Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour - Citizen Bank Assignment

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Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour - Citizen Bank Assignment
Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour - Citizen Bank Assignment
Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour - Citizen Bank Assignment


In every industry the effective communication between the organizational approaches and the behaviour are the essential factors. The job of every manager is very complex in recent days as the behaviors of the employees are affecting the organizational aspects. The Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour - Citizen Bank Assignment discussed the leadership styles along with the effect of them on the motivational aspects and the group behaviour.

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Task 1

1.2 Explain the relationship between an organization structure and culture and how it can impact on the performance of a business. Use an organization of your choice.

The culture and the structure of an organization are interdependent. It is evident from the research that the lower level of the employees will be underprivileged from sovereignty and freedom if the organization is following a hierarchical structure. The culture of the work will be enhanced to more autonomous and accountable. In adding up to this, culture of an organization can be defined as the way any successful organization from its management as well as the frame of power.

The culture and the structure of an organization impact on the performances of the business. The impact of the structure of an organization is direct on the performance of that organization. The structure along with the strategies is implemented by the management of the organization. The structure has to be shaped according to the objectives and the business of the organization. As an example, the organization which operates the export business then the entire structure of that organization must be shaped according to the business. It has a been observed that in some situations an organization does not make satisfactory modifications in its existing structure in order to assemble the established plan of action and as a result of it the organization has to face with an undesirable situation. On the other hand the culture of an organization usually provides a structure to the organizational operation of an organization which will ultimately guide to bestow and revise the work culture which exists from before. The organization which further chases to maintain a work culture which is sufficient can concurrently gain such a structure which will help the organization to broaden its existence in global market .  (Tierney, 2008)

Starbucks is the organization which has a strong culture and the structure of the organization is build upon this culture.

1.3 Identify and provide an overview of four factors that can influence individual behaviour.

Individual behaviour in the working place can be effected by external as well as the internal factors. These are:

  • Leadership: the behaviour of an individual is influenced largely by the leadership. The leaders are the responsible one who set the direction of work for the members of the team. In major cases it has been seen that many employees resign from the job due to unsatisfactory issues with the leadership in the organization. The strong sources of inspiration from the leaders are influential for the team members or the individuals.
  • Work culture: the rules and the regulations along with the environment of the organization are determinate of the culture within the organization. Positive ambience within the environment would motivate the employees. The behaviour of the individual towards the ethics of the culture also would respectful. Precision at all levels is essentials. Satisfaction in the job also impact on the behaviour.
  • Personality traits: personality traits influence the individual work. Organization can form OCEAN model to get the five personality traits and their impact on the work as well as the behaviour of the employees. These factors are, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. Depending on these factors the behaviour of the employees are different with each other towards the organizational activities.
  • Effective communication: effective communication within the higher authority of an organization impact on the behaviour of the employees. The managers of the organization must keep well communication not only between the employees and the organization but also among the employees. By involving the employees in the major decision the communication between the authority and the employees can be set up.

Task 2

2.1 compare and contrast different leadership style for Tasty Fried Chicken and Citizen Bank.

Various leadership styles are effective for the companies. Motivational factors help the employee’s behaviour to be inclined by the managers or the leaders. For a productive human resource the staff of the company must be motivated by the leadership. In different situation leadership can also modify the performance of the employees in different ways. The key part of any organization’s culture is the motivated staffs and effective leadership.

There are several leadership styles which defines various characteristics of different leaders within the organizations. These are Autocratic leadership, Democratic leadership style, Laissez-Faire Style, Paternalistic Style, Transformational Style.

The leadership styles of Tasty Fried Chicken and Citizen Bank have some same features and some different ones. The leaders and the managers of Citizen Bank focus on the supervision. They keep their focus on the performance of the employees as well as the organization and monitor them. They define the roles and the responsibilities for the employees. They follow rules strictly and also monitor the people if they are following the planned procedures precisely. For the motivational factors they use rewards and punishment. Beside these factors the leaders are energetic, passionate and enthusiastic. The leadership style of Citizen Bank includes the features of autocratic leadership and transformational style.

The Tasty Fried Chicken organization has the leader who has gain control over the decision making procedures and also control the setting of the roles of the employees according to their position. He monitors the performances of the team often in a close scrutiny. By maximizing the productivity the leader sets the efficiency in the performance. These leaders have very good communication skills. They communicate with the employees in very effective way which helps him to motivate the employees. As the autocratic leadership style the leaders of the Tasty Fried Chicken has the total authority over the decision making procedures. But their communication with the employees which are able to arise strong emotions among the followers refers to the democratic influences. The impact of the transactional style helps the leaders to effect on the work of the team by giving constructive feedback on the performance. (Glanz, 2002)

2.2 explain how organizational theory underpins the practice of management in Tasty Fried Chicken and Citizen Bank

The term organizational theory can be defined as a combination of views which are interdependent, transformations and suggestions that further portrays a logical viewpoint of development. Organizational theory specifies the connection between the variables along with the individual objective of anticipating and analyzing the development. There are certain of organization. These are:

  • Classical theory- it combines the various aspects of administrative theory, scientific management and bureaucratic theory. In addition it deals with responsibility and job authority.
  • Neo classical theory- it basically is kind of a reply to the dictatorial structure of classical theory. It also includes that good human resource is a key to an exceptional management and instantaneously encourages innovation in work and growth in personal aspects which eventually leads to the productivity.
  • Contingency theory- this theory can be termed as a theory of situations as it ultimately targets on the elements of the structure and also on the behavior of an organization. It further visualizes conflicts in workplace can be handled by effective management.
  • Systems theory- this theory stated that organization is a complex set of factors which are mutually dependent on each other and associated. These factors include the inputs, output, processes, assessment and the environment of the organization. 
  • Bureaucratic theory- this theory is measured as the most dominating theory or form of organization. This theory focuses on the establishment of the rules to rationalize the complex operations in the workplace.

Tasty Fried Chicken follows these theories in order to make performance better in a disciplined way. The management of Tasty Fried Chicken is using the classical theory upon the organizational actions. Citizen Bank also performs their organizational actions and management procedures upon the classical theory. Both the organization undergoes the neo-classical theory as they stress on the good human resources. The organizational theory in some situation underpins several practices of management. On illustrating these theory and the different managerial roles such as the informational, decisional and interpersonal the conflicts can be avoided by the Tasty Fried Chicken and Citizen Bank.

2.3 evaluate different approaches to management used by Tasty Fried Chicken and Citizen Bank.

Different organization use different approaches of management to maintain the success and gain the higher performance. These approaches of management are:

  • Scientific approach:  The originator of this approach is Frederick W. Taylor. This approach brings in efficiency within the organizations by improving systematically. By utilizing scientific analysis, mathematical and engineering analysis the task’s efficiency can be improved.
  • System approach: this approach is an observation that foresees an organization as a commonly dependent structure which survives of miscellaneous business categories. Further these categories can be fragmented into input, process and output.
  • Contingency approach: This theory is based on different situations for facing them. These contingency situations are mentioned as emergency variables. In this theory various processes of managing is stated.
  • Classical administration approach:.  This approach is founded by Fayol and is based on the practices of managerial. It keeps it focus on the efficient performance of the organization.
  • Bureaucratic approach: This theory is the procedure developed by the organizations for implementing different levels of authority on the levels below and upon it. This approach builds the structure of the organization on the origin of the hierarchy. The implementation of this theory has been helpful for the organization in upholding the rankings at the workplace. This approach has additionally supported the senior level management to take the ultimate control in forecasting the business strategies along with the approach of command.
  • Human relations approach:  the main criteria in this approach is to what the employees think not the thought of the leaders as the feelings and the thought of the staffs towards their tasks and organization is crucial part to the productivity. In this approach the most criteria for the organization is that how the leaders or the managers are able to create or build their image on the mind of the employees or on the team members that the employees only follow those which are given forth by their leaders.

Both the organizations Tasty Fried Chicken and Citizen Bank apply systematic approach for the better systematic functions. For the management functions the organizations adapted the approach of classical administration approach. As a result both the organizations are able to match the jobs of the employees with their motivational characteristics and bring efficiency in the work. As a result the employees in both the organization care about their organization and maintain the discipline within the organization. To allocate the employees working in a more developed way the organization offer some suitable facilities such as proper training and passion to their employees.

3.1. Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in Tasty Fried Chicken and Citizen Bank in periods of change.

 In the world of the corporate there are different leadership styles. In different situation the changes are prominent in the leadership style of the leaders. The changes in the features of the leadership style also effects on the motivations of the employees. Each leadership style motivates the employees in a certain way. The job of the management is to organize the human resources well and in an effective manner to attain the targets of the organizations. Different situations are effective on different leadership style.

  • Autocratic leadership: in this style of leadership the leaders have the absolute power over their employees or team members. In this style the leaders rarely seeks the input from the employees in the decision-making procedures. In autocratic leadership style the leaders tend to motivate their employees by enhancing the confidence among the employees and in the ability of the manager to build accurate and productive decisions. The employees derive motivation from the ability of the managers.
  • Democratic leadership style: in this style the leaders encourages the employees to participate in the decision making processes. As they are the part of the decision-making process the employees are motivated by thinking that they are essential part in the organization. As a result the employees are emotionally interested in the success of the organization.
  • Laissez-Faire Style:  in this style of the leadership the leaders gives the decision making power in the hands of the employees. These leaders motivate their employees by resourcing information when needed but the dedication to the success of the employees has to be gained by them.
  • Transformational leadership: the leaders of this style of leadership have certain vision for the success of the organization. They motivate the employees by using the vision for the success in the future and concern on the employees’ productivity.

In a changed situation the leaders of the Citizen Bank can adapt certain approaches:

As the leaders of the Citizen Bank have the style of the autocratic and transformational leadership they in a changed situation they can build the new decisions by themselves and motivate the employees by properly guiding them with their enthusiastic and energetic characteristics to follow the decisions for achieving the target of the organization. By this authoritarian approach they can be able to handle the changing situation within a given time frame. They can also involve the staffs in group discussion and let them know of the coming changes in the organizational situations. Rewarding them will also helpful in motivating the employees. The leaders of the Citizen Bank can also form teams to minimize the risks in the organizational changing situation. (Northouse, 2012)

The approach of the Tasty Fried Chicken: The leaders of the Tasty Fried Chicken must involve the staffs in the decision making process for the new arising situation. This will motivate the employees and this also makes the organization to handle the hurdles easily. Communicating with the employees properly on the previous decisions and their impact on the new situation can motivate the staffs. The goals of the change must be described to the employees clearly.

3.2 Compare the application of different motivational theories in Tasty Fried Chicken and Citizen Bank.

The factors including the motivational elements are largely dependent upon the leadership quality and the behaviors of the individuals within the organization. Two popular theories are common in the motivational theories within the organizations. These are:

Herzberg's Two-Factor Model:  this theory is also known as the motivation and hygiene theory of Herzberg. The founder of this theory defined two types of factors causing motivation among the employees.

  • Job satisfaction
  • Job dissatisfaction 

By using these two factors the leaders or the managers of Citizen Bank can distinguish between the motivational and de-motivational factors among the employees. The factors which are causing job dissatisfaction among the employees can be analyzed and by using the satisfactory factors the employees can be motivated. (Herzberg, 1966)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Maslow described certain factors which indicate the priorities and the needs of the employees. By considering this theory the management of Tasty Fried Chicken can get the perception of how to motivate th employees according to their psychology.

  • Psychology: to satisfy the employees their psychological needs must be analyzed first. The needs can be based on the salary, the positive appreciation on the performance. By appreciating the performance of staffs of the Tasty Fried Chicken, giving special attention to them the management motivates their employees.
  • Safety:  by maintaining the rules of the government on the safety and the health measurement Tasty Fried Chicken can secure the employees’ safety aspects which will motivate the employees.
  • Belonging:  by rising the sense of the belongingness within the staffs the company can motivate them.
  • Esteem: the staffs perceive that their work has significance for the organization. Positive esteem is important in the motivational factors.
  • Self-actualization:  the achievement is the motivational factor which must be concerned by Tasty Fried Chicken. (Jones, 2007)

3.3 Evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theory for Tasty Fried Chicken and Citizen Bank

As the elevated productivity is the consequence of the highly productive employees that is essential to accomplish the objectives and the goals of the company the managers of both the organizations must keep the employees motivated through the motivational theories. Using proper motivational theory is the better way to increase the productivity among the employees. Motivating the employees is a complex work as there are several employees with different requirements in an organization regarding their job. By understanding the significance of the motivation the theories of motivation must be implemented. The better performances of the employees of Tasty Fried Chicken and the Citizen Bank are encouraged by the managers of the both organizations through the implementation of the motivational theories.  The most important aspects for motivating the employees are incentives and other increment in the salary. These will increase the inspiration among the employees and the willingness for perform better. The inspired employees elevate the benefits of the organization by providing their best performances to increase the productivity.

By implementing the Herzberg's theory the managers of Citizen Bank can be well aware of the factors that are causing or can cause job satisfaction and the dissatisfaction within the minds of the employees. But in the Tasty Fried Chicken the employees’ psychology must be analyzed. So for the enhancement in the motivational factors Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs can be implemented.

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Success of the business can be achieved by the effective leadership, group behaviour, efficient approach etc. The above Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour - Citizen Bank Assignment includes the leadership quality and their effect on the motivation in the organization of Citizen Bank and Tasty Fried Chicken. The strong leadership of these two organization are helpful to gain the objectives of the target goals.


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Glanz, J (2002). Finding Your Leadership Style: A Guide for Educators. ASCD Publications
Herzberg, F. (1966) Work and the Nature of
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