Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Assignment

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Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Assignment
Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Assignment
Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Assignment


Managing business activities so as to achieve the desired results is a critical activity in the business organization. The managers play a vital role here through coordinating the functions and the outputs of the various departments of the organizations. Analyzing and considering the external and internal environmental factors also becomes a vital part of managing the business activities. An organization is composed of many individuals and group with various characteristics and behaviours. Hence it becomes essential for the managers to consider them first and to streamline their activities so as to achieve desired results. This also involves establishing excellent managerial functions and group dynamics within an organization. Understanding the behaviour of the people, their values, beliefs etc and to motivate them accordingly is very important for managing the business activities of an organization. For achieving objectives of an organization the management should ensure good communication between the departments, managing proper information systems, interrelationship between various groups etc (Matos, Afsarmanesh, & Rabelo, 2013). This managing business activities to achieve results assignment speaks about the relevance and the importance of the management of the business activities for achieving the desired results. Two scenario back ground is taken into consideration for providing a clear justification of the concepts.

Task 1

Part 1

1.1 Evaluate the interrelationship between the different processes and functions of CCC

From the scenario it is evident that the organization CCC is a car dealer which buys and sell used cars. This organization has various departments which include a sales team, a marketing team, the buying team, operations and logistics team, servicing and dispatch team, and finance team. Each team or department holds specific functions and processes which are interrelated to each other. The output of one department becomes the input of another. This makes the interrelationship important for the successful achievement of the organizational goals. The interrelationship of four different processes and functions of the organization CCC is mentioned below.

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From the above figure it is evident that each department of the organization is receiving input from other and its output act as the input for the other. The marketing and the sales team is getting the information regarding the car specifications and its benefits from the buying team in turn the buying team is getting the information regarding new trends which will be helpful for it to buy used cars accordingly. The operations and the logistic team provides information like the objectives, targets, new policies etc to marketing, service and buying team and the output or the report of these team is helpful in formulating policies for the operations teams (Ebert, 2014). From all these information it can be justified that the functions of each team in the organization CCC are interrelated. This sharing or interrelationship of data can make the business operation more efficient.

1.2 Justify the methodology to be used to map processes to the organisation’s goals and objectives

The business processes and the functions of various teams within the organization should be mapped towards the goals and objectives of the organization. This can be performed through process mapping or value stream mapping. Process mapping can be considered as a hierarchical or the visual representation of the proceedings or transaction within a process. Through this method the management can get a clear idea about the execution of the process and the time required for the completion of the process. Some of the methodology used for serving this purpose is the flow charts, Gantt charts etc. These methods provide systematic procedures for each processes of the organization to achieve its goals (Jeston, & Nelis, 2014).

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                                                     Fig 1 Business process mapping Gantt Chart

While considering the case of the organization CCC it has various departments and a process mapping is very essential for combining the output of each process and to achieve its objective of gaining competitive advantage, making profit etc. The Gantt chart mentioned above shows how the business process of the organization CCC strating from buying used cars till financing are scheduled and operated to achieve the objectives. Through this method proper scheduling of the activities are possible which is relevant for successful goal achievement (Dumas, 2013).

1.3 Evaluate the output of the process and the quality Gateways

The output of each business processes of the organization should meet it quality gateways. Maintenance of quality standards can enhance the reputation and the profit margin of the organization. The quality of business operations should focus on its functioning, reliability, etc. The quality gateways of the organization check the quality adherence of the outcome of each process so as to ensure the overall quality management of the organization. The organization CCC deals with the buying and selling of used cars and hence adherence of quality becomes very importance to achieve customer satisfaction. The management of the organizations realizes these factors and buys the used cars based on the preferences of the customers. They also make necessary changes to the cars so as o make it function better. Their servicing team provides quality servicing of the vehicles even after the sales. They maintain a quality delivery and logistics team which makes the business operations reliable (González, 2013). From this it can be determined that each business operations or functions have their own quality standards which are formulated based on the quality gateways of the organizations. They also maintain a less quantity of rejects which highlights its quality adherence. When these efforts of each team are coordinated, it can be assured that the organization meets the quality standards. Through the business process mapping diagram the management has also estimated the wastage and the risks associated with each business operations and measures are also taken to reduce it.

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Part 2

2.1 Design plans which promote goals and objectives for own area of responsibility

Goals and objectives are the primary factors which can gain success for an individual as well as for an organization. Being a project manager of the sales department organization CCC I have my own responsibilities of achieving my own goals and objectives. Goals can be considered as the general, board and intangible factors while the objectives are specific, measurable, time bound etc. Hence through setting goal or objectives on can manage business operations and can achieve desired results.

A plan for the promotion of my goals and objectives as a project manager of marketing department is mentioned below.

  • Step 1: Understanding and analyzing the present situation of the organization, business operations, the information systems etc. This can help in the formulation of smart objectives.
  • Step 2: identification of the problems associated with the sales, profit generation, etc.
  • Step 3: conducting research so as to get information which is very essential in the formulation of the strategies for the achievement of the sales objectives as well as for solving the problems related.
  • Step 4: understanding the organizational structure and organizational design which can contribute to the promotion of goals and objectives.
  • Step 5: monitoring the performance of the employees which can affect the accomplishment of the goals and objectives.
  • Step 6: formulation of the different alternatives, selecting of the appropriate solution and implementing it appropriately.
  • Step 7: Monitoring and controlling2.2 Write objectives, which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based to align people and other resources in an effective and efficient way

MBO, management by business objectives plays a key role in the successful achievement of the good results in the business operations. Through this method or strategy, the management formulates well defined objectives based on the requirement of the organization. Then appropriated strategies are formulated so as to achieve those objectives. So as to align people and other resources in an effective and efficient way SMART objective will have to be formulated. SMART objective in the sense, the objectives formulated should be specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic and time bound. Some of the SMART objectives for the organizations are mentioned below: 

  • Specific: Be able to provide 100% customer satisfactory level through delivering good service, quality products, information etc.
  • Measurable: Being able to become the market leader and able to generate revenue up to $8 million.
  • Achievable: enhancing the scalability and the reliability of the organization.
  • Realistic: Following international standards in the sales activities through which reputation of the organization can be enhanced.
  • Time bound: Providing timely delivery of service and response to customer complaints and queries through which good reputation and image can be developed.

2.3 Implement appropriate systems to achieve objectives in the most efficient way, on time, to budget and meeting organisational standards of quality  

In order to achieve desired objective the management of the organization CCC will have to implement appropriate systems like the work break down structure, Gantt chart, critical path analysis, risk management etc. While considering the case of the organization CCC also for achieving good results it will have to implement such systems. Work break down structure can be practice in each team. For example consider the sales team of the organization CCC. The process sales can be broken down into four parts which includes intimation, planning, execution and finally the closure.

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                                                              Work Break down Structure

Initially the process should be intimated to the whole team, then planning can be done through conducting various meetings and gathering opinions, the execution of the pan is done finally the closure of the sales. Through this a systematic achievement of the goals and objectives can be obtained. Similarly the Gantt chart also enables the sales manager to schedule the sales planning process in a more effective way so that the time and resources are not wasted (refer to fig 1). Some of the systems like Critical Path Analysis; PERT etc can also be implemented so as to identify the shortest and efficient path for the successful achievement of the goal. Through these systems the manager can also monitor the work of each individual involved in projects which are larger and smaller in size.

2.4 Carry out work activities meeting the operational plan through effective monitoring and control

Effective monitoring and control is very essential for the successful implementation of the proposed plans and to achieve desired results. Some of the work activities so as to meet the operational plan of the organization CCC are mentioned below.

  • Buying the used cars: for this operation the management will have to check and monitor the credibility and the reliability of the clients from which they buy used cars. They should have a proper control over the suppliers so that they get sufficient supply based on the demand of the cars (Rosemann & Brocke, 2015).
  • Operational functions: monitoring the business environment of the organization is very essential so as to take operational decisions like formulation of strategies, problem solving etc.
  • Marketing: Monitoring the trends and the requirements of the customers are essential to market appropriate products.
  • Sales: monitoring the performance of the sales executives is very essential here. The requirement of the customers should be monitored through proper monitoring of their buying behaviours (Marakas, & Brien, 2014).  Task 2

Part 1

3.1 Design systems to manage and monitor quality standards specified by SCAS

From the given scenario it can be identified that the organization SCAS faces some internal problem like the lack of achievement of customer satisfaction and the non commitment of the staff members. So as to manage such situation and to maintain good quality standards in the organization TQM can be implemented. This system will enable the management and the control of quality standards within the organization. The implementations of the TQM, the management of the organization SCAS can inspect, monitor and control the performance of the human resources. The TQM system implements continuous improvement, empowerment, bench marking etc. Bench marking is an efficient tool of TQM which can manage and monitor the quality standards (Goetsch, & Davis, 2014).


  • Quality objectives are set like achieving customer satisfaction, responsive to the customers etc.
  • These objectives are communicated to the employees.
  • Strategies are formulated o as to achieve these objectives.
  • Then the strategies are implemented properly.
  • Inspection and monitoring is performed.
  • Feedback is given to the employees.

3.2 Demonstrate a quality culture to ensure continuous monitoring, evaluation and development of the process

Quality culture involves a set of values and beliefs which makes the individuals of an organization to stick on to the quality standards and make improvements according to those standards. This culture act as a guideline to make necessary changes in the policies, principles and practices such that quality can be maintained in the business processes. For organizations like SCAS quality culture can be established as it ensures continuous monitoring, evaluation and developmental process. The manager of the organization can initially formulate a culture which specifies some guidelines related to adherence of quality. It should include the necessity of adherence of quality, its benefits, relevance etc. He can also involve the importance of the commitment of the staff members in achieving quality, and other factors which can achieve quality standards for the organization. Then this culture can be educated to the employee through conducting various training sessions (Kleijnen, 2014). Continuous monitoring should be performed through proper supervision so that the quality culture is implemented effectively in the organization. Evaluation of the culture can be performed through various methods like SWOT analysis. Feedback can be given to the staffs to enable continuous improvement.

3.3 Recommend improvements which align with the organisation’s objectives and goals and which result in improvements

The main objective of the director of the organization SCAS is to resolve the present issues like the non commitment behaviour of the staff members and to improve its quality service as the competition is increasing in the hospitality industry. Some of the recommendations which can be given so that it can reach its objectives are mentioned below.

  • Formulating a code of conduct which highlights the policies and procedures of the organization. This conduct can act as the guideline for the staff members so as to achieve desired objectives and to put forward a quality service. This method can also reduce the ambiguity among the staff members while performing services.
  • Employee engagement or employee empowerment is another way through which the current issues can be resolved. Through this the employee becomes self responsible and can make critical decisions to avoid business and quality related issues.
  • Conducting training and development sessions through which the employees can be educated about the quality and the committed service.

3.4 Report on the wider implications of proposed changes within SCAS

While making proposed changes or recommendations within the organization SCAS, the management as well as the employees will have to struggle a little. The change management or implementation of changes in an organization is a tedious process. Lots of situations which cause ambiguity, resistance to changes etc can happen which can make the working atmosphere critical.

Some of the implications of proposed changes within the organization SCAS includes

  • The employee resistance to change or get adhered to the new policies and procedures.
  • The lack of understanding of the employee about the value of quality service.
  • The time taken which is required for the implementation of the changes like for conducting training sessions.
  • The cost and other resources incurred in the implementation of such policies.

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A  managing business activities to achieve results assignment has been prepared which highlights the importance of managing business activities to achieve desired results. An organization CCC is taken into consideration and the interrelationship between its various business processes are also analyzed. Various plans are developed for own area development. Various systems are designed and implemented for improving organizational performance. Various methodology of managing health and safety of work place is also managed.


Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Rabelo, R. (Eds.), (2013), E-business and Virtual Enterprises: managing business-to-business cooperation (Vol. 56). Springer.
Carroll, A., & Buchholtz, A. (2014), Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Cengage Learning.
Dumas, M., La Rosa, M., Mendling, J., & Reijers, H. A. (2013), Fundamentals of business process management (pp. I-XXVII). Berlin: Springer.
Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence
Jeston, J., & Nelis, J. (2014), Business process management, Routledge
Kleijnen, J., Dolmans, D., Willems, J., & van Hout, H. (2014). Effective quality management requires a systematic approach and a flexible organisational culture: A qualitative study among academic staff. Quality in Higher Education, 20(1), 103-126.
Marakas, G. M., & O'Brien, J. A. (2014), Introduction to Information Systems, info: Singapore: McGraw Hill, 2014.

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