Unit 3 Organisation and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO

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Unit 3 Organisation and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO
Unit 3 Organisation and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO
Unit 3 Organisation and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO

Unit 3 Organisation and Behavior Assignment CAPCO - Assignment help in uk


The unit 3 organisation and behavior assignment CAPCO is associated with organisation and behaviour for assessing the understanding of individual as well as group behaviour in CAPCO as well as for examining recent theories as well as their application to manage workplace behavioural aspects. There is a need for addressing as well as exhibiting an understanding of the organisational culture as well as structure in respect of businesses. Then there is the need for addressing as well as exhibiting an acceptance of the various approaches towards management and leadership.

Unit 3 Organisation and Behavior Assignment CAPCO - Assignment help in uk

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the difference and similarities in these two organizations.

The structure of the company includes the cultures, leadership traits, environments that are internal and external and so on. Companies consist of a specific kind of structure for organisations. CAPCO and TESCO are the two major organisations that consist of a formal structure of organisation and there are strict guidelines that are to be adhered with. The hierarchical structure of CAPCO is regarded to have a formal structure as it’s having a simple chain of command and line regarding command-implementation. There exist a large number of employees working at CAPCO reporting to more than a single person. There exist multiple layers of command level as well as stages of  decision making.  The major challenging scenario CAPCO faces is associated with the collective functioning of the employees on a related level irrespective of the chain of command that they are possessing. (Lussier, 2011)

In TESCO, there is the existence of a more formal structure as well as standard since, TESCO is a huge organisation and they have their operational base globally. Moreover, the management tries enhancing the organisational ability by utilising current circumstances of making assessments thus lessening the space amongst the CEOs as well as the company’s managers. The culture of the company is being regarded to be the association of combined advancements, values and thought processes. Strong navigation of the staffs in the organisation can be done with these issues in connection with the processes by which the job needs to be done. Cultural scenario considers as well the internal environment and customs related with the organisation having an important operational scenario for the success of the company. The success of CAPCO is mainly impacted through the rich culture of the organisation that possesses an effective cultural circumstance in relation with the empowerment of the organisational employees. It is explaining the various process by which employees supports the clients and the process by which they are behaving with one another. It is believed by CAPCO that every stakeholder of the company is supporting the organisation’s growth in a very significant manner.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

CAPCO’s structural aspects as well as the cultural aspects are considered to be the two main issues of the organisation to achieve success. CAPCO’s organisational structure is given below,

  • Empowerment of staffs & organisational performance – The employee empowerment is regarded to be a productive process regarding organisational success. CAPCO behaves like this. The organisation basically is focusing towards strengthening the lower level managers ensuring better performance ability and improves the client’s fulfilment level.
  • Individual behaviour is based on the organisational structure – There exists occasions when the company’s CEO doesn’t get satisfied with the ability to perform for the staffs. It is required for the individual in following the organisational structure. This has been observed that people acts in relation with the ways of the organisation in which they are working. (Lussier, 2011)
  • Structural impact & company’s performing ability – CAPCO tries offering efficient client service. To do that, it does the formation of an organisational stand in a manner that will be ensuring regular feedbacks in respect of any call from the end of the client. To have better communication as well as solution related to the problems from the client’s end, possessing a friendly interface with the customer.

Some different mindsets exists towards the relation amongst the organisational cultures as well as performance ability as follows,

  • Efficient culture results in better performance – There exists a firm relation between efficient cultural scenario and better ability to perform. It has been evident that effective cultural scenario leads towards better performing ability. In respect of CAPCO, where there exists rising competition and managing the clients is essential, there exists the need to have a firm cultural scenario that is related with the service. (Lussier, 2014)
  • Productivity and culture – A general viewpoint states that the cultural aspect is contributing in a major way towards the efficiency of the organisation. It is to be mentioned that, there is the need to consider a proper cultural aspect as the distinguishing factor. A company’s organisational culture might not be considered in other companies. CAPCO holds the cultural scenario in a way, contributing as per the productivity and vibrant accomplishment in relation to work. (Lussier, 2014)
  • Workforce diversity and cultural change – Diversity in workforce and to cope with the situations that change are considered to be important impediments towards the company that functions in various locations throughout the world. To be successful, a lot of significance is associated in respect of forming an adaptive culture. The cultural needs of CAPCO for getting connected to a cultural scenario that is regarded to have utmost flexibility in respect of a random altering aspect. 

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

Reason for employees to work in respect of CAPCO is to receive a fixed salary as well as additional advantages. They are considered to be internal stakeholders. There exists the need to have a vast percentage of effective staffs for carrying out the organisational business efficiently. There exists diversity in the salary structure regarding the age, capability, work-type and qualification. (Lussier, 2014). The factors that influences the behaviour of an individual in CAPCO are as follows,

  • Environment for work – The employees working for CAPCO are seeking towards finding a very effective  business environment  to work. Since, they have challenging work schedule, an interesting as well as comfortable place to work is what they seek out. It is considered as a very essential issue related with the employee performance contributing ultimately towards the organisation’s performing ability.
  • Security for job – The basic need regarding the employees is to have secured job. Without it, they will be unable to function quickly and peacefully. Employees should possess the knowledge of their job security. A job possessing more security reflects on the fact that employees possess little scope for facing losses at job. As a result, they function in a productive manner and their performing ability is beginning to accelerate. (Lussier, 2014)
  • Rate of payment – The staffs at CAPCO need to possess the requirement for an increased salary package. It is quite rational that a better salary package will provide motivation in respect of the staffs every time for functioning in a more effective manner. Higher pay packages is also stating that the company is operating successfully, because of which they are providing better salaries to the employees.
  • Self esteem – The employees working for CAPCO are majorly technical employees possessing an effective working knowledge when compared with any other person and they also possess efficient capabilities towards technical aspects in respect of their specific working areas. It can be referred that the main apprehension of such employees isn’t earning more and more money all the time. (Lussier, 2014) Having self respect as well as to have a cheering environment to work might be regarded as their main concern to work. And, if there occur instances when such employees to work in respect of CAPCO aren’t receiving appropriate respect, their performing ability might get diminished.

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice.

CAPCO’s top management is having the assurance to provide services that are considered to be exclusive as well as improved in respect of the customers and for making the organisation an improved place of work. CAPCO’s CEO tries concentrating towards the circumstances that are regarded as matters of lesser significance but produces a major impact in respect of the business of the organisation. These concentrations towards unnoticeable circumstances supports in making the staffs to have a sense of enhanced success as well as appreciation. (Lussier, 2014). The aspects on which concentration is given are mentioned as under,

  • Similar scope for promoting in respect of personal quality of the staffs. Quality of leadership as well as fairness is the key for the actualisation of success.
  • Managers that are having proper care as well as empathy are being offered improved accommodation as well as admiration.
  • All the staff level should receive proper respect and for taking joint decisions are being regarded as essential traits towards leadership regarding CAPCO.
  • To feel proud to work for CAPCO as a manager or a leader. (Lussier, 2014)

Leadership is defined to be the opportunity for the transformation of a thought to reality. The style of leadership is normally the step perceived by a leader for leading his/her staffs. The style of leadership prevailing at TESCO is ‘supportive leadership’.  marketing of TESCO  follows the traditional leadership style, which is utilised for a longer period of time which is regarded being very much concentrated, used towards employee reduction related feedbacks, ignoring the junior employees and so on. This leadership style is presently changed towards ‘supportive leadership’. In this style, appropriate mentoring is provided regarding career and training facilities that are considered being the key for satisfying the employees. The style of leadership is to building a reliable environment amongst the employees as well as the management. In the present circumstance, the information is with the managers to interact in an efficient way with the employees as well as providing them the much needed inspiration. They will allow the employees to develop an outlook as well as allowing the employees to use their individual judgment and sincerity while a significant decision is taken. A support system was made with the help of managers to get mutual support outside the formal organisational arrangement and on the other hand, staffs require observing means through which their work contributes for the entire organisational growth. (Lussier, 2014). At TESCO, the circumstances that are being followed by the leadership style and motivational aspects are stated as under,

  • For motivating the employees to compromise their personal requirements regarding the organisational growth.
  • To create an understanding in respect of the significance in relation with the objectives of the company.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management.

Scientific management Theory: It’s regarded as a theory of management for an organisation that evaluates and fuses the workflow. The important objective of it is towards the development of the economical efficiency, especially the efficiency of staffs in the workplace. The aspects by which scientific management theory influences the practices of management are as follows,

  • The employees aren’t given any sort of work to do but instead provided only such job that matches with their job profile that depends on their level of motivation they might be possessing as well as the capability that they are having, and after that providing them the proper training in respect of work to get the optimum outcome. (Lussier, 2011)
  • The performing ability of the staffs will get evaluated as well as instruction will be given and also guidelines to ensure that they will utilise efficient processes for working.
  • Proper working will get allocated amongst the managers and employees such that the managers will be spending time to plan and train, permitting the staffs for efficiently performing their job.

Theory of human relations management: It’s regarded as management theory for an organisation, which depends on the studied principle that people possess the need to be part of the supportive team for facilitating growth. Therefore, when special focus is provided regarding the employees and given enough support towards participating, they are considering their job to be very essential and they receive admiration for getting more efficient that will be resulting in better quality of work. (Lussier, 2011).

Aspects by which human resource management theory influences the practices of management are as follows,

  • Common features – It’s regarded to be a major circumstance towards managing human relations in the workplace towards functioning of business. Staffs are required to function in a collective way in association with the projects in a frequent manner, communicating the ideas as well as for providing the accomplishment of issues. (Lussier, 2011). Businesses having better workplaces and efficient workforce possess better ability towards retaining and attracting the applicants having proper efficiency, for the cultivation of loyalty in respect of the clients and quickly adapting to the needs for getting actualised in respect of a changing marketplace.
  • Effectiveness and encouragement – The relationships in the place of work offers a motivational foundation regarding the staffs that have the significance to maintain the effciency. Staffs having personal work-related interest as well as benefit of other staffs are generally imparting more productivity. This effectiveness will as a result provide substantial financial profit in respect of the organisation. (Lussier, 2011)
  • Improving retention – The quality in respect of relationship at the place of work is considered very important towards employee retention. The retention of employees is regarded to have very less significance especially in the workplace that possess an increased ratio for turnover, for which the managers need to consider the scenario that turnover is a costly affair. All the new staffs have the requirement to invest a significant deal of time as well as energy towards getting trained as well as recruited.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation.

3 kinds of approaches for management exists such as,

  • Approach in respect of listening actively or passive management
  • Approach in respect of the capacity to build or for cultivation
  • Approach in respect of staging increased control or to steer

It’s seen that, CAPCO follows a participative working culture. There is the existence of no permanent line of command and employees have the capability to report to more than one line manager. There is the consideration of the cultivating approach being that kind of approach that is associated with facilitative management to rely exhaustively on personal abilities. The approach is associated with the identification of the requirements towards outer stimuli for having a better performing ability. (Jenkins, 2011) CAPCO follows the management approach that is generally considered to be cultivating approach due to the below mentioned circumstances,

  • Recognizing specific section of clients depending on the domestic area.
  • Explaining particular crisis circumstances and results based on it.
  • Collective and associative activities.

On the other hand, TESCO is following the management approach in respect of enacting high control which is familiar regarding specific situations which depends on physical outcome. The company has the information that productive steering needs a great deal of research and guidelines for growth. Processes related with proper planning and parameters, which are predetermined, are also taken into consideration for being significant. (Johnswon, 2011). The important aspect associated with the approach of management TESCO uses are as follows,

  • Planning the assignments, objectives as well as processes whose mentioning is done clearly.
  • Assimilating the growth of the assignment in the wide scope of the planning method.
  • Having particular evaluation of tasks.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change.

Motivational theories  are associated with the aspect of initiation, direction, intensity as well as persisting behavioural aspect of individuals. Motivation is considered to be an idea that is utilised to drive or encourage the people to perform in a better manner. As the staffs are being regarded as the basis for many companies that inculcates high morale, increased self-respect in the staffs for achieving the mission of the organisation as well as factor for success. Leadership is regarded as the individual ability for influencing the individuals for the actualisation of mutual compatibility goal. (Iqbal, 2011). There exist various styles of leadership that are influencing the individuals within the company through various means. An important role is being played by leadership for the implementation of employee motivation. Leaders having effective styles of leadership motivate the peers or the staffs with the help of appropriate ways of communication.

  • Democratic style of leadership – These leaders that are following this style of leadership are placing open approaches in respect of motivational standpoint. The leaders following the democratic style of leadership are encouraging the employees by sharing decision making method and the employees get encouraged towards contributing for the vision of the team and the leaders give credence to the thought as well as viewpoint of the members of the team. Such approaches are creating a sense of togetherness amongst the staffs. These leaders encourage their staffs in a successful manner by monitoring their ability to perform by having close interpretations.
  • Autocratic style of leadership – The leaders that are following autocratic style of leadership are focusing towards the procedures and processes regarding organisation. The leaders are constantly evaluating their employees and motivating their performing capability with the assistance of supervision. Such a rigid style of leadership places an adverse influence in respect of motivating the staffs. (Iqbal, 2011)
  • Charismatic style of leadership – In this style of leadership, motivational standpoint are higher in comparison other styles of leadership. These leaders are focusing on the aspect related with employee creativeness. Another term given to these leaders is known as transformational leaders. The motivating forces for such leaders are sincerity and commitment towards work. Since, such leaders are not focusing on the method or structural aspect, there might be the development of productivity in relation with the vision of the organisation. (Jenkins, 2011)
  • Laissez-faire style of leadership – The leaders that are following this leadership style offers every control and power to the employees. The employees need to determine the goals and solve the problems independently. Through such advancements, there can occur empowerment of the staffs as well as there can be the placement of the traits associated with responsibility as well as loyalty between them.

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Theory: Maslow stated that there exists various need based hierarchy in regard of the desirability of the individuals. The needs are initiated from the lower level and without the successful fulfilment of a lower level need, there is no possibility for approaching the upper stage requirements. It was stated by Maslow that it is the work of the managers for analysing the various need-levels of the staffs. There has been five forces that are explained by Maslow that influences the interest as well as requirements of the staffs which are,

  • Physiological needs
  • Needs for safety
  • Need for love and belongingness
  • Need for having self-respect
  • Needs for self-actualisation

Maslow stated that through the actualisation of the needs in the lower level such as the physiological requirements of the staffs they can move towards the higher level needs such as needs associated with safety and security. Maslow also referred that the needs of the higher level gets functional only through the satisfaction of the needs in the lower level. Maslow also stated that various people are related with various types of requirements that can evaluated by this theory. Involvement of the staffs in the functions of the company by CAPCO is developing the aspect of self-respect as well as self-realization. (Furnham, 2012)

Theory of Herzberg: The motivational theory of Herzberg is depending on the two-factor model stating that the existence of particular factors that invokes fulfilment and discontent regarding motivation. Hygiene factors are enforcing staffs dissatisfaction whereas the motivational factors are increasing the level of satisfaction or motivation. Herzberg stated that every motivational factor can function simultaneously. CAPCO needs to evaluate the motivational factors for increasing the employee satisfaction like salaries, security at job, rewards and recognition and many more. The management of the organisation is doing the placement of effective responsibilities as well as do the involvement of the staffs in the process of decision making for increasing their level of motivation. (Furnham, 2012)

Similarities and dissimilarities between the two theories: The aforementioned two theories confer that a precise set of needs should get actualised for influencing the behavioural trait and the ability to perform for the employees as well as to maintain the standard for motivation. The two motivational models placed their emphasis towards actualising the requirements towards staff motivation. Herzberg did the division of the requirements in two segments viz. hygiene factors that are depending on physical as well as psychological requirements and motivational factors whereas Maslow did the division of the needs amongst five segments although concentrating towards physiological and psychological requirements. (Iqbal, 2011). The most important dissimilarities within Maslow and Herzberg is associated with the fact that hierarchical model of Maslow is placing less concentration towards emotional attributes and different sentiments amongst the psychological requirements and on the other hand, Herzberg is concentrating on the actual areas of emotions associated with the psychological aspects. From the theories related with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the issues related with dissatisfaction are not identified whereas there is a clear separation within the satisfying as well as dissatisfying issues in respect of the Herzberg motivational theory.

3.3  Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

By applying factors for motivation in a company, management is having ability for navigating the human resources for the actualisation of the company’s plans as well as objectives. Managers are placing higher concentration in respect of the factors of motivation for directing the staffs towards improved effectiveness as well as actualisation of factors related with success. Through the increase in the motivational level, companies such as CAPCO are trying to develop the performance standards as well as approach the trends that are emerging in the market. CAPCO’s management is building a formal team in the company for the performance of particular tasks that will be meeting the goals of the organisation. Through the enforcement of innovative as well as creative aspects, a greater amount of motivational standpoint is being placed by the management towards the managing of human resources. There exists organisational diversity amongst human resources. The organisational management is concentrating on various theories of motivation to motivate the varied workforce as well as leading them towards better service quality. (Boone, 2015)

Satisfaction of the employees – The managers are playing an important part in getting work done by the staffs. For directing the individuals as well as motivating them in respect of improved performing ability, the staffs should get effective motivation. Through the understanding of the theories of motivation, the management of CAPCO will be having the ability for guiding the staffs in an effective manner. The CAPCO management did the implementation of Maslow hierarchical needs Theory. Through the support of this theory, the management will possess the capability in respect of the identification of appropriate satisfactory scores of the staffs. Through the actualisation of the stages of hierarchical requirements, the management of CAPCO will be placing improved staff relation. Because of that, around 85% of the staffs revealed that they are feeling happy as well as satisfied with the career growth. (Boone, 2015) By having employee motivation, the management at CAPCO has been developing the skills of the staffs as well as the capability for achieving higher standards. Since the company is facing a crisis in respect of the financial service industry, the changing aspects within the business environment is influencing the performances in the organisation. The management at CAPCO through the understanding of appropriate motivational scenarios of the people are motivating them in respect of the growth of creative as well as innovative aspects. (Boone, 2015). CAPCO is consisting of a ‘flatter structure of organisation’ as well as culture that is concentrated on staffs. There is a feeling of empowerment amongst the staffs as well as motivation in respect of these cultural as well as structural aspects.

Improved customer satisfaction – Through the support of the motivational theories, the managers at CAPCO are even understanding the level of satisfaction as well as needs of the clients as well as training or navigating the employees for providing proper services in respect of satisfaction of customers. With the support of the motivational theories, the managers at CAPCO have the ability of delivering services as well as attaining better customer motivation. (Frydman, 2013)

Increased effectiveness – The CAPCO managers are required understanding the theories of motivation as well as do their execution in the working environment in an appropriate manner to increase the effectiveness of the staffs. Since, CAPCO deals within the intricate financial service sector, the staffs working at CAPCO need to develop their effectiveness along with the market changes. The managers at CAPCO are motivating the staffs for adopting consistent growth for enhancing their performing ability as well as effectiveness.

Greater employee commitment – The theories of motivation also assists in employee engagement inside the core objectives of the organisation. The managers through the placement of appropriate motivational aspects will be having better commitment as well as employee engagement. The outcome of this is also reduced turnover. (Frydman, 2013)

Reduced absenteeism as well as staff turnover – With the help of implementing the theories of motivation, the behavioural aspect of the staffs can be guided in respect of programs for wellness. There can be reduction in the absenteeism of staffs by providing them with proper motivation. It is also efficient to reduce the stressful situation in office and to reduce the losses because of absenteeism. (Frydman, 2013) The motivational practices should get appropriately implemented for assisting the managers to reduce the frequency of getting absent within the employees.

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

Within CAPCO, there is the existence of different types of groups which are,

  • Formal Group
  • Informal Group

1. Formal Groups – These are formed by the company with the intention for actualising particular tasks. CAPCO management did the formation of such groups and did the setting of predetermined objectives as well as aims in respect of group attainments. The roles as well as accountabilities are fixed inside the group. There exits again 2 sub-sections of this group, which are,

  • Command Group – This group is having fixed positioning inside the company’s chart as well as is permanent in nature.
  • Task Group – This group is not permanent or rather temporary in nature as well as having comparatively little influence on the company. The command group planning is carried out by the task groups. (Barden, 2015)

The management of CAPCO did the creation of bigger groups having formal structure as well as having roles as well as responsibilities that have proper co-ordination. The small teams are accredited to make rapid decisions. For instance, rocket teams are created comprising of three to four individuals. These groups are having the responsibilities for generating ideas.

2. Informal Groups – Such groups are formed by the organisational members. The formation of the group depends on interest as well as friendship. CAPCO has taken into consideration the staffs, customers, various stakeholders who come together in the formation of interest groups. In CAPCO, friendship group is also formed by taking into consideration every employee at all the level of organisation. (Berger, 2011). Group behaviour is depending on the assigned work and the teammates’ behavioural aspect as well as attitudinal aspects. CAPCO’s flat organisational structure and employee oriented culture considers creative and innovative scenarios within team development. CAPCO is planning to form team comprising of mixed skills as well as capabilities to increase the group’s efficiency.

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

  • Goals that are unclear – When the objectives are not clear to the staffs of the team, it will not be possible for the team to function effectively. Goals that are not clear will also be influencing the responsibilities of the staffs. Without having a proper understanding related to the goals, the members of the team will not be able to perform individual roles.
  • Lack of communication – Lack of  communication and knowledge  is considered as an impediment towards capabilities related with working in a team as well as making obstacles towards the improvement of team effectiveness. In the absence of appropriate skills of communication, the employees are not able to do the tracking of the development or implementation of the required skills. Therefore, lack of communication can crash team development. (Baker, 2010)
  • Lacking managerial skills – While lacking proper managerial capabilities, it won’t be possible to do proper steering of the team. For lacking proper skills of management, it will be not be possible to perform proper execution of duties related to the team.

4.3  Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation. 

Since CAPCO is functioning in the finance service sector, CAPCO’s business is being influenced by modern technological aspects. The staffs of CAPCO are getting benefit with the help of better technological aspects as they can do the development of better services on the financial industry. By the implementation of new technologies in the channels of communication the performances of the teams can get better. With the help of groupware, the teams at CAPCO will be having appropriate communication with one another as well as do the sharing of knowledge as well as information through it. Through the placement of modern technological aspects inside the communication, there will be the growth in effectiveness in the relationship amongst the customers. (Armstrong, 2014). By the inclusion of new technological aspects in CAPCO’s services, the organisation is shifting towards new users of services. By the addition of social media, the company is placing emphasis on approaches like LinkedIn that is getting utilised in respect of the purposes of communication regarding the beneficial aspects of the Associative Talent Programme aka ATP to attract fresh talents. On the other hand, technologies can also influence in a negative manner in respect of working in a team at CAPCO. (Baines, 2012) By the placement of better technologies for communication in the working of team can impact individual privacy within the teams. The growing use of the online processes of communication does the hampering of individual privacy since they have to be available in online groupware or in social media while they are not present in office.

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This assignment is associated with organisation and behaviour in which the different organisational structure and culture is compared as well as contrasted, then the relationship between the structure of an organisation and cultural aspect is explained by which they can influence business performance, along with that the effectiveness of different leadership styles is compared and different approaches in respect of the management that are used by different organisations gets assessed.


Baines, P (2012) ‘Essentials of Marketing’. Oxford University Press
Baker, R (2010) Implementing Value Pricing. John Wiley & Sons.
Barden, M (2015) A Beautiful Constraints. John Wiley & Sons.
Berger., A. (2011). Operations Management. GRIN Verlag
Boone, L (2015). Contemporary Marketing. Cengage Learning
Frydman, R (2013). Rethinking Expectations: The Way forward for Macroeconomics. Princeton University Press.
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press
Iqbal, T (2011). The Impact of Leadership Styles on Organizational Effectiveness. GRIN Verlag.
Jenkins, D (2011). Managing Empowerment. Random House.
Johnson, G (2011) Exploring Strategy, London, FT: Prentice Hall