Unit 9 Tourist Destination Merit Copy

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Unit 9 Tourist Destination Merit Copy
Unit 9 Tourist Destination Merit Copy
Unit 9 Tourist Destination Merit Copy


The tourism industry is the most rapidly growing industry in the world. It used to offer services to the tourist and attract them to the destination place. It used to frame the images of the destination in the mind of the tourist with the holiday package. It has the purpose of offering a variety of tourism to the tourists such as cultural, physical, and social tourism. The tourist used to attract towards the cultural and social tourism.  The current trends in the tourism industry are tourism destination which used attract numerous of customers. It used to appeal from the tourist in order to visit the place and the appeal is affected by the various factors such as political instability and promotion. The tourism destination has the issues which used to affect the popularity of the destination. Terrorism is the factor which affects the tourism industry adversely. TUI Group is the responsible tour operator who used to conduct the CSR activity in order to promote the tourism.

Task 1


According to Baggio, et. al. (2010), the tourism is the customer and service oriented industry as it provides services to the customers on their needs and preferences. Every country offers different tourism to the different tourist. The tourist comes for the purpose of education, business, and travelling. The tourism is growing rapidly with the increase in the interest of the tourist to visit the destination place. The destination place used to attract the tourist towards travelling and visiting.

1.1: Identifying the number of visitors, visitor nights per visit and spending by purpose in USD ($), GBR (£) or Euros and by country of the visit, for example, comparing 2016 to 2015.

According to Steinbrink, et. al. (2016), the tourism destination is the place which forces the tourist in order to leave their places and wonder around the world. The tourism industry is the income generator following by the number of visitors. It is affected by many factors which directly affects the number of visitors. For instance: If there is a decline in the currency of the country then the number of tourist gets increases. Whereas there is instability of politics in the country refers to decrease in the numbers of tourists. The following are the table which used to describe the number of visitors and their spending that shows the income generation in the country. The data of tourist visit and their spending articulates the popularity of the tourism destination.



Regional market

Number visited in 2015


Number visited in 2016


Visitor nights per visit




Change 2015 to 2016
























$18 m








$104.5 bn








$103 bn


According to Steinbrink, et. al. (2016), the table contains the data and statistic about the number of tourist receiving by the country and income generated in the country. The UK has the 6th position in the tourism industry as it is famous for the tourist attraction. The Edinburg is the primary destination selected by the tourist in the UK. This place offers facility and views to the tourist that used to attract the tourist and provide a purpose for spending. Istanbul is the destination place in Turkey which used to attract the tourist as it contains history in it. The Statue of Liberty is the destination place in New York City. The Statue of Liberty is one of the 7 wonders of the world which attracts lots tourist. Similarly, the China has The Great Wall of China which attracts numbers of tourist as it also belongs to the seven wonders. Malaysia is the attractive place and contains lots of beauty in it (Steinbrink, et. al., 2016).

1.2: You should then analyse statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends.

According to Law, et. al. (2011), the tourism sector has grown very rapidly during the last decades. It used to offer services and destination place to tourist in order to visit the destination. The USA, UK, China, Malaysia, and Turkey are responsible for the activities performed in the tourism sector. It is the sector which belongs to the customer orientation and depends on the natural resources or environment of the country. Edinburgh carries lots of tourist and tourist used to select it as the destination place. In the UK, there are various destination places which used to attract numerous tourists. London, Edinburgh carry tourist because it contains educational hub, business opportunity and the historic monuments for the travellers. The Olympics and Paralympics game used to host by the UK which attracts numbers of visitors and it is the step towards the development of tourism. The UK contains 36.115 in 2015 and 37.3 in 2016. The UK carries the 6th position in the tourism sector with its continuous development by the industry. The China has also a large number of tourists come to visit China. The Great Wall of the China has contains history and is one the seven wonders (Law, et. al., 2011).

According to Baggio, et. al. (2010), there is a decrease in the inbound tourism of China in 2016 but from other destination places, it used to succeed in generating the income. There are increases in the number of visitors in the UK by 1.185 per cent. The UK used to put many efforts in order to develop the tourism sectors. The tourism sector used to develop the economy of the country as it used to generate the employment and income in the country. The revenue generates the numbers of the visitor in the UK is $22.072.

Travelling is the hobby and passion of many people who wants to visit the world at the attractive package. The tourism sector has the great future with great history and fresh environment. The Architectures, business person, travellers, and students used to visit the place with their respective purpose. There are numerous and each country used to offer different tourism such as cultural tourism, destination tourism, historic tourism etc. there is the trend of the destination in the tourism and each tour operator, the agency used to offer holiday package with the destination place. It used to attract the numerous of customers and leads to generate more income (Baggio, et. al., 2010).


It is to be concluded that the tourism sector has grown very rapidly and helps the country in developing their economy. Countries used to generate income from the number of the visit of the tourist. The tourist used to spend more on the travelling with respect to the destination place (Baggio, et. al., 2010).

Task 2


Slide 2:

The tourism has the destination place through which tour operator used to attract the tourist. It used to appeal from the tourist to visit the places through various modes. The attraction, price, accessibility, and amenities are the factors through which the destination place used to attract the tourist. The TUI Group used to expand its business through making product development according to the tourist and natural resources of the country.

 2.1: Analyse the cultural, social and physical features of the tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists.

Slide 3

The tourism sector used to affect the society by improving and managing the difference between people. It provides development to the community through generating employment. It develops the social structure in the society in order to adopt the technological advancement which helps the tourist and society. The tourism used to introduce local development through maintaining the infrastructure of the society and generating income in the society.

Slide 4:

The tourism industry used to affect the culture of the country positively as it uses to renovate the old monuments in order to promote the tourism sector. It conserves the culture of the community and helps them in their development through income generation. The tourism used to provide benefit to the craft and design industry as the tourist is more attracted towards the crafts which carry cultural in it. It used to enhance the trade culture by developing the understanding between the cultures of the country.

Slide 5:

A physical feature in the tourism refers to the hill, mountain, rivers, and lake. The tourism industry involves the physical features also as it does not generate much income to the industry. The tourist used to demand to travel in the mountains and enjoys the walking holiday. The heritage site is also travelling by the tourist which is tangible. The tourist used to enjoys the travelling by swimming in the river or goes for the boating.

Slide 6:

The TUI Group used to grab the business opportunity in the UK and India. India contains a variety of history and tourist has the high interest in the history of India. The UK has the developed market and acts as the brand image in the tourism sector which results in visits of more tourists.

Slide 7:

The UK and India both contain history and monuments which are the major part of the attraction of the tourism. Both countries used to appeal to the tourist to visit destination place. The Taj Mahal used to appeal to the tourist to visit one of the seven wonders of the history of the king. The attraction is the factor that used to appeal to the tourist in order to visit the place. The accessibility provided by the tour operator and also frames the image of the destination in the mind of the tourist in order to offer the holiday package.  The price of the products and services also appeals or attract to visit the place.

Slide 8:

The tourism is the service oriented sector which helps in the development of the economy. The tourism industry used to involve the three feature tourism i.e. physical, cultural, and social feature which attracts the tourist. The destination places in the tourism used to attract the tourist and appeal them to visit the place with price, attraction, and accessibility.

2.2: You will also create a text table where you compare features of developing and leading tourist destinations given above.


Destination place



Promotion activity




UK has the much better road, aviation facility, and water infrastructure which motivates tourist to visit the UK.

It takes the tourism for the purpose of education, entertainment, medical, business, and leisure (Hares, et. al., 2010).

The UK used to be the big brand in the tourism sector.

The tourism sectors in the UK provide the growth in the economy.


Taj Mahal

The India used to offer average infrastructure facility to the tourist.

The purpose of the tourism is leisure and research on the Taj Mahal.

The destinations of the tourism lack the promotion due to lack of funds (Smith, et. al., 2010).

India has less growth as compared to the UK.


The tourism industry in the UK is more developed as compare to India. The government of India is focusing on developing the infrastructure in order to promote the tourism industry. The UK used to enhance the promotion facility and act as the brand image in the tourism sector (Smith, et. al., 2010).

Task 4:

4.1: Write a management report summary to be presented to a senior sustainability executive analysing issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations.

Executive summary

Being the Executive Assistant for sustainability, it is necessary to coordinate and develop the program of the sustainability. The popularity of the destination place is decreasing by the adverse effects of the factors. The terrorist used to affect the popularity of the destination place and used to position the fear in the mind of the customers. 


According to Cohen & Cohen (2012), the popularity of the destination will be affected by the environment of the country. It is necessary to identify the issues in order to protect the destination place popularity. The popularity is decreasing due to the natural calamities.

The popularity of the tourism destination is affected by the issues in the destination place. The destination place is the factor which used to attract the tourist. The following are the issues which affect the popularity of the tourism destination:

  • Terrorism: The activity of terrorism used to affect the number of visitors as it hampers them to visit the place. The people have the fear of their life and used to stop to visit the place. The terrorism used to bring the deadly attacks which position the fear in the mind of the people (Waligo, et. al., 2013). 
  • Natural disaster: The act of natural disaster also positions the fear in the mind of the people. The natural disaster refers to the calamity caused by nature. It takes the time to make the place normal from the natural disaster. It includes Tsunami, earthquake, landslide, and flood.
  • Inflation: It is another issue which used to affect the visit of the tourist in the country. Inflation used to increases the price of the products and this result in lowering the spending power of the tourist.
  • Climate condition: It is one of the reasonable issues to the popularity of the tourism as the tourist wants to visit the place in the favourable weather. The people used to visit the place in summer and another season instead of winter. Therefore, in winters, there is a decrease in the numbers of visitors (Cohen & Cohen, 2012).


It is to be concluded that the tourism sector faces the issues and it results in a decrease in the popularity of the destination place. The tourism is the sector which is affected by the terrorist attacks and stability of the economy in the country (Waligo, et. al., 2013).

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Figure 1: Political factor


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4.2: Produce a draft magazine article that could be published in Travel and Tourism Gazette.

The potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide tourist destinations


Date: 4, May 2017



According to Lee (2013), it is important to avoid the harmful impact of the tourism sector in the country. There is need to perform the sustainable tourism by the tour operator. The TUI group used to avoid the carbon emission produces through the tourism industry. The tourism industry used to enhance the economy by contributing to the growth of the GDP and exports. The tourists are attracted towards the tourism through the attractive tourism offered to the visitors. 

According to Mbaiwa& Stronza (2010), the TUI group is related to the various social group activities. It used to perform the sustainable tourism in order to manage the interest of the tourist and its stakeholders in the industry. It is important to enhance the culture of the Egypt in order to promote the culture tourism which helps in developing the community. The community of the country plays an effective role in the development of the infrastructure. The TUI must work with health care and UNESCO in order to maintain the health of the tourist. Tourism industry used to generate the employment in the community in order to enhance their cost of living. TUI has to organise the campaign in order aware the public about the products of the tourism (Higgins-Desbiolles, 2010).

TUI is the responsible tour operator which used to generate revenue and work towards the growth of the economy and also performs the CSR activity towards the society, culture, and social life in the community. There is need to reduce the adverse effect in order to maximise the benefit of the tourism to the community. The community is getting the employment which used to enhance their standard of living. It leads to directly affect the growth of economy and GDP of the country (Chaudhury, et. al., 2012).

The United World Tourism Organization 2014 used to promote the activity of the tourism in order to support the local business of the tourism. The TUI group is the leading tour operator which used to set the non-profitable vision in order to do CSR activity in the society. There is need to adopt the Green Dragon, New Forest, and UNESCO in order to maintain the green tourism in the Egypt. It is important to conserve the culture of Egypt through enhancing the cultural tourism in the UK (Lee, 2013).

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Figure 2: Tourist and Egyptian travel


The tourism sector is the industry which used to affect the society and economy of the country. The TUI group used to perform the sustainable tourism in order to enhance the community of the host country. The development of the local communities is important for the growth of the economy(Chaudhury, et. al., 2012).



It is to be concluded that the tourism destination is the factor which used to attract the tourist. It used to appeal from the tourist in order to visit the place. The tourist gets attracted towards the destination as the tour operator used to offer holiday package to the tourist with destination image. The popularity of the destination is affected by various factors such as terrorism, political instability in the country. The destination place acts as the tool for the tourism industry in order to attract the tourist. The tour operator TUI Group is responsible for maintaining and managing the tourist destination in order to perform CSR activity. The tourism used to provide services to the tourist and also fulfil the demands of the tourists. The tourist demands for a luxurious room, safety, and security from the tourism industry. The tourism industry offers the variety of tourism such physical, culture, and social tourism which attract the customers. It used to provide benefit to the other industry which also attracts the tourist like craft and design.


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