Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment

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Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment
Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment
Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment


A strong relationship got build up in between the organization and its employees if an employer will take care of their health & safety. It is only possible when the workers are treating by them equally or as a human being. No discrimination is follow as rich or poor. The companies should provide best facilities of safety & health to its employees and at the time of employees’ recruitment, nothing should be hiding from them. All risk & terms are clearly states to them at that time especially in risk bearing factories.


AC1.1 In Health and Social care organizations: review systems, policies & procedures used in communicating & maintain the Health & safety at work in accordance to legislative requirements.

  1.  Health and Safety at work Act, 1974: It is the legal legislative, which pass by the government of United Kingdom. In this all those executive those are working for taking care of Health & safety of the others at their workplace, they work upon this aim with some of the strong bodies / authorities. They take care of those crowds of people who work as the diver, coalmines, working at top (height) and areas those are surround with radiations and harmful chemicals. Their purpose is to follow and consider that all the employers are following these legislatives in their workplace. (Ambulance, 2011).
  2.  Health & safety Offences Act, 2008: It is follows by the organizations that take care about their workers safety and these safety rules are taken care by the company’s trade unions under the safety committee regulations. Operational manager appointed by the company to take their training & states all the risks related with employment before recruiting them. Otherwise, it is punishable by the court.
  3.  Employment Medical advisory service act, 1972: This act will provide all the facilities of the medical examination of the workers by the organizations. Young people and women are getting this facility throughout the employment period. Doctor appointed by the factory or associated with some hospital that is on the panel of the factory & these medical facilities are given.  

1. Health & safety (First aid) regulations 1981: It includes various tasks performs by the employer-

  • It is the duty of the employer to provide First aid equipment.
  • Analyse the whole situation around working area.
  • Authority of given exemptions.
  • Duty of ordered other employees to provide the first aid treatment to the victim (Collins, 2009).

2. Management of Health & social Regulation 1999: It consist four aspects-

  • - Main elements those manage about health & safety in Organization:
  • - Perform according to requirement.
  • - Provide valuable arrangements.
  • - Resources: it means employees who avail such benefits.

The above two are perform by the owners, managers, Line Mangers and the third is by the person who is the face of the organization in providing these benefits.

3. Mental health Care Act 2007: It implies on the population of the UK those are suffering from the Mania disease. This act passed by the government in 1983 and was revise in 2005 and last in 2007. Here all medical facilities and health care with social groups are given to these types of patients. 


AC1.3 2.2 Analyse the health & safety priorities that are important to Mr. W’s health and wellbeing. In relation, analyse the impact of one aspect on health & safety policy on Mr. W and health & safety practice.

There are variant problems that may face by the social care that is risk on the management of the care home. An effective approach follows in the health and the social care base on the two methods Quantitative & Qualitative. These include the performance of the staff those offer medical or other services to the patients and evaluation of health hazards, if any. Especially in the case of the psychiatrist patient may commit suicide. There are certain policies in the favour of the health of the patients those mentioned in the legislatures of the country are strictly adhering by the care home. As the above health & safety policies are states for the concern of the people at their work place the same implies in the hospitals and the Home cares also. A proper medication & treatment is requiring for Mr. W. These types of patients handled with care & patience. Under the Mental act 1983 either they are admitted to the hospital or taken care by the relatives and nearby authorities. K is appointed to take care of Mr. W. she is professionally trained to handle such situation that arose in front of him. Patients generally forget everything and not in their senses. Under sec 117 in after care services K has sent at Mr. W’s home (Stranks, 2010). The authorities give the treatment to these patients at their home without charging any fees from them directly. If they sent patients to caring homes then they only pay fees to these homes on behalf of patients. Now here in this case study, under the policy of mental act 1983 the local authorities acts as a guardian and K is appointed by them as a guardian for Mr. W. If any of the relative of Mr. W comes and does objection in the treatment then they have to consider his opinion. It is the responsibility of K to take care & mange all matters according to the welfare of Mr. W.  An approach of PCP (person centre approach) is an appropriate suitable for handling the patient of mental disable. It is started by the government in 2001 and provides medications in improving the patient capability in their learning.   

AC1.2 Draw your organizational chart using this as a guide; assess the responsibilities in a specific health & social care workplace for management of health & safety in relation to organizational structures.

health & safety in relation to organizational structures
(Source:  Own)

Care Home is the authority that takes care on the health & the safety of its whole region. It has many branches that take care about the health of the people of different areas. Some areas cover all the districts come under them and a proper management or team get appoints for each individual branch and take care of the security & the health. It follows the Person centred planning approach in the working. They handle the mental disabled person. Various people and organisations are involved in improving the learning and skill of the patients. There are two ways of taking care of the patients. Either make them admitted in the hospital or take care of them in their own home by their family members, social activist or psychiatrist professionals as in this case study. These authorities can bring the patients at their home centres. Here, the treatment is like home. They work with the hospitals where they can take the patients if they really need to admit. The treatment given to the patient at his/ her home called as a family practitioner where the nurse or the trained medical supervisor goes to the patient home and treats him there (Stretch, 2007). Like in the above case study” k” went to Mr. W’s home. She is the family practitioner and appointed there by the care home for taking care of Mr. W. She takes care of his health by giving him a proper medication prescribed by the doctor. She tries to handle all such situations that may occur by the psychiatrist patient with care and patience.

AC2.1 Produce a risk assessment based on your work and analyse how information from these is used in identifying service user’s needs & organizational decision-making.

Organization name: ABC Care Home

What are the hazards?

Who might be harmed & how?

What are you already doing?

Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk?

Action by whom?

Action by when?

Complete where+ how?

Psychiatrist patient try to attempt the suicide & if it occurs then it will be the high-risk assessment for the management of the Health & safety care authority.

Mr. W by doing suicide or self-harm.

Handling Mr. W by the care practitioner “K” with patience and affection

Yes, a counselling session must be arranged for the patient. First, before any counselling try to win patient’s trust so that he will listen to the “k”. Ask questions openly to the patient in the counselling so that he may share his problem.

A family practitioner handles the situation by doing the same as she is a trained professional and sent by the care authority.

On an immediate basis. More time will be risky for the patient.

K can handle the situation with providing medication & counselling to Mr. W at his home or else taken to the hospital in the presence of the other experienced doctors.


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