Unit 9 Tourist Destination Management Assignment

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Unit 9 Tourist Destination Management Assignment
Unit 9 Tourist Destination Management Assignment
Unit 9 Tourist Destination Management Assignment


Tourist destination is a place where tourist visits for gaining the knowledge and spend quality time with the friends and family members by exhibiting the natural and cultural values. Destination management involves characteristics, attraction, amenities and accessibility. The tourist destinations are the key places of the county and region that have major impact on the economy as well help to generate the revenue through various activities. The report will analyze the top five destination of UK and rest of the world considering the numbers of visitors, and analyze the statistics to determine tourism destination trends according to future trends. Moreover the report will compare the appeal of current leading tourist and evaluate the characteristics of tourist destinations. At the end, report will analyze issues that affecting the popularity of tourist destination and discuss the potential for new destination.

Unit 9 Tourist Destination Management Assignment

Task 1

1.1 Major tourist destination and revenue generator of the world

According to current scenario, there are many destinations around the world that are popular among the people and attracting the visitors. The national and local governments are working to improve the conditions and facilities to encourage the tourism. Following are the major tourist destination of the UK that has potential to attract the visitors around the globe.

Key destinations of UK

  • Tower of London: This is one of the most visited destinations of the UK that located on the bank of the Themes River in central London. It provides the historical development information and data of UK and very famous.
  • Churchill war room: This is historical museum located in London that offering the information about the biography of the people which majorly focuses on the British statesman Winston Churchill (Kozak and Baloglu, 2010). The museum was established in 1984 and having the significant contribution in the tourism development activities of UK.
  • Victoria and Albert museum: This world’s largest museum of the decorative arts and design and has the permanent collection of the 4.5 million objectives. The destination consist the 145 galleries that have different types of antiques and objects that have been collected across the world.
  • Chester zoo: It is one of the most famous zoological garden located in Cheshire, England. The park has more than 20000 animals which involve more 500 species. The infrastructure and the facilities that have been offered at zoo are good enough to attract the visitors around the globe.
  • British museum: According to analysis of tourist destinations of UK it is been carried out that British Museum is most visited place of UK was established in 1753 at Great Russell Street, London (Mason, 2015). The museum has collection of more than 8 million objects and dedicated to human history, culture and values.

Table 1: Top five destinations of UK

Destinations (UK)

Numbers of visits

Income generated (2015) £

Night visits

Purpose of spending

Tower of London

2.7 million


1.2 million

Spending leisure time

Churchill war room

5 million



Gain information about leading people

Victoria and Albert museum

3.4 million



Gain knowledge

Chester zoo

2.9 million



Spending leisure time

British museum

6.9 million



Improve the understanding

Top five destinations of Europe:

Destinations of Europe

  • Eiffel tower: This is included in the wonders of world which built from wrought iron lattice tower in Paris, France. According to evaluation this is one of the most paid monuments in the world as people are visiting the place quit often.
  • Van Gogh Museum: the museum is located in Amsterdam and dedicated to the work of the Van Gogh. People are getting attracted to the place to gain the knowledge about the contribution of Van Gogh.
  • Rome: This is capital of Italy and considered as the key destination for tourism considering the archaeological and artistic treasures and charm of unique tradition. According to analysis, Rome is third most visited city in Europe,
  • Venice: According to evaluation of major tourist destinations in Europe Venice holds the key place. The city has average of 50,000 tourists a day (Nunkoo and Ramkissoon, 2011). It is a city in north-eastern Italy with across a group of 117 small islands, separated by canals and linked by bridges.
  • Paris: One of the most famous and major business destinations of Europe that host approx 20 million visitors in year.  The destination is located in the bank of Seine River on the northern metropolitan France.

Table 2: Top five destination of Europe


Visitor number

Income £

Night visit

Purpose of spending

Eiffel tower

6.9 million


4 million


Van Gogh Museum

1.9 million





21 million


25 million





10 million

Leisure activities 


22 million


36 million


Top five destination of world:

Table 3: Top five destination of world


Total  Visits in 2015

Income Generated in 2015

Night Visits

Purpose of Spending

Dubai Mall

62 million

$7.43 billion

32 million

Spending Holiday and leisure time

Magic Kingdom

20.4 million

$ 2.2 billion

Not available

Spending Holidays

Milford Sound

I million

$ 1.4 billion

Not available

Leisure time

Buckingham palace

1.3 million

500 million pounds

Not available

Gaining knowledge and exploring past history

Table mountain

24 million

$3.0 million

Not available

Adventure trips and holiday purposes

World tourism destinations

The top management of TUI tour operator can have concern over the identified location of UK, Europe and world for planning the holiday packages and attract the visitors that looking to visit such places. Moreover by focusing on these high incomes generated destination the TUI management could influence the financial conditions of organization.

1.2 Tourism destination trends and analysis of statistics

The trends of the tourism and destination management are changing with the time and needs of the people. The tourism organizations are majorly focusing on the different forms of the tourism that involve adventure, sports and dark tourism activities. These types of activities are having significant impact as the globalization has provided many changes in the purpose and gaining the knowledge about the process of tourism and demand of the services (Spencer, 2016). According to current analysis of trends and statistics, people are spending more on the tourism activities and showing the interest in the different tourism plan of the leading and domestic organizations. The use of communication tools and economical packages of tour organizations are helping to attract the potential customers and influencing their interest to visit the places of their choice.

Tourism growth in UK

The growth of the tourism destination and activities is one of the major reasons for the tour operating organization to develop the plan and packages to different destinations of UK which have high demand in the customers. According to analysis, it is been identified that tourism is having the 9% contribution in the overall GDP of the nation which is being increased up to 5% since 2013. After the economic crisis of 2008 this is major hike in the tourism business that influencing the business and hospitality activities of UK. In addition to this, Europe tourism plays key role in the economic and employment activities of the reign in which the business purpose trips are having the significant contribution in the economic tourism growth (Smith, 2012). Apart from that, Dubai, according to the annual figures released by Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing shows that Dubai is fourth most visited place in the world. Dubai in 2015 attracts over 14.2 million overnight visitors.

Tourism activities in different nations

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Task 3

3.1 Appeal of current leading destinations and developing destinations

According to the current state of the tourism and destination management activities, developed and developing tourism places are offering the high quality services and products that have higher demand in the potential group of visitors. For that purpose the tourism authority and government are setting the appeal thorough the promotion and sharing of information to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Following are the appeal and activities of the tourism destinations for attracting the potential group of visitors:

  • Leading destinations of UK: For tourism UK is holding important place as it have many locations that attracts the people from across the world. In addition to this, for promotion and adverting of the destinations the tourism authority of country is highlighting the key places and activities related to culture, values and tradition of the places to set the appeal. The key places like Tower of London, British and National Museum, Chester Zoo and the Churchill War rooms having the significant impact on the tourism activities of the nation and helping the organization to promote the places for gaining the knowledge, history of nation, culture and values that followed by the people for developing the UK (Prayag, 2012). In addition to this, the government of UK is looking to generate the revenue by increasing the numbers of visitors through offering the high quality security, environmental and leisure services to motivate the tourism at these places.
    In addition to this, the process of promoting the tourism is being liked to other activities like visa, opportunities for employment, stable economy and management of places according to needs and demand. The UK tourism authority is setting the appeal through managing the high standard of services and products at key destinations.
  • Developing destination of China: According to analysis, it is been considered that China is emerging as the key destination for tourism as the discovery of the new places, adventure and sports activities are having the significant impact on the tourism activities at world level. For example, glass street at highest level from sea, bridge mid of river and rich culture as well the life style are having the significant impact on the tourism activities of country (Tsiotsou and Ratten, 2010). These kinds of activities and destinations are attracting the visitors and setting the positive appeal for potential tourists. In addition to this, the safety and security of the places is also good which helping to promote the tourism. The historical and natural destinations are major attraction of China for setting the appeal for tourism activities. Apart from that, limitations like difficult process of visa, banned photography, language and unstable economy in recent time is affecting the tourism activities at China. The architecture and temples are attractive places in China. China is also famous for martial arts.

3.2 Evaluation of characteristics that affecting the appeal of tourism

There are various factors that have direct or indirect impact on the tourism activities of the particular destinations. The tourism industry of different nations are collecting the feedback from the international visitors for gaining the knowledge about the key issues that affecting the effectiveness of place as well creating the negative impression. The factors like social, cultural, economical, security and environment have direct impact on the tourism activities at both developed and developing destinations. The leading authorities are concern about the issues and developing the strategy for overcome the impact (Vogel, 2012). According to evaluation of Burma tourism industry, it is been considered that political condition, poverty, value of currency and life style of people are the major factors that have negative influence on the decision of visitors who come to Burma. In spite of that, the nation is having the good potential in natural resources like colonial, non-colonial, natural beauty and local cultural festivals. TUI tourism organization could plan the tour package for Burma by considering the factors identified through the evaluation.

However the political and regulatory conditions are major concern of the TUI management which might affect the planning but having the prior contract with local hospitality, transportation and medical organization TUI could improve the effectiveness of plan. In addition to this, the management is working on the quality of services and process of meeting the objectives of visitors. For that organization is including the 5 star accommodations, food, parties and passes for local events (Weaver, 2011).  In addition to this, security is major factors that affecting the planning of tourism activities at Burma as well as the rate of infection disease like malaria, tuberculosis and HIV are affecting the appeal for tourism. By considering the factors, it is been recommended to TUI management for not planning the holiday package for Burma.

Task 4

4.1 Various issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations

Visitors are considering too many facts about the destinations before the visit. They are demanding something especial in destinations either in term of nature or adventure at place. Also, the perceptions of visitors towards the safety and health are determining the choice of destination. Global warming, disaster history and strange in natural phenomena at destinations are playing a vital role to influence the visiting decision of peoples towards the destination. Addition to it, various men made issues like terrorism, political rules, civil mismatches; beliefs and economic status are determining the popularity of tourist places (Sæþórsdóttir, 2013).

  • Climate: Climate of a visiting place may be favorable to visitors as an attraction point or it may be an issue in popularity of destination. The uncertainty in climate at destination influences the visitor’s decision power for the destination. For example, biggest flood disaster in China was the incident promoted by climate changes in country. Thus, tourist organizations as well as visitors are moving away for a while to visit the places in China so that more security and health can be offered to visitors. Organizations are searching other places for business rather than to take risk of visitors and resources at such uncertain climate destinations.
  • Terrorism: Tourist organizations and visitors are searching for safe and secure places to spend leisure time and to make business trips. History of terrorist activities at destinations highly affects the visitor’s perception towards the visit to place (Guillet.et.al.2011). For instance, UK is more vulnerable to terrorist attacks in comparison of China. However, economic status and opportunities are attraction for visitors. Destinations under pressure of terrorism activities are being neglected to make a visit due to safety purpose.
  • Economy: Economic status and GDP of destination place affects the visitors those are planning to make business trip to invest capital or to learn for business purpose. Also the comparative value of visitor’s currency in destination place affects the decision to make a visit. For instance, UK is economically strong and preferred by visitors for business tourism (Cohen and Cohen, 2012). Tourism organizations are also encouraging tours in economically strong destinations so that more profit can be earned.

4.2 Potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide destination for tourism

Liable tourism can be identified under the perception of the tourist and selection of the destinations according to the environmental effects and financial capacity of the individual that assist the decision of the host community. According to the perception of the different people host tourism is a positive change that brings the employment opportunities, increase the standard of living etc. Other than that host community brings the positive change that is important to get the attention of the visitors. For this purpose, TUI is one of the most common organizations for the host tourism that offers quality services to the customers and provides the positive impact on the visitors (BHATI.et.al. 2016). The organization offers the destinations like China, UK, Spain and France. The management uses the technical tools to deliver the services to the clients and get in touch with the visitors. This kind of approach assists the management to boast the capability of the host community.

For betterment in the tourism operations and to construct the responsible brand business is making the continuous change in the planning policy of packages and uses the luxury transportation facility to attract the customers. In 2015 organization has been awarded for the top innovative functions for supporting the responsible tourism and increasing the employment opportunities for the young talented professionals. Apart from this organization has the liability to develop the destination and increase the sustainability of the destinations. TUI focuses on the clean environment, more job opportunities, development of the tourist place and availability of all the services at the desired destinations (Boniface, 2013). TUI hosts various places and maintains the economic rates for the services by which customer retention will increase. Organization is liable in the context of balance it maintains the balance between the profit margin and growth of the hosting place.

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From the above study, it is been considered that tourist destination management is process of analyzing the potential, appeal and key factors of the particular destination for developing the tourism plan. Report has provided the information about the five major attraction of UK, Europe and world that have high footfall of visitors. In the next task report has provided the information about the developed and developing destinations like UK and China and analyzed the factors that affecting the appeal of the destinations. At the end, report has provided the information about the issues that affecting the popularity of the identified destinations.


Books and journals
BHATI, A.S., Upadhayaya, A. and Sharma, A., 2016. National disaster management in the ASEAN-5: an analysis of tourism resilience. Tourism Review, 71(2).
Cohen, E. and Cohen, S.A., 2012. Current sociological theories and issues in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(4), pp.2177-2202.
Guillet, B.D., Lee, A., Law, R. and Leung, R., 2011. Factors affecting outbound tourists' destination choice: The case of Hong Kong. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(5), pp.556-566.
Kozak, M. and Baloglu, S., 2010. Managing and marketing tourist destinations: Strategies to gain a competitive edge. Routledge.
Mason, P., 2015. Tourism impacts, planning and management. Routledge.
Nunkoo, R. and Ramkissoon, H., 2011. Developing a community support model for tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(3), pp.964-988.
Prayag, G., 2012. Paradise for who? Segmenting visitors' satisfaction with cognitive image and predicting behavioural loyalty. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14(1), pp.1-15.
Sæþórsdóttir, A.D., 2013. Managing popularity: Changes in tourist attitudes in a wilderness destination. Tourism Management Perspectives, 7, pp.47-58.
Smith, V.L. ed., 2012. Hosts and guests: The anthropology of tourism. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Spencer, R., 2016. Development tourism: lessons from Cuba. Routledge.