Unit 6 Contemporary Issue in Travel and Tourism Assignment

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Unit 6 Contemporary Issue in Travel and Tourism Assignment
Unit 6 Contemporary Issue in Travel and Tourism Assignment
Unit 6 Contemporary Issue in Travel and Tourism Assignment

Unit 6 Contemporary Issue in Travel and Tourism Assignment - Assignment Help in UK


Travel and tourism refers to spending some leisure time with friends and family members by discovering the new places and destinations. The travelling organizations are analyzing the needs and requirements of customers and developing the plans and packages accordingly. The travel and tourism industry of UK is growing at a good pace. The Unit 6 Contemporary Issue in Travel and Tourism Assignment will analyze the current issues that are driving the changes in the business of travel and tourism for UK as well provide the details of impact of political affect on Middle-East and North Africa considering the international law. Moreover the report will provide the information about the current trends like dark, medical and sports tourism that would develop new opportunities for travel organization. In the next part report will analyze the response of British airways and develop the strategies for Vueling organization to sustain the position in market as well justify the use of proposed strategies. At the end report will discuss the likely changes in the business of travel and tourism and consequences if organizations failed to respond.

Unit 6 Contemporary Issue in Travel and Tourism Assignment - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

1.1 Current issues in tour and travels business

Tour and travels is one of the most versatile industries. Demands and expectations of customers are changing with time. Also introduction of new trends and facilities in industry is making changes in organizations. Thomas Cook is paying major focus on services to customers. To make strategies related to business growth, Thomas Cook like organizations is facing several issues:

  • Security Issue: Terrorism activities and political unrest in different part of world hasaffected the tourism business negatively. Organization is bound to deny the tour and travels of several places to ensure the security of customers. Thomas Cook is liable to secure the customers and their information. Exponential use of internet has placed a new issue- cyber crime (Hall.et.al. 2012). Thus, dependency on electronic transactions cannot be eliminated but organization needs to implement proper security to keep the transaction safe from intruders.

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  • Taxation: Tax is another issue faced by tourism business. Number of taxes affects the development of tour and travel industry. Thomas Cook needs to pay tax on hotels, services, transportation, airline fuels and luxury services in United Kingdom. Tax amount depends on economic status of country in which company is providing services. Proper amount of attention is required to balance the taxation and profit. Transportation cost depends upon economic standards of location to visit.
  • Technology: Rapid changes in technologies are affecting the business. Thomas Cook needs to implement new technologies in work so that processing as well as security management can be done easily. Organization is using technologies to monitors, secure and control business activities (Hares.et.al. 2010).
  • Environment: Environmental factors like climate and development of country also affect tours and travel business. Higher economic status of a country helps to achieve more customers to visit. Climate of country also plays an important role to organize tour packages. Favourable climate situations can make large profit for business but bad climate can lead to close down the dimension of tours for a specific session of year.

UK tourism destination - Assignment Help in UK

  • Delivery time Issue: Timely delivery is the necessary to win trust of customers in favour of organization. Competition is tough and Thomas Cook should provide the services within minimum time. Delays may dispose reputation of organization (Hjalager, 2010). Demands of customers should need to be fulfiled in time with good quality. For instance, slower transaction and transportation services may lead to dissatisfaction of customers. 
  • Trends: Trends in travel industries are changing rapidly. Customers are demanding unique places where they can enjoy their leisure times or business trips. Organization provides attractive packages and offers to attract customers. Addition to it, several services are provided to ensure maximum comforts for customers. Competition of market is increasing and seeking new opportunities in business. Thomas Cook should find new ways to stay and Explore new tourist places and competitive tour packages.

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1.2 Analysis of current issues in travels in North Africa

Tours and travel is focusing on security of customers in outbound tours. Thomas Cook always considers the security at visiting places before offering the packages and travel facilities to customers. Several places are not safe to visit due to chances of natural disasters and terrorism activities. Increasing terrorism activities and ant-governmental fights in North Africa have frightened the customers to visit Africa. Country is facing civil war (Kaynama.et.al. 2011). Terrorist are continuously seeking to attack foreign nationals in North and Middle East Africa. Visitors fear to make journeys to country conflicting with terrors. This is the major reason that has affected the travel and tour business in North Africa.

The situation in Middle Eastis similar to North Africa. For instance inSyria, situation isunsafe and impulsive as civil war between government and the locally armed anti-governmental forces is continuing. Terrorist group like Al Qaida and ISIS operates there against the US government. Worst cases of kidnapping and killing of westerners are happened in recent years. Impact of such horrible activities is seen on all industries (Sharples, 2013). Such situations lay a negative impact on tourism business to develop in Middle East countries. Also other factors like rules and regulations in country affect the tourism. Middle East Africa has different rules of passport and visa due to different ruling. The climatic conditions in the region of North Africa and Middle East are very harsh due to extreme heats in summers. Thus, such sessions are off-session for Thomas Cook like travel companies to plan and package.

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Task 2

2.1 Current trends that influencing travel and tourism in UK

I work as an assistant product manager in Thomas cook, UK which is an outbound organisation. The organisation can enhance their business by following current trends that influence travel and tourism in Uk.

Graph depicts higher visits in London - Assignment Help in UK

People come to UK due to Holiday and business purpose - Assignment Help in UK

  • Holiday packages: In UK, most of travellers want to take break from their work. It has been analysed that 72% of travellers are travellingin different country to spend holidays. This is the latest trend that impact on Thomas Cook organisation to develop holiday packages especially for families (Silva and Saraiva, 2015). Thomas cook can expand their business by developing holiday package in low cost and offer discount. Affordable price would attract people to visit different places. According to above graph, most of the people choose Holiday packages.
  • Adventure Tourism: Especially young generation is mostly attracted with adventure packages. The organisation can offer such packages that include visit tomultiple adventure places. This would increase overall popularity and income which is generated by promotion of destination. But these trends involved risk in adventure activities. In spite of that, UK tourism is encouraging people to take some adventurous activities like Ballooning, River rafting, Jungle exposure, Bungee Jumping and Diving. However, lack of skilled people in organisation would be hampering the development of adventure packages.

This is new trend of developing and encouraging the tourism activities in country. People are looking for such opportunities where new games and activities are being offered. The adventure activities are taken into consideration for attracting the people and marketing the tourist destination on world tourism map but these trends have involved risk (Kaynama.et.al. 2011). This has positive impact on the tourism activities of nation and is helping to grow the business.

Theme Park of London - Assignment Help in UK

  • Sports Tourism: The International Passenger Survey shows that in 2007, UK residents made 1.5 million trips abroad to watch sports. This sector is improving by 50% from 2002 to 2007. Thomas cook now offerssports packages that would visit high profile events in all over the world. This is the latest trend in travel and tourism that will improve business opportunity.
  • Dark Tourism: People like to travel such places that are historically associated with death and tragedy. More recently, this is another reason to visit for dark tourism and grief tourism. The people are attractedto visit dark locations, bad incidents that have historical value. The local council of UK has identified such sites that can be developed in order to attract visitors (Smith, 2015.). The government is offering fund for renovation of historical paces. It has been noticed that this trend would take time to more famous in UK.

Blood swept land at Tower of London - Assignment Help in UK

2.2 Analyse current trends by appropriate technique and Resources

For given context, Current trends in Niche Tourism market of UK, techniques of secondary research method can be adopted. Secondary research methods extract information from literature, journal, newspapers, articles and relevant research. Such sources are considered rich in information. Theseare used to explore key trends in travel and tourism. For present task secondary research method is usedthat finds current trends in Niche Tourism. In UK, Niche tourism market includes latest trends that influence customer to buy package.  The market adopts latest trends like business tourism, dark tourism, medical tourism and sports tourism. For instance, in medical tourism people visit UKfor availing the medical treatment. For example, people fromAfrica, Europe, , India visit UK due to medical treatment. This is the new trend which is also emerging with tourism business (Taylor, 2015). Therefore, Thomas Cook needs to renovate services manner meet this demand. Following are the resources required in order to expand business of Thomas Cook in Niche Tourism market:

  • Recent Technology: The latest technical tools are used to promote tourism are internet and mobile application. The Leading organisations of UK are offering online booking, cashless transfer and provide online information about their holiday packages. This is latest trend in UK that drive business by exploring products through advertisements. Technology is a key for expanding business. Thomas Cook should use latest technical tools to monitor, analyse current trends, security, communication and security. This would expand Thomas Cook business in Niche Tourism market. Such technology is being helpful to find out information about latest business events, trade fairs, sports and events in all around the world.
  • Human Resource: Human resources are important to implement planning of travelling packages. UK has qualified human resources that are able to observe needs of travellers. Sufficient numbers of human resources are employed at work place in order to find latest trends and offer services to consumers. Moreover, expert teams are employed by leading organisations to successfully implement the plan.
  • Economical Resource: Travel and tourism industry highly affect GDP of country. Strong financial situation, high quality services and good infrastructure are helping to improve travelling activities like provide services and finding new trends. The current economic condition of UK supports travel and tourism industry to develop new plans and adopt changes. However, improper management is hampering the improvement of travel industry (Tsiotsou and Ratten, 2010


From the Unit 6 Contemporary Issue in Travel and Tourism Assignment it is being carried out that travel and tourism business of UK is growing with positive changes that helping the travel and tourism organizations to expand the area of services and offer at global level. Report has analyzed the issues and their impact on the UK tourism as well discussed about the impact of political changes on Middle-East and North Africa. In the next part report has evaluated the current trends for business and explained how British airways could respond to changes in the business using the public relation strategy. Moreover, report has analyzed the impact of issues for Myla, Thomas Cook and The Travel Network Company to understand the response of these organizations towards the changes.


Book and journals

Evans, N., Stonehouse, G. and Campbell, D. 2012. Strategic management for travel and tourism.
Fuchs, G. and Reichel, A. 2011.An exploratory inquiry into destination risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies of first time vs. repeat visitors to a highly volatile destination. Tourism Management. 32(2). Pp. 266-276.
Fusco Girard, L. and Nijkamp, P. 2013.Heritage and Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Local Development, Farnham: Ashgate.
Garín-Muñoz, T. and Pérez-Amaral, T. 2011. Internet usage for travel and tourism: the case of Spain. Tourism Economics.17(5). Pp. 1071-1085.
Gössling, S., Scott, D., Hall, C.M., Ceron, J.P. and Dubois, G., 2012.Consumer behaviour and demand response of tourists to climate change.Annals of Tourism Research39(1), pp.36-58.
Govers, R. and Go, F. M., 2012.Deconstructing destination image in the information age. Informational Technology and Tourism, 6(1), pp. 13-29.
Hall, C.M., 2010. Crisis events in tourism: subjects of crisis in tourism.Current Issues in Tourism13(5), pp.401-417.s
Hall, C.M., Timothy, D.J. and Duval, D.T., 2012. Safety and security in tourism: relationships, management, and marketing. Routledge.
Hares, A., Dickinson, J. and Wilkes, K., 2010. Climate change and the air travel decisions of UK tourists. Journal of Transport Geography18(3), pp.466-473.
Hjalager, A.M., 2010. A review of innovation research in tourism. Tourism management31(1), pp.1-12.
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Silva, A. and Saraiva, V., 2015. HOW CULTURAL HERITAGE CAN POSITIVE INFLUENCE TOURISM THE MEMORY OF PLACE. European Scientific Journal11(9).

The Unit 6 Contemporary Issue in Travel and Tourism Assignment will analyze the current issues that are driving the changes in the business of travel and tourism for UK,  We are posting Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.