Unit 49 Work Based Experience Assignment

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Unit 49 Work Based Experience Assignment
Unit 49 Work Based Experience Assignment
Unit 49 Work Based Experience Assignment


This Unit 49 Work Based Experience Assignment comprises of the recruitment and selection process of the HR Manager in Tesco plc in the United Kingdom. The detail analysis of the report makes easy the application of the study in creating the structure of how a potential employee is recruited and selected in the company and how a job description is formed. The Human Resource Department also deals in motivating the employees to retain them in the organization and keeps motivating them for their improvement in their performance. Further, this report comprises of a detail discussion on how employees are motivated in an organization and how their work are monitored and assessed in the organization for their promotion.

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Task 1

LO 1. The student should be able to negotiate industry experience in the business of the chosen case study and address the following.

P1.1 – Learner is required to research and evaluate suitable organisations that could provide industry experience

About the company

The reason why I chose Tesco is because it is a great place to work. Tesco’s well established and business strategy mainly focuses on the domestic market to create a sustainable growth in the long period. It is the employees and customers that matters to Tesco. Tesco gives equal opportunities to its employees and concentrates to value them and customers. Tesco is one of the dominating supermarkets in UK. Tesco is an international supermarket having a strong reputation for providing good quality foods, satisfactory services and products. Tesco seeks to deliver the best result for the company and therefore it ensures that it recruits the best employee complying with the legal and ethical considerations (Tesco, n.d).

  • Financial resources- The financial consequences are the breadth of the Tesco Group. It has delivered the most profit growth. The capital has been increased of the company that would generate higher cash and high cash returns for the shareholders (Tesco Plc, 2015).
  • Human Resources- Tesco creates the best environment for the staff in order to reach the full potential. Tesco builds a culture, capability and ability so that the business meets the multichannel growth ambitions. Tesco makes sure that the business in running with right structures. Tesco recruits the world class talent (Tesco Plc, 2015).
  • Physical Resources- Physical resources of an organization are those resources that are made by man through their abilities and skill. Examples of physical resources are the technology, buildings, and air conditions of the company. The buildings of Tesco are very attractive and their products gain more customers. The building has been designed for all type of customers such as any customers on a wheel chair enter into. Thos shows Tesco us a very concerned organization. The air condition of Tesco is set at an easy temperature that makes everybody comfortable (Efejuku, 2014).

P1.2 – Learner is required to negotiate with work and academic supervisors a proposal for the work experience

                                          JOB DESCRIPTION

 JOB TITLE:                    Human Resource


 DEPARTMENT:               Human Resource Department in Tesco Plc      

 DATE:                          October 2014

 SALARY:                       £300 - £350 per day         

The principal duties and responsibilities for the work experience
  • Spots and brings the best talent for the internal activity of the organization (Tesco, n.d).
  • Ensures that the right candidate for the right role is chosen in the organization (Tesco, n.d).
  • Facilitate the journey of the fresher’s and conducts inductions for giving the new colleagues a good start in Tesco (Tesco, n.d).
  • Drive in to deliver the building the capability, performance and leadership of the team and the individuals (Tesco, n.d).
  • Collaborates to deliver the business change plans (Tesco, n.d).

Skills and experince required by the company

  • Prepare, identify, design and implement the overall strategies, aims and objectives of HR projects when required (Tesco, n.d).
  • Participate in the selection and recruitment process of the staff (Tesco, n.d).
  • Builds a strong relationship with the stakeholders and colleagues and collaborate with them within the organization (Tesco, n.d).
  • Should have a welcoming communication and warm interface with the colleagues crosswise the business, and putting the employees into the heart of everything they do (Tesco, n.d).
  • Making well-timed decisions which shall drive the upgrading for colleagues.
  • Should be genuine and reliable in their approach (Tesco, n.d).
  • Use the experience and new ideas in generating the development of the employees and organization (Tesco, n.d).

Other than the ethical considerations, there are various other rules as regulations set by the laws. The core element of the Tesco is the “Trading Fairly” programme which is a promise of Tesco to buy and sell their products responsibly. A wide range of commercial staff delivers the objectives and activities of the “Trading Fairly” which is overseen by the ethical team and the local staff who are dedicated in key supplying countries. The following four key principles are basis of the “Trading Fairly”-

  1. Values- The values of Tesco set strong standards and ensures that their suppliers shares and communicates their values (Tesco, n.d).
  2. Monitoring- To get the truth about the conditions of the workers in Tesco’s supply chains (Tesco, n.d).
  3. Improvement- To support the suppliers to improve (Tesco, n.d).
  4. Transparency- Being open and honest and shall work with others (TESCO PLC, n.d).

Other than these ethics, there are various laws which Tesco considers while in the recruitment and selections process which are-

  • The law requires that the legislation regarding discrimination as per the Equality Act 2010 between the employees as well as other ethical issues must be complied with in the selection and recruitment process (TESCO PLC, n.d).
  • The employers and employees shall be punishable by heavy penalties if they are found breaching these laws (TESCO PLC, n.d).

P1.3 – Learner is required to recognise the business constraints on the work experience offered

Any constraint in a business is anything that prevents the business from achieving its goal and that restrains its growth and development. Equipment, people and policies of any organization are few internal constraints of a business. The way the equipments of the companies works recognizes or limits the ability of the systems for production of goods and services. If the company hires staff who are not skilled will limit the operations of the business activities. The written and unwritten policies of the company prevents from creating more policies (Goldratt, 1998).

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Task 2

LO 2. Understand the specific requirements of the placement

P2.1 – Learner is required to agree and prioritise the tasks and responsibilities involved in the work experience

Description of the activties and the priorities of the that will be undertaken at the work place

  1. In the role of HR, my aim in the organization is to recruit and select the best candidates with best skill and knowledge as well as expertises employees for every particular field.
  2. In order to get the best candidates I must make a deep analysis of the resumes of each candidate and shortlist them without making any discrimination on the ground of sex, race, disability etc as per the Equality Act 2010.
  3. I will develop my communication and knowledge skill as it is of utmost importance in my role because my main task is to communicate with the employees.
  4. After recruitment I will be assisting those selected candidates by advising them and informing them about the structure and their roles in the within the organization.
  5. I will be conducting induction for the new employees.
  6. Provide all the employees training on fire and safety on a regular basis.
  7. Keep the record of the employees work status and their salary.

P2.2- Learner is required to produce a plan for the work experience

Plan of the work experience






Physical make up

To appear in a good physique, health and enhance the communication skill

To always appear in the best way I could possibly be by being neat and clean and by always wearing formals in the office.



To cover the education, qualification and experience of the candidate.

To shortlist the best employee based on their education and qualification.


General intelligence

General intelligence means the basic capacity of the candidate’s intellect.

To bring the best employee as per their ability and skill.


Special aptitudes

The mechanical, manual agility and the facilities in the use of words or figures are the special aptitudes.

To set the best employee and provide them best facility as per industry based.



An interest covers the candidate’s interest in the physical, social and artistic activities.

To see that the interest of the employee in their job is that they are passionate workers.



Disposition covers the influence of the potential employee over the others, their steadiness, dependability, acceptability, and their self-reliance with the organization.

To bring the best potential employee who would intend to retained for long in the company.



Domestic circumstances and the occupations of the family are required to be covered under the seventh point plan.


P2.3- Learner is required to analyse the benefits of the proposed activities to the business and the learner

Here are the following benefits of the proposed activities to Tesco company-

  1. My recruitment in the company made the employer to reduce the cost of recruiting employee.
  2. Being a new member, my way of looking towards the company was different and therefore my contribution in the company was that I gave them new and innovative ideas for the growth.
  3. By providing work experience, the employer got the chance to influence the quality of my employment in future.

Here are the following benefits of the proposed activities to the learner-

  • Recognition- It is necessary that the performance of the employees in the hr department be recognised and appreciated. This brings motivation in the employees so that they give their best performance and continue doing the same in future (Ruth, 2014). Hence, my work and job will be benefited with the recognition.
  • Encouragement- If the employee has performed tremendously good and exceeded the expectation then the employees deserves to be promoted and encouraged for better performance in future. Even if the salary is not increased, the growth in designation brings refreshment in them (Ruth, 2014). Being an intern I won’t be promoted, but this will help me in future to be hired a good company. This encouragement will boost my motivation to work.
  • Constant feedback- In order to retain the employee in the organization and make improvements in their performances, it is essential that a feedback of their performance on regular basis is sent to them and also praise them so that they are motivated to give good result in future (Business Dictionary, 2014). Regular feedback will allow me to know about my loopholes in my work and thereby I will ensure that I enhance them.

Out of the above three, the directors, managers and the supervisors are required to be motivated by giving then constant feedback. They are already well established in the organization and earning good. They will come to know about where they stand in the organization through the feedback so that they perform well in future, and so will I.

Task 3

LO 3. Be able to undertake work experience as identified

P3.1- Learner is required to fulfil the specified requirements of placement conforming to all related codes of practice

Requirements of placement conforming to all related codes of practice

  1. The HR must initially give parental care to the employees so that the employees are comfortable to work in the new environment.
  2. Then he should behave like a democratic leader and discusses and debated with the required issues with its employees.
  3. It is also required that the HR shall behave like an authoritarian leader so and at times if required be strict with their employees so that the whole work done is within the rules and regulations and procedures of the organization.
  4. The temporary staffs are not permitted to wear the dress as other permanent employees. They are provided with same dress with different colour.
  5. They also provide an identity card for every employee. The colour of the identity card differentiates the employee based on their type of job. The management level officers, the workers and the employees on internship basis are provided different colour.
  6. The communication skill of each employee is very high as it is the most important requirement according to the type of business Tesco does as they have to communicate with different suppliers and different customers.
  7. The data are stored in the computer system and each employee is provided with their own id and password. Hence each employs protects their data and operates the system as per their job requirement. Hence, any issue in the leak of data will make the particular employee liable as they have their own password. And therefore the employees are required to protect their data.
  8. The confidentiality and integrity of the company is very important and therefore the employees, while joining the organization are to sign the contract with the company which contains the confidentiality clause.

P3.2- Learner is required to produces systematic records of the work undertaken

Here are two different systematic ways by which an HR can keep the records of its work undertaken such as that of the recruitment and selection process using recent innovations in technology-

Firstly; I would consider recruiting candidates who resides far away from the place of business. There are candidates who may not be able to come for interview as there are many rounds conducted in Tesco. Therefore an online test and initial online interviews can be conducted through Skype or other sites where video conferencing can be done.

And secondly, the background checking and assessment process of the candidates can be crossed checked through internet.







To scrutinize, and analyse the resume of the new candidates.

To check that the vacant positions in the company can be filled by candidates whose resume matches with the required vacancies as per their qualification and experience.

The work was satisfactory but was required to finish the work 3 days.

Short listing the candidates.


To shortlist the right candidates for the vacant designations.

Short listing the right candidates is very important so as to place them in the right vacant designations according to their ability.

The work was excellent.

Scheduling interviews


To schedule an interview of all the candidates with the company.

To check attitude and behaviour of the candidate and his intention to retain in the office, their passion and confidence level to work with Tesco and most importantly, to check their communication skill.

The work was satisfactory and right candidates were chosen for the respective jobs.

Conducting written tests online.


Conducting tests for the candidates who came to the office premises and also who stays far and couldn’t come. So I conducted an online test for them too.

The online tests are to judge the ability and their learning skill in the field where they will be placed in future.

The work was satisfactory but little more input was required on candidates giving online test from their own place by asking them to attend the test on video mode and not offline mode.

Conducting induction training session for the new employees.


Arrange training rooms for the employees and setting the power point for presentation for giving them induction training so as to make them familiar with the organization, and its policies.

Induction training makes the employees familiar with the company and they come to know about their role and responsibilities and the policies of the company.

The arrangement was excellent and the employees were satisfied too.

Provide training for the new employees.


Arrange training rooms for the employees and setting the power point for presentation so that the managers and experts of their respective fields could come and train them on for the employee’s respective jobs.

Project specific training by the expertise gives the knowledge to the employees about their work and how they will work to sustain.

The managers and the new employees were very much satisfied by my arrangement and the feedback was excellent.

Keeping record of the employees working status and their salary.

P3.3- Learner is required to revise the initial plan as required

In order to revise the initial plans it is evident that the one who will prepare, draft, design the strategies, aims and objectives of the hr projects will reduce the burdensome of the HR department as they have to look into various other internal matters of employees.

Following revisions has been done in the plan-

  1. The working hours has been increased to make more profit for the business and so that the employees meet the required targets in the company on daily basis.
  2. The employees are gathered together in area and are motivated every day.
  3. Frequent meetings of the management are arranged to discuss on the ongoing issues and are resolved on spot.
  4. The customer service training is more provided to the employees.
  5. Other than policies of the company, the employees are also trained on the fire and safety regulations as per the state law.

P3.4 – Learner is required to make suggestions for improvement and review these with the supervisor

I would like to suggest the following improvement and review the same with the supervisor-

  1. Ensure that the right candidate for the right role is chosen in the organization.

REASON- It happens at times that a candidate wants to join Tesco for its brand irrespective of their interest in the field. It is possible that such candidates will lose their interest in the work assigned to them which will automatically hamper the productivity. And it is also possible that if that candidate gets another opportunity in any other organization in the field of its choice and interest then he might not continue with Tesco.

Therefore, for this reason it is very much essential that for the right post, and Tesco, the right employee should be hired who has the intention to retain in the organization.

  1. Ensure that new talent is hired and trained to benefit the organisation.

REASONIt is good to hire a fresher. Fresher’s are very much motivated with their new job and are eager to experience the activities within the organization. They can work hard and put their best in their work so as to prove them in the competition where there are many other fresher’s and experienced employees working with them. Freshers are afresh mind and therefore it is easy to build within them the norms and culture of the organization so that they are pretty much tilt towards the organization and will prefer to continue with the organization.

For improvements, I suggest that the new talents are provided with more and more motivational training. The generation is much connected with the latest technologies so I suggest allowing the new employees to contribute their new ideas in the company and allow them to implement the same in the organization so that more innovative ideas are brought before the organization.

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Traditionally the companies did not make a separate department of the Human resource for the recruitment and selection process of the potential employee. But with the passage of time, the companies have established a separate department that deals with the recruitment and selection process. This report comprises of a detail discussion on how employees are motivated in an organization and how their work are monitored and assessed in the organization for their promotion. The Human Resource Department also deals in motivating the employees to retain them in the organization and keeps motivating them for their improvement in their performance.


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