Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment - Aveon Health

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Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment - Aveon Health
Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment Aveon Health
Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment - Aveon Health

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The health and social care organisations or centres are to provide the health services to the individuals who are actually need it. There are many social workers work in these organisations to provide the best health facilities to the individuals to recover their health the health and safety is the major concerned in these organisation. This Unit 3 Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment Aveon Health focuse the services provided by the Aveon Health Care in the area of health and social care. While working at Aveon Health Care as a manager, it is my responsibility to design the communication procedures and policies to train the new employees. Aveon Health Care is an organisation which takes care of the old people along with other patients in case they do not have someone in the family who could cater their needs. Since, people at old age need lots of attention from the personal and professional in the care home, it is essential that the new employees are trained properly after joining the care home. This booklet provides the information about how policies and procedures should be followed at the care home.

Health and safety, health and safety in hsc, health and safety in health and social care, health and safety in Aveon health care, Aveon Health Care, Health and Safety in HSC Workplace Assignment  Aveon Health

a) Induction program for systems, policies and procedures for communicating information on health, safety and security to new employees

The main aim of the systems, policies and procedure is to make the employees aware of the rules and regulation or legislations of the organisation that are formed by reviewing the legislation of the government on the organisations of the country. It is very important for the employees to follow the system and procedures to make sure that are contributing in maintaining the policies and regulation in the organisations. Not only employees but also clients and employers also need to follow the regulations (Giddings & Winter, 2013). It is the responsibility of Aveon Health Care to communicate the system, policies and procedures to the new employees followed at the organisation. The induction program for the new employees would be arranged by the management of Aveon Health Care. The induction program provided below will take 3 days:

  1. New employees would be provided hard copies of all the policies which are followed at Aveon Health Care.
  2. E-Learning program would be developed for the new employees consisting of all the policies related to health and social care legislations.
  3. After the e-learning module, a multiple choice online exam will be conducted to assess the understanding of the newly joined employees about the health, safety and security.
  4. Previously recorded incidents related to any health and safety issue at Aveon Health Care would be provided to the newly joined employees so that they could attend the problems in proper manner.
  5. Technical knowledge about handling the equipment at Aveon Health Care such as slings for the manual handling of the old people would be provided in a 4 hour workshop.
  6. A training session on fire procedures and first aid would be conducted.
  7. A mock frill would be executed to make the new employees aware of the protocols need to be followed in case of an emergency.
  8. Posters are also used to communicate the health, safety and security procedures to the employees. The induction program would make sure that the newly joined employees are able to understand the meanings of the different signs in the posters which are pasted at the walls at workplace.

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b) Responsibilities in Aveon Health Care for the management of health and safety in relation to organizational structures.

The organisational structure and behaviour of the organisation represents the level of the hierarchy in the organisation and each hierarchy in the organisation has different sets of responsibilities. The Aveon Health Care is a social centre that provides the health and social care services to old people and there are different levels of in the organisation that provides their services according to their responsibility to the clients of the organisation (Zelnik, Maleti? & Gomiš?ek, 2012). The management of the organisation also have different responsibilities toward the different levels which are described below:

Responsibility of management toward investors: investors are the people who invested in Aveon Health Care to get return. As Aveon Health Care is a health and the social care organisation so in this the main purpose of the investors to invest in Aveon Health Care is to spread the awareness about the health and social services in country and in return they want welfare of the society. So, some of main responsibilities of the management toward the investor are as follows:

  • Arrange the conferences and meeting to inform them about the actions and the policies adopted by Aveon Health Care for the welfare of the society.
  • Provide the proper communication channel to review the policies and the procedure in the organisations.

Responsibility of management toward employees: there are several responsibilities that the management has to pay against the employee who are working in the Aveon Health Care. Some of them are as follows:

  • Main responsibility of the management is to provide training to the employees regarding the communication so that they get to know how to communicate the clients and also to enhance their skills.
  • Team formation that enables the employees to works in group and increase the productivity of the organisation.
  • Formation of the policies and procedures for the convenience of the employee so that they can feel free to work.

Responsibility of management toward clients: the clients are the patients that came to the organisation to feel better (Weiss & Lonnquist, 2012). The responsibilities of management are as follows:

  • Make them aware of the policies and the regulations of the organisations.
  • Inform them about the structure and culture of the organisation.
  • Complaint procedure etc.

c) Health, safety and security priorities of Aveon Health Care

A different set of the responsibilities is assigned to the social workers that are working under the Aveon Health Care with the aim to achieving the objective and mission of the organisation. These different sets of responsibilities have different rules on the policies, safety and duties that help the residents in improving their health conditions and it is the duty of the social workers to know their responsibilities toward the patients and prioritise them according to the time. The main 5 priorities of Aveon Health Care are:

  • Fall from Height: Fall from height is the first priority of the Aveon Health Care as this is the most common cause of the fatal accidents at workplace. Work at Height Regulations Act was introduced in 2005 which is followed at Aveon Health Care. This law clearly states that all the activities which could cause fall from height should be well planned and organised (Reeves, Lewin & Zwarenstein, 2011).
  • Workplace Transport: Workplace transport comes next when it comes to the fatal accidents at any health and social care organisation. Professional who use any kind of transport are properly trained in operating the vehicle / equipment at Aveon Health Care.
  • Slips, Trips and Falls: Slips, trips and falls mainly occur because of the wet floor and inappropriate housekeeping. At Aveon Health Care, policies are developed to minimise the slips, trips and falls. Effective matting system, appropriate footwear and maintenance of the floors are always high priority.
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders: Lower back pain, injuries at the joints and frequent strains are the symptoms of  Musculoskeletal Disorder. The main reason behind Musculoskeletal Disorder is the inappropriate use of the equipment, long working hours with limited space for movement, not enough breaks and poor shoe design.
  • To handle Musculoskeletal Disorder, it is necessary that proper risk assessment is done of all the jobs. Aveon Health Care makes sure that a worker does not spend much time in a fixed activity which could result in Musculoskeletal Disorder. Aveon Health care keeps the workers rotated to minimise their work at a high risk job. Regular breaks are also provided to the workers.
  • Work Related Stress: The stress has become the reason of worry for health and social care professional as they deal with complex situations on regular basis. Excessive work load is also a reason for stress which is very common. Aveon Health Care makes sure that the work allocated to the employees does not exceed their capacity. Increased demand of the customers, increased responsibilities, relationship between an employee and customer could result in stress.
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Munn-Giddings, C., & Winter, R. (2013). A handbook for action research in health and social care. Routledge.
Reeves, S., Lewin, S., Espin, S., & Zwarenstein, M. (2011). Interprofessional teamwork for health and social care (Vol. 8). John Wiley & Sons.
Weiss, G. L., & Lonnquist, L. E. (2012). Sociology of health, healing, and illness. Prentice Hall.
World Health Organization. (2011). Palliative care for older people: better practices.
Zelnik, M., Maleti, M., Maleti, D., & Gomiš?ek, B. (2012). Quality management systems as a link between management and employees. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 23(1), 45-62.

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