Unit 5 Working in Partnership HSC Sample Assignment - Stafford

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Unit 5 Working in Partnership HSC Sample Assignment - Stafford
Unit 5 Working in Partnership HSC Sample Assignment - Stafford
Unit 5 Working in Partnership HSC Sample Assignment - Stafford


The assignment consists of three sections. All the sections will be based on the case study of Stafford Hospital and will be explaining the philosophy of working in partnerships, various models of partnerships and its working and how it affects the outcomes in business. It will also highlight the potential barriers that exist when companies work in partnerships.

Section A

This section will be explaining the philosophy of working in partnerships and its effectiveness when companies started working in it.

Philosophy of working in partnership

When Health and Social care personnel started working together and get engaged in the work for health and social care then they are said to work at the three levels of the partnerships. They work and play a very crucial role when they work in the partnerships. The potential and the performance of each and every individual get linked with each other. The performance of each one gets associated with another in terms of its growth and development. These three levels are:

  • Service Users Professionals – These are the service users that are utilizing the services of the health and social care. They also form a vital part of the partnership in the health and social care sector. This is due to the reason that in case they will like the services then they will surely recommend others and even utilize the same services for future as well. These services users if will not specify and support the service workers then these professionals in the health and social care will not be able to support the service users and help them recover from their illnesses. They are said to be the ultimate users and the business generating sources unless they will be happy and satisfied, the health and social care business help would not at all be successful.
  • Interpersonal levels – These are the levels in which the old age or the retired people are included. They are not able to communicate easily on their requirements, therefore they have to be supported by the young staff in such a way that their requirements and the needs are being worked out. In this case the service professionals have to develop an effective interpersonal communication that will ensure that the old age and people who cannot communicate requirements are being taken care of. There is requirement of the interpersonal efficiency on all fronts in terms of the good and positive relations among the staff, service users and care workers so that they may combine their potential and help in the creation of the efficient interpersonal relations.
  • Organizational and Policy Levels – The partnerships and its working decides and develops an environment that will form the organizational and related policies (Glasby & Dickinson, 2008). 

Therefore working in partnership in health and social care means that the individuals who are service professionals, doctors, nurses, service users and the specific needs individuals have to collaborate and work in partnership as the potential will then be realized. Not only this but the performance and its level is also based on the potential and its application in this partnering relation and helps in the development of the effective communication and interpersonal relations at the three levels that have been discussed above. In case all the people who are internally working for the Stafford Hospital and external service users or the policy and legislative authorities had investigated and cooperated with each other, the situation had been different. Partnerships of the various individuals together helps in the achievement of even the difficult tasks and avoid the circumstances as have happened in the case study.

Effectiveness of partnership relationships within Health and Social Care

Partnership relationships within Health and Social Care sector have to be effective in order that the external as well as internal processes, practices and the policies run smoothly. It is said that unless a relation in health and social care is effective, it will result in the failure of the processes, systems and the practices. The effectiveness of the partnership relationships in health and social care could be evaluated by the following ways:

  • There are lesser problems, issues and the adverse situations in the operational and administrative front – When the administration and the operational staff would be effective then surely there would be lesser problems, issues and thereby the operations and the administration would run smoothly. In case the system has many problems then surely the partnership relations are not at all effective as there is no coordination among these processes, systems and the policies.
  • The service users are quite happy with the performance and the services that are being rendered to them with respect to their specific cases – When the policies, practices and the processes would be aligned and set then surely the performance of the team would be better and service users will get the effective services and the facilities. This will make not only them satisfied but they will also recommend the hospital services to various other users. In case service users are not happy that means that care workers are unable to provide them the services as per their requirements and therefore, the partnership relations are not effective.
  • There would be streamlined processes, practices and the policies that will make the arrangements, benefits and the facilities stronger and quite effective. In case the health and social care sector and all the related people are following the standards, practices and the procedures then surely, there is no problem and the systems will run smooth thereby making the system quite strong and effective.

In the nutshell it could be said that partnership relationships in the health and social care refers to the sound and strong relationship that is developed among the different individuals like service users, staff, care workers and the senior authorities of the health sector. These relations and partnership would be successful only if they will support and help each other and even following the set and specified standards and procedures. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the partnership relationships could be done with the help of level and kind of issues and problems that exist in the system and above all how early they are being resolved (Lymbery, 2006).

Section B

In this section, a study would be carried out on the various models pf partnership working across the health and social care. The kind of legislation, organizational practices and the policies that are being followed in this sector will be analysed. Finally the working practices and policies affecting the working of the health and social care will be studied. This will comprise of the various legislations related to patient care, child act and other health and safety issues would be analysed.

Analysis of the models of partnership working across the health and social care sector

It has been observed that the scope and the size of the partnerships vary in different cases. It is essential that all the components of the health and social care get united and work so that the success is achieved in each and every area. Each and every component or the stakeholder of the health and social care centre has to work in partnership in order to obtain the real output. There are basically 4 kinds of models that are adopted for partnership working across the health and social care sector:

  • It may be a separate health care organization with its self-identity on legal front – This model has strong credibility, greater identity, dedicated staff, reduced dominance risk and status that clarify the responsibilities and accountabilities at different levels. This involves the various legal formalities that have to be carried out. There would be clear rules, regulations, processes, practices and the standards that have to be maintained in all respects. The partners will also have set guidelines that have to be maintained in all ways. It is therefore said to be the best model of working in partnership in the health and social care sector.
  • It may be a virtual organization where the partners collaborate to work together but they will not do any kind of legal arrangements for their partnership relations. There is no requirement of addressing of the legal policies and agreements. There is no clear accountability, role and responsibility being made clear to each partner.
  • Co-location of the manpower from the organizations that are in partnerships with the same or common objectives – This model will have confused loyalties of the staff.
  • The group that steers without having the staff that is dedicated with the objective of providing the collaborative services in the boundaries of the organization – This model is not suitable for a longer run. This is due to the reason that there would be no track on the financials and the areas of the improvisations as working would be carried out as collaborative services.

Review of the current legislation and organizational practices and policies for partnership working in health and social care

It is said that legislations and the organizational practices and the policies for the partnership working helps in establishing certain set standards, acts and the legal regulations that have to be maintained for the safety and the security of the service users as well as the care workers and other staff. These legislation and the practices help in regulating and controlling the level of working, operations and the various activities that have to be carried out in health and social care sector. Few of the legislations and practices by the government of the country in the health and social care are: Education and training programs for the staff and new joinee, services for the care of the community and standards of the care to be maintained, child care and protection act, various rights with respect to the humans working in this sector and working without any kind of discrimination on any grounds. The major legislations are being established by the Health and safety act. This act clearly highlights the standards and the ways that have to be achieved in the health and social care. It clarifies the roles, responsibilities and the standards that have to be maintained at health and social care.
It is said that these legislations and policies are useful as these help in the setting of the standards and streamlining the processes, practices and the policies so that the health and social care is able to provide effective care services to the service users. The advantages of the legislations are that they create a social standard that has to be maintained and operated within the health and social care foundations. They even help in streamlining the processes, practices and even the policies (Farmer, 2003).

How differences in working practices and policies affect collaborative working.

It is said that when the working practices and the policies are being defined and developed well as per the set standards of the country’s government then the health and social care institution works as per the norms and standards. It makes the processes step by step, standardized and smooth in all respects. Due to the presence of the consistent working practices, the working of the care workers, service users and the staff at the health care institution become like collaborative approach. On the other hand in case the systems, processes and practices are not streamlined and set then it will result in the loss of the standards on care front of the service users. Collaboration helps in resolving the various issues, problems and the standards that are not maintained or operated well.
The major difference that is observed in the working practices being followed at health and social care sector with collaboration and without collaboration is that of the standards. Collaborative work helps in the effective implementation of the strategies and set standards. Whereas in case there is no coordination and collaboration then surely the systems and policies will get adverse.
In the nutshell based on the business and the style of the stakeholders, the model of the partnership is being chosen or adopted. Above all each and every component of the health and social care has to work together in coordination in order to achieve the successful results.

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Section C

In this section an analysis of the possible outcomes of the partnership working for the users of services, professionals and organizations would be done. The potential barriers to partnership working in health and social care services would be studied. Finally strategies would be devised that will help in improving the outcomes for partnerships. This section will link the negative outcomes and overcome the barriers to make the strategies successful in all ways.

Possible outcomes of partnership working for users of services, professionals and organizations

Health and social care sector has been performing effectively. In case the service users and the staff working at the sector will coordinate and work together than many benefits and positive outcomes could be obtained. Each and every component of the health and social care organization has to be associated and regulated well so that partnership working and relation would be fruitful one. The possible outcomes of the partnering of the service users, professionals and organizations would be:

Positive Outcomes
  • It will help in promoting the transparency and openness in the provision of the quality and delivery of service and standards of the health and social care services.
  • It will help in the promotion of safety in the services.
  • It will promote and cater to the needs and requirements of the service users and guide the professionals in promoting the efficient services and operations (Rummery & Coleman, 2003).
  • It will increase the accountability of the regulatory authorities and help the organization in improving its services and operations in each and every aspect.
  • It will nurture health relations among the service users, care workers, professionals and even the entire organization.
Negative Outcomes

It is said that in order to achieve the positive results communication process should be effective one. In case the communication is not clear and effective then it would result in the partnership being broken and lack of god relations. It may lead to the problem of accountability and control being lying in whose hands and how it has to be progressed.

Analysis of the potential barriers to partnership working in health and social care services

When partnership relations have to be encouraged then it is necessary that barriers that may come on its way have to be worked out and overcome so that the partnership is fruitful. The potential barriers to partnership working in Health and Social Care Services are:

  • Lack of skilled and efficient manpower – Even if the partners are well equipped and having good relations with each other than also if competent manpower and care givers are not there it would result in the partnership getting broken as the business would not be earned (Leathard, 2004).
  • Lack of proper communication –In case there is no clarity among the partners then there can be conflicts on the control, organization and the accountability. It will therefore lead to the loss of business in all ways.
  • Funds and Financial Stability – In case the partners are ready to work and take up the accountability but they lack funds and the financial stability then surely they will not be able to take up the business further and to a longer run.
  • Lack of Support, Coordination and Care – In case the care givers will not support or help the partners then surely they will not remain happy and satisfied with the services and will not be able to resolve the issues thereby leading to issues in future.

Strategies to improve outcomes for partnerships working in health and social care services

While working in partnerships, it is necessary that fruitful relations are being formed and established among the service users, care workers, health and social care authorities and even the complete organization. Unless people will support, care and help each other, the objectives and the targets that are being set will not be accomplished (Glasby & Peck, 2003). The various strategies that could be devised to improve the outcomes for partnerships working in health and social care services are:

  • There should be effective, clear and transparent communication among the partners – The care workers and health and social care authorities should be such that the service users can easily interact with them and explain and discuss on their problems. This will help in knowing the areas of improvisations thereby working towards them. Communication will ensure that there is proper regulation and systems.
  • The effective and strict adherence and implementation of the legislations, acts and the regulations related with the health and social care. This would help in the setting of the standards and rules that will eliminate all kinds of errors, threats and barriers. This will help in the streamlining the processes and even making them better for the success of the health and social care organization.
  • Regular audits and checks have to be organized so that there is proper organization and control over the systems, processes and the practices. There should be clarity on the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of the various people working for the organization. The care workers would know on the areas that have to be worked out.

In the nutshell it could be said that there are both positive as well as negative outcomes of the partnership working in health and social care. When the potential barriers would be worked upon then these will be converted into strengths and help in making healthy and sound environment in the health and social care organizations (Levin, 2004). Certain strategies like: auditing, checking, clarity of roles and responsibilities and adoption of the proper systems, processes, and practices will help in the removal or overcoming of the potential barriers thereby changing the health and social organizations’ culture to a healthy and progressive one. This will also result in the nurturing of the service users and even getting the care workers knowing the ways in which these service users have to be handled and cared for. Hence there will regulation, control, organization and set of the systems.


It is essential to overcome the potential barriers and negative outcomes of partnerships so that positive situations are being generated and strategies are adopted to overcome them.


Farmer, P. 2003. Pathologies of power: Health, human rights, and the new war on the poor. North American Dialogue, 6(1), 1-4.
Glasby, J., & Peck, E. (Eds.). 2003. Care trusts: partnership working in action. Radcliffe Publishing.
Glasby, J., & Dickinson, H. 2008. Partnership working in health and social care. Bristol: Policy Press.
Hudson, B. 2002. Interprofessionality in health and social care: the Achilles' heel of partnership? Journal of interprofessional care, 16(1), 7-17.
Leathard, A. (Ed.). 2004. Interprofessional collaboration: from policy to practice in health and social care. Routledge.
Levin, E. 2004. Involving service users and carers in social work education. London: SCIE.