This essay involves the discussion on the reflection regarding my role as a social worker who is studying the community and health care course. I am working as a full-time social worker for the health care trust name as the action on smoking and health (ASH) organisation in the UK. In this reflective essay, the discussion regarding the policy adopted at the ASH trust regarding the prohibition of smoking among the different individuals is beings are taken into consideration (ASH, 2022). I will try tom elaborate the experience of working as the ASH social worker and the implications of continuous leaning I have gathered from the same. Throughout the essay, I will try to draw out the points and the experiences that have helped me in the effective building of my role as a social care worker in the organisation. Different implications regarding the criticizing aspects of the Smoke-free generation tobacco control plan for England will be discussed by me.
The social care worker role has helped me inculcate the diverse types of professional aspects. This role has helped me in the further and the effective development of my skills as a social care professional. The continuing professional role can be referred to as the process and the activity with which the documenting and the tracking of the knowledge, skills and experience gained through the formal and the informal aspects will be focused (Bates and Morgan, 2018). Continuing professional development will help me in the effective management of the development of the skills through which the learning through the experience can become better and more effective.
The continuous professional development aspects will help me in the effective collaboration of the different professional attributes with which the focus on the diverse set of the health and the community care skills can be focused effectively (Bates and Morgan, 2018). Knowing the personal development of the individuals plays an important role in the lives of the individuals. Continue professional development plan will help me in the effective formulations of my learning through the health care course that I am pursuing. Mainly, through the help of the continuous development plan, I can create efficacy in my future role as an effective individual in health and social care. Moreover, the continuous development plan helps the individuals in performing effectively in the health care organisations. In health care organisations the effective coordination between the staff and the individuals can become easier and more effective with the help of a continuous development plan (McGuire et al., 2018).
Learning institutes can effectively promote the continuous professional development of the individuals through the help of volunteers and the vocational training course in the field of the interests of the individuals. Housetraining and online training will also prove helpful in the enhancement of the growth of the individuals in the continuous learning domain. I have gathered the training programme to gain efficacy in my skills as a social worker. This training program has also been elaborated under the NICE and the policy guidelines (McGuire et al., 2018).
Working as a social worker in the ASH trust in the UK has helped me in the effective formulations of my weakness and the strengths as a social worker in the field. I have found that during the health and community course I am much well versed in the theatrical knowledge of the social worker role. But the real advantage has been provided to me by the ASH trust. While working as the social care worker in the trust I have come to acquainted with the implementation of the theoretical knowledge in an effective manner.
Working as a social worker in the ASH UK has helped in the development of my leadership skills of mine. I have gathered effective lessons on leadership like team management and the handling of the team for different purposes in the ASH UK. While working as a social worker in the organisation, I have come to know the importance of the self-directed learning that I have gathered during the analysis of the reports on tobacco control under the team at the ASH UK. I have found that this organisation has helped me in the formulation of the attributes for the team working in the UK. I have found that the training program implemented by the ASH UK has helped me in encountering the different aspects and the role of the health care and the social care workers. While working as a social care worker I have come to know the implications of the tools that have been used the encouragement the individuals for lifting out of smoking.
I have found that motivation is the most significant tool that can be used to the encouragement of individuals for lifting out of smoking. I have come to know the great aspects of the smoke cessation that have been sued by the social worker in dealing with the problems of the smokers in the UK. I have come to know the implications of the smoking cessation efforts used by the social worker in dealing with pregnant mothers and the community of individuals in the UK (Croghan, 2021).
Individuals’ counselling and its significance have been the best involved in tracing the smoking behaviour of the individuals. Health care providers, counsellors and referrals are some of the elements that can be used for dealing with the problems of smokers in the UK. Before being a part of this organisation, I don't have implicated knowledge of clinical treatment and assessment. I have come to know the implications of the assessment, maintenance, treatment and achievement evaluation. All these aspects have helped me in the effective formulation of the clinical assessment of the individuals or smokers.
As the social worker in the ASH UK, I have attained the knowledge of the treatment plans that have been prepared as per the need of the different individuals. I have come to know that the sudden removal of in taking nicotine leads to severe health consequences. As a social worker in the ASH UK, I have come to know the importance of peer learning and that has led to the increase in connection with the senior clients of the organisation. Smoking cessation sessions taken by the senior social worker have helped me in the effective formulation of the treatment plan for the individuals (McGuire et al., 2018).
I have found that ASH is the renowned trust involved in dealing with the smoking prohibition acts in the UK. The main aim of the ASH UK is to focus on the prohibition of smoking for all parliamentary groups. While working as a social worker in the ASH organisation I come to know about the dual approach adopted by the ASH in dealing with the aims of the organisation. I have found that ASH is approaching individuals through the help of networking and the information to create awareness regarding the tobacco epidemic (McGuire et al., 2018). Further, I have found that the trust also does the advocacy and the campaigning regarding the threatening impacts caused by the use of smoking and tobacco.
All these implications used by the ASH UK have helped me with ineffective formulations of the different personality traits that are being required for the preparation of the social worker. I have come to know about the implications of the positives and the negatives of the smoke-free generation- tobacco control plan for England. ASH organisation has adopted the approach of the reduction in the inequality gap of the smoking parameters in general populations and the manual occupations in the UK have found that the ASH UK is working under these implications to attain all the objectives till the year-end of the year 2022 (Rajani et al., 2019). Before being part of this approach I have never acquainted myself with the diverse tools, approaches and objectives used by the organisations to accelerate the revolution against the smoking parameters in the society. This organisation has adopted the effective approach of fostering care for smokers. Before being part of this organisation I have not acquainted myself deeply with the parameters of the care required for smokers of different ages. This organisation has helped me in making effective learning about all these implications. As a social worker in the ASH, I come to know about the need for motivation and awareness regarding the information related to the impact of smoking on individuals, especially the child. ASH UK has provided me with the opportunity to work in the monitoring process of the tobacco control board under this policy
As a social worker, I come to know about the implications of the importance of the lifestyles of the individuals that foster the behaviour of smoking. While working as a social care worker in the ASH I come to know about the NICE guidelines. I gathered that these guidelines have helped me in identifying the supplement of smoking habits. I came to know that the social workers at the ASH UK promote the use of the licensing nicotine-containing products in place of smoking materials.
ASH, (2022). About ASH. All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking & Health. Online available at: [Last accessed on: 27 April 2022]
Bates, C.C. and Morgan, D.N. (2018). Seven elements of effective professional development. The Reading Teacher, 71(5), pp.623-626.
Croghan, E. ( 2021). Smoking prevention and cessation in young people. British Journal of Child Health, 2(2), pp.74-76.
McGuire, H., Desai, M., Leng, G. and Richardson, J. (2018). NICE public health guidance update.
Rajani, N.B., Weth, D., Mastellos, N. and Filippidis, F.T. (2019). Adherence of popular smoking cessation mobile applications to evidence-based guidelines. BMC Public Health, 19(1), pp.1-8.