Unit 9 Tourist Destination Sample Assignment

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Unit 9 Tourist Destination Sample Assignment
Unit 9 Tourist Destination Sample Assignment
Unit 9 Tourist Destination Sample Assignment


Through this tourist destination sample assignment get the opportunity to understand the tourism in UK and the various tourist destinations all over the world. The social, cultural and the physical features of all these destinations are discussed in brief. The characteristic of the tourist destination that affect the popularity of the destination are also judged.

TUI group is one of the largest company of the world in tourism. These groups have more than 1800 travel agencies, 130 airlines, more than 300 hotels and 15 cruise lines. TUI group cater the need of more than 30 million customer every year by giving them ultimate tourist destination.

As a business developing analyst in product and business development team of TUI various holiday destinations are analyzed. Product development team makes sure that the customer have a delightful experience while travelling so that they make the customers loyal. All the business prospects are analyzed by identifying new opportunities.

Task 1

Understand the Scope of Key UK and Worldwide Tourist Destination

In this task TUI determine the tourist scope of UK and other tourist destinations across the world with the reference to tourist generator and the tourist receiver. Present and the future trends of the tourism industry is determined by TUI with the help of the statistics in the global market. The country which receives the tourist or the country which the tourist visits is known as the tourist receiver. If a lot of tourists are visiting UK then it is known as tourist receiver. UK is a major tourist receiver of the world which is a major tourist spot all over the world. The country from which the tourist visits is known as the tourist generator. If the tourist are coming from UK then UK is the tourist generator. The highest tourist generator of the world is Germany as the highest number of people from Germany visit other places. (Veghea, 2016). Tourist receiving countries across the world according to the statistics developed by TUI is given in a tabular form:



Visitors in      2009 (Million)

Visitors in 2010 (Million)




















































From the tables given above TUI can infer that that France is the major tourist receiving country in the world. USA is second in the list due to the presence of major tourist attractions in the country. The major factors that make France host a large number of tourist every year is the fashion sense of the people of France. There are many fashion shows held in France from time to time which attracts a large number of tourists.  The architecture and the infrastructure of France is also excellent and attracts a large number of visitors. USA stands next to France in sense of the attractions for the tourists but it receives fewer tourists due its large distance from the major tourist receiving countries. (Dearsley, 2016)
The sixth position in terms of tourist receiving countries is occupied by UK and the seventh position is held in terms of tourist generator. The major tourist attractions of UK are present in the city of London and London is known as one of the busiest cities of the world. House of London, London Eye and the great Museum of London is visited of millions of tourist every year.

The tourist generating countries according to the statistics of TUI is given below:


































As evident from the table German is the leading tourist destination and it also has the largest economy in Europe. Though USA is the biggest economy in the world but it stands in terms of tourist generations. The fourth position in terms of tourist generation is held by UK. The government of UK also promotes tourism heavily. (Imagian, 2016)

It is analyzed by TUI that in the last few years the tourism industry has seen a great boom and the countries are earning a lot through tourism. The major countries contributing to the world tourism are China, Italy, France, UK and Italy. The trend of tourism is increasing heavily in the recent times as the people are becoming more aware of the attractions of the places. London is a very popular tourist spot in the whole Europe as there are a lot tourist attractions present in there. More than 17 million tourist visit London every year. London is a highly visited tourist spot all over Europe due to the presence of large number of educational institutions, rich cultural heritage and the business environment present in there. The second and the third highly visited places in UK are Edinburgh and Manchester. The rich cultural heritage still prevalent in the towns of UK is the major reason of pulling the tourist annually. The large number of tourism in UK is business class. UK promotes tourism heavily and it gives a lot of attention to the development of infrastructure and transport facility. Tourism generates a lot of employment opportunities for the local people present in the area. There is also a considerable increase in the income and the spending power of the people all round the world. All of the above factors have resulted in the significant increase of the tourism all round the world. (Nvido, 2012)

In the research conducted by TUI it is found the government of UK has conducts a lot of sports and other festivals to enhance tourism in their country. The government also has a site visitbritain.com which highlights all the tourist spots and attractions present within UK. The rate of domestic as well as international tourism is very high all round the world. If we look into the figures then the number of tourist all round the world is becoming stagnant. It can be predicted by the experts of TUI that the tour and travel industry will grow. If we take into consideration ecotourism then Asia and Africa are widely visited. If TUI looks the business prospects in Asia the India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand are the important tourist receivers. (Perkins, 2014)

Task 2

Understand the Cultural, social and Physical Features of Tourist Destinations

In the present task we determine the external aspects of tourism industry. TUI would be considering London for determining the social, cultural and physical features of the place.

Physical features

TUI is considering London for analyzing the physical, cultural and the social aspects. Due to the presence of the large number of historical monuments, educational institutions and the rich cultural heritage. London has a large number of domestic as well as the international tourist. Tourist of the foreign origin has a lot of interest in the rich cultural heritage of the area. More than 16 million tourist visit London every year. Revenue collected through tourism every year is approximately 13 billion dollar and the tourism industry contribute heavily to the GDP Of the country. The revenue of the transport, construction, hotel and the food industry is driven greatly by the tourism industry in UK. It provides a lot of employment to the local people of the area and provide a means of their livelihood. Tourism provides a lot of Economic and infrastructural development in the country. The government of UK is promoting tourism heavily through their website. There are many social benefits attached with the tourism too. People get a lot of peace in visiting the city. Local community gets a lot of benefit as they get a worldwide exposure. (Pritchand, 2011)

Cultural and Social

There are also a lot of cultural and the social issues attached with the tourism. Tourism also provides a lot of seasonal employment to the people which help in generating a lot of money for the local people. The seasonal employment may also spoil people who plan of getting the permanent job. There are a lot of good educational institutes in UK which also attracts a lot of students from all round the world. There are lot of scope for the professional and higher education in UK as there are lot of institutes and research centers. The tourist industry is expected to grow a lot in the upcoming future. The behavioral aspects of both the tourist and local people are affected. The art and craft industry of the local people also get a global exposure and their sales also increase. Pollution level of the tourist generator place also increases heavily. (Kaiser, 2012)

The major features of the tourist destinations can be compared between the leading and the developing nation. For the comparison purpose we take UK and Costa Rica. UK is a developed country and the government has a lot of money. Extensive money is spending for the purpose of branding through hoarding and online marketing. The government of UK maintains all the historical monuments so that the tourists maintain their interest in them. The infrastructure and the transport facilities of the place is also exceptional as it is driven mainly by the tourist industry. There are differences in all the facilities provided by the developed and the developing nation. (LinkedIn, 2016)

Features of United Nations

UK is the leading tourist destination of the world and attracts a large number of tourist all-round the year. The major USP of UK is its rich cultural heritage. It holds the prestigious 8th rank among the tourist receiving countries. The mostly visited city of UK is London.

Features of Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a developing country and the tourist industry contributes heavily to the growth of the country. The major USP of Costa Rica is the serene natural beauty of the place. Transportation and the infrastructure facilities of the areas are not well developed as it is a developing country.   (Reisinger, 2013)

The analysis of the TUI is given below.

                     United Kingdom

                           Costa Rica

UK is the leading tourist destination all over the world and a lot of tourist visit UK annually. The country has a total population of approximately 65 million. The location of the country is also very good and is surrounded by a lot of oceans.

Costa Rica belongs to the Central America. The country is lot smaller as compared to UK. The population of the country is also less than that of UK. Costa Rica also has oceans surrounding it.

UK holds 8th rank in terms of tourist receiving country.

Costa Rica does not have a great ranking but it also receives a lot of tourist every year.

UK has a well functional tourist industry which drives many other industries in the state such as transport, infrastructure and hotel.

Costa Rica does not have that big tourist sector but still it gene rates considerable revenue through it.

The number of international tourist visiting UK each year is 30 million for varied purpose such as education, business and leisure.

Costa Rica hosts # million people each year mainly for leisure tourism. People are mainly attracted to ecotourism followed in Costa Rica.

Task 3

Understand How The Characteristics of Destination affect Their Appeal to Tourist

3.1 Compare the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with that of currently developing tourist destinations.

Appeal of UK

Appeal of Costa Rica

The one of the appealing factors of UK is its accessibility. The destinations of UK are easily available. The destinations which are easily accessible are more likely to be explored by all of the tourists.

Costa Rica is also accessible tourist destination. This factor is very important for the reason that without accessibility the tourist detonation is not likely to be successful. 

The rich heritage of the country is also one of the biggest appealing factors that make the destination more attractive for the tourists.

The heritage of Costa Rica is less rich than that of UK. However with each passing year it is improving which is making it more popular and more likely to be explored.

Rich culture is also the appeal the countries strive for. However the culture is also the major contributor of increasing the attractiveness of the tourist destination.

The culture is so rich that Costa Rica is very popular.

The proximity of the tourist destination is also very important when it comes to the appeal of tourist destination. The major reason is that when the places are in proximity they are more likely to be covered in less time and in less time more and more tourists are likely to be covered.

Because of the conservative area the destination is said to be in proximity.

The UK is a very famous tourist destination. The reason behind this is that it has various attractions which make it a beautiful place to visit. The food and wine is also one of the major factors of appeal. This is the reason that every year more and more people visit the destination and this is also very important for the success of the tourist destination. The tourism sector is one of the sectors which is responsible for the GDP growth of the country. Every year millions of jobs are generated in this sector. Without the proper planning it is not possible to make the tourist destination an attractive one. This is the reason that government of the respective countries always make the proper arrangement so that the large numbers of tourists can be attracted to the country and the revenue can be generated. The great efforts are made by the tourist department of the country in order to attract the tourists. The convenience of the transport is also very important when it comes to the attractiveness of the tourist destination. The transport is one thing through which the tourists get to wander from one place to another. Without proper transporting there is no reason for the people to come to the destination.

Costa Rica
Costa Rica in Central America is also very famous and one of the leading tourist destination which is famous for its culture and beautiful destination attractions. Costa Rica is very famous for a number of reasons. (Travel Excellence, 2016)

3.2 Evaluate how characteristics of tourist destination affect its appeal.

  • Culture: The culture is one of the major characteristics that make the destination either an attractive one or not. The culture of a place makes the people being attracted towards it.
  • Food and Dine: The dining system of any destination is as important for any country as the attractiveness. If the food is tasty and rich available then there is a great possibility that more and more people will come to the place.
  • Promotion: This is the era of the promotion. Without promotion there are organizations which cannot be successful. Thus this is also a leading factor which can either make or break the destination as a tourist destination.
  • Attractiveness: What is the level of the attractiveness is another area of concern for all. All the people from all over the world come to see the attractiveness of the country they are visiting. There’s no point in being able to provide all the above points discussed above but not the main thing and that thing is the attractiveness of the destination. So for being able to have more and more tourists in the country it is very important that one must come to know about the attractions that it provides

Task 4

Understand Issue Likely To Affect the Popularity of Tourist Destinations

4.1. Analyze issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations.

There are numbers of factors that affect the popularity of the tourist destinations. These issues must be addressed with utmost care as these are the issues which are very important for the sake of the success of the tourist destination. The most popular issues are:

  • Service Quality: The quality of the services is yet another factor that have the direct relation with the experience of the tourists. No matter what and how the tourist destination is? How attractive it is and how much proximity of the attractions exist at the destination. The tourist satisfaction cannot be achieved until and unless there is good quality of the services.
  • Natural Beauty: Another very important issue is the natural beauty of the tourist destination. With the advanced technology the true spirit of the people lie with the nature. In every country with the development the artificial attractions are added every year however what they lack is the beauty that lies within i.e. the natural beauty.
  • Security: The security is yet another issue that cannot be ignored. Biggest reason behind this is that with the ever increasing threats to the security of people and with increasing incidents there is the emergence of the concern of people about their safety and security. The safety and security is one thing that people are not willing to compromise. Thus the safety of the tourists is one of the biggest issue that has to be dealt with utmost care.
    The government of every county pays a great deal of concern for ensuring the safety and security of the tourists. Every year huge amount is spent on the safety and security concern of people. This is one of the major issue that the government has to pay the concern to. Without ensuring the safety and security of the tourists it simply is not possible that the large number of the tourists can be attracted at the destination.
  • Shopping Facility: The ever increasing trend is the shopping. People irrespective of their age and profession love to shop. Thus the shopping facility is one of the facility that has become the major issue for the tourist destinations. The mere experience of shopping mall is not going to do any good for the tourist destination people want much more than that. When people go for the tour they like to buy souvenirs for people back at their home country and this is the reason the tradition of the country must be at display. This is the reason that the shopping experience has become one of the major concern for people and this is one of the biggest issues for tourist destination.
  • Adventure: The adventure is yet another thing that people seek out of their tour. The people all over the world like to explore the adventurist hidden in them while they are away. Thus the adventure is one of the major issues of the tourist destination. (Feroz, 2010)

4.2. Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide tourist destination.

The responsible tourism has the following features:

  • Easy access to facilities: The easy access to facilities is the major factor of the responsible tourism. Without the easy access to the facilities it simply is not possible that the tourists may visit the destination.
  • Good signage: This is very important factor of the responsible tourism as without proper signage the people have to bear great inconvenience. This is the very sensitive case especially for the international tourists. The sign language is the language that points the people (tourists) at their destination and this is one thing which should never be taken for granted.
  • Map System: The people should also have the full access to the mapping system of the country they are visiting to. The maps must be there in order to make the full access to the system. The maps must be put in a way for the tourists where it must be clearly shown that what the major attractions for the tourists are where they can visit. Showing the attractions is not enough it is also very important that this must be included in the map that how to get there. (Grin, 2005)
  • Toilets and washing facilities: This might look like a small issue but in reality is the major issue that is very important for the sake of the success of the tourist destination.
  • Hygiene: The place where people are visiting must be hygiene enough so that no inconvenience is caused to the people.
  • Potential Increasing number of Tourists: The number of the tourists is increasing and if all the factors which are discussed above will be taken care of this will help in increasing the tourism of the country further.
  • Employment generation: The tourism is not only a GDP factor for the country it is in fact a lot more than that. Through the tourism the countries get to have a good employment ratio.
  • Revenue generation: The tourism is also very important from the factor of the generation of revenue. The tourists visiting all over the world bring revenue to the country they are visiting to. (Mohan, 2014)

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The assignment was focused on tourist destination and how the tourism comprises of the GDP of the country. The tourism sector is one of the fastest growing sectors of the world and this is the major contributor of the employment of the countries. However there are great numbers of efforts by the country for being able to be called the successful tourist destinations. This is the reason that various factors have to be considered while marketing for the destination as the tourist destination. The factors such as the transportation, the hygiene factors, quality of the services and safety and security of the tourists are such factors without which there is no possibility of the destination to be successful.

The assignment gave me thorough insights about the factors which are responsible for the success of a destination as a tourist destination and the assignment also discussed the trends which might affect the destination and its popularity. Last but not the least the assignment made me able to understand what it takes to be a successful planner for the tourist destination.


[Article], Available: http://www.imagian.fi/index.php?pageid=7   [Accessed 13 June 2016]10 unique features of tourism destination product, Imagian, (2016),
[Journal], Available: http://www.grin.com/en/e-book/109810/impacts-of-tourism-on-host-communities [Accessed 24 June 2016]Impact of Tourism on Host Communities, Grin, (2005),
  [Accessed 15 June 2016][Journal], Available: http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijbm/article/viewFile/3661/4484  tourist destination, Feroz, A., (2010),
[Article], Available: http://www.planetware.com/tourist-attractions/england-eng.htm [Accessed 14 June 2016]12 top rated tourist attractions in England, Dearsley, B., (2016),