Program |
Diploma in Business |
Unit Number and Title |
Research Project Assignment -Jet Airlines |
QFC Level |
Level 5 |
Introduction: - Research study is processed for the purpose extracting effective information in context to the specific problem or issue. There are various Journals, Articles or other information sources get analysed and evaluated in order to extract the information that satisfy the requirement of the research topic. Customer satisfaction an emerging element that majorly plays a vital role in the success of the business organisation. Earlier the prime motive of the businesses is to earn maximum profits from their business but with the increase in competition customer satisfaction become essential element that need to be focused in primary basis.
Problem statement: - The problem statement that results into processing research study is that Airline Industry is (Easy Jet airlines) focused over customer satisfaction because all other factors such as prices of their services, product and others are not such different as compare to other airline industry. But the major element that create differentiation is the level of service quality rendered by them in order to satisfy their customers. With the increase in the customer satisfaction level they become loyal towards Easy Jet and avail their services as per their need (Christian et. al., 2011).
Research Objectives: -
Research Aim: - The foremost aim of research study is to meet out the set objectives of the research study. The other aims is to answer the set research questions with the use of gathered information from different sources and complete the research question in successful manner.
Select a research topic: " Impact of Customer satisfaction over Easy-Jet Performance" Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection
Scope of research study: - The research topic "Impact of customer satisfaction over Easy-Jet Performance" having wide range of scope as there are lots of measures get evaluated. Customer satisfaction impact the functioning of the Easy Jet in various manner. It depend over the fact that whether it is impacting adversely or favourably. With the increase in customer satisfaction there are favourable changes noted down within their overall performance whereas if there is decrease in customer satisfaction there are adverse changes get noted down within the overall performance of the Easy-Jet Airline (Wahyuni, et. al., 2016).
Transparency within services: - The major element that helps in increasing the level of satisfaction within the customers is to create transparency among their services. With the effect of the service transparency there is effective increase in the customer satisfaction as customers get to know about the overall processing or inputs and outputs made by them while rendering their services to customers (Birkhofer, 2011).
Acts & Laws: - Easy-Jet airline follows the business ethics and other laws (likes equality act, etc.) while rendering their services to their respective customers that helps in maintaining good brand image in the eyes of their customers (Birkhofer, 2011).
Feedback: - Feedback is considered as the effective tool of evaluating the progress of the research. With the help of the feedback effective analysis is made over the work done so that required changes get performed at the initial stage only before it hampers the overall process (Birkhofer, 2011).
As per Christian M. Ringle, et. al., Airline industry find themselves in difficult position due to cut-throat level of competition in the prices and products rendered by them to their customers. Their earlier motive of earning maximum profits from customers get changed to attain huge base of satisfied customers. They focused over the fact that "Customer Satisfaction" is the major element that increases the customer loyalty and also put effective impact over their overall performance (Christian et. al., 2011). They are highly focused over rendering effective services to their customers in order to make them satisfied. In order to satisfy higher level of satisfaction to their respective customers they raise the level of services quality rendered to them that finally impact over their overall outcomes. With this effect there is adequate increase in their overall quality which results into increase in their quality production, loyal customer base and many more (Christian et. al., 2011).
As per Sri Wahyuni, et. al., in this globalised world technology plays a major role in satisfying the customers. Reliable and trustworthy information system helps in satisfying the customers as with the use of updated technology various problems get reduced and helps in knowing the customer's needs in easy manner (Wahyuni, et. al., 2016). According to them there is tight competition among the service industry and in order to increase the market share there is effective need of following attractive strategies that helps in attracting number of customers. So due to this airline industry put their emphasis over building effective customer relationship instead of getting higher level of profits for their purpose. With the increase in the service quality there is effective increase in the customer satisfaction level. So airline industry is emphasised over improving their overall quality of their services (Wahyuni, et. al., 2016).
The table prepared below is having action plan for processing research study in systematic manner such as: -
Action Plan: -
Activities |
Particulars |
Date of initiating |
Finished date |
Duration (in days) |
A. |
Identify the problem |
24th Sep |
27th Sep |
4 |
B. |
Select topic for research |
28th Sep |
29th Sep |
2 |
C. |
Took approvals |
30th Sep |
8th Oct |
9 |
D. |
Complete preparation to conduct research |
30th Sep |
5th Oct |
6 |
E. |
Collect data from identified sources |
9th Oct |
18th Oct |
10 |
F. |
Arrange and analyse the collected data |
19th Oct |
24th Oct |
6 |
G. |
Made recommendations and suggestions. Submit the report |
25th Oct |
28th Oct |
4 |
Gantt Chart: -
Birkhofer, H. 2011, "From design practice to design science: the evolution of a career in design methodology research", Journal of Engineering Design, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 333-359.
Christian M. Ringle, Marko Sarstedt, and Lorenz Zimmermann, 2011, "Customer Satisfaction with Commercial Airlines: The Role of Perceived Safety and Purpose of Travel", Journal of marketing management Theory and Practice, vol. 19, no. 4 , pp. 459–472
Fatima, S. 2012, "Chapter 2 Research methodology and design of study", Language In India,vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 61.
Kumar, R. 2014, Research methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners, Fourth edn, SAGE, Los Angeles.
Mackey, A. & Gass, S.M. 2015, Second language research: methodology and design,Second edn, Routledge, New York, NY.
Sri Wahyuni, Nani Fitriani, Trinita Beatrice Nainggolan, 2016, "DOES SERVICE QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SUPPORT INFLUENCE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND WORD OF MOUTH?: A CASE STUDY AT PT AMADEUS INDONESIA.", International Journal of Advanced Research (2016), Volume 4, Issue 2, 397-404
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