Unit 3 Tesco Organization Behaviour Assignment

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Unit 3 Tesco Organization Behaviour Assignment
Unit 3 Tesco Organization Behaviour Assignment
Unit 3 Tesco Organization Behaviour Assignment


An individual has the ability of realizing their capability of employment by focusing on early employment preparation and managing the development of their career. In Unit 3 Tesco Organization  Behaviour Assignment we discuss it is required for all employers that their employees should have the capacity to adapt changes and so once employees enter their workplaces it is required for them to take hold of all opportunities that are available around them by focusing on their employability skills.
As per the Skills Task Force organization at the national level, the important skills required for effectiveness in employability are inclusive of good communicating skills, knowledge of information technology, working in team, learning being improved consistent and solving all problems by furnishing performance (Down et al 2008).
Due to the intense significance of employability skills, it is important for individuals to understand the way in which they can enhance their personal goals to align them with organizational objectives. This paper will explore some of the important considerations in employability skills inclusive of determination of individual responsibilities and performance objectives, development of interpersonal and transferable skills, Understanding team work and developing strategies to solve problems (Gringos 2010).

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Overview of Selected organization: Tesco

I have worked at Tesco for 6 months as an intern. The organization has been one of the biggest retailers providing employment to approximately 500,000 individuals and serves customers all around the world. The core aim and belief of the organization lies in satisfying the customers by valuing what they value. However, Tesco attributed maximum credit of its success to its employees which are also an important component of TESCO Business Strategy values.
The company further emphasized on understanding individuals which are its consumers, employees and the society in order to relate to everything that they value. By this approach the company is able to perform well and deliver the best possible outcomes not only for its customers but also for its employees. In all businesses, it is important for organizational leaders to have a clear path in front of them. The vision of Tesco’s leaders is to develop a direction and take decisions for the organization accordingly. Tesco is an organization aiming at building itself everywhere around their consumers, employees and their stakeholders (Down et al 2008).

The 5 elements therefore involved in the vision of Tesco are inclusive of building itself, grabbing opportunities, consistently innovate, success in local and international environment, earning customer, employee and society trust by inspiring them. From this perspective, it is evident that the reason behind Tesco’s success is to establish favourable environment not only for the individual customers but also for their employees in order to reflect the same positivity on the community.
An organization with such dedication for its employees does not only gain from the favourable competitive advantage in the intensely competitive environment of retail industry helps justify the employability skills that the company demands.


Development of individual responsibilities set and performance targets

Responsibilities of an individual and management of one’s performance have a direct relationship to management of self. When an individual gains the ability of providing the best possible solution for a particular job while engaging in his or her employment skills then it is terms as self-management (Gringos 2010). Self-management however is incomplete without attaining the responsibility to organize and plan in an organization. From this perspective, individuals are able to understand their individual capabilities and requirements. Being said that, set of own responsibilities should be comprised of the following (Down et al 2008):

  • Making plans for future by orienting an individual vision, mission and goals
  • One’s own performance always being evaluated and monitored by his own self
  • Never saying no to responsibilities
  • Articulation of individual thought processes to identify the path that should be taken to reach the desired vision

As evident, one’s own responsibilities being successfully accomplished or not depends upon an individual’s performance objectives (Gringos 2010). There are however various work objectives present with a focus on individual performance development but it is the responsibility of an individual itself to first understand their individuals responsibilities and then based on SMART objectives, determine their performance objectives in professional realms. More focus however should be laid when objectives are being set up over improvisation inclusive broadly of remediating, consolidating and growing. The performance objectives outlined here are based on SMART objectives in order to develop precise objectives required for enhanced performance outcomes in work places:

  • Specific: Achieving maximum output for a firm by focusing on the current task in accordance to other individuals in the team.
  • Measurable: The goals will be divided into milestones and these milestones will be set at 1 year duration. This will allow 1 year time to develop then organize and enhance knowledge for sharing it in the organization (Gringos 2010).
  • Action- Oriented: To be always alert, confident, attentive and organized to manage any challenges while performing the tasks in order to take actions whenever an issue is identified before it being developed into a major threat (Down et al 2008)
  • Realistic: There are various challenges that one may face while trying to work hard in their work places such as failure to achieve milestone outcomes. However these objectives have been formulated realistically with enough time for a person to not only reach his or her milestone but also to gain the ability of performing well under the same.
  • Time-Bound: Time is crucial for setting objectives. Starting at the first day of employment is important to start learning the way in which time has to be managed in accordance to the work otherwise it will all lead towards failure.

When support of management is maximum then the employees find themselves working in a calm and positive environment which has freedom. Less tension at work helps employees to see their goals effectively in order to efficiently work to achieve them. With respect to the selected organization Tesco, it is evident from the history of the company that the focus is on serving the customers with maximum quality products and services. In the structure of Tesco, customers form the organizations priority. However, to deliver quality Tesco requires employees with higher skills not only applicable at one level of the company’s structure but all 6 levels. With such efficient management of skills divided equally amongst the 6 levels of the organization, Tesco is able to manage and control its units. As an employee from Tesco’s front line jobs, I served the organization at its first level which was directly responsible for communicating to the consumers. Several tasks were also required under this job requirement which was to perform certain in-store tasks inclusive of piling products on the shelves in an organized manner. However, this may seem like a small task with negligible to no skills required but this notion is highly inexplicable As a managed from the front line department, I required skills of working with accuracy, being energetic and highly skilled in terms of communicating with the customers effectively. The objectives set in the previous section were completely in alignment to the skills required for this particular job responsibility (Gringos 2010). This section will not repeat the objectives set in the previous section but will focus on individual effectiveness evaluation against the objectives defined. Furthermore, in order to evaluate effectiveness, the model of Kirkpatrick will be used because this evaluation model is simply designed for allowed to be easily interpreted by practitioners of HR and used by them as a tool for evaluating. The objectives will be measured against the following 4 elements provided in the table:

Table 1: Evaluating individual effectiveness against set objectives at Tesco.



Effectiveness against objectives       


Throughout my employment of 6 months with Tesco I was highly appreciated for the role played by me as a front line manager especially because of my communication skill

This is in alignment with Specific and measurable outcome objectives as defined already


My conversation with the customer helped the customer to purchase the right product in accordance to their need.

This was in alignment to the Action Oriented outcome outlined as one of the objectives above.


By keeping positive attitude, customer experience was always enhanced which not only made the customers feel satisfied but also cared for

This is in alignment to obtaining my realistic objective outcome.


I served Tesco for 6 months and have gain a positive character certificate from the organization

In stipulated time I was able to achieve the desired objective of internship that is to obtain positive image of oneself for being referred to a higher position as I have displayed enhanced skills of employability as a front line manager.




Examining recommendations made for improvement

As a front line manager intern I was quiet under confident in the initial days of my hiring and highly demotivated when I saw my colleagues on the floor communicating with the customers and handling them efficiently. It took me quite some time however to get motivated but a major role was played by the organization Tesco because of highly affluent specifications for employees at Tesco (Gringos 2010). However because it took longer for me to enhance myself as a motivated intern, I figured there are certain important recommendations that can be offered for improvising the situations for new interns at Tesco:

  • Focusing on identifying motivational triggers of employees: Ever team members needs to provide response in several ways to factors of motivation (Gringos 2010). It is therefore essential to understand an individual’s motivational requirements by following simple activities such as asking the employees to advocate personal interest in what they value, holding discussions to identify individual perspectives and providing forms of feedback.
  • Developing a positive image: Slogans and quotes on motivation help in empowerment of an individual and hence a team. Success needs to be visualized in the employees
  • Activities to build team work: In retail industry an immense benefit is gained by encouraging team work so that the employees can stay under regular monitoring.
  • Training: Teaching newly recruited employees is beneficial for motivating them because by training employees are able to enhance their skills.
  • Communication enhancement: Listening and conversing both being encouraged to provide equal opportunities for every involved employee’s perspective (Deshpande et al 2007).
  • Providing targets, rewarding employees and allocating incentives: Realistic targets being set for the employees to reward them on the target achievement or incentive allocation are both crucial to motivate employee’s ability to perform better.

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Work Based situation analysis: Identifying and suggesting solution

I am working as a front line manager in Tesco. As already said that Tesco is a major retail company in UK. Before delivering work based situation in a retail company first it is required to define function of retailing. Function of retailing refers to channeling distribution, of the bought products which are received either from the supplying firms or the manufacturing unit of the firm itself, directly to customers. (Mauborgne & Kim, 2014)

Being a front line manager my work comprised of the following:

  • To assist customers and to make response to their queries if any.
  • To monitor the activities of sale in order to ensure about the satisfaction level of the customers.
  • Allotment of employees to right position
  • To supervise the employees who are handling sales, cash receipts and inventory taking activities
  • To check the inventory and make reorder when decrease in inventory is held to a large extent.
  • Record keeping activities regarding to purchase, sale as well as requisitions
  • To enforce the rule related to security, health as well as safety
  • To examine the condition of the product likely to be sold
  • My role also includes making hire of the new employee, arrange training and then evaluate the trainee.

Work based situation can be defined as any situation which is related to the job functions in the workplace and is able to contribute the employees to meet the relevant situational outcomes. Anything which is outside job function cannot have any relevance to result situational outcomes. In the matter of customer dealing sometimes the frontline personnel need to face angry customers. In our company few customers are there who gets irritated very quickly and start shouting while talking to our personnel. One customer, his name is Iona, turned up our front office very hurriedly and started shouting without telling the reason of the cause of his shouting. The security people came to deal with the matter. At that pick hours many customers were there and every one present at that time got perplexed. One staff member could not keep his temper cool and he too started shouting which worsened the situation and caused mass departure of the customers present at that time. The outcome was, the company experienced a loss as sale did not happen at that day due to that incidence. (Bernard & Healy & Palepu,2007)

Later I dealt with the customer and tried to sort out the problem. I asked him very politely the reason of his grievance. Luckily he liked my approach and told me that he had ordered to deliver a particular healthy recipe food due to his diabetes problem but when he opened the container he saw some spicy food and it made him furious. After identifying the reason I provided him some suggestions which he could not deny. I told him that the ingredients used in the specific food had no diabetic symptoms as the harmful elements were removed from the elements which could cause to increase the glucose level. Moreover, the finished foods were all tested in the laboratory to check whether such food would contain any diabetic element or not. Afterwards packaging and levelling would take place. I suggested him to buy the food quite often as it would not create any diabetic problem to the eater. He understood and went away with the packet without expressing any annoyance.

Approach and Style used for communication based on work based problem

There are many reasons for which problem can be arisen in the work place. However, it is required to handle these problems effectively. In the previous task one incidence is described where an annoyed customer started shouting for sheer misconception of the company’s product which tempted one of the employee of the company and he too started shouting with the customer which led to decrease the sale of the company because the customers faded away to avoid  such unwanted situation. Therefore, it is required to apply those approaches of the management which handle the situation effectively and assist to get over the situation. (Costa & McNally & Soifer,2014) The techniques to handle the problem of the customers are given below:

  • Adjusting mindset
  • Listen to the customer attentively
  • To repeat the concerns of the customers
  • Showing empathetic as well as apologetic
  • Providing solution
  • Taking action and following up the situation
  • Taking feedback and working on it

I have attended many training development program relating to customer handling. The primary education regarding this matter has been trained in these programs. Evaluation of these approaches is effective when these are applied to handle the grievances of the customers.

Every front line staff member in this company is required to identify the root of the problem while facing an angry customer. For this reason it is required to adjust one’s own mind first otherwise, his mind can be deviated, and the employee may fail to focus on his objective. In the previous case study it happened with one staff member of the company. When mindset is done properly then any unexpected circumstances can be dealt with effectively However, it is required to listening the grievances of the customer as it is regarded as a base of giving adequate solution to the customer. In the given case study when it was heard that the reason of the grievance was for delivering spicy food instead of healthy food after knowing the customer was a diabetic patient. Such listening skill helped me to provide the solution to the customer effectively and he understood that he wrongly created that misconception. It is required to show as if, the employee is sympathetic to the loss of the customer rather than creating any debate otherwise, the customer becomes more arrogant. When a customer is convinced and agreed to buy the product of the company it is required to follow up the customer in the future and try to know about his decision for using the company’s product. In the narrated case study it was the duty of the front line Personnel Management to take the feedback of the customer whether he ate the food or not and after eating how was his health condition. In doing so, loyalty is embedded in the mind of the customers for which they make it a habit of using the product of a particular company.  (Vering & Uhr & Becker,2001)

Time Management Strategies

It is not possible to manage time. All is possible is to manage the incidents in connection with time. We cannot enlarge 24 hours we have to manage our duties within a given time limit. Time management strategies refer to the management of the events in such a way so that allotment of time for executing the task can be used efficiently. For managing the duty within a stipulated time it is required to have necessary skill along with planning, evaluation together with self control. (Sibler,2010)

The underlying points are regarded as time management strategies and I have tried to follow these strategies and apply in order to run the team function effectively.

  • Following time log: It is regarded as an effective way for the employees who are able to ascertain how to use their time appropriately. It enables them to understand which task needs to be prioritized. As a front line manager I need to play diverse roles from customer dealing to handling staff members of my team. Therefore, time management is an important aspect in my work schedule.
  • Set Priority: For effective use of the time it is required to distinguish the tasks according to their importance. It means to perceive which task is required to finish early. The front line employees of Tesco have been provided “to do list” book where the employees are instructed about the job program serially. It enables the employees to maintain discipline in the matter of executing their duties as they are not required to determine the priority of the task. In my work schedule a set of work is inscribed serially which helps me to play my role effectively. (Griffin , 2010)
  • Application of planning tool: Front line employees are provided pocket diaries, calendars and note books for the purpose of noting down the work schedule. In this connection, I have been provided  memory jogger which enables me to give focus on the priority and accordingly, I perform my duty.
  • Organizing: It refers to a process which organizes the important matters of the duty and eliminates unnecessary matters. The process refers to fixing up three corners and sticking label like “keep”, “Eliminate” and “toss”.  Eliminate refers to keeping those items which are to be sold or eliminated. Likewise, our frontline keeps boxes one of which is used to keep the disposable products and another is used to store unnecessary materials for elimination.
  • Time scheduling: It refers to making a commitment to utilize the time by doing a particular work of the company. Time scheduling is not just record keeping system. It refers to plan how to handle the most important task effectively where lots of energy is required. To do any important task it is required to block out certain amount of time and overlook all interruptions in order to carry out the function effectively. In my department a certain time is fixed to handle customers only and no other work takes place at that time. Therefore, full concentration can be provided to meet the problem of the customers with effective suggestions.
  • Delegation: It refers identifying the right person to whom a particular task is assigned so that the task can be accomplished by the hand of an expert. By following this process the company is able to save its time and achieve its target effectively. In my team there are sixteen members. I have made a thorough behaviour analysis of all employees and accordingly, I have understood their abilities and skills which enable me to assign them to play the right role which can fulfil the mission of our department.
  • Break down task: To avoid in doing a lengthy work it requires to break the work into several segments which helps to become specific about the needs of the work therefore, work is done timely and the intention of overlooking can be removed. If any sort of reward can be introduced after its accomplishment, then it magnifies the focus of breaking down the task. I have introduced a weekly reward system in terms of the performance made by my team members. It encourages my team members to contribute their best in handling their duties.
  • To keep off from external effect: Sometimes in dealing with external matters an employee may lose his productive time. To reduce such unnecessary dealing effective ways need to be applied like dealing the external matter over phone and make the conversation shorter. Keep focus on the topic of the conversation so that any unnecessary matter can be discussed. Deactivate the instant message option on email. Since customer dealing time is fixed in my department therefore, our personnel instruct the customers to communicate with them during the fixed time. Handling external stakeholders our company also allowed us to make a fixed time so that our functions cannot be interrupted by the influence of the external factors.
  • Avoid multitasking: Multitasking is no more recognised as an useful skill of the employee which was considered as an useful tool to measure the efficiency level of an employee. Actually multitasking causes damage in employee’s productivity level therefore, in an organization employee should not be allowed to carry out multitasking. Since all tasks are distributed to the employees with full clarification therefore, no one is required to play multitasking.
  • Healthy staying: Relaxation is a good way to re energize an employee which increases his productivity level as monotonous program makes one’s mind mechanical and it leads to decrease innovativeness and the employee starts to feel tired by executing his duty. Therefore, to bring back his energy level relaxation is necessary. In our company employees get sufficient holidays and a rest room is used for their relaxation purpose.

Task 3

Team Roles and Team working for achieving shared goals

Since there are numerous activities found in the department of front line in our company therefore, distortion may be evolved in executing the roles which causes unaccountability in the department. However, proper coordination and cooperation enables the employees to understand themselves effectively which is considered as a base of bonding and leads to understand the common goal of the organization. (Hook & Kuglin,2002) Common goal lies in to deal with the customers effectively. It includes to retain the old customers as well as to enhance the volume of customers for increasing the volume of sales. However, there remain some administrative duties also. Being a front line manager my role includes communicating with customers for several purposes. The company instructs me to follow the messages of the company in the matter of dealing with customer and accordingly, pass it to them however; I am not entitled to make any decision relating to customer dealing. I have been instructed to check the conformity of company’s policy although my role does not include developing policy. However, in the recent board meeting I have been empowered to develop the policy and make a suitable decision in order to control any critical situation that is generally held in handling unpleasant customer. One situation has taken place in the recent time when I have handled an angry customer effectively and able to pacify his anger. Giving such empowerment enables me to remain flexible in the matter of customer handling and decision taking resulting enhancement of productivity in my performance and generating financial returns to the company as the angry customer gets convinced and he starts to use our food product. If such empowerment is not provided, then it is not possible for me to apply my capability to deal with customer effectively. Therefore, company may lose the opportunity of doing business with the customer in the future which is against the objective of the company.

One of my colleagues is a store retailer. Most of the time he is involved with the proceeding of store. However, the company has decided to reduce such involvement by 25 percent in order to involve him in staff handling. It is found that ten percent sales have been increased for such change.
The management has identified another colleague who is empowered to handle the company’s display room. He has the ability to address the situation quickly and has the ability to anticipate troubles and stop it before it starts. He is also empowered to coach the frontline employees for their growth in performance.
 It is found that frontline managers waste at least forty percent time by doing the activities of administration. It harms to the activities like customer handling and also to manage the activities of the frontline employees. Therefore, the management has decided to involve me also to provide coaching to the front line employees. I emphasize on to develop the time management skill of the employees by introducing several strategies like how to use time log, application of planning tool etc.

The group is formed with an objective to carry out common activities and these activities are executed by the members of the group. Involvement of each member in a group activity is very important as on the basis of unseen forces employed by each employee the existence of team dynamics can be understood. Dynamics exerts an influence on reaction, behavior of the members. It also makes change in the performance level of the member. In the front line operation such dynamics exist. The frontline employees are able to learn new things constantly as they have to face different situations and new challenges in their daily operation. As a new manager in this company I need to address on several issues of the customers. To make my task effectively I require to devote my entire attention and effort to fulfil my objective and in doing so I gather learning lesson. In the frontline operation the impact of group dynamics is found in the underlying subjects:

  • Retaining old customers
  • Increase the volume of customers
  • Increase the volume of sale
  • Working ambience
  • Group performance along with individual performance.
  • Reputation of the firm

The function of group dynamics lies in to create concrete coordination and cooperation among the members of the group. (Macal & North, 2007)  The well defined communication skill enables an employee to get sense of the signal produced by his fellow member and accordingly, he deals with a certain matter. Therefore, this type of sharpness and promptness from the part of all members promote the level of productivity of the group which leads to cause accomplishing the objective of the firm effectively in a given time frame. Therefore, group dynamics refers to integration among the members of a group who contribute to a large extent to protect the firm from falling in the future.

Alternative ways for task completion and team goals achievement

Apart from working in group to complete a task and achieve the goals outlined for a team, another way is to motivate the group members at individual level and make them understand the consequence if they lag behind or maintain a negative behaviour (Gringos, 2010). This helps employees to understand their individual value enhancing which will in turn enhance the productivity of the employee.

There are certain ways which are often overlooked while completing a task. However, practicing any such alternative way may bring about increase in the value of the performance of the employees which leads to increase their productivity level. These ways are discussed below.

  • Employee self assessment: It is considered as a modified version from the alignment of the traditional ways of assessing the performance level of an employee in completing a task. This modified version is likely to refer that self assessment need to be done in the light of employee’s perspective.  What is the opinion about their own performance is very important as it enables them to raise their voices into the appraisal program secondly, they start to feel more involved in the matter of their performance. However, in traditional thinking, managers disagree with such proposal but researchers find that this kind of practice may enhance the performance level of the employees and the managers are also able to obtain more information about the performance of the employees which are considered very invaluable.
  • Multirater feedback: Another alternative way can be practiced in the management system for the purpose of completing the task successfully. This is requesting feedback from others. When source of getting feedback is numerous it becomes easier for the managers to evaluate the performance of the employees and enables them to stay neutral in this aspect. It helps them to understand in which field Employee Relations requires training. Therefore, it is essential to get feedback from other employees, respective stake holders, customers about the performance of the employee and after assimilating all the feedbacks from different sources it is required to set a plan how to improve the performance of the employee so that he can do the task more effectively (Webb & Midgley & Gray, 2012)
  • Goal alignment: It is required to make a link between the goal of an employee and what an employer seeks about the performance of an employee. For this purpose goal of an employee is required to set by the management by addressing it with larger context. However, there is a basic difference in such goal setting procedure with the traditional thinking process as in traditional process managers seek to link the goals of the workers with their own goal. Therefore, assigning the goal of an employee enables him to think about the importance of his role in doing the task provided by the management. It motivates an employee to give his best performance for the organization.
  • Development planning: In traditional system the company separates it developmental planning from the process of performance management. However, if the management considers this planning as an integral part of performance management it would become more effective to increase performance level of an employee in completing his task. During the time of performance appraisal such developmental program is required to constitute. Performance deficiencies are assessed during this process therefore, if the company plans to organize a training program to show the employees about their deficiencies and give them the opportunity to develop their ability and skill to get over from such deficiencies it will be very effective for increasing the level of performance of the employees.
  • Compensation management: When an employee is paid rightly against his effort it motivates him to a large extent for which the quality of the performance gets increased and the employee is able to perform his duty successfully.

Task 4

Investigating and analysing tools and techniques to resolve problem

There are various ways by which problems can be solved and solutions can be derived such as the (Curtis 2004):

  • Tool of Mathematics: An essential tool developed for solving solutions is algorithm because of its highest organized ability to develop solutions for problems and develop strategies. A method of arithmetical ability is delivered by an individual in order to derive appropriate solution.
  • Tool of Heuristics: is a method to solve problem based on experiences with regard to what has been learnt in the past and then develop a technique to solve the problem (Deshpande et al 2007). The technique involves a psychological nature and has the tendency of working in only certain situations. Wherever consistent processes are problematic in organizations, heuristics is the appropriate tool. Straight forward situations however cannot be solved by this tool
  • Method of Trial and Error: helps in finding a solution wherein different numbers are involved and different probabilities are present. Taking each probability resolutions can be developed to acknowledge the appropriate one. This method helps in analysing and comparing different probabilities.

There are 4 main strategies by which problems in an organization can be solved which are inclusive of understanding the issue, setting up plans to take action, implementing the action by managing change involved and then evaluating the effectiveness of first short term results and then long term following (Down et al 2008).

With the appropriate help from each of these stages it becomes possible for organizations to understand the best possible action to be implemented. Risks can also be appropriately analysed and reflection to manage the risks can be given.

Strategic development can be evaluated by following certain considerations such as the need to check improvement of quality which is the key towards analyzing whether the implemented strategy is yielding the desired quality or not. In addition, strategic implementation at times gives rise to resistance to change. Change management with regard to management of resistance can hinder implementation of a new strategy (Bartetzko 2004). Therefore measuring the impact of change on employees with regard to an implemented strategy needs to be calculated.

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This Unit 3 Tesco Organization  Behaviour Assignment has highlighted some of the key features of employability skills that individuals need to possess in order to perform well and appropriately in working environment. By analyzing a work based experience at Tesco, this Unit 3 Tesco Organization  Behaviour Assignment has further highlighted the strategies by which problems can be solved and time can be managed for completion of tasks on the appropriate time. Communication Information is an essential requirement and its efficiency in terms of effective communication channels helps in managing conflict and problems in the environment of work places.


Bartetzko, A., 2004, Key Competencies, Employability Skills and the new training organization, Journal of Organization management, Vol. 12 (2), pp 239-345
Bernard,V & Healy,P & Palepu,K(2007) Business analysis and valuation Cengage learning EMEA Copyright
Costa,C & McNelly,J & Soifer,S.(2014) Community economic development in social work Columbia University press Copyright
Curtis, D., 2004, International perspectives on generic skills, Generic Skills in vocational education and training,NCVER, Adelaide, pp. 19-37.

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