Unit 37 Digital Image Creation & Development Sample Assignment 1

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Unit 37 Digital Image Creation & Development Sample Assignment 1
Digital Image Creation & Development
Unit 37 Digital Image Creation & Development Sample Assignment 1


Diploma in Computing and Systems Development

Unit Number and Title

Unit 37 Digital Image Creation and Development

QFC Level

Level 5


This report will be presenting the Primary and Secondary wellsprings of picture. Recognizing essential and Secondary wellsprings of picture is the most imperative venture to comprehend the methodology of information picture accumulation which is further changed and altered. Besides, understanding the specialized and tasteful features of advanced picture likewise hold vitality.
All these gimmicks have been decently coordinated and introduced in easy to understand way for better understanding. Tables and delineations have likewise been fused to clear up the rudiments and hypotheses relating to computerized picture.


1.1 Digital image sources

There might have been many physical images of past incidents and experiences; however, the advent of digitization has come to the aid of the preservation of such memories. Moreover, it is not as easy as it sounds and requires parallel steps such as processing, compression, storage etc. The digital image creation can also be obtained in printed form through printers giving a tangible association with the digital images. These have become highly convenient and accessible for the users more due to the coming up of affordable digital cameras and photographic devices. Th these days the conversion of images from physical to its digital form has also become easy. This can be done with the visage of image synthesis, image processing etc. Printers, Scanners etc. can assist in digital image conversion. There are actually two types of digital image sources i.e. primary source and secondary source.
The classes Primary source and secondary source can be further classified into two forms i.e. Science and Humanities. Let’s take a detailed look.

Primary Sources of Image

These can be simply defined as the sources if image that are the first hand accounts of the artists’ creation. For example, the ancient paintings of Michelangelo on the ceilings of St. Peter’s Cathedral are primary sources, so are the depiction found through archival sources. This can be defined as the first hand creation of the artist, Michelangelo. The ones who form the art piece are the witnesses of the contextual situations. Hence, these are termed as Primary sources of image.

Secondary Sources

Secondary sources are those images that depict the past in a future time period. Sometimes, secondary sources reflect the past through writings developed in the future. By the time, the original essence gets lost from the sources; a lot of developments take place through the years, leading to a change in understanding of the ocurred incidents. There might be no alteration in the facts, but interpretations are likely to vary to a large extent. Hence to develop a primary source into a secondary source, it is necessary to know the criticisms made by various scholars on that particular topic. It can be claimed as a further development taking place with primary sources of digital image (Cofield, 2005).

Primary sources

Secondary sources



Now it’s turn to clarify the difference between primary and secondary sources of digital image.
In the strictest terms, Primary sources and secondary sources are interconnected with each other. Secondary sources also attribute the primary sources of image, but these are not directly experienced by the creators. The content also forms the basis of difference between primary and secondary sources of digital image. For example, an artist might sketch the incidents that took place in World War , in the recent days. This will be termed as a secondary source of digital image. The incidents might have not been experienced directly by the artist; however, on the basis of certain evidences, the painter has created the piece later in his life (Umbaugh, 2010).
There is one more thing that comes to the act when we talk about secondary sources of digital image i.e. Creative Commons. Since we are talking extensively about the gathering of secondary sources of digital image, we should definitely not forget to credit the sources for such materials. One should always consider the issue of attribution and copyright on the published materials before taking them into purpose. In addition to this, there should be proper citation to the referred work. These measures seem more appropriate for secondary sources of digital image, as in this case, the first hand account of the images are barely presented by the artist.

1.2 Creating digital image from source

Following are the devices that are utilized to form digital images:

Still Camera

Still Camera

Still Cameras capture images at its stationary position. Hence, it can also be said that such kinds of cameras are used to take pictures of subjects when they are not moving, or fixed at its position. If the photography is done against the same, the picture might result into a blurred image. This might also bring in pixelation in the image. Moreover, in still cameras, the user does not have the option to adjust shutter speed and aperture, which limits its functionality to capture moving images.

Video Cameras

These can be further classified into two categories i.e. movie cameras and camcorders. Let’s know more about this topic.

Movie Cameras

Movie Cameras

These are devices that are used to capture moving images. As the name suggests, such kinds of cameras are extensively used for filming moving objects. Moreover, these are supported by a number of artificial devices that enhance the process of filming. Movie Cameras produce high resolution images and gives the effect of depth of field.



Camcorders are generally used for personal gatherings by family members and do not require artificial devices to support the process of photography. In addition to this, one does not require expertise in filming objects. Since these are highly personalized moments, there need not be any supportive excellence in them. Moreover, as compared to filmmaking or movie cameras, these do not possess high shutter speeds and red eye correction.


4.1 Own use of digital images in meeting the requirements

For this report, I have considered a few requirements in meeting up with the constraints and criterions of design, aesthetics, originality etc. In this report, I have followed all the requirements in using the digital images.
Adobe Photoshop has been used for color correction methods. Hereby, the color adjustments and applying color effects has been done with the help of Adobe Photoshop. However, at the same time, it has also been considered so that the originality of the images does not get lost.
Further, I would like to divide the whole segment into two parts i,e. primary sources and secondary sources of digital image.
In case of Primary sources of digital image, I have taken original photographs that of a picture captured by a still camera, and a snapshot of the video captured by a camcorder. However, for movie camera examples, I had to take the example of Internet sources.
Apart from this, Adobe Photoshop has been used to apply color effects to the considered image. In this, saturation level, hue, filter effects, color adjustment, color enhancement etc.  have been implemented to the image. The same has been taken from the internet, but has been credited as well. Here, I have also considered the issue of design constraints in modifying the images. It has been ensured that the overall quality of the images is not lost (CDL Guidelines for Digital Images, 2008).

4.2 Others’ use of digital images in meeting specified purposes.

In this part, I will be analysing the work of my colleague that gives a thorough overview of what a slight difference in approach can bring to the overall process.
My colleague named Andrew has used mostly images downloaded from Internet; in this regard, he has failed to credit or attribute the source of those images. Hence, this can be claimed going against the cyber laws.
Moreover, the images taken by him are quite large that they seem to shrink to an odd resolution on resizing them. However, the overall presentation may appear much more appealing, it is deprived of originality.  In addition to this, Adobe Photoshop has not been utilized to its maximum as most of the effects do not depict any variation in the images. This might also refer to a lack of expertise in the subject, as well as in the topic.


Through this report, one can get an in-depth view of the applications of digital imaging techniques in the common life. Moreover, one can surely get a glimpse of the technological boon that has been brought about with the advent of digitization in images. Hereby, from the above mentioned discussions, it is concluded that there lies a slight but very considerable difference between primary and secondary sources of digital image. Moreover, its edge over traditional images have also been figured out in this report. But, one can surely not discard the mentioning points to organize and manage digital image data in an improved manner.


Jahne, Barnd (2005). Digital Image Processing. Springer.
Umbaugh, Scott (2010). Digital Image Processing and Analysis. CRC Press.
Cofield, M. (2005). Digital Imaging Basics. School of Information.
CDL Guidelines for Digital Images (2008). California Digital Library.
Sitts, Maxine K (2000). Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access. Andover, Massachusetts: Northeast Document Conservation Center.
Columbia University Libraries (1997). Technical Recommendations for Digital Imaging Projects.