Unit 1 Worldwide Tourist Destination Assignment

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Unit 1 Worldwide Tourist Destination Assignment
Unit 1 Worldwide Tourist Destination Assignment
Unit 1 Worldwide Tourist Destination Assignment


The word tourism defines its meaning in more genuine manner than its limitation to its understanding of living on holiday. Nowadays tourism is emerged as an organisation working various set of activates in order to make tourist feel complete with less difficulties. Tourist are the person who visits in other environment for the pleasure, since the beginning of the time when human travel he needs only foods water and other material resources. Nowadays there are changes with the changing environment and adaption to the satisfaction level coming from the different need and different behaviour of the many people resides in the world. Tourism organisation is a collection of activates services and other industries that provides a good amount of travel experience as per the choice of the tourist.Mathieson and Wall (1982) has given the definition of tourism as a small changes in the environment outside their normal place of work in which they resides

This unit 1 worldwide tourist destination assignment consists of four tasks which include the discussion about various factors which plays an important role in making the particular tourist destination popular or unpopular. Also comparison has been made between the leading tourist destination in the world and the developing tourist destination, Germany and North Korea. A discussion about responsible tourism has been carried out in the report which means that the harmful and negative effects are minimised so that the tourism of the country can be made popular and revenue can be maximised. The features of worldwide tourist destination will also be carried out in the further report. The statistics is used to determine the trends in tourism so that future trends can be predicted.

Unit 1 Worldwide Tourist Destination Assignment

Task 1 Understand the scope of key UK and worldwide tourist destinations.

P 1.1 Analyse main tourist destinations and generators of the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation

In the United Kingdom there is lot of destinations which attracts human to travel in and explore new interesting environment. There is little comparison is shown with the help of collected data from the countries as well:-


Number of tourist visit 2014

Revenue generated from the tourism sectors

Partition of tourism in the  GDP of countries

Number of employment


80, 230, 000

7.6 Trillion


277 Millions



71998.80 MYR Million

14.9% of GDP





15.2 million 

$73.4 billion




9.44 million

68.3 billion

14% OF GDP



19.73 million


7.5 % OFGDP

4.22 Million

United kingdom


US$7.6 trillion

10% OF GDP

3.1 Millions

The analysis made on various countries in the world. It has shown that Japan is the biggest eye catcher as per the point of view of tourists; moreover Indonesia is also generating 14% of its GDP from the tourism sector which is also a very big amount. United Kingdom is attractive destination for the tourist. It also has7.6 trillion employment from this source, apart from that the partition of tourism in GDP is also very high. Data collected has shown that United Kingdom has wide variety of potential in tourism sector and industries can take good advantage in such field as it is shown data that U.K. is the 8th biggest tourist destination. This is estimated that torsion industries in United Kingdom have covered already US$7.6 trillion which is makeable amount in the GDP.

Tourism in U.K. is an energetic and wide business potential spot offering a range of authentic places to visit and experiencing various places. It staring from the scenery of lake view to the beaches of the coast from many hotels, historic houses, villages and towns

Furthermore United Kingdom has various attractive places to visit named Tower of London, highlands houses, Paul’s cathedral Chester Zoo, Westminster abbey, flamingo theme park Windermere Boat Cruises, Bowness the Royal Academy of Arts, London etc. whereas there is number of places in Japan as well which lure tourist to visit named Tokyo, Kyoto, Nikko, Nara,  Kamakura, Magome.

There are a lot of places in different country all over the world but the Geographical structure, Culture and climate has a significant role in the leading tourism of the U.K. This all leads to lure the tourist to spend their holiday’s time in United Kingdome, furthermore industries involved in tourist business also making their best efforts to make their business on the growing side. Throughout the time the changes in infrastructure and quality services provided by the organisation has been taken into consideration for the betterment of the tourist and their experience.

There are some of the factors which is also taken into the view in order to write down the revenue generation data and the spending made by tourist on their travel e.g. Night spends in the country by tourist, expenses made during the visit, purchase of goods and services and the items imported for their personal use and other required material data,

P 1.2 Analyse statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends

It is quite impressive to see the result of tourism industries worldwide. It plays significant role not only in revenue generations but also it enhances the quality relation with other countries and provides a good amount of nexus with each and every country worldwide.  Government has also providing grants to some of the industries so that they can provide best quality of services infrastructure and other required management for the betterment of the tourist in various countries. Tourism industries worldwide making their efforts to make improvisation and their country lucrative to the tourist by making them ensure with the safety purpose, Infrastructure and the climate changes. (Journals, 2016)

In ever-changing environment, dynamic and volatile tourism tour operator needs to be consistently adapting toward the environment. Understanding of current and forecast trends in the tourism business of various parts is essential:-
Furthermore there is seen vastly change due to adaption toward the online system which can be described with the help of this table:

Percentage of trips

January till augest2008

January till august 2015

Online booking



Online information collection



Internet user



Feedback checker



  • Economic factors: This includes those factors concerned with the changing environment occurring due to the various problems named- Globalisation, natural disaster, riot, and local public perception and so on.
  • Consumer behaviour: There is seen the drastic changes in the consumer behaviour with the products and services he is using. Being in the changing nature of driving satisfaction level from the different product and services human demands innovation in everything
  • Social trends: This trend is considered to make a good view on the standard of tourist toward the particular destination and it mostly depends on the social and friendly environment of one country with the tourists coming in.
  • Identifying the industry trends: operator has to check the trends and quality of service provided by the other competitors in the business. It is required that details with the consumer preference and their behaviour needs to be analysed in responding with the appropriate strategic approach. These trends can be visualising either through sample surveys, visitor profiles or statically approach. (Clarke, 2012)

Let’s come up with the future trends that could be seen in the tourism business which has made changes in tourist demands, on the one hand rise in e-tourism, democratisation of travel worldwide tour packages, gift vouchers and lucrative deal offered by various industries dealers in the same segment while at the same time natural disaster such as-tsunami, volcanic earth quick and so on has changed tourist perception of holidays and luxury. Therefore there are various points which can be forecasted as trends in the business:-

  • Change in the climate and transportation level
  • Enhancement of green tourism world wide
  • Appreciation of safety and securities of the tourist
  • Development of  sustainable workforce and work power
  • Creating a tourism grievances portal (Clarke, 2012)

Task 2 Understand the cultural social and physical features of tourist destinations

P2.1 Analyse the cultural, social and physical features of the worldwide tourist destination selected by you explaining their appeal to tourists

Tourism organisation has seen the wide range of benefits out of these services provided in the tourist sectors. Government also understand the need of foreign currency is the economy growth. Tourism is the only sector which provides maximum generation of foreign currency. As it is depicted fact that foreign currency is required material thing for the international trade. There are various topics which are affiliated with the tourism. Tourism is coupled with the set of activities

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Features of worldwide tourist destination-

  • Cultural features: It is the subpart of tourist activities Tourism organisation has seen the wide range of benefits out of this services provided in the tourist sectors. Government also understand the need of foreign currency is the economy growth. Tourism is the only sector which provides maximum generation of foreign currency. As it is depicted fact that foreign currency is required material thing for the international trade and it shows how local people respond to tourist. In short it depicts the behaviour or life style of geographical area of the people in the country resides. The biggest attraction in U.K. is the famous number of museums in the country which attracts big amount of tourist (Cole, 2008).
  • Physical features: This feature includes environmental impact of tourism, geographical arena and other factors covering the vast variety of change in climates, natural vegetation, and river system. Physical features play a very important part in the tourist decision in opting the place of visits
  • Social groups: This group includes regional and national level of residents. It tells the warm behaviour of the local residents toward the tourists. In result it could be said that this group has tremendous role in play in the overall experience to the tourist. International visitors in the United Kingdom play a vital role in the economics sectors (Cole, 2008).

P.2.2 Compare features of a tourist destination in a developing country and leading tourist Destinations.

tourist Destinations
tourist Destinations
tourist Destinations


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TASK 3: Understand how the characteristics of destinations affect their appeal to tourists

P 3.1 Compare the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with that of currently developing tourist destinations

Tourism of any place is directly linked to the available features and characteristics of the particular place. The more attractions and features a place will have, more tourists will be attracted towards it. The factors or features which attract tourists are the culture of the place, accessibility to the place, the social factors and attractive appeal which a place carries with it.  (Ferguson, 2010)Many other factors are important for determining the attractiveness of a particular destination like what are the transport facilities to reach the place, consumer preferences, the local festivals celebrated by the residents, lifestyle of the people and many others. Here, two leading destinations are compared which are preferred by the tourists in the present time. One of them is developed and the other one is developing currently. These leading destinations are Germany and North Korea which are covered and compared in the below table where Germany is a developed tourist destination while North Korea is in the developing phase. (Campbell, 2012)




North Korea



Germany is situated in the heart of Europe and rich in architectural buildings and attractive places for the tourists to visit. There are hundreds of attractive tourist destinations and it is also a paradise for Shoppers. It has markets where customers can bargain and also the high fashionable brands stores for fashion lovers.

North Korea is a developing tourism place.

The Basketball team of North Korea is famous and many people visit to see the game.

The country is undeveloped and hence the no of tourists are so low as compared to Germany.



Infrastructure of Germany is very well maintained. It has more than 10000 cities and towns and every city or town is rich in one or the other feature.

It is the seventh most visited country across the world which clearly shows that customers all around the world prefers to visit Germany because of its rich features. It is also rated as the safest travel destination across the world according to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Reports and that is why it is preferred by the tourists. (B, S, 2014)

The no of Western tourists who visit North Korea are only 1500.

The tourism of country provides Value for money to the tourists as it is not as costly as Germany.It is a Communist country. The tourism of the country is tightly controlled by the government of the country and this is the major reason for less no of tourists in the country. The leading tourist destinations of North Korea are Concrete wall, Arch of Unionification, Demilitarized Zone, etc.

P 3.2 Evaluate how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal

Tourism Industry is growing at a very fast rate and there are many benefits which are provided by tourism to any country. Thebenefits can be in economic form or in social form. Developing nations can earn a lot of revenue through tourism but tourism not only provides benefits but is also disadvantageous in some cases.

The benefits of tourism to the country are that it provides ample amount of job opportunities to the citizens of the country which reduces the unemployment rate of the country. Also the side industries like handicrafts, transport, garments, entertainment, etc. gets boom when the tourism of a place gets boom. The countries get many benefits but they are affected by more pollution, crowd, waste and littering. (Clarke, 2012)

For any tourist destination there are some factors which affect its appeal like Promotions of a tourist destination can promote the place and increase the no of customers or tourists which will increase the revenue of the country and will increase the jobs in the country but it can also increase the pollution in the country and also, the tourists coming from different countries might carry some diseases with them in the host country.(Christou & Gretzel, 2012)

The tourist’sdestinations which are rich in natural beauty are preferred by the tourists in large numbers. It supports the allied industries because the transportation gets a boom, the local people or residents are benefitted because their business gets a boom but it also affect the natural beauty of the place because more people will bring more wastes and pollution with them. (Usakli, Baloglu, 2011)

But if the evaluation is done, overall the countries are benefitted because the countries gain foreign exchange and the sales of the local products increases which support the local residents and bring revenue to them and to the country as a whole. It also improves the infrastructure of the country and enhances capital investment. Creation of jobs is one of the most important benefits of tourist destinations to the country because it reduces the rates of unemployment in the country and results in overall growth of the country.(Campbell, 2012)

Some of the key characteristics of any tourist destination which affect its appeal are:

  • Local attractions: Local attractions are the main source to attract more and more tourist in any country. For e.g. Germany has many local attractions and that is why tourism of Germany is flourishing
  • Cultural heritage: The cultural heritage is also thefactor which affects the appeal of tourism of any country. United Kingdom is rich in cultural heritage and it is among the leading tourist destinations.(weebly.com, 2015)
  • Transport network: transport network connects different places and the tourist who gets a food and safe transport network will be satisfied.
  • Infrastructure of the country: Infrastructure of a country matters a lot and the country with good infrastructure makes it easy for tourists to visit and stay in the host country which encourages them to stay for a longer period of time and it increases the growth of the industry.(Journals, 2016)

These were some of the factors which affect the appeal of the particular tourist destination.


Tourism being the major factor in the economic system and also concerned with the revenue generations and surplus to the growth of economic has different economic importance. Furthermore tourism is the set of various activities and also have significant role in attracting foreign exchange in the country. In the complete study I have come to the conclusion that tourism industry has wide amount of potential and playing significant role in the growth of developing country. With the full study of the topics it is shown that tourism industries in the country push Employment, foreign exchange, positive relation maintains with the other countries. Therefore tourism is a very important factor in the countries growth and stabilities at the world wide level.

The report concluded that different factors like social factors, political factors, economic factors, etc. plays a major role in making the particular tourist place attractive. A comparison has been made between Germany and North Korea for the characteristics of tourism and it is clear that UK is far better than North Korea as it has more local attractions and the control is not so tight by the government. Trends in the tourism has been analysed which concluded that the future trends will be climate and transport, safety and security and the support cell to the customers which will help the customers in case of any mis happening. At last, Responsible tourism is been discussed which shows that the countries should minimize all the negative factors in order to promote their tourism and should encourage positive factors.


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