Unit 4 Research Project – British Museum

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Unit 4 Research Project – British Museum
Unit 4 Research Project – British Museum
Unit 4 Research Project – British Museum


Diploma in Travel and Trousim

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 Research Project – British Museum

QFC Level

Level 4

Task 1

1.1 Research project outline specification

Introduction: British Museum is the effective museum that based over human history, art and culture. It is located in Bloomsbury area of  London, UK. They attain a huge collection related to the human culture and dictate the story of human culture from their beginningto till present. It was established in the year 1753 and get opened on 15th January, 1759. Over 2.5 centuries it get expanded in the effective manner within the globe and it also results into creating various branches and their first branch was British Museum in South Kensington in the year 1881 related to the Natural History. In the year 1973, as per the British Library Act 1972 the library department get detached from the British Museum but they continue to run British Library in their same reading room and building as the Museum till the year 1997. Department for culture, Media and Sport sponsor that Museum is a non-departmental public body and like all other national museum of UK, they also didn't charge any kind of admission fee except loan exhibitions.

The major items that get included under the Museum are related to the cultural art objects and the antiquities. There are collection of around 71,000 items that include approx 40,000 printed books, 7000 manuscripts, specimens including 337 volumes related to dried plants, prints and drawing related to various region such as Sudan, Greece, Egypt, Rome, Americas and the Far East.

Problem statement: The identified problem statement is that the number of tourists get dipped down in the list of the visitors. There is effective need to increase the number of tourists in order to visit the British Museum. Although the British Museum is highly developed and attract number of visitors in the daily basis but from the sometime there is adequate fall is noted down within total number of tourist visitors (Lodge, 2010).

Research objectives:

The objective of this research study are as follows: -

  • Evaluate the measures that results into criticism over the British Museum
  • Evaluate the measure that reduces the number of tourists in the list of visitors
  • Identify the need of development within British Museum

Research Aim: The aim of research study is to gather the adequate data from different sources in order to meet out the set objectives. So it is important to gather the data from different sources but need to take care that it should be current as well as relevant to the research study and after evaluation it render adequate set of information that helps in meeting out the set research objectives.

1.2 Factors contributing within research project selection

  • Research study scope: - The scope of research study is effective enough as British Museum is attraction or tourism spot for the tourists but there is subsequent fall is noted down within the visitors list. So it rendered adequate scope of conducting research study (Lodge, 2010).
  • Services Transparency: - Services rendered by the British Museum staff members are effective enough and it adequately helps in getting adequate set of information for supporting the study of research. With the help of it adequate set of information is gathered in order to meet out the set research questions in effective manner (Lodge, 2010).
  • Feedback: - It is the effective source that helps in getting recent and more accurate information which get utilised for the purpose of the evaluation as it is gathered from the customers with the use of the feedback form. Customers easily share their experience in the form of feedback and share their valuable reviews (Lodge, 2010).

1.3 Critical review of key references

British Museum was established in the year 1753 and get opened on 15th January, 1759. Over 2.5 centuries it get expanded in the effective manner within the globe and it also results into creating various branches and their first branch was British Museum in South Kensington in the year 1881 related to the Natural History. In the year 1973, as per the British Library Act 1972 the library department get detached from the British Museum but they continue to run British Library in their same reading room and building as the Museum till the year 1997 (Paddon, 2016).

There were various controversies faced by the British Museum in the form of whether they are allowed to posses such items or artefacts that get collected from different countries. Huge criticism is faced by the British Museum over it and among their collection the most disputed objects are Elgin Marbles, Benin Bronzes and Rosetta Stone. Their native countries including Greece, Nigeria and Egypt make effective demand of returning these items to them as they are their historical elements. Greece claim the Parthenon Marbles that also get demanded by the UNESCO (Whittaker, 2015). Among the recent years there are various controversies are made in context to the reparation of artefacts gathered from the Old Summer Palace in Beijing during the period of Anglo-French invasion of China in the year 1860. Chinese investigators ask the British Museum and other museums also in order to open their achieves during the year 2009 so that they make adequate investigations which is considered as their international mission to document lost national treasures. The fear behind not allowing them for investigation is that they may return these treasures and in the year 2010 British and Chinese investigator under Director of British Museum (Mr Neil MacGregor) they work together over their controversial collection (Luckhurst, 2013).

The British Museum refused to return these artefacts and stated that if all these items get returned to the respective or native nations then along with British Museum all other Museums in the whole world become empty as the collected articles get returned to their native places. They also make use of British Museum Act of 1963 in which it is stated that once the item is entered into the collection list then it become illegal to take it out from the collection (Speakman, 2014).

1.4 Research Project Specifications

Research Methodology: -

  • Research methods: - For this research study mix method get followed from the different available methods. This method is preferred over other methods as it rendered adequate mixture of getting qualitative as well as quantitative information for the purpose of the meeting the objectives of the research study. As per this method both methods get followed in order to gather the information that helps in satisfying the research questions as well (OHalloran, et. al., 2016).
  • Data collection: - Data is collected in two forms qualitative and quantitative and for this purpose effective sources get analysed. In order to collect the diverse data qualitative information is gathered from the secondary sources whereas for quantitative data is gathered from primary sources. In order to collect the data from the primary sources researcher make use of the questionnaire and on the other hand for data collection from secondary sources they search out websites, books, and others (OHalloran, et. al., 2016).
  • Data analysis: - Once the data is gathered in different forms it required to be analysed. In order to analyse the primary source data there is requirement to arrange them in adequate manner because all raw data can't get utilise and adequate sample is taken from itwhich is analysed further in order to extract required set of information for making recommendations and satisfying the set objectives. Information gathered from secondary source is also utilised in order to answer the set research questions.
  • Recommendation: - The analysed set of information is utilised for the purpose of making adequate set of recommendations. Whole analysed information set is utilised in order to meet out the set objectives of the research study and adequate recommendations are made with the use of it because it rendered adequate solutions for their problem statement (OHalloran, et. al., 2016).
  • Limitations: - In the process of the research study there are adequate set of barriers are there that considered as limitations. These limitations are in the form of time availability, resources, equipments, financial resources and others. These limitations needed to be taken into consideration during conducting research study otherwise it results into stopping the research study.
  • Ethical consideration: - Researcher  need to follow the ethics while conducting research study as there is need of taking adequate approvals in order to gather the data from the primary sources as well as from the secondary sources. Along with this it is highly required that there is need to take care of the choosing adequate questions that didn't harm the interest of the respondents and many more. Along with this all the data gathered must be cited that helps in securing the information set from getting modified as well as it termed as ethical information utilised for the purpose of meeting research objectives (OHalloran, et. al., 2016).

1.5 Plan and procedures

There are some steps need to be followed in order to process the research study some of them are: -

  • Step 1: - Identification of problem statement: - In order to conduct research study there is effective need of indentifying a problem statement that needed to be resolved with the help of research. There are various problems get identified out of which suitable and researchable problem statement must be chosen.
  • Step 2: - Preparing and implementing strategy: - After choosing problem statement there is effective need is to prepare and implement strategy in order to process and execute the research study in systematic manner.
  • Step 3: - Collection of data: - After implementing strategy there is effective need of data collection as with the use of data research study is processed further in order to meet out the set objectives as well as answer the set research questions (OHalloran, et. al., 2016).
  • Step 4: - Analysis of data gathered: - Once the data is gathered there is effective need of analysing it as without analysing it data can't get utilised due to its raw nature. With the help of analysis adequate and required set of information is extracted from it that helps in meeting their objectives.
  • Step 5: - Findings and recommendations: - With the use of the analysis effective recommendations are made in order to resolve the problem identified. Recommendations are made with the help of the data analysed as it helps in getting respective facts that resolve the problem.

In the below table action plan is shown such as: - 



Start date

End date

Weeks required


Select research topic



1 week


Ground research



1 week


Select methods and Prepare required documents



2 week


Target population and took approvals



2 week


Data collection



2 week


Data arrangement



1 week


Data analysis



2 week


Summary and report submission



2 week

Gantt chart: -

Gantt chat

Task 2

2.1 Research Questions

Below are the research questions made in context to the research study and also get answered with the help of

R1:Identify the  development requirement or changes within the British Museum?

There is adequate requirement or changes made within the British Museum as it is required for making the visiting interesting and experiencing. British Museum management need to conduct various activities that enhance the experience of visitors. With the help of the development the visiting become effective enough that enhance their knowledge as well as they get entertainment in effective manner. With the help of it they didn't get bored and effectively receive the required set of information related to the human history.

R2:Is British Museum render adequate set of information and knowledge related to the human history?

British Museum having diverse sections that shows history of the human resourse culture of the different regions. All these sections render adequate set of information and knowledge to the visitors and with the effect of it there is effective addition is made within their information and knowledge. All the artefacts get placed that get collected from the centuries and render adequate set of information for the betterment of the human knowledge.

R3: What are the critics faced by the British Museum?

There are numerous criticisms faced by the British Museum as there are various items or artefacts gathered by them from the different regions and these regions such as Egypt, Rome, etc. are demanding them in order to take back to their respective native places and desired to put them in their museum in order to support their history and other facts. These are the effective factors that lead towards criticism against the British Museum and affect their image which results into decrease in the number of their visitors lists in the form of foreigner visitors.

2.2 Research- data collection tool

Research study follows the adequate tool in order to gather the data from the market. And in the below table questionnaire is prepared in effective manner.

Questionnaire: - 







S. No.


Strongly Agree




Highly Disagree


British Museum rendered adequate set of information related to history.







It is worth visiting the British Museum.







The services rendered by the Museum staff is adequate enough to facilitate visitors.







The labels placed in museum are sufficient enough to guide the ways.







All the historical objects placed in Museum are easily visible.







The services are effective enough that satisfying the needs of visitors.







The diverse galleries attract the visitors in effective manner.







The entry fees charged by Museum department is reasonable.







Museum include history collection of different regions and countries.







Diverse historical collection helps in getting diverse set of information.






2.3 Record and collate data

In order to record the data different sources get analysed that helps in getting adequate set of information which get utilised for the purpose of answering the set research questions and meeting their objectives. There are different sources are there but all these sources get segregated into two parts and these two get discussed below such as: -

Primary source: - The sources that render recent and current information related to the research topic that source get termed as primary source. In this research study British Museum is utilised for the purpose of conducting survey program. Questionnaire is utilised in order to gather information from this source (Tang & Zhang, 2013).

Secondary source: - There are various sources that get utilised for the purpose of data collection and it make inclusion of different sources like books, journals, websites, etc. All the information is gathered through it and get utilised for the purpose of analysis purpose as it directly helps in answering their set research questions (Suresh, et. al., 2011).

Response table: - 

 Responce table

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Task 3

3.1 Research evaluation techniques

There are various evaluation techniques are available and for the purpose of analysing the gathered information and selected information is analysed such as: -

Survey Evaluation technique: - When the information is gathered from the primary source with the use of questionnaire and conduct survey.When the data is gathered through questionnaire by conducting survey then survey evaluation technique is fitted the most. With the use of it effective analysis is made over the data gathered and executed information is utilised further for the purpose of meeting their research questions (Cohen, et. al., 2014).

Bibliometric analysis: - The data gathered by accessing websites, books, journals, articles, etc. get effectively analysed with the use of this technique as it analyse for getting the information that utilised for answering the set research questions (Thomas, et. al., 2013).

3.2 Data analysis

The data gathered with the help of the questionnaire get arranged and segregated in effective manner as sample size is taken as 20 responses. All the analysis are made with the help of the tables and graphs in effective manner.

Table 1: - British Museum rendered adequate set of information related to history.



Analysis: - Majority of the visitors agreed that the British Museum rendered adequate knowledge related to the human history. Around 75% of the population is agreed with the statement made (Davy, 2015).

Table 2: - It is worth visiting the British Museum.

Visiting table

Response 2

Analysis: - Majority of the population around 75% of them are agreed that visiting British Museum is worthy decision as they get to know about diverse human history (Davy, 2015).

Table 3: - The services rendered by the Museum staff is adequate enough to facilitate visitors.

Services table

Response 3


Analysis: - The majority of the visitors are highly satisfied with the services rendered by the Museum staff members. The questions asked by the visitors effectively answered by the staff members in order to resolve their queries as well as satisfy them with adequate set of information (Bolt, 2013).

Table 4: - The labels placed in museum are sufficient enough to guide the ways.

placed table

Response 4


Analysis: - The majority of the staff members are highly agreed with the statement that the labels or leaflets pasted in the different sections are effective in guiding the ways to the visitors (Bolt, 2013).

Table 5: - All the historical objects placed in Museum are easily visible.

Histroricial table

Response 5

Analysis: - The majority of the visitors rendered favourable answer for the British Museum as all the historical items that placed within the Museum are clearly visible and visitors are able to see them and understand (Jaffry & Apostolakis, 2011).

Table 6: - The services are effective enough that satisfying the needs of visitors.

Services table

Response 6


Analysis: - Majority of the visitors are highly satisfied with the services rendered by the staff as they get the adequate information related to the items shown as well as any question or doubt get resolved by the member only (Jaffry & Apostolakis, 2011).

Table 7: - The diverse galleries attract the visitors in effective manner.

Diverse Table

Response 7


Analysis: - The visitors are highly satisfied with the diversion made by them in their galleries as it segregate the items according to the region that helps in satisfying the needs of the customers as it renders adequate set of information to them (Fernandez-Gotz, 2016).

Table 8: - The entry fees charged by Museum department is reasonable.

reosonable table


Analysis: - The most of the respondents are agreed with the statement that the charges charged by the British Museum is reasonable enough and satisfying the visitors. But there are some of the respondents that are not agreed with the statement but the ratio of these responses in low (Fernandez-Gotz, 2016).

Table 9: - Museum include history collection of different regions and countries.

history table


Analysis: - The visitors who visit the British Museum reflects that there are diverse section made within the Museum as per the countries or regions that render adequate set of information to the visitors (Casey, 2016).

Table 10: - Diverse historical collection helps in getting diverse set of information.

Information table Response

Analysis: - The visitors of the British Museum stated that with the effect of the diverse historical collection they attain diverse set of information.And with this fact large number of respondents are highly agreed with the statement (Casey, 2016).

3.3 Recommendation and Future consideration

Recommendations: -

  • There are various recommendations are made with the help of the gathered set of information and some of them are as follows: -
  • British Museum need to hire and train them so that they render adequate level of services to their respective customers.
  • There is effective need of rendering training their employees in different languages so that they resolve the doubts of their respective tourists.
  • There is need to resolve the conflict issues with different regions or nations in order to increase the number of tourists.
  • There is need to train their employees so that they share adequate knowledge with their visitors in order to enhance their knowledge.
  • There is effective need of making the visiting attractive and entertaining so that visitors can't get bored.

Future consideration: - When the research is conducted successfully then also there are various factors get indentified that helps in conducting research study further. And with the completion of this research study there are adequate measures that results into future consideration are as follows: -

  • Impact of the development or changes made within the British Museum.
  • Resolving conflicts influence the visit of tourists in British Museum.
  • British Museum collection of Human History didn't require any development.

These are the future considerations that results into conducting future research in effective manner in the near future.

Task 4



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Bolt, M. 2013, "The Citi Money Gallery, British Museum", Africa, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 357.
Casey, A. 2016, "A history of the world in 100 objects from the British museum", Teaching History, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 34-35.
Cohen, L.L., Feinstein, A., Masuda, A. & Vowles, K.E. 2014, "Single-case research design in pediatric psychology: considerations regarding data analysis", Journal of pediatric psychology, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 124.
Davy, J. 2015, "Dolphins at the British Museum: Zoomorphic Calusa Sinkers", Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, vol. 25, no. 2.
Fernandez-Gotz, M. 2016, "‘Celts: art and identity’ exhibition: ‘New Celticism’ at the British Museum", Antiquity, vol. 90, no. 349, pp. 237-244.
Jaffry, S. & Apostolakis, A. 2011, "Evaluating individual preferences for the British Museum", Journal of Cultural Economics, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 49-75.
Lodge, D. 2010, The British Museum is falling down, Penguin, London.
Luckhurst, R. 2013, "Tales from the British Museum", Science - Fiction Studies, vol. 40, pp. 191.
OHalloran, K.L., Tan, S., Pham, D.-., Bateman, J. & Vande Moere, A. 2016, "A Digital Mixed Methods Research Design: Integrating Multimodal Analysis With Data Mining and Information Visualization for Big Data Analytics", Journal of Mixed Methods Research, .
Paddon, H. 2016;2014;, Redisplaying Museum Collections: Contemporary Display and Interpretation in British Museums, New edn, Routledge Ltd, Farnham.
Speakman, N. 2014, "Gothic ivory carvings at the British Museum", Sculpture Journal, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 93-94.