Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment Solution

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Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment Solution
Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment Solution
Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment Solution


Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace

QFC Level

Level 4

Unit Code



Health and safety in the HSC Workplace Assignment Solution is divided into three major tasks based on the case scenarios given. Each case scenario has been introducing the concept of health and safety at workplace.

unit 3 health and safety

Case Study 2

Case Study 2 will be discussing on the information and its correct usage for the risk assessment and even resolution of dilemmas is done in health and social care.

2.1 Analyse how information from risk assessments would assist care planning for individuals and organizational decision making about policies and procedures which would avoid incidents similar to the one given in the study.

Policies, practices and systems at health and social care settings are developed so that there is a regularity and maintenance of the instructions and rules at workplace (Sheeran & Silverman, 2003). As per the case scenario the South Birmingham Primary Care Trust has failed in fulfilling its duty and has exposed the patient to the grave situations. This has also resulted in the severe accident for the patient at this centre. There is a requirement of the risk assessment; monitoring, handling and controlling processes and instructions that should be given to the service or the care workers so that they ensure that there is always maintained a risk free conditions are the workplace. The information that is availed from the risk assessments help in the effective care planning for the individuals working for the organization:

  • Certain examples and cases from the risk assessment ensure that the same incidents are not repeated and suitable actions are taken in this regard.
  • This information gives an insight on the ways in which the various equipment and safety devices and tools have to be handled and operated.
  • Based on the various incidents, the care planning policies, procedures and the practices would be developed for the further employment and use.

The risks assessment and its implementation have to be carried out in all types of health and social care settings irrespective of their sizes. These risk assessment and safety practices and procedures then will help in taking effective organizational decisions that would be better for the future of the health care settings (Çakir et al, 1980).

2.2 Analyse the impact on the health and safety policy on lifting and handling in health and social care practice and on the care users in the organization given in the study.

There is strong impact on the health and safety policy on handling & lifting in the health and social care practice and care takers in the organization. The impact could be explained as per the case of South Birmingham is:

  • There would be development of effective policies, practices and systems at the workplace which will help in aligning the practices with the business model of the health care settings.
  • All the employees working in partnership for the organization will get trained on the use of the devices and tools like sling in the different cases.
  • There would be efficiency in the operations of the health and safety care settings.
  • The risks and problems that may be encountered at the workplace would be avoided and controlled in the health and social care settings.
  • There should be a development and growth of the hygienic and clean environment ate the health and social care settings for security & safety of the care takers and the service users.
  • Risk assessment should not be left like that rather should be developed as a module that may help the faculty or the senior medical professionals can train all the employees working for it.

2.3 Discuss the dilemmas care workers will encounter in carrying out health and safety policies and procedures.

When care workers fulfil their duties and responsibilities in everyday life then they are bound to encounter certain dilemmas and these are listed as under:

  • The usage of specific equipment and tools may be defined under certain cases but the patient is not responding to it so whether they should be place in those circumstances.
  • To apply the same rules and regulations under all the conditions or there can be exceptions which have to be handled differently.
  • Whether the patients could be given certain substitutes in case the original medication prescribed by the doctors and specialists are not available (Viscusi, 1983).
  • To apply certain authority and entrepreneurship in certain situations in case there is lack of equipped and specialists doctors available.

These above mentioned are certain lists of dilemmas that may arise among the staff working for the South Birmingham centre. Similarly there may be various other types of situations that may lead to confusion.

2.4 Analyse the effects of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in the health and social care workplace.

There are harmful effects in case there is no follow as per compliance in the health and safety legislation, these have been listed as under:

  • There would not be clarity on the duties, roles and responsibilities of the various staff working for the Social and health care settings. As happened for case too, there was non-clarity on what has to be exposed to the service user. Due to non-clarity, the staff may function reversely and their entire functionality would be affected.
  • The staff will keep on quarrelling and fighting with each other. This is due to the reason that they will postpone and delegate their tasks on others thereby making each other unhappy and dissatisfied thereby developing unhealthy work environment.
  • The organization will have low productivity and lack in terms of the efficiency that has to be obtained and achieved.
  • There could be audits and checks by the governmental authorities there by failing the organization in following the compliances and cancelling the licenses of the health and social care settings.

When the health and social care organizations will not be complying with the legislative requirements and acts there the entire purpose and function of the health and social are settings would be spoiled.
In the nutshell it could be said that safety regulations and processes have their significance in the health and social care settings. Unless there is proper compliance of the policies, procedures and systems, there would always be risks, problems and dilemmas that would exist in the health care settings.

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Case Study 3

Case Study 3 would be an understanding on the monitoring and review of health and safety in the health and social care workplace. Health and Safety has to be maintained at the workplace under the said rules, regulations, provisions and the acts that are being developed. It is also important that the policies, systems or the procedures that are developed are compared and benchmarked with the industry standards. This will help us in assessing and improving them to the highest level of performance.

3.1 Based on the information given in the document explain how health and safety practices are monitored and reviewed.

Health and safety practices have to be monitored and checked on regular intervals. This is due to the reason that the things designed may be applied and implemented in the initial or the earlier situations but may change with the change in the environment. As per the case, there was use or rubber wheels in the hoists and they disabled the smooth movement of hoists on the carpets that were spread in the newly built hospital. Hospital had been built with the best available and featured services being the new one but there were many difficulties that were experienced by the nurses (Gunningham & Johnstone, 1999). Based on the changing requirements and the needs of the situations, there should be alterations and modifications that should be done in the safety & health settings. In the scenario given, the hospital could take the actions for replacing the carpets that are not acting as a difficulty for the movement of hoists. Or the hospital authorities could replace the rubber wheels with that of some other material wheels. This would only be possible when the systems, policies and practices would be monitored, reviewed and evaluated on regular intervals resolving the issues. It is also sure that when the monitoring and control of the processes is done in time and as per the regular intervals then surely each and every member associated with the health and social care settings would be able to stay healthy, fit and fine.

3.2 Analyse the effectiveness of health and safety policies and practice in the workplace in promoting a positive health and safety culture.

The policies and the practices that are developed and implemented at the workplace should be made effective. This would surely help in the promotion of positive safety & health culture. This is due to the reason that when these are implemented then surely all kinds of risks, problems and issues arising are resolved at the earliest. Above all the staff working for this safety and health settings is trained and equipped with the skills and competencies. This would help the staff in following and implementing their duties and responsibilities well ahead in time. The specific and special needs service users will be provided with a lot of facilities and benefits as per their requirements. They will help in developing systematic and regulated health and safety work place and healthy work culture and environment which will promote health, safety and wellbeing of all the individuals at workplace. There should be clear and efficient guidelines and instructions to all in performing their duties well. There should be a continuous system that could easily monitor and control the processes and functions at the workplace for the health and safety of the staff and patients. Responsibilities, roles and profiles of each and every individual must be known to all so that they perform their duties and instructions well. The effectiveness of the policies and practices would help in the creation and growth of the healthy, safe and secure work environment for the staff working for the health and social care setting. This would also ensure the safe and secure living environment for the various service users.

3.3. Evaluate own contributions in placing the health and safety needs of individuals at centre practice.

unit 3 health and Safety

The staffs working for the health and social care settings have to abide by the respective duties and responsibilities well. This could easily be explained with the help of Gibbs Reflective Cycle. The stages as descried in Gibbs Reflective Cycle are: Description of the event, feelings associated with it, evaluation of the situation, analysis on what could be done and finally concluding on what will be done and making the action plan on it on what has to be done for resolving it. This explains and gives the understanding of one’s own contributions that one should render for the working to become effective at the health and social care settings. There is an urgency that the reason for the occurrence of a situation in a specific way has to be studied and understood. This has to be made understood as why such things occur in a specific way. Then based on the understanding of the situation, the evaluation of the same has to be done. Evaluation will help in concluding of the situation. The contribution would be developing the health and social care place to be the best place that is understood, evaluated and resolved well and creating the best and healthy work environment at health and social care settings (Lippin et al, 2000).
Health and Safety at workplace of health and social care would be ensured when the staffs would ensure that there is clarity in their roles and principles, rules, policies and practices are being followed as per the assigned and required legislations and policies. These health and safety legislations have to be studied, monitored and reviewed at regular intervals so that changes are introduced enabling a healthy work environment at workplace. This would make the health and safety at priority to be maintained at workplace. There should be a strict compliance of the legislative and health and safety policies. The culture at health and social care workplace has to be maintained effectively. Finally it could be said that each and every individual has to contribute and effectively follow and implement the set system, policies, practices and procedures so that the safety and health at workplace is ensured (Shannon et al, 1996).


The dilemmas that exist among the care workers in performing their duties, responsibilities and the services have to be cleared and resolved. Effective and correct information has to be spread and delivered or communicated to the staff working at health and social care so that they perform their duties well and avoid risks. 


Çakir, A., Hart, D. J., & Stewart, T. F. 1980. Visual display terminals: A manual covering ergonomics, workplace design, health and safety, task organization. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Gunningham, N., & Johnstone, R. 1999. Regulating workplace safety: system and sanctions. Oxford University Press.
Lippin, T. M., Eckman, A., Calkin, K. R., & McQuiston, T. H. 2000. Empowerment?based health and safety training: Evidence of workplace change from four industrial sectors. American Journal of industrial medicine, 38(6), 697-706.
Marwaha, M., & Khanna, P. 2011. Health and safety at workplace. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(2), 143-152.
Shannon, H. S., Walters, V., Lewchuk, W., Richardson, J., Moran, L. A., Haines, T., & Verma, D. 1996. Workplace organizational correlates of lost?time accident rates in manufacturing. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 29(3), 258-268.
Shannon, H. S., Mayr, J., & Haines, T. 1997. Overview of the relationship between organizational and workplace factors and injury rates. Safety Science, 26(3), 201-217.
Sheeran, P., & Silverman, M. 2003. Evaluation of three interventions to promote workplace health and safety: evidence for the utility of implementation intentions. Social Science & Medicine, 56(10), 2153-2163.
Tucker, E. 1990. Administering danger in the workplace: The law and politics of occupational health and safety regulation in Ontario, 1850-1914. University of Toronto Press.
Viscusi, W. K. 1983. Risk by choice: Regulating health and safety in the workplace. Harvard University Press.

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