Unit 14 Working with People Assignment - British Airways

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Unit 14 Working with People Assignment - British Airways
Unit 14 Working with People Assignment - British Airways
Unit 14 Working with People Assignment - British Airways


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 14 Working with People - British Airways

QFC Level

Level 5


Leadership is been considered to be the most important aspect in any of the business activities or operations.  Working with and leading people therefore is a part which signifies the leadership quality of a leader or any person which supports in attaining an augmented understanding or knowledge of leading the group of people effectively.  It is very much important to lead the people with the effective measures so that to attain the desired set outcome and ensure that effectiveness of the same.  The current report is basically focused with the diversified aspects of working with and leading people. It is been conducted with the purpose to prepare a documentation for the selection and recruitment of new staff members in British airways. It would help in assessing the impact of regulatory, legal and ethical considerations which are been required in the process of recruitment. The unit 14 working with people assignment solution - British Airways would also identify various skills and attributes required for leadership along with the differences between the management and leadership. It would even find out the ways of motivating the employees to attain the objectives of the airlines effectively. Furthermore, the report would recognise the benefits of team work in the airlines along with the effectiveness of the team in the business. It would even assess the development needs of the individuals and the winner of the assessment process effectively. However, the functionalities of  British airways  would be keenly focused and elaborated throughout the report.

Unit 14 Working with Leading People Assignment Solution-British Airways

Task 1

1.1 Preparation of documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff

Recruitment and selection process in any of the business plays an important role as it helps in acquiring the best suitable number of candidate being required by the organization and makes them appropriate for the job specifically. In order to invite the application for the vacant profiles available in British airways, the HR manager would prepare three major documents i.e. job description and person specification. These documents are been prepared by carrying out a job analysis which is basically a systematic evaluation and study of the jobs in order to determine their roles and responsibilities along with the activities included in the jobs (Bush and Middlewood, 2013). The job analysis process of British airways is as follows:

  • Collection of the information like work activities,  human resources,  performance standards, job context, human requirement, etc.
  • Review of relevant base like organization chart, existing job description, etc.
  • Selection of position
  • Evaluation of the job by collecting data related to observation or interview methods
  • Verification of job analysis    
  • Development of job description and job specification

Job Description: Cabin Crew

Job title :- Cabin Crew

Reports to :- Cabin manager

Salary :- $30,000 -- $35,000

Work Schedule: - 6 days/ week

Job purpose :-

The basic role of cabin crew is to provide with the outstanding customer services to the travellers and making sure about the safety and comfort of them throughout the flight. The cabin crew members are trained to deliver the best services and deal with the security and emergency condition which might arise during flights.

Duties and Responsibilities :-

  • Should welcome all the passengers proficiently and pleasantly.

  • Should greet the passengers on board and directing them to their seats

  • Make announcements on behalf of the pilot and answering questions during the flight

  • Checking the condition and provision of emergency equipment and information for passengers

  • Must dealing with emergencies

Person Specification: Cabin crew


  • Graduation in any of the stream (Commerce, science, arts)
  • Diploma or any training programme for hospitality management or personality development, languages or  travel and tourism


  • Basically there is no specific experience required but must have knowledge of customer handling
  • Experience of at least 6 months in any of the airline or hospitality industry


  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Must have  effective communicational skills
  • Should be sincere and accountable towards the job.
  • Should be polite in handling hectic situations and deal it with patience.
  • The ability to remain calm in emergencies or when dealing with difficult passengers
  •  Should have flexibility in work timings.  

1.2 Impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations that are needed for the recruitment and selection process

Legal, regulatory and ethical consideration are been considered to be the most important for any of the business operation as it provides with the systematic procedures. It is important to acquire legal allegation in the selection and recruitment process in British airways as it would help in hiring the staff in a lawful and unbiased manner. As a HR manager of British airways, it has been identified that there are wide ranges of impacts of legal and regulatory framework over the process of recruitments as it requires the selection of most suitable and appropriate candidate for the position (Day, 2014). There are immense numbers of rules and regulation being implied on the selection and recruitment process of British airways such as sex discrimination act 1975, employment equality regulation act, equal pay, employment protection act 1978, race relation act 1976, etc. and are liable to follow the regulation effectively.  Violating these regulations could have an adverse impact on the airways and could even lead to high financial penalties due to the same. The HR department of British airways had to be much concerned about the selection of the suitable candidate as if qualified under any other specific reason like if the candidate is male or female then it would lie under the sex discrimination act and could have severe issues.  It is very much important for the organization to keep these regulations in mind and abide by the same while selecting and recruiting the candidate for the post of cabin crew in the airlines. In addition to this, the entire process of recruitment and selection must be carried out with proper ethical consideration and must avoid the practice of any of the unethical act like favoritism or discrimination over color and religion (Fullan, 2014).

1.3 Selection techniques being used to recruit the suitable candidate in British airways

There are various methods or techniques being used for recruiting the candidates and ensure the selection of the best suitable and ideal candidate for the post of cabin crew in British airways.  Being a member of human resource department, some of the most common selection techniques could be suggested:

  • References: the reference method is very much cost effective as it does not require any of the promotional acts or invitation of the application. It just includes a reference from any of the existing employee or any other sources. However, it includes a major weakness as it do not ensures the selection of best suitable candidate for cabin crew as there are very limited number of references and restrict the option for the HR as well.
  • CV: CV or curriculum vitae are the most common method of selection used by majority of the organizations. It includes the entire information of the candidate applying for the post which includes the qualification, experience, skills, personal details, etc (Johnston and Marshall, 2016).
  • Application forms:  The organization seeking for the candidates for the vacant post invites application forms through either online or offline sources by displaying ads and promotional activities of the same. The interested candidates submit their application form showing interest in the job along with their detailed information. This helps the HR manager to filter the best appropriate applicant and acquire wide range of alternatives for the same.
  • Interviews: Interview is also a common technique which is used by the managers to recruit the best qualified candidate for the post of cabin crew in British airways. It includes a face to face discussion prior to the job offering and allows the recruiter to evaluate the skills and judge the suitability of candidate for the post. Interviews could be conducted in many of the ways like structured, unstructured, online, offline, telephonic, etc (Ferrell and Fraedrich, 2015).

1.4 Evaluation of own contribution to the selection process

Being a HR manager, I have made various initiatives to make the selection process success. I have contributed in the selection process by carrying out various activities for the cabin crew staff for British airways. I had carried out a job analysis and designed a job description and person specific documents of the post of cabin crew including all the details of expected roles, skills, qualifications and experience of the candidate so that could filter the application forms according to the requirements and developed a plan for carrying out the recruitment process effectively.  Further, an advertisement had been designed to invite the application and posted on website, social media along with the print media. With the flow of advertisement, there were immense numbers of application received from the interested candidates that had to be short listed and then the process of selection would be decided (Weiss, 2014). I even arranged the interviews and test for the candidates on the day of selection and coordinated with the higher authorities of the specific department of the airlines. Then the documents of the candidates being shortlisted and selected are checked and evaluated properly. At last, an induction program is been arranged for the acceptance of the offer letter by the candidates and make them join the posts.

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Task 2

2.1 Explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership.

Leadership is basically a quality of a person to direct or guide the people or even the entire organization. In order to grow as a great leader the following skills and attributes are required for leadership:

  • Managerial skill: To handle the things effectively a person or a leader is required to have an appropriate managerial skills. The managerial skills would assist the leader in managing the things in more proper way that it would be beneficial in future. This particular skill tells the leader how to face the situation tactically and effectively.
  • Communication skills: A leader is required to have a great communication skill (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2014). The effective communication skill would help in forming a strong and healthy organization. In order to provide effective trainings to other people it is most important that the leader must possess a good communication skill.
  • Motivation skill: The leader must acquire a good motivational skill to motivate and inspire the other people working in the organization so that they become more confident enough with their work and become more productive. This would not only be beneficial for the organization but also for the employees, as it increases the productivity level and improves their performance.
  • Commitment: The leader must also contain a quality of commitment. The commitment quality of the leader would also inspire others towards their work and organization in which they are working. Being a leader, a person is required to build a strong image in front of everyone not only as hard working but also as a fair leader (Townley, 2014).

2.2 Difference between leadership and management

Generally, leadership and management are been considered to be similar concepts but actually are totally different from each other. It has been commonly believed that a good leader could be a good manager but is uncertain being a good leader for the manager. A leader is the individual who leads the people and acquires a different vision or creates own vision towards the achievement of an objective. On the other hand, a manager provides the people with effective training and organizes the things properly (Breaugh, 2014). Management is basically concerned about how to do the things and the leaders are focused towards what and why to do the things. Following are the major differences between leadership and management:


Management (managers)

Leadership (leaders)


The major focus is on managing work

While, it focuses on leading the people


They are task oriented

Here, they are people oriented


The managers generally acquires short range perspective

Whereas, the leadership requires good foresightedness.

Styles of leading people

Authoritative, autocratic, transactional styles are been used

Here, transformational, participative and consultative styles are been used (DuBrin, 2015).

2.3 Comparison of leadership styles for different situations

There are various types of leadership styles which could be used by the leaders to carry out the  business environment  and achieve the desired goals. These leadership styles provides with the ways to lead the people in specific manner and set a specific ways among them.  Some of the most commonly used leadership styles are autocratic, democratic, transformation, laissez-faire leadership style, etc. The leaders using autocratic leadership style imposes strict rules and regulation on the inferiors or the team members and binds them with the same. The subordinates are strictly controlled and the leader acquires the entire power of the decision making without having any of the interferences. On the other hand, the democratic leadership style provides the employees with the healthy work environment in which the team members are been treated equally and even involved in the decision making (Mabey, 2013). The employees are free to put their ideas and contribute in the accomplishment of any task effectively.

This style majorly leads towards the higher and improved productivity and motivates the employees to work towards the goals. In context of Laissez-faire leadership style, the entire decision making authority and planning lies with the team members itself and the leader is generally considered to be inactive. With the comparison of the leadership styles, the most effective leadership style which could be used by the leaders in British airways is democratic leadership which allows the employees to put their best efforts and lead towards the enhancement of the productivity. It has been identified that, with the help of this style the leaders would be able to motivate and develop a healthy working environment among the staff members of the airlines and make them work in the desired manner (Day.et.al, 2014). This type would also help the leaders as well as the team members to face any of the changes in the workplace and implement the strategies of improving sales in the business. It would decline the consequences of change resistances in the employees and would make them adopt the change quickly and effectively.

2.4 Ways to motivate staff to achieve an increase in sales

Motivation is the most important aspect which develops a willingness of doing any work in an individual and helps them put their best effort towards the accomplishment of the tasks effectively. There are immense numbers of ways of motivating the employees to work towards the achievement of specific goals. With respect to the enhancement of sales in British airways, the leaders could motivate the employees by making use of the motivational theories which states different aspects of motivating the individuals. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, two factor theory, intrinsic and extrinsic model, X & Y theory, Herzberg’s theory of motivation, etc. are some of the most common theories being used for the motivation of the employees.  The management of British airways could make use of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory to motivate the employee and improve the sales specifically (Breaugh, 2014). As per this theory, every individual acquires specific needs which must be fulfilled to keep him motivated and make them with their best efforts. It is very important for the management to be aware of the needs of each and every employee so that to fulfill the need and motivate them effectively. For instance, a labor would have to fulfill its basic needs of food, clothing and shelter while a manager would have esteem needs or self actualization needs which would encourage them to make more efforts for the achievement of the same. Thus, making use of this theory, British airways would be able to enhance the sales parameters and achieve the set objectives efficiently.

Maslow's motivational theory

                        Figure 1: Maslow's motivational theory

Task 3

3.1 Benefits of team working for an organization

British Airways focuses on the group working that increases the motivation level of the employees and also helps the organization to achieve the task on time. Through this policy management can easily achieve the set targets and utilize the resources in better way. Following are the benefits team working is as follows:

  • Increases innovation and learning: Innovative ideas are the best way for the growth of organization and management can apply innovative idea in the operation by which competitive advantage can be achieved. In team working employees can motivate each other and give their ideas to top management for the development of the current policies in the organization. Innovative learning procedures facilitate management to develop their skills and improve the working efficiency of the employees by which they can perform well for the development of British Airways (Galegher.et.al.2014).
  • Increase trust: Group working increase the trust between the employees that are positive sign for the organization and that build strong relation among the group members. Through group working employees can easily meet the deadlines designed by the top management also give their best in order to meet the organizational goal. Group working helps management to retain the employees for longer period that is good for the development of business.
  • Encourage healthy risk taking: As per the case group members are able to take the risk and they have the capacity to handle the risk. Group members are able to handle the critical situation in the absence of leader and try to identify the best alternative for the problem. Group member achieve each and every task with the help of coordination and motivation by the group members (Gallie.et.al.2012).

3.2 Group members towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations 

Working for the achievement of specific goal is important for the leader to motivate the employees in better and effective way. Better explanation of goals and strategy is the best way to get the work done on time by which management can easily achieve the desired goals. In my team my team I am playing the role of team leader in which I have to instruct the employees to give their best to achieve the organizational goals. My duty is to keep the employees motivated and try to monitor the performance of all the employees and keep them motivated towards their responsibilities. As a leader I have the liability to solve the conflicts among the team member and provide them effective solution to resolve the conflict (Barsky, 2014). I should evaluate that the team member are motivated and they are performing well for the achievement of organizational goals. The group members are cleared with the organizational plans and strategies by which they are utilizing their skills in order to complete the task on time. Team member should support leader for the completion of task on time. Leader should monitor the performance of the employees by which there is no chance of error in the work. Group members are trained for the critical situation by which they are able to solve the conflict among themselves. As a leader I should implement the strategy for the development of employee’s skills in British Airways. I will give the motivational lectures to the employees to keep them motivated and eradicate the communication barriers among the top management and employees. My foremost task is to keep the employees ready and active towards the achievement of organizational goals (Sherif, 2015).

3.3 Effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals  

Team working is the best way to utilize the resources in the best way and British Airways easily achieve the organizational goals. Management can trust the group members that allotted task can be achieved on time with the help of members. Competitive advantage can be gained by the group members with the team coordination and it will boast the morale of employees that management has trust on the employees. Team members are the important parts of the organization with the help of them management can easily achieve the organizational goal and raise the profit ratio. Team functioning provides management report that all the activities are moving according to the set schedule and employees are working to achieve the task on time. The development of high skills among the employees and efforts of employees makes the task simple and management can achieve the mission (Mitchell.et.al.2012). Management has the liability to set the mission and vision policy but it cannot be achieved with the efforts of employees in British Airways. So it can be said that team work plays vital role in the achievement of organizational goals. Leader has the liability to keep the employees motivated and identify their problems. Leader should provide effective solution to the employees by which they can perform better for the achievement of organizational goals. The combined efforts make the task easy and successful for the employees and management can easily trust on the team members. In team working roles and duties are clearly defined and all the members perform their task according to his skill. In group working innovative ideas can be generated that is helpful for the growth of organization (Teller, 2013). Team members manage their work in very productive way. Group members are able to reach on the goals by generating the vital results.

Task 4

4.1 Work and development needs of individuals

Every individual needs training assistance in the organization by which individual can perform better to achieve the organizational goals. Management should focus on the development of individual employee by which he can perform better and meet the expectation of team leader. For the betterment of the employee management has to deliver various programs to develop the skills and performance of the employee. Following are the techniques adopted by the management to improve the performance:

  • Training need: British Airways provides technical assistance to the employees by which they are able to perform well according to the need of management. Management provides live experience to the candidates who have applied for the pilot job in the organization. Management has hired the highly qualified candidates in the organization who give their best and take their test before selecting them (Bak.et.al.2013). In case of, any problem or any other case employees need training assistance management give them training to increase their capability.
  • Learning Needs: Leader should identify the leaning need of the individual to identify the learning need of the employee leader must conduct the test. If employee has lack of knowledge than organize the seminars and other things to increase the knowledge of individual.

 4.2 Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals

Manager has the liability to increase the knowledge of employee by which employees can perform better. Following are the strategy planned by the management:

  • Motivation: Team leader must identify the motivation need of the employee and adopt various motivational techniques to keep the employees motivated. Sometimes employees need motivation in form of monetary terms or any other need by which they are able to perform better. Leader must focus on the monetary and non-monetary needs of the candidate by which employee feel motivated.
  • Communication: Another method is to improve the skills of employees is communication in this method manager communicate with the individual employee and ask him the problem that he or she is facing in British Airways (Lent.et.al.2013). Manager provides resources to improve the skills of employee and try to implement the plans for the growth of employees in organization.
  • Delegation: It is another method in which top authority deliver the responsibility to the subordinates in order to motivate them to improve their skills. Management increases the  liability principles  of individual employee to keep them motivated. For betterment of employee’s skills management organize seminars for the employees.

4.3 Success of the assessment process

To evaluate the success of the plan British Airways adopts various strategies and implement them in each department:

  • Feedback: Leader of each team collects the feedback of each policy by which the regulated plan must be identified. The leaders collect the feedback from the employees in order to identify the pros and cons of the plan. If management found any problem in the plan than organization must make the necessary changes in the plan.
  • Appraisals: Each leader must appraise the performance of the employee to improve their performance and to boast the morale of the employee and provide him guidance to perform the task in a defined manner (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Appraisal is best way to keep the employee motivated and achieve the task on time.
  • Discipline: For improvement of performance of plan management has to be strict for the success of plan and organization has the liability to measure the outcome of the plan. Leader of each team must implement the success criteria of the plan. Discipline is the best way for the success of plan in British Airways.

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With the above report it could be concluded that working with and leading people is a part which signifies the leadership quality of a leader or any person which supports in attaining an augmented understanding or knowledge of leading the group of people effectively. The report has identified that it is very much important for the organization to keep these regulations in mind and abide by the same while selecting and recruiting the candidate for the post of cabin crew in the airlines. It has been revealed that autocratic, democratic, transformation; laissez-faire leadership style, etc. are some of the most commonly used leadership styles by the organizations. It has been even found that the most effective leadership style which could be used by the leaders in British airways is democratic leadership which allows the employees to put their best efforts and lead towards the enhancement of the productivity. Moreover, the report recognized that the management of British airways could make use of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory to motivate the employee and improve the sales specifically.


Books and journals

Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Bak, C.A., Vogt, L.H., George, W.R. and Greentree, I.R., 2013. Management by team. Logistics Information Management.
Barsky, A., 2014. Conflict resolution for the helping professions. Oxford University Press.
Breaugh, J., 2014, July. Employee recruitment. In Meeting the Challenge of Human Resource Management: A Communication Perspective (p. 29). Routledge.
Bush, T. and Middlewood, D., 2013. Leading and managing people in education. Sage.
Carroll, A.B. and Buchholtz, A.K., 2014. Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Nelson Education.
Day, D.V., Fleenor, J.W., Atwater, L.E., Sturm, R.E. and McKee, R.A., 2014. Advances in leader and leadership development: A review of 25years of research and theory. The Leadership Quarterly25(1), pp.63-82.
Day, R.D., 2014. Leading and managing people in the dynamic organization. Psychology Press.
DuBrin, A.J., 2015. Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Nelson Education.
Ferrell, O.C. and Fraedrich, J., 2015. Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. Nelson Education.
Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley & Sons.
Galegher, J., Kraut, R.E. and Egido, C., 2014. Intellectual teamwork: Social and technological foundations of cooperative work. Psychology Press.
Gallie, D., Zhou, Y., Felstead, A. and Green, F., 2012. Teamwork, skill development and employee welfare. British Journal of Industrial Relations,50(1), pp.23-46.