Week 8 – Essay Reflection
The assignment 1 is basically all about the skills needs for succeeding at the university. At first in that assignment, I have completed an introduction in which I have provided a background and outline for the skills which will demonstrated in the assignment 1. The most beneficial point for me to is there are 6 skills have mentioned in the assignment, from which I have selected three skills for demonstrating. After that, in the main body which is skills analysis, I have demonstrated all the three skills. I have started it by defining as what each skill refers to and means to. After that, I have demonstrated the importance of each skill for the student and also stated the confidence by applying those skills. At last, in the skills analysis point, I have demonstrated the point which states the ways for developing or improving the skills.
However, I have completed the whole assignment and submitted. I have started it earlier and submitted already. But in this assignment, I don’t get much marks, I just got the passing marks for them. So, for progressing in that, I need to develop more skills so that I can do better in the next assignment. I will apply the time management skills firstly, so that I can give much more time to study and can accomplish my assignment in more care.
In getting the ways of progression, some barriers have come such as not getting the time properly because of the other activities like eating food, washing cloths etc. So, for removing those barriers, I will appoint the laundry boy so that, the time I can give to study.