encountering problems
  • Try to tackle the arenas which have the maximum problems
  • Don’t ever try to put an effort over the problems about which the managers don’t have the minimum idea (West et al. 2014). Better first make a proper identification about the difficulties and take a note that from where should you start

Think of the partnership in which it has been involved or trying to establish in the health and social organization. Does the goal you are trying to pursue really require a partnership approach? If not, do it another, easier way (Hunter and Ritchie, 2014). Look to see where the majority of your problems seem to lie – culture, people, process, structure, resources or environment.

Reference list:


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