Organizational Behaviour Assignment

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Organizational Behaviour Assignment
Organizational Behaviour Assignment
Organizational Behaviour Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Organizational Behaviour

QFC Level

Level 5


GlaxoSmithKline plc is the largest health care organization of UK and organization is engaged in identifying the new medicines for the people thus patients can cure themselves from big diseases. It is a British pharmaceutical organization that works for the welfare of people of UK and rest of the world. The pharmaceutical products includes over-the-counter medicines, health related consumer products and vaccines. The current study identifies the culture and values of GSK that contains under which employees of organization work with coordination and understand the feelings of team mates. Culture includes working environment at the work place and organization provides flexibility of working. The Organizational Behaviour assesses the leadership style followed by the organization thus they superiors are able to monitor the performance of the subordinates and try to motivate them for better performance. It explains that technology play vital role in the development of organization and it also helps the employees to communicate with subordinates.

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Task 1  

1.1 Comparison and similarities the structures and cultures of GSK with Pfizer

Contrast between structure and culture of GSK and Pfizer: Functional structure is always based on the group and position of the employees. GSK follows the functional structure that is based on the skills of the employees that help the management to complete the work on time. GSK focused on the training of the employees in different fields like marketing, accounting and various other departments. It is important for the organization to give proper instruction to the employees under functional structure thus they are able to perform well. On other hand Pfizer divisional structure in the organization that divides the employees into different functional areas like marketing department, financial department etc. These divisions are based on the product lines, markets, geographic regions and sometimes it act as a separate organization. The divisional structure helps the business in growth rate but the control over the employees. On contrary functional structure assists the business to get the full control over the employees and their performance ( It assists the business to gain the competitive advantage over the rivalry organization. Matrix structure is the combination of both functional and divisional structure it help the business to divide the activities into different departments but control is in the hand of top marketing management.

Similarities in culture and structure GSK and Pfizer: GSK and Pfizer have lots of similarities in their structure and culture. Organization follows the formal and informal from of structure in order to maintain the operations of the organization. Both the organization uses the technology in day to day activities in order to complete the task on time. The working culture of organizations helps the businesses to encourage the employees to perform better. Sometimes both the organization adopts the matrix structure in order to handle the particular situation (Almond and Verba, 2015). It ration to this it can be said that organization adopts the similar kind of structure and culture to meet the predefined objectives.

1.2 Relationship between the organization’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of GSK

The working culture of the GSK is very pleasant and motivates the employees to perform better. The healthy and high-performing workforce has the positive impact on the new employees and always encourages them to perform as per the allotted responsibility. GSK has the range of enthusiastic employees that help the organization to achieve the objective on time with proper means. The organizational culture of GSK boasts the morale of the employees thus they can meet the expectation of the senior employees and this kind of working culture can guide them to achieve the task. The working hours of the organization is flexible thus employees can give their best motivate themselves for new task. The office of the employees has open layout that allows the workers to do the group chat and share their felling with each other. Employees can share the working risk thus it gives desired return to the organization (Daft, 2015). At GSK superiors protect the moral values of the employees that keep the employees motivated towards the organization and always obey the instruction of leaders.

The personal opinion of the employees always hamper the performance of the organization in order to change the opinion management organize the motivational programs to change the mindset of employees. GSK guides the employees in day to day action thus they can easily meet the deadlines set by the team leaders. Organization values the team work, transparency in operation and respects the values of all the employees etc. Thus it can be said that relationship between organization culture and structure has high impact on the performance of the organization.

1.3 Individual employee’s behavior at work might be influenced by various factors 

Behavior and attitude of the employees is influenced by various factors and it affects the efficiency of the employees thus it can be said that social and cultural factors affects the mindset of particular employee. Personal perception always affects the behavior of the employee and if it is negative than it is responsibility of the manager to change the perception of individual employee. Another factor that affects the behavior of the employee is demographic factor like age, gender, income level, responsibility etc. For instance many organization emphasis on the gender of the employee and always consider the male employees rather than female so it creates negative perception in the mind of employees. GSK gives equal opportunities to all the employees and always motivate the hr department to hire the female candidates and give them equal opportunities as per the organizational procedure. Employee’s behavior is affected by the discrimination among the employees like leaders always give importance to the experienced candidates and ignore the new employees ( This kind of discrimination affects the personal behavior of the employees and also affects the productivity of the organization.

Another factor that affects the behavior of the employee is environmental factors like work place culture, understanding among the team mates etc. Leaders in the organization must cooperate with the employees and always respect their moral values. If they found any problem in this factor than they are not able to give their best and it generates negative thoughts in the mind of employees ( In GSK all the employees are focused towards work and leaders protect the right of the employees.

Task 2      

2.1 Different kind of leadership style and their effectiveness at GSK and Pfizer

Leadership style is the way under which leaders give direction to the subordinates in order to perform better. There are many different kind of leadership style that is used by the different leaders under various situations. Every leader has the unique ability that makes him different from the other person. GSK always motivate the employees to encourage the morale of the employees in order to perform well. Research department of GKS is the basis for the all the operations and leaders of the research department always try to encourage the subordinates to perform well. The leader of GSK research department is Sir Andrew Witty and plays various roles in the organization like marketing, research and finance and have the control on all the departments for better performance. Organization plays various leadership styles like autocratic, participative and transactional. This all leadership styles help the organization to improve the performance of the employees and try to encourage them to perform well. In autocratic leadership style management did not allow the employees to participate in the decisions making process (Northouse, 2015). On the other hand participative style of leadership follows by the leaders of GSK under this style employees are allowed to participate in the decision making process and it will boast the morale of the employees.   

2.2 Organization theory and management practices at GSK

For arranging the behavior and setting the culture, management implement the organizational theories by identifying the demands. To raise the performance and input of team members in the growth of organization this theory plays important role. In relation to this management theory is emphasized on the extension of skills and knowledge of the group members. The top management of GSK applies different organizational theories to control the staff members:

Scientific management theory: The theory was proposed by the Frederick Winslow Taylor and it represents that people work as hard as they can and it is not compulsory that all the employees perform equally in the organization. The principles of scientific management are proposed by Taylor that helps the organization to raise the productivity of the employees and by managing the resources in efficient manner ( The theory gives idea that workers and manager must cooperate with each other for better outcome.  This is very difficult for the hr department to communicate with the individual employee but hr manager always try to interact with the group of people. In GSK factory manager had very little time to contact with the worker so cooperation between manager and workers is necessary. 

Human Relation Theory: Human  resource relation theory is researched belief that manager must identify the needs and wants of the employees in order to keep them motivated. HR department is always focused to boast the morale of the employees. If employees get the special attention and encouraged to participate than it results to high quality work. Individual attention and appreciation attached with the human relation theory (Daft, 2015). GSK is focused to support the employees in the organization for better performance.

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2.3 Different approaches of management at GSK and Pfizer

Management theory is as the technique to keep the employees updated and try to attach them with the latest marketing trends. Various theories help the organization to maintain the efficiency of the employees. This theory facilitates the organization to operate the functions of the GSK and Pfizer. Both the organization is using the following management approaches to raise the output of employees:

Human relation approach: GSK is using the human relation approach that helps the business to maintain the good relation with the employees in order to keep them motivated. The theory helps the organization to support the employees in all the situations and take the decision for the welfare of the employees. Manager of GSK always take the decision by keeping the points of human relation approach ( For instance, manager of GSK is receiving the feedback of the employees from the clients and team mates if manager found any negative feedback than try to correct the mistakes as per human relation approach.

Scientific management: This approach is followed by the Pfizer to improve the efficiency of the employees in the organization. The approach has various drawbacks like outdated methods of working, risky wage system and fear of losing the job among the employees. This kind limitations miss-guide’s the organization in achieving the objective. The approach develops the team cooperation and helps the business strategy to achieve the organizational goals ( It obtains the harmony among the group members and always develops the feeling of motivation among the employees.

management Approch

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Task 3

3.1 Impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation at GSK

Leadership is the basis for all the organization either it is production unit or any service unit an effective leader is the heartbeat of management. GSK operates business different parts of the world and control all the sub units in well defined manner this can be possible with the help of leadership. Impact of leadership is shown in the function of GSK are as follows:

Democratic leadership style: At the tenure of change from survival to maturity, democratic leadership style help the GSK to take the correct decision that is in the support of the organization. It helps the organization to work in cooperation with the employees and try to maintain the efficiency of the employees. Under this leadership style management always try to encourage the employees to work in a team (Griffin and Hu, 2013). Leaders in the organization always try to solve the problems of the team mates.

Transactional leadership style: To raise the profit of organization and to maintain the efficiency of the employees in the organization then transactional leadership style is used. Effectiveness of this leadership style is motivation level among the employees. GSK’s transactional leaders are the specialist that divide the roles and responsibilities among the employees and try to use the capabilities of the employees in the organization ( The foremost objective of the leaders in the organization is to keep the employees motivated at the work place.

Leadership style

3.2 Comparison of two different motivational theories in the workplace at GSK

Motivation is the backbone of GSK without motivation any organization is not able to perform well and it will the biggest failure for the organization. The growth of the organization is always depends on the motivational theory. Managers at GSK motivate the employees by various means like monetary and non-monetary benefits. Various theories are followed by the organization like Maslow’s and Herzberg motivational theory.

Herzberg Motivational theory: the theory was propounded by the Frederick Herzberg in the year 1959 and this theory is also known as two-factor theory. The theory states that there are various factors at the workplace which affects the efficiency of the employees and that leads to the job dissatisfaction. Herzberg classifies those factors in two different categories these are as follows:

Hygiene factors: Hygiene factors are the most important for motivation process at the work place ( It contains management policies, other benefits, pay, workplace conditions etc. It provides satisfaction to the employees and maintains performance of the employees in the organization.

Motivational factors: The motivational factors facilitate the GSK to keep the employees motivated and help the business to get the desired results. These factors help the manager to keep the employees motivated and retain them with the organization for longer period.

Maslow’s Motivation theory: This theory was introduced by the Abraham Maslow in the year 1943. Maslow suggest that all the employees have some individual needs like physiological needs, love and belonging needs, esteem and self-actualization needs and safety needs (Shaw and Finger, 2013). All the employees have some per-defined needs that help the management to keep the employees motivated in the organization.

Motivestional thories

3.3 Importance of motivation theory and their limitation of motivation theory in GSK

In the organization motivational theories plays vital role to keep the employees motivated. Motivation policy is the best way keep the employees motivated and it also helps the management to raise the productivity of the employees. Hr manager has the liability to keep the employees motivated and identify their needs in order to treat them well. Manager can use different analysis and methods to measure the personal needs of the employees always try to fulfill those needs. Manager of GSK allot the task to all the employees and always collect the feedback of their performance thus it is necessary for the organization to identify the pros and cons of their performance. In order to achieve the management goals it is necessary for the GSK to implement the motivational theory in the organization ( Flexible communication methods can be used in the organization in order to identify the problems of employees.

Motivation theory assist the organization to keep the employees attached with the latest working trends in the market and also help the business to identify the competitors policy. Flexible working tenure is also a good policy and also keeps the employees motivated. Motivation provides various benefits to the GKS on the other hands also bring negative change like it makes the employees lazy and also decrease the efficiency of the employees (Berlyne, and Madsen, 2013). It can miss-guide the employees from their working track and also affects the profit margin of the organization.

Task 4

 4.1 Nature of groups and group behavior at GSK

A group is the collection of various employees in the organization that form the team who work together to achieve the organizational goals. GSK form various groups in the organization that help the business to achieve the desired output. The groups are generally formed with the aim of fulfillment of needs, power, and prestige etc. Group aid the management to complete the task on time. In organization, employees from the groups to complete the task either they are formal or informal. The group formation in the organization raise the cooperation level among the employees thus it will be the positive sign for the organization. GSK forms different kind groups in the organization and these are as follows:

Informal Group: The informal groups are formed by the employees itself in order to create the bonding among the team mates. These groups are formed beyond the work place and under these groups employees of GSK share their feeling with the subordinates. These groups are formed to share the views about some topic with the team mates. Informal groups are formed in order to achieve the social needs of the employees (Verba, 2015). Under this group employees feel free and share their feelings towards each other.

Formal Group: These groups are formed by the management in order to achieve particular goal or task. The management assigns the responsibilities to employees in order to achieve the task. Formal groups are attached by the management and also help the business to identify the skills and talent of the employee in the organization. 

4.2 Factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork at GSK

Team work is affected with various factors like skill of the employees, size of organization, communication style and leadership. Leaders may face the problem to develop the felling of cooperation among the employees and it leads to decrement in the team work. GSK face the problem like many employees are not able to work as per the required task and it causes failure of team work. Skills of the employee also affect the working efficiency of the employee because he is not mush skilled like other employees. Lack of training is another factor that leads of decrement in effective team work. All the team mates does not have the equal potential towards the work and it may be the cause of inhibit in the development of effective team work. Effective information and communication style in the organization is the cause of deficiency in the team work and it leads problem in achieving the organizational goals. Employees does not have the understanding thus they are not able understand the views in the organization and it leads to lack of team work. Leadership style is another factor that affects the team work like if employees are not able to get the proper instruction from the superior than they are not able to perform well in the organization (West, 2012). It is foremost duty of GSK to promote the effective leadership style in the organization thus employees are able to perform well. The leaders should take the initiative to solve the queries of the employees and provide best alternative for the problems.

Factor of team work, UK assignment writing Services

 4.3 Impact of technology on the team functioning at GSK

Technology is most crucial point that improves the team functioning in the organization. With the help of technology management can easily achieve the desired goals and improve the cooperation among the team mates. Various communication tools aid the management to achieve desired goals and try to maintain the efficiency of the employees. GSK adopts innovative instruments at the work place thus employees will not face any problem during the production any medicines. Team associates, research and development scientists and marketing experts can easily complete their task with the help of technology. Innovative technological instruments help the business to manage the day to day transactions and also help the GSK to monitor the performance of the team mates. Innovation in technology help the business to manage the performance of the employees thus they are able to achieve the group task. Technology helps the team mates to achieve the projects of the organization. The technological changes create job satisfaction among the employees thus they are able to keep the employees motivated ( Development in technology may improve the communication process and make the employees aware about the recent trends in the market.

E-mails, mobile phones, internet make the communication process at GSK very simple. An employee can easily communicate with the manager with the help of e-mail. A manager can easily float the necessary information to the employees and make the video conferencing with all the employees at one time. Online working procedure creates effective team functioning among the team mates and develops coordination among them.

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The current study evaluates the culture and structure of GSK and Pfizer. GSK follows the functional organizational structure thus it is easy for the management to maintain the efficiency of the employees. Leadership is the most important aspect of the organization and it helps the management to keep the employees motivated. With the support of motivational theories management identifies the needs of the employees and tries to fulfill them to increase the efficiency of the employees. Technology plays crucial role in effective team work and also increase the production of GSK thus they are able to achieve the pre-defined goals.


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