Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment

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Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment
Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment
Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment


The TUI group is a tourist operator company providing the most suitable and exiting holiday packages to its customers. In this report we will study about the role and importance of selecting the right place after analysing the destinations in all aspects and its impact on attracting the customers. Being the business development analyst of the TUI group we will know the working as a team and will concentrate on the attracting new customers and retaining loyalty of the existing customers. Strategic decision making and effective planning in developing the products of the company is defined in the report.There are also defined benefits of team work and managing the  human resource  in the company.Role of human resource in developing the opportunities in the company also explained in the report.A tourist destination’s attractiveness depends on its features and attributes which make it more desirable for the tourists. In Unit 9 developing and leading tourist destinations assignment report we will study about these attributes that how they comparatively good from other places. The report is explaining the ways to create the sustainable development of team and opoortunities in the tour operator industry.

Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment - Assignment Help

Task 1

1.1 Analyse the main tourist destinations, at least top five destinations e.g. the UK, Europe and the rest of the world and to include the main generators in the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation.  For example by identifying the number of visitors, visitor nights per visit and spending by purpose and by country of visit using the most recent data available?

Business report:


The Board of Directors

Product Development Team


Subject – A research report of the main tourist destinations around the world according to their attributes and recent collected data.

  • Introduction - For a tour operator industry the holiday packages are termed as product of the industry and the opportunities in this industry can be increased by attracting new customers by increasing the products of the company.Tour operator companies like TUI selects its products or new destination by analysing the destinations effectively by their features and attributes which can be beneficial or harmful for the growth of the company. There are so many places below with their attributes which can be chosen as new products of the company (Sabina & Nicolae, 2013).
  • Destination of UK: UK is the eighth largest international tourism destination ranked by visitor number and their expenditure and covers 3.5 % of total global international tourism receipts. The British museum is the most popular attraction for the visitors in UK. It is increasing the outbound as well as inbound tourism in the country. The destination has recorded over 6.7 million visitors. The ancient standing stones of Stonehenge which were built in 3000 and 2000 BC are attracting 1.2 million visitors in the year 2013. The Flamingo Land theme park and zoo in Yorkshire is attracting more than 1.5 million tourists.National gallery is successfully attracting more than 6 million tourists by its precious paintings (Sabina & Nicolae, 2013).
  • Destination of Europe: Bordeaux is one of the best travel destinations in the Europe and it is a UNESCO world heritage site from 2007 and attracts the tourists interested in the culture of France.France is attracting more than 84 million tourists in one year and the second most attractive country for the tourists.

Spain is the most attractive country in theEurope with approximately 60.6 million arrivals of tourists in one year.The country’s economy’s huge part comes from tourism industry because of its heritage and nightlife, food and adventures.

Switzerland is one of the most popular international tourist place and attracts more than 90.1 million tourists in a year by its world class infrastructure and its beautiful mountains attracts the   tourists around the world. Italy is also a beautiful tourist destination in the Europe and having a more than 48 million tourists in a year by its cultural and heritage sites. The country also high ranked for its digital demand for its culture and entertainment. Germany is successfully attracting more than 32.9 million tourists every year and placed as the most attractive countries in the Europe.

Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment 1

  • Destinations around the world: Paris is the most attractive tourist destination in the world with an average 15.5 overnight visitors in the city. The city is called as magnetic city because of its Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame. It attracts the visitors by its attracting cafes and markets.Japan’s megacity Tokyo is one of the best attractions of the world for tourists.It has a number of 20 million tourists in the recent year which is because of its crazy technology and its culture.The history of London is very rich and it offers a variety of attractions to be visited and keep involving the tourists for days and that make its ranking high in visitor nights in the city. The number of visitors in the city is estimated more than 17.4 million in the recent year (Sabina & Nicolae, 2013).

The wonder city New Yorkis known for its adventures. The Manhattan and the Empire State Building adds more attraction in the list of the city.The number of tourists in the recent year was estimated as 56.4 million.Cape Town which is South African city appeals to the adventure seeker travellers and keep them involved in all the adventurous activities like climbing Table Mountain, taking sunbath in Clifton beach (Mariani, et. al., 2013).


Visitors in 2015(in millions)







New York


Cape Town


Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment 2

1.2 Analyse statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends

In today’s world the holidays are just not traveling it’s to explore the destination and its every aspect. There are various trends introduced in the travel and tour industry. The comfort level and the demands of the customers are increased due to increase in the disposable income and living standards of the customers. Digitalisation has covered all the segments of tourism. Hospitality and demand of product diversification in the industry will be increased in the market and there will be required effective segmentation of the tourist industry. in the recent trends of tour operator industry there is focus on the human resource management and its role in the growth of the company’s productivity. Many countries are focusing on development of its tourism sector to increase its revenue and employment opportunities in the country (Vejzagi?, et. al., 2012).

In the coming years the industry will grow in sustainable development of its products, providing a green environment, and restraining the loyalty of customers by fulfilling their expectations. There are other captive businesses which are beneficial with the growth of this industry like hotel industry, gym and spa,tour guides, transportation, exports and imports etc.


2010-2020 visitors per year (in billion)

Predicted demand(in billion)




Travel industry



Other services



Conclusion- We can conclude that the travel industry is as a developing industry having effective role in the growth of any country by providing revenue and employment opportunities. Destinations must be chosen by effectively analysing them in every aspect. There are analysed different destinations of UK, Europe and all over the world with their attributes (Vejzagi?, et. al., 2012).

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Task: 2

2.1 Analyse the cultural, social and physical features of the tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists

It is very important to analyse the requirements of the customers regularly. This regular research helps to maintain the existing customers and their loyalty in the company and helps to attract the new customers by giving new products and opportunities to develop in the market. In every industry product diversification is very important and plays a vital role as in git increases the length and width of the product range. New product can be identified by following the process of idea generation, market research, concept testing, developing the idea and testing the market (Jovanovic, 2015).

While developing any product all the aspects related to that product and having its impact on the business must be studied. TUI is the tour operator company and having its business worldwide and being an assistant manager of the product development team of the company we will take two countries for example like UK and India for analysing its cultural, social and physical features (Jovanovic, 2015).

  • Cultural features: UK is a country having rich culture and values for its residents or visitors. The country has so much to offer to its tourists and keep them busy by providing amazing destinations. The country earns approximately 25% of its total revenue from the tourism sector.There are London Bridge, Buckingham palace and lot more. The nature of the country’s residents is friendly and helpful.
  • India is a country having the largest variety of cultures and makes a rainbow where the colours are the cultures. The rich culture of the country attracts visitors and connects their heart with the country. There are different perspective and rituals of different communities but still they are connected with each other. Visitors have opportunity to see a combination of different languages and beliefs. This increases the attractiveness of the country (Jovanovic, 2015).
  • Social features: UK is a part of many unions and communities and is very flexible and socialise country. The factor socialisation is very crucial for doing  business strategy  in any country. The country has the policy of freedom and openness in its activities so it is good for any tour operator company to develop its opportunities in this country.
  • India is the second in the largest population and having different societies and communities with different kind of people with different perceptions. The country is open and very genuine for doing any business and for socialise. Tour operation in this country plays an important role for generating revenue and employment opportunities (Hall, 2011).
  • Physical features: Any country is attractive if it has a variety of places to be visited and geographic features like mountains, beaches, desserts etc. UK is the country having wide range of geographic features and places which are very attractive and desire list of the visitors like Westminster Abbey, Flamingo Land Theme Park and Zoo, Yorkshire, Chester Zoo, Windermere,, Boat Cruises, Bowness, The Royal Academy of Arts, London, The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, Tower of London, Highlands House and Estate, Essex, St Paul's Cathedral etc (Hall, 2011).

India is blessed with the geographic features. There are a lot to offer to the visitors. The country has Taj-Mahal which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Golden temple, Ganga River, and many palaces of kings in all over the country and their rich history (Hall, 2011).

2.2 Compare features of developing and leading tourist destinations given above

The tour operator company should choose those destinations which are providing and generating more revenue and opportunity to develop. This process of decision making and planning is beneficial for the kind of Tour Operator Company which is focused on expanding its business and cultivating the opportunities by reducing the treats and any uncertainty. This selection depends on the capacity of the market of the country, its resources and its rich culture. Any destination can be developed and attractive if it’s providing or fulfilling the requirement related to the level of infrastructure, facilities and sophistication in it.There is also a factor which influences the selection of the destination which is the role of government. The legal aspects make impact on the effectiveness of the destination as in the rules and regulations of the government policies to be followed by every investor or tour operator. The complexity bin this process makes the destination ineffective and restricts its development. The sectorial cap which is the highest limit of the investments in the country in a particular sector also restricts the development of any destination.By considering all these factors we will compare both the destinations and then will select one as the next opportunity for the company TUI (Shemma, 2014).





The people in the country are having rich culture and friendly nature and supports and understands the role of tourism in the growth of the country.

The people in this country are more socialised and friendly. They have rich cultural attributes with them as in the country is blessed with huge variety of cultures.


The country is financially strong and having efficient resources which are very effective for the growth of any industry.

The country is a developing country and not having sufficient resources in the country this makes the hurdle in the growth of developing the country as an tourist destination.


The country is a developed country and the tourism is very old and reached to a level. So this is an already covered area or market.

India is a developing country and every industry is growing with the country’s growth. So there is a high potential in the market of the country and the tourism industry is also having potential.

Tourist places

There are a wide range of places to be visited in the country.

The country is the a combination of wide range of cultures and languages and so many places to be visited which have history and beliefs with interesting facts and findings which attracts the visitors.

So by this analysis we can conclude that both the countries having different qualities and attributes which defines their effectiveness. Tour operator company like TUI can choose the country UK if the company wants a huge turnover of sale of products because there will be no need to describe the customers about the country. But in case the company want to gtake the benefit of the potential of the market and earn more revenue, it should choose India as in the country is developing and focused in development of every industry and attracting more investments overseas (Karolak, 2015).

Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment 3

Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment 4

Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment 5

Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment 6

Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment 7

Unit 9 Developing and Leading Tourist Destinations Assignment 8

Task 3

3.1 Compare the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with that of currently developing tourist destinations to be presented to marketing department to assist them in marketing activity

The level of the effectiveness in attracting tourists for any destination is depends on its attributes and different features.Comparison can be done between two destinations depending on their stage or business phase like developed, developing and under developed country.For this comparison we will take two countries in which one is developed and the other is developing country. We will take France as developed country and India as developing country for the comparison. There are a wide range of places to be visited in both the countries.These attractions are very effective to attract visitors but still there are some other characteristics which are the key factors in making appeal to attract the more tourists. Characteristics which make an impact on the tourism are as follows (Sood, 2010).

Level of resources is the element or feature which defines the level of attractiveness for tourists in the company. In developed countries like France there are sufficient resources to fulfil all the requirements of the visitors and also can handle the future demands in case to meet the supply of the products. Whereas in case of developing countries like India there are not sufficient resources to make an equilibrium in the demand and supply in can the demand increases or any uncertainty in the future.

Infrastructure facilities are the key factor to attract the number of tourists in the country and define effective handling of the tourists in the country. Developed countries like France have effective and efficient infrastructure facility which attracts the visitors more. Whereas in the developing country like India there is developing the infrastructural facility by building malls and five and seven star hotels to attract the tourists in the country (Sood, 2010).

The transportation and hospitality facilities are also a key factor for appealing the visitors. France’s transportation and hospitality industry is developed and attracting more tourists. These industries are growing rapidly in India helping to attract more and more tourists to develop the tourism industry (Haugland, et. al., 2011).

3.2 Evaluate how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal with reference to Cuba, North Korea or Myanmar (Burma)

There are so many factors which affect the appeal of the destination and attract more visitors. We can analyse these factors with taking examples of some countries.

  • Economic aspects- The travel industry of any country any how depends on the economy of the country. Any kind of changes make positive or negative impact on the tourism of the country. For example change in the flow of money in the Myanmar will change the attractiveness of the tourists in the country (Jeon, et. al., 2016).
  • Promotions- Promotional strategies are very effective for increasing the popularity and reach of the destination. The promotional strategies must be chosen which can make a positive impact on the growth of destination and increases the productivity. For example the government of Myanmar is providing various rebates and subsidies on taxes to increase the tourism in the country.
  • Political conditions- The political conditions must be stable to maintain the sustainable  business environment  in the country and attract the tourists in the country. There must be certainty for any future problems. For example in the North Korea there is lack of stability which reduces the level of attraction for the destination (Jeon, et. al., 2016).

Task 4

4.1 analysing issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations

Popularity of any destination increases the level of attractiveness and desire in the tourists for visit. There are various factors which affects the destination in positive or negative manner. These factors are explained as follows.

  • Growth of the country: The growth of any country affectsthe popularity of the destination as in when thecountry comes in the global market it ultimately shows its potential market in the tourism (Dwyer, et. al., 2012).
  • Climate conditions: The changes in the weather or temperature and climate affect the tourism in positive or negative manner. Sometimes the tourists are reduced due to the unadjusted climate conditions in the country.
  • Trends in tourism: New trends make an impact in the popularity of the destination as in it increases the quality and reach of the tourist products in the world. Like government of countries are involving to grow the tourism sector and digitalisation is helping to increase the reach and accessibility of the activities in the tourism sector (Johnston, et. al., 2010).
  • Physical features: Popularity of any destination is ultimately depends on the places and attractions to be visited by the tourists in the country. The more the places to be visited with attractive features the more popularity will be there of any destination (Johnston, et. al., 2010).
  • Prices of products: In the tour operator industry the holiday packages are termed as the products. Prices of these products define the value of the destination.
  • Natural disaster: Natural disaster affects the popularity of the destination. After natural disaster the country is unable to fulfil the supply or manage the requirements of the tourists like infrastructure and transportation etc (Butler, et. al., 2012).

4.2 Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide tourist destinations

Responsible tourism: Tourism that minimise the negative impact of social, economical and environmental. It put effective emphasis over improving host communities and creates greater economic benefits for their native peoples.

Potential features must get emphasised by the responsible tourism in order to promote their tourism and render various benefits to the users as well as to the native nation. Different destinations are having their different potential that can be utilised by their government to promote their tourism and reduce the negative factors (Lai & Vinh, 2013).

For the betterment of tourism sector government need to take corrective measures such as they need to improve their infrastructure, renovate and maintain their tourist destinations. For the purpose of renovation and maintenance they hire local peoples or residents that create job opportunities and adequate level of income for them. They also implement strict rules and regulations in order to safeguard their tourist destinations from getting damaged or destroyed such as littering, writing and many more. Government took effective measures in order to promote their tourism at global level as they make use of latest technology such as online portals, social media and many more (Lai & Vinh, 2013).

For leading destination UK is considered as the best example as they attain stability in their tourism development. The stability feature of the tourism industry render them various benefits such as there are lots of job opportunities in their tourism sector and adequate source of income. There are negative impacts such as local crimes, terrorism attack and others that put adequate level of impact over their society, economic and environment as well. UK government need to focus over these activities in order to reduce these negative points so that they enhance their tourism more & more and provide their tourists safe & secure environment. In order to overcome from these factors UK government make use of their potential features such as they are rich in culture and heritage factor.

On the other hand India is the best example among the developing nations as they are still working over developing their tourism sector. They are focusing over their potential features in order to promote their tourism sector such as they are culturally rich and having effective heritage facility. There are various factors that put adverse impact over their social, economical and environmental elements such as increase in local crime rates, thefts, non-popularity of the tourist destinations and many more. Their government need to minimise these factors from the initial stage only as it helps in getting their desired results (Eita, et. al., 2011).

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In the end it get concluded that tourism industry shows growth at rapid pace and with the effect of it their nation get effective benefits. With the increase in tourism both way factors such as positive as well as negative factors get increased simultaneously such as increase in job opportunities, income sources and many more along with this there is increase in crime rates, increase in the chances of spreading incurable diseases and more. The positive factors help in developing the tourism industry as well as strengthening their economic condition. On the other hand their negative factors affect badly as it reduces the overall popularity of the tourism in effective manner.


Butler, R., O'Gorman, K.D. & Prentice, R. 2012, "Destination Appraisal for European Cultural Tourism to Iran", International Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 323-338.
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Hall, D. 2011, "Tourism destination management", Journal of Tourism Challenges and Trends, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 5.
Haugland, S.A., Ness, H., Grønseth, B. & Aarstad, J. 2011, "Development of tourism destinations", Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 268-290.
Jeon, M.M., Kang, M.(. & Desmarais, E. 2016;2014;, "Residents’ Perceived Quality Of Life in a Cultural-Heritage Tourism Destination", Applied Research in Quality of Life,vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 105-123.
Johnston, R., Crooks, V.A., Snyder, J. & Kingsbury, P. 2010, "What is known about the effects of medical tourism in destination and departure countries? A scoping review",International journal for equity in health, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 24-24.
Jovanovic, S.S. 2015, "SMALL FORM TOURISM - CONTEMPORARY TREND AND DURABLE DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY: Case Study of Surcin Tourist Destination", Quaestus, , no. 6, pp. 214.
Karolak, M. 2015, "Analysis of the cruise industry in the Arabian Gulf: the emergence of a new destination", Journal of Tourism Challenges and Trends, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 61.
Lai, W. & Vinh, N.Q. 2013, "AN APPLICATION OF AHP APPROACH TO INVESTIGATE TOURISM PROMOTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS", Tourism and Hospitality Management, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1.