Unit 12 Leadership Style Assignment Solution

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Unit 12 Leadership Style Assignment Solution
Unit 12 Leadership Style Assignment Solution
Unit 12 Leadership Style Assignment Solution


This unit 12 leadership style assignment solution is delving with the organisational behaviour to evaluate the acknowledgement of personal and group behaviour in CAPCO as well as to examine current theoretical aspects as well as their use for managing workplace behavioural circumstances. There is a requirement to address and showcase an understanding of the company’s culture as well as structural aspect in relation to businesses. Post that, there is the requirement to address as well as reveal a perception of the diverse approaches in respect of management as well as leadership.

Unit 12 Leadership Style Assignment Solution

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the difference and similarities in these two organisations.

The structural aspect of a company contemplates the leadership traits, cultural traits, environment that is both internal as well as external and so on. A specific kind of organisational structure gets adopted by various organisations. CAPCO as well as PWC are regarded as two large multinationals that comprises of an official company structure having inflexible directives that are being pursued.

CAPCO’s hierarchical formation is regarded having a official structure since it comprises of a basic command structure as well as command implementation structure having the presence of a large section of employees who work for CAPCO that reports two or more senior officials. There exists numerous stage of command as well as stage of decision making. The significant challenging aspect that CAPCO is facing is in association with the scenario of staffs functioning in a jointly on the same platform without being concerned about the chain of command they have. (Payne, 2012)

At PWC, there exists a more official structure and also pattern the reason being that PWC is considered to be a large multinational company and they are functioning globally. Moreover, the organisational ability is being enhanced by the management through the utilisation of the present circumstances of making decision and as a result diminishing the space that is there within the managers of the organisation as well as the senior officials. (Lussier, 2011)

The culture of the organisation is considered as the juxtaposition of joint approaches, methods of thinking as well as values. Firm steering of the organisational employees can occur with the assistance of such factors that are associated with the processes by which the completion of the job should take place. The internal environment is also being considered by the cultural scenario and the customs of the company that will be having a significant operational scenario in respect of the success of the organisation. (Payne, 2012)

The major impact on the success of CAPCO takes place through the rich cultural aspect of the organisation that comprises of a very productive cultural aspect in connection with the scenario of empowering the staffs working for the company. It defines the various processes with the assistance of which the employees provide service to their clients and the ways that showcases their behaviour amongst themselves. It is the belief of CAPCO that all the organisational stakeholder provides assistance for the development of the organisation very significantly.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

CAPCO’s structural impact on the performance of its operations is mentioned as under,

  • Employee empowerment and company’s performing ability: Staff strengthening is an effective method regarding the success of the company and is the approach that CAPCO is undertaking. CAPCO normally concentrates on the empowerment of the managers who are functioning in the lower level, which will assist in ensuring enhanced capability to function as well as develop the level of achievement in regard of the clients.
  • Influence of the structure and organisation’s ability to perform: CAPCO is trying to provide productive services for the clients. For doing that, an organisational stand gets formed in the way that will make sure continuous responses in relation to any call from the client’s end. For having improved communication and answers for the crisis situation from the end of the client, a friendly customer interface is being possessed by it.
  • Behaviour of an individual depends on the structure of the organisation: There is the existence of circumstances when the senior officials of an organisation are not fully satisfied with the performances of the staffs. In this regard, it is needed for the staffs to follow the structural scenario of the organisation. It has been seen that staffs are behaving in connection with the organisational ways in which they are functioning. (Lussier, 2011)

There is the existence of different mindsets towards the connection amongst the cultural aspect of the organisation and performance capability as under,

  • Efficiency as well as cultural aspect: A basic aspect explains that culture is contributing significantly towards effectiveness of the company. It states that the requirement towards considering an appropriate cultural scenario to be the distinctive issue. The organisational culture of an organisation might not be taken into consideration in other organisations. The cultural aspect is maintained by CAPCO in a manner that will be contributing towards effectiveness and vibrant achievement in relation with work. (Lussier, 2011)
  • Productive cultural outcome for improved performing ability: There exists a firm link between productive cultural outcome and improved performing ability. It’s observed that productive cultural outcome will be leading towards better performance capability. Regarding CAPCO, it can be said that there exists growing rivalry as well as it is essential in client management for which there is the need to possess a firm cultural scenario in relation with the facility.
  • Variety in workforce as well as cultural modification: Variety in employees and coping with the scenarios that change is being considered to be a major impediment for the company that functions in different places globally. For achieving success, a huge amount of importance is related with the cultural formation that is being considered to be adaptive in nature. (Palmer, 2011) The cultural needs of CAPCO should be in sync with the cultural scenario possessing highest flexibility towards a fast scenario towards transformation.

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

Factors that are influencing personal behavioural aspect in CAPCO are as follows,

  • Job protection: Primary requirement in respect of the staffs are to possess job protection. Without it, they will fail to function in a quick manner and also peacefully. Staff should be aware of the level of security the job they are doing have. A job having more security reflects on the scenario that the employees have a very less risk of facing job termination. As a result, they operate more productively and their performing capability starts developing very rapidly. (Palmer, 2011)
  • Working environment: The staffs who work for CAPCO likes having a very productive environment to work. As because, they are having challenging work scenario, a friendly workplace is what they want to have. It is regarded as a very important matter associated with the performance of the employees that will in turn contribute towards the organisational performance. (Payne, 2012)
  • Payment rate: CAPCO’s employees have the need for better salaries as it is quite obvious that higher salaries will be motivating the staffs to function in a more productive way. Higher salaries also states that the company is operating successfully, and that is the reason why they are offering better salaries to the employees.
  • Respect for oneself: CAPCO’s employees is having technical expertise. They possess a productive knowledge towards work when contrasted with other people as well as possessing productive technical expertise in relation to their particular parts associated with work. The main concern of such staffs is not to earn large amount of revenue every time. (Truman, 2010) To have respect for oneself and to have a cheerful environment for working might be considered as the major concern associated with work. There working ability might get affected if they feel that they are not getting the amount of respect that they deserve for doing their work at CAPCO.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change.

The influence that various styles of leadership may have on motivation in the changing period are mentioned as under,

  • Autocratic leadership style: Autocratic leadership style is followed by a leader who concentrates on the various processes that are undertaken by an individual and also the methods in respect of the organisation. There is constant assessment of the employees by the leaders and also to drive their ability to perform with the aspect of supervising. This kind of strict leadership style does the placement of a negative impact towards employee motivation. (Lancaster, 2010)
  • Democratic leadership style: Democratic leadership style is followed by a leader who does the placement of an open approach regarding the motivational perspective. The leaders that follow the democratic leadership style motivates the employees to share the decision making method and in return the employees get encouraged to contribute towards the vision of the team and also, credence in respect of the thought and point-of-view of the team members is given from the end of the leaders. The employees are successfully encouraged by the leaders through the assessment of the capability for performing through close analysis. (Lussier, 2011)
  • Charismatic leadership style: Charismatic leadership style is followed by a leader where motivational perspective is greater when compared with other leadership styles. This type of leaders concentrates on the scenario that is associated with the creativity of the staffs. These sorts of leaders are also called transformational leaders. Commitment towards work and well as earnestness are considered to be these leader’s motivational forces.
  • Laissez-faire leadership style: It is followed by those leaders that are providing all the power and authority in respect of the employees. Through these kinds of approaches, there is the occurrence of employee empowerment in the organisation.

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting.

Points of difference

Maslow’s motivational theory

Herzberg’s motivational theory

Basis of theory

This theory is based on chain of command for human needs. There was the recognition of 5 kinds of human needs (on the basis of priority) and their satisfaction towards staff motivation.

Herzberg is referring to factors of hygiene and motivation in this theory. The hygiene issues are related with discontent and motivating issues are inspiring the low level staffs. (Lancaster, 2010)

Nature of theory

The motivational theory is very straightforward and descriptive.  (Lancaster, 2010)

This motivational theories are considered to be more prescriptive that provides suggestion about the motivating factors that can be used in an effective manner.

Application of theory

This theory has extensive application and is the theory of motivation that is cited extensively. (Lancaster, 2010)

This theories applicability is constricted. It is useful to the countries that are developed where money is regarded a less important motivational issue.


Any need can be acting as a motivator provided its satisfaction does not occur or satisfied in a less relative manner.

In this motivational theory, hygiene issues aren’t acting to be motivators and the increased order needs are acting as motivators.

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

There’s the need to apply factors of motivation for a company, since management has the capability to navigate the human resources to actualise the plans for the organisation and also the goals. Greater focus is placed by the managers regarding the motivational factors to direct the employees in respect of better productivity and actualising the issues associated with success. By increasing the level of motivation organisations like CAPCO are developing the level of performance and approaching the trends that are having an emergence in the market. (Berger, 2011)
The necessity of the managers to understand as well as apply theories of motivation within the place of work is as follows,

  • Staff satisfaction: CAPCO has a flat organisational structure and culture that is focused on the employees. Staffs feel empowered and motivated regarding these structural and cultural scenarios. The managers play a significant role for getting the job done with the help of the employees. In respect of staff satisfaction, the management at CAPCO implemented the Maslow’s Theory of hierarchical needs.
  • Greater staff satisfaction: With the support of the motivational theories the managers at CAPCO are trying to understand the satisfaction level and the employee requirements and also train as well as direct the employees for providing proper services in respect of satisfaction of the customers. (Kondalkar, 2013)
  • Greater productivity: As because CAPCO is dealing with the intricacies of the financial service sector, the employees that are working for CAPCO should be developing their productivity with the changes occurring in the market. CAPCO’s managers are encouraging the employees to adopt a consistency in the development towards the enhancement of their ability to perform.

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This leadership style assignment solution is related with organisational behaviour where the various company structure and culture is compared and differentiated, then the connection within the organisational structure and cultural scenario is defined by which they can impact performance of the business, in addition to that the success of diverse styles of leadership is evaluated as well as different approaches towards the management that are used by various companies also gets evaluated. Moreover, effectiveness of motivational theory is discussed as well as the issues that might promote or inhibit the development of efficient organisational teamwork.


Berger., A. (2011). Operations Management. GRIN Verlag
Boone, L (2015). Contemporary Marketing. Cengage Learning
Fernando, A (2011). Business Environment
Freeman, R (2010). Stakeholder Theory: The State of the Art. Cambridge University Press.
Kondalkar, V (2013). Organisation Effectiveness and Change Management. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Lancaster, G (2010). Essentials of Marketing Management. Taylor & Francis. Publisher
Lussier, R (2011). Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, Skill Development. CENGAGE Learning
McCalman, J (2015). Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation. SAGE.
Palmer, A (2011). The Business Environment. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Publisher
Payne, A. (2012). Marketing Plan for Services. Routledge.