Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help

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Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help
Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help
Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help


In Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help we discuss Tourism has become one of the leading industries well-known for the socio-economic activities with impressive growth. From various surveys and research analyses, it has been come to the front that involvement of more and more stakeholders occurs with the development of tourism and it is also very essential in case of tourism planning (Coccossis et al., 1995). Such stakeholders are generally environmental and community groups, authorities appointed for the works of public, business parties etc. Participation of many stakeholders in the developmental part of tourism encourages different issues regarding the economy, culture, environment, society and politics of a country due to the different styles of perception and interests of the stakeholders.

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Task 1

P1.1 Discuss how stakeholders can benefit from planning of tourism developments with reference to a current case study. 

The economic growth of the United Kingdom was sliding till the commencement of 2012. The year 2012 appeared with a tremendous opportunity for the recovery of economic status in the form of Olympic Games. Profit maximization and recovery from the great loss are two beneficial points associated with the event (Pigram et al., 2005).

Analysis of Stakeholders in the London Olympiad:

In the London Olympic of 2012, there were multiple stakeholders connected with the Tourism Planning. They were-

  • Public of London
  • LOCOG or London Organizing Committee of Olympic and Paralympic Games
  • The ODA or Olympic Delivery Authority
  • Mayor of London
  • Different departments of Governments along with media, sports, culture, partners and other governments of the countries that took part
  • Athletes
  • Many other sponsors

They are the stakeholders who had associated with the Olympic Games either in a direct or an indirect manner. From the research analysis, one thing is clear that in such types of events, involvement of risk is much higher and as per the Olympic, all of the people across the globe recognize it as an international brand, so the level of risks even boosts up. Around fifteen thousand competitors of more than 200 countries had participated in the Olympic of 2012. Local Authorities were very much responsible for the entire event and to avoid any sort of risk, management systems had been developed in line with sustainable tourism development. Top-notch sponsors from many industrial sectors like- Automobile and telecom industries, Machinery industry, oil and natural gas industry, industry of aviation, clothing and textile industries have huge contribution in the event. With the help of proper planning related to the sustainable tourism development, porter’s three generic approaches get fulfilled to achieve competitive benefits. With the help of cost leadership plan- Mayor of London magnetized more and more people from outside of London to the Olympic 2012 only by lowering the charges in shops as well as in restaurant. The total revenue generated after the Olympic 2012 was unbelievable and there are both positive as well as negative points associated with the events. The total revenue was two billion euro and it had huge impact over the economic strength of The United Kingdom (Crespo et al., 2000).

The stakeholders got immense benefits from the various strategic planning linked with tourism development. Such as-

  • Financial Advantages along with urban regeneration are two positive aspects through which the standing of the stakeholders got enhanced. Building new stadiums is one of the examples which directly affect the revenue of the stakeholders (Sambrook et al., 1992).  
  • Job opportunities got increased, so that prominent organizations appointed talented and experienced professionals without any effort as it was the occasion of Olympic. Short-term jobs are good for a company and lots of organizations got benefited with this strategy.
  • Organizations attached with tourism gained considerable alleviation on the revenue graph as people outside of UK came to explore the visiting places.

P 1.2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public/private sector tourism planning partnerships drawing on the chosen case study.

When it is an occasion of a big game, advantages, as well as disadvantages, are the two faces of the same coin. Especially, in case of the public or private sector, the impact of advantages, as well as disadvantages, was observed clearly. With reference to the case of 2012 Olympic in London, it can be comprehended more profoundly (Gilmore & Abigail, 2012).     

Advantages of the public/private sector tourism planning:

There are Social, Cultural, Economic, Business Environment etc. associated with the plus points of sustainable tourism development. Like- Regeneration and development of urban regions was observed in case of London Olympic 2012, the government of UK had built five thousand new homes to create an Olympic Village which was a great idea, improvement of transport facility was a tremendous step by building tunnel and line of east London which cost 1 billion Euro, Financial advantages with lots of revenue and reduced unemployment rate due to vast job opportunities are the positive impacts of sustainable development of tourism (Lander et al.,2010).


The high-cost value which was around 2.4 billion Euro was the main problem regarding the public and private sector. Short-term jobs were the reasons of more unemployed person after the Olympic. The price of some products available in the retailer markets got increased due to the commencement of the games and for this person had to face major financial problems regarding the shopping of daily used products. Huge amount of carbon emission, waste products, pollution and energy loss were the negative impact of public or private sector tourism planning on environment (Pigram et al., 2005).

Task 2

P 2.1 Analyse features of tourism development planning at different levels with reference to London Olympiad              

Planning of tourism development is based on the technological improvement as well as internationalization. On the arrival of huge numbers of tourist responsibilities in social, economic and environmental manner increases very much for the government as well as other organizations. Sustainable tourism development had caused lots of benefits especially in the employment sector in case of both small scale and large scale industries. Infrastructure development was one of the key elements that were the major issues of concern in the London Olympiad. Many stakeholders came out to help throughout the tourism development processes as it is a matter of the economic growth of the UK (Lander et al., 2010). Culture, as well as environment, was two prime areas upon which the government of United Kingdom gave more emphasis. Preserving the wildlife species that are in danger of extinction was another interest of the authorities as wildlife is one of the most important parts of tourism for which foreigners come to visit the place. Ecotourism with wider market with its role of profitability had provided great benefits for the local people and vendors (Pigram et al., 2005). Development of remote areas without any kind of infrastructure was an example set by the Olympic authorities with this particular step of ecotourism. Development of the cultural and traditional heritage was another attractive strategy that was found in case of The Olympic of London. Local participation along with the government and private sector participation is highly required for the sustainability of advancement in case of tourism. Minimization of the negative aspects associated with the tourism development was a nice line of attack (Crespo et al., 2000).

P 2.2 Evaluate the significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism development with reference to London Olympiad.                       

Numerous researchers have studied quite a few factors that affect the planning of tourism development and along with this analysis evaluation of the significance associated with the interactive planning of the tourism development is very necessary. It is just like a framework, if any of the aspect gets ineffective then the whole system gets shattered. The method that lies within the systems of interactive planning holds the problem solving decisions for tourism planning of both present as well as future scenarios (Pigram et al., 2005).

For the significance, knowledge about objectives related to tourism development with case studies is necessary for the profound understanding. There are several factors that categorized from the Tourism Planning are-

  • Nature of the planning- which means the situation of the planning and also the perfect harmonization of the objectives with the planning.
  • Different approaches- It is about the different approaches related to the sustainable planning of tourism for the benefit of economy principally. With the help of interactive planning system in case of the Olympics at London in the year of 2012, they not only got succeeded in increasing the economic profits, promotions of the environmental objects, stimulation of the market interest but also were successful in reducing the barriers of the tourism development. It is known as “Boosterism” (Hall et. al, 1998).
  • Implementation and outputs are the other two elements with the segregation of different components of the tourism planning as well as different market strategies and product strategies. Involvement of Community is one of the fundamental components that come under implementation part and its significance is to create a proper platform of partnership (Hall et. al, 1998).
  • Impacts are the last but the most important factors upon which London Olympiad was fully dependent throughout their interactive planning which had both positive as well as negative impact on the factors of economy, society and environment. The evaluation of outcomes has a key role in the tourism development and it was very much successful during the days of 2012 Olympic.      

P 2.3 Evaluate different methods available to measure tourist impact with reference to London Olympiad

There are various famous frameworks that are prominent for the evaluation of the measurement of tourist impact in the London Olympic. Among all those methods- “2012 Games Impacts & Legacy Evolution Framework” is the most significant one that is appreciated by people. The main motto of this framework was to define principles related to the evaluation process for the legacy projects of the games. Logic models with clear-cut assessment results are the specialty of this method which was implemented in London Olympiad (Gilmore & Abigail, 2012). Bottom-up was another methodology which was implemented for comparing the net additional impacts of involvement with the net additional impacts of the given case study. The main purpose of this kind of methodology was to get the evaluations that are based on project.

Net Impact = Net Impact of Intervention – Net impact of Reference case    

Study of the data sources that are secondary in nature comes under Top-down evaluation process. This process was implemented with the help of surveys in a provincial manner. Value for Money and Benefit measurement are two imperative techniques which were used for the measurement of the impacts of tourists in the London Olympics (Crespo et al., 2000).

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Task 5

P5.1 - Compare current issues associated with tourism development in a developing country and an emerging destination where the impacts of tourism are different for the chosen destination.

The contemporary factors are now the major ones which have both positive and negative impacts on the sustainable development of tourism. Thus, without the modern thoughts knowledge about the issues related to the development of tourism in case of developing countries like- Nepal, India, Thailand etc. is just like a dream. For these countries, the first aspect should be-

  • Promotion: Promotion is a positive factor that has great impact on the standing of tourism. Nowadays, people are very smart and it is also an era of ultramodern technology, in which promotion is the key tool of success. Promotion of emerged countries well known for their destination place like- France, Switzerland, USA are one step ahead of the traditional thinking and so get excelled in the sector of sustainable tourism development due to impressive promotion (Pigram et al.,2005).
  • Economy: Economy of the developing countries is a sensitive issue, but the priority and inclination towards the tourism facility should be more in case of the developing countries. The GDP, manpower, entrepreneurial capability, relationship between the organizations and clients all these points are directly or indirectly dependent on the tourism and therefore economy of the developing countries can be strengthened with the help of sustainable development of tourism. In cases of developed countries, they think tourism and occasions that attract tourists are opportunities which should not be left. They all aware of the long-term advantages related to the tourism, so they don’t give much priority towards the economy than that of the tourism improvement (Hall et. al, 1998).
  • Approach: The approaches of the developing countries for the progress of tourism are outdated. The objectives should be thoroughly analysed and policies should be made accordingly by the visionaries and it is the secret of the emerged countries. Business interest is one of the contemporary approaches with the help of which tourism development can be done and it has been observed in case of developed countries (Gilmore & Abigail, 2012).
  • Administration: The administration systems of the developing countries are not modern, for which implementation of strategies gets delayed. Governments have to take the first step and create policies for the improvement in tourism. The developed countries have creative thinkers who manage the systems of Tourism Development and as a result they are on the top in all ranking of tourism industry.

Environmental issues like- disasters, epidemics are controlled with higher capabilities by the developed countries than that of the developing countries which is another aspect of getting on top of the list of tourism ranking. Overgrowth of commercialization has negative impact on the Tourism Development as it hampers the aboriginal cultures, environment and traditions, so it should be preserved rather than destroyed by over utilization of commercial elements (Gilmore & Abigail, 2012).          

P5.2 – Evaluate, with recommendations, the future development of tourism in these chosen destinations      

More encouragement and involvement inside the tourist market will create magnetism towards the visiting sights. One of the tremendous thinking in European countries is- the beach resorts which attracts more and more sightseers towards the places of attraction. Environmental issue like- climate change, water shortage, calamities etc. should be controlled in a trouble-free manner. There are also social as well as cultural impacts associated with the tourism development of a country, so cultural and traditional issues should be given more emphasis. Apart from all of these, ethical and moral issues play vital role in the attraction of tourists; therefore consumer behaviour should be given more stress. Restructuring of the areas with beauty and all the necessary supplies is a good approach towards sustainable development. New emerging destinations are now the first priorities of the tourists as nobody wants to visit a same place again and again (Lawrence & Kathryn, 1994). Therefore, discovering gorgeous place with natural beauty which meets all the aspects will create a centre of attention of many visitors. Improvement in the sectors of infrastructure, transportation facilities, no difficulty in communication etc. are some of the additional but obligatory steps regarding progress. Green tourism is a new trend which is based on nature and attracts many tourists as it has zero negative impact on the ecology. Social media is another contemporary strategy without which sustainable development can’t be imagined. Social Media Sites are the best platforms for promotion of tourism and most of the tourists stay connected with these networking sites and with this simple step their attention can be grabbed and tourism advancement can be easily possible. Workforce development, as well as the safety and security of the tourists, are two very important recommendations that are suggested by professionals very often. It is because, the tourists come from long distance and it is the thinking of the locals, their culture and beliefs, ethical and moral values that mesmerize them.


New emerging destinations are now the first priorities of the tourists as nobody wants to visit a same place again and again. Therefore, discovering gorgeous place with natural beauty which meets all the aspects will create a centre of attention of many visitors. Improvement in the sectors of infrastructure, transportation facilities, no difficulty in communication etc. are some of the additional but obligatory steps regarding progress. Green tourism is a new trend which is based on nature and attracts many tourists as it has zero negative impact on the ecology. Social media is another contemporary strategy without which sustainable development can’t be imagined. Social Media Sites are the best platforms for promotion of tourism and most of the tourists stay connected with these networking sites and with this simple step their attention can be grabbed and tourism advancement can be easily possible. Workforce development, as well as the safety and security of the tourists, are two very important recommendations that are suggested by professionals very often. It is because, the tourists come from long distance and it is the thinking of the locals, their culture and beliefs, ethical and moral values that mesmerize them.

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In Sustainable Tourism Assignment Help we discussed Tourism of a country plays significant role and it determines the ranking of a country in the scale of cultural, economic and social environment. The evaluation techniques provided in this research paper are the results of methodical surveys and analyses. London Olympic in the year of 2012 had a huge impact on the economic status of the country and from this event many things come to the light like- procedures of evaluation, advantages and disadvantages of tourism, stakeholder analysis, strength and weakness of a country related to the tourism and likewise the positive and negative impacts of various strategies that are being implemented for the sustainability of development associated with places of wonders and attractions.


Coccossis, H. and Nijkamp, P. (1995). Sustainable tourism development. Avebury.
Crespo, N. and Suddaby, C. (2000) "A comparison of Cuba’s tourism industry with the Dominican Republic and Cancún, 1988-1999." Cuba in Transition 10 (2000): 352-359.
Hall, C. M. and Lew, A. A. (1998). Sustainable tourism. A geographical perspective. Addison Wesley Longman Ltd.
Gilmore, A. (2012) "Counting eyeballs, soundbites and ‘plings’: Arts participation, strategic instrumentalism and the London 2012
Cultural Olympiad." International Journal of Cultural Policy 18, no. 2 (2012): 151-167.