Unit 3 Organizational Behavior Assignment - CAPCO

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Unit 3 Organizational Behavior Assignment - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organizational Behavior Assignment - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organizational Behavior Assignment - CAPCO


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Organizational Behavior – CAPCO

QFC Level

Level 5


Organizational behaviour is been mainly considered as the study of both group and individual performances within an organization. It is been concerned with the manners in which people act together within a team and cooperate each other in the business. The present report is been carried out with the purpose to gain enhanced understanding about the organizational behaviour and its relevant aspects. The Unit 3 Organizational Behavior Assignment CAPCO would be carrying out a comparison between the structure and culture of the organizations. It would be evaluating the impact of the structure and culture in the performances of the business specifically. The report would also assist in identifying the influences of the organizational theories on the management practices (Scott, 2013). In addition to this, the report would also identify the impacts of leadership styles on motivation during the change execution in the business. Furthermore, the report would also explain the factors which promote the development of teamwork and the technological impacts on the team in an organization. Moreover, the report would also compare the application of motivational theories like Herzberg and Maslow and would discuss the essentiality of applying these theories by the managers. Finally, the report would highlight the nature and behaviour of group along with the factors promoting the team work within an organization. However, in order to gain a specific and relevant understanding the functionalities and the related aspects of CAPCO, a leading company which serves the financial management in sector across the boundaries.

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Task 1

1.1 Comparing and contrasting the structure and culture between CAPCO and Mulberry

Comparison and similarity of the organizational structure between CAPCO and Mulberry

Organisational structure is generally considered as a system which is been used to define a hierarchy within the framework of business. With the determination of the structural arrangement, the management is able to allocate the responsibilities, authorities and the resources on the basis of the organisational flow (Hassan.et.al, 2013). It also includes effective coordination at various levels of management within an organisation.

                                                                                                       Table 1: Similarities of Structure




Work specialization

The management of CAPCO mainly prefers to the specialised products and services.

The management of Mulberry makes use of the specialised training and development module as per the structure and manage the work accordingly.


It follows the global function in departmentalisation

Mulberry also follows the similar functionalities (Subramanian.et.al, 2013).

Hierarchy structure

CAPCO follows hierarchy structure to carry out its operations

Similarly, Mulberry also adopts the hierarchy structure to attain better control over the management.

                                                                              Table 2: Comparison of structures





CAPCO follows a formal structure to manage the functionalities

While Informal organizational structure is been followed by Mulberry


The formal structure in organisation mainly depicts the distribution of workforce which leads towards the accomplishment of various operations effectively. Individual activities in this structure are mainly limited (Colbert.et.al, 2014).

Informal structure of Mulberry is very much flexible and do not have much planning specifically.  There is no limitation over the informal groups.


  • CAPCO is been facilitated to conduct the functionalities easily as there is a systematic path to carry out the activities towards the success.
  • This structure helps the staff members to concentrates on its role and performs it with the best efforts as there are limited tasks being assigned to the individual in the business.


  • The structure of Mulberry differs from the CAPCO’s structure to the great extent as it follows highly flexible structure and do not acquire any of the plan particularly.
  • The organisation with informal structure has a convenient flow of command and do not acquire any specific path or procedure.

                                                  Comparison and similarity of culture between CAPCO and Mulberry

                                                                                            Table 3: Similarity in culture




Team work

Team work is the major strength of CAPCO which helps in managing the operation effectively.

In the same manner, Mulberry is a retail organisation and acquires huge significance of team work at its workplace.


CAPCO focuses on bringing innovative acts to carry out the functions.

Similarly, Mulberry is largely concerned with the innovation in the products and services as per the customer expectations (Cummings and Worley, 2014).

Emphasis on people

It provides special emphasis on serving the people effectively and values the customers on the priority.

The retail outlet is been operated as per the targeted customers and their demands.

                                                                                Table 4: Comparison of culture





CAPCO follows Academic culture

Mulberry acquires normative culture.


  • It has customer driven and innovative culture which assist the structure to the great extent.
  • This type of culture is majorly focused on the skilled and knowledgeable employees.
  • On the other hand, this culture is very much stringent which strictly defines the norms and procedures of the business on every employee.
  • The staff members are been strictly instructed to adhere with the policies and procedures and follow them accordingly.


CAPCO is been facilitated with the academic culture in setting up a systematic guideline within the workforce.

On the contrary to this, the staff members in Mulberry are much particular to the roles and responsibilities and put their best efforts in fulfilling the same.

1.2 Impacts of the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture on the performances of the business

With respect to the present case, the structure and culture of CAPCO is mutually dependent on each other and acts accordingly. The management of CAPCO follows a formal structure in which the activities are been assigned to the employees and made them work towards the achievement of desired goals. The structure states a set of strategies and norms which has to be followed by the entire organisation. However, the culture of CAPCO emphasises on the customer values and instructs the employees to value the beliefs and coordinate with the people specifically (Fullan, 2014). The culture and structure of an organisation is been considered as a backbone of all the functionalities. It helps in creating new concepts and plan which influences the planning and assists the management in carrying out the business. The structure and culture of CAPCO promotes an innovative, creative and flexible approach for carrying out the business practices in an effective manner.

The employees are been encouraged to conduct team work so that to fulfil the changing requirement of the financial services in the sector specifically. In addition to this, the culture of the organisation depicts the systematic flow of commands from the higher levels to the lower levels. The cultural environment of CAPCO is much accountable and independent for the employees and helps them to work accordingly (Moerdyk.et.al, 2015). It has been found that there is a positive impact of the relationship between the culture and structure which assist the management in attaining the desired results out of the efforts. The structure of CAPCO helps in identifying the roles and responsibilities and the culture encourages the employee to work for the best results. Thus, there is a remarkable bonding between both structure and culture which lays an impact on the performances and leads the business towards the success.

1.3 The factors which influence the individual behaviour in CAPCO

Every individual acquires different attitude and behavior towards the activities carried out in the negligence business contract. It is very much important for the organization to evaluate and understand the behaviour of the individual staff member so that to treat them and instruct them accordingly. The management requires determining different types of behavioural factors which could influence the business of CAPCO (McLennan, 2013). Therefore, environmental factors, personal factors, perception, cultural factors, social factors, organizational factors, etc. are some of the major factors which influence the behaviour of individuals at the workplace of CAPCO. The Environmental factor mainly includes some of the elements like socio cultural, political, economical and legal environmental factors. The economical factors is been considered most influencing aspect as it includes wages, remuneration, development, etc. These factors affect the behaviours in both positive and negative manner at the workplace.

Personal factor is another aspect which influences the individual behaviour at the workplace. The personal factors are been classified into two major features i.e. characteristics of learning and characteristics of biography. It has been found that there are several qualities of human capabilities, intelligence, age, physics, gender, religion, marital status, experience, etc. It has been observed that these qualities can be modified by carrying out interactions with the people and thus it also changes the behaviours of the individuals. Personality, perception, values, beliefs, etc. are some of the components of personal factors which affect their views towards any of the specific aspect at the workplace (Ainsworth, 2014). Perception is the though process of an individual which influences the behaviour of an employee towards any of the situation. In addition to this, cultural or social backgrounds provide with the way of performing an act to the people and thus influence the behaviour at the workplace. With respect to CAPCO, the behaviour of individual is majorly influenced by the environmental factor which either lead the business towards success or any of the failure.  

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Task 2

2.1 Comparison of the effectiveness of different leadership at CAPCO and Mulberry

Leadership is been considered as the most important aspect which assist the management in leading the huge crowds as per the organizational norms within the business. There are wide ranges of leadership styles which could be utilized by the business organizations. Autocratic leadership style, transformational, transactional, democratic leadership style, etc. are some of the most common styles which influence the functionalities within an organizational framework. The autocratic leadership style is basically concerned with an individual ruling to the entire population where the entire power is in the hands of an individual (Scott, 2013). There is not involvement of workers or any of the individual while carrying out the decisions related to the business operations. The transactional leadership is an effective type of leadership which motivates the staff members and directs them with the help of their own assessment. The employees are been evaluated and facilitated to bring improvement and are also provided with attractive rewards on good performances.

Moreover, the transformational leadership styles majorly depend on the communication with the employees of the business. As per this style, the interaction within the staff members and motivates them to exchange their views, skills, ideas and knowledge and works together for the achievement of the desired goals. In addition to this, transactional leadership is been used by the management of CAPCO which helps the employees to establish self motivation and work in a team (Subramanian.et.al, 2013). This type of styles in been executed with the intention to monitor, manage and control the workers and their performances accordingly.  On the contrary to this, Mulberry makes use of transformational leadership styles and facilitates the employees to freely communicate with each other and promote teamwork as well.

2.2 Influences of organizational theories on the practices of management

Organisational theories mainly study the patterns and structures of organisations to resolve the issues, enhance the efficiencies, meet the expectation of the stakeholders, etc. It has been identified that there are various theories which influences the practices of the management in an organisation. Scientific management theory, classical management approach, socio technical theory, system theory, administrative theory, etc. are some of the organisational theories (McShane and Von Glinow, 2015). With respect to the current case, system theory is been mainly considered as the combination of the interrelated and commonly dependent factors. The theory mainly guides to work in a systematic manner within the company and focus on various managerial activities as well.

On the contrary, the scientific management theory states to bring improvements in the efficacy and effectiveness of the business. It regulates a systematic flow of activities and completes them with different concepts like engineering, mathematical and scientific analysis in more effective manner.  This theory basically promotes and ensures the optimum utilisation of resources and contributes in the enhancement of the productivity specifically (Zhu, 2013). The socio technical theory influences the practices of management by developing the relations between the staff members and the top level authorities of the organisation. Moreover, these organisational theories would prove to be fruitful to the management of CAPCO in accomplishing the desired set goals more effectively. Additionally, the motivational theories would also help in carrying out the functionalities in an enhanced manner and establish a remarkable coordination with the managers in the business.

2.3 Different approaches to management used by CAPCO and Mulberry   

There are wide ranges of management approach being used by different organisations. The approaches such as scientific approach, neo classical approach, contingency approach, human relation approach, system approach, Bureaucratic approach, etc. could be used by the business to develop the management along with the organisational behaviour. It has been found that these approaches assists the business organisations in improving the operations and manage them more effectively (Hassan.et.al, 2013). The human relation approach enables the management to promote healthy relations and treatments with the employees and makes them work with their best efforts. As per this approach, the management must lay an extra emphasis on the human behaviour and facilitate the employees to enhance their capabilities at the workplace.

The approach motivates the authorities to pay more attention on the employees individually and provide them with the deserving recognition within the organisational framework. The approach also states that the people are not only concerned with the finances but also desires to have recognition and appreciation within their teams or at the workplace which motivate them to work more effectively. It has been seen that the management of CAPCO adopts the human relation approach as it focuses on the welfare of the employees and facilitates them with all the perquisites (Sadeghi and Pihie, 2012). On the contrary to this, the management of Mulberry makes use of system approach which states that each and every aspect in the business is interrelated and interdependent. As per system approach, an organisation is a system which collects information through different inputs and delivers the outputs. The approach helps Mulberry to align the activities and improve the functionalities when required.

Task 3

3.1 The impact of different leadership styles in motivation within the period of change

Leadership is basically the action of leading a group of people or an organization. There are many types of leadership styles such as democratic, transformational, autocratic, charismatic and transactional leadership style which are used basically for motivating the workforce of an organization for the purpose of achieving the goals and objectives of an organization (Vinkenburg.el.at, 2011). The various leadership styles used in CAPCO for motivating its employees are:-

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                                                                     Figure 1: Different Leadership styles

  • Participative leadership: In this style of leadership manager allows team members to have participation in the decision making process but the ultimate decision is made by the leader only. This will boosts the employee morale and this helps an employee to accept changes easily and to achieve the objectives in efficient and effective manner (Huang.el.at, 2010).
  • Transactional leadership: In this style the manager gives some tasks to perform and also provide any reward or punishment to their team members on the basis of their performance. The manager has a power to train, correct employees when a team member fails to achieve the desired goal and to review the result (Hamstra.el.at, 2011). The manager and team members sit together and set predefined goals and follow the direction to accomplish that. 
  • Transformational leadership: This style mainly depends on the high level of communication from the management to achieve the desired goals. In this leaders motivate the employees and boost the productivity through good communication and visibility (Weberg, 2010).

With respect of present case, CAPCO follows participative and transaction leadership styles while Mulberry follows autocratic leadership style. The leaders of CAPCO motivates employees by including them in the making of important decisions and provides reward for their good performance but in Mulberry leaders have authority with them and they do not involve their employees in decision making process which may leads to decrease in morale and confidence of the employees.  

3.2 Comparison of the application of Maslow’s & Herzberg theories within the organization

For motivating the employees for their better performance, leaders have been provided with a wide range of motivational theories. The comparison between two major theories is as follows:

Herzberg Theory: Also known as two-factor theory which states that there are certain factors in the workplace that causes job satisfaction and also which cause job dissatisfaction. According to Herzberg, the job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction acts independently of each other. Herzberg classified these job factors into two categories i.e. Hygiene factors and the Motivational factors. The hygiene factors are essential for existence of motivation at workplace and these includes job security, salaries, working conditions, benefits, etc. Where else motivational factors yield positive satisfaction and they are inherent to work (Dartey-Baah and Amoako, 2011). They include growth, promotion, recognition, etc.

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Maslow’s Theory; The Maslow’s theory was developed by the Abraham Maslow and he states that every individual has some basic needs and these needs are in a hierarchy form. The fulfilment of these needs motivates employees for the accomplishment of objectives. According to this theory, there are five types of theory i.e. self-actualization, esteem needs, belongingness and love needs, safety needs and biological and physiological needs (Sadri and Bowen, 2011.). In addition to this, it has been found that the motivational theories would facilitate both CAPCO and Mulberry in their operations and make the employees work with more efficiencies. The motivational theories would provide the organizations with the way to encourage the staff and make them work according to the organizational desires. Moreover, CAPCO follows Maslow need hierarchy theory for its staff members while Mulberry make use of the Hertzberg two factor theory to accomplish the desired objective effectively.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs - Assignment Help in UK

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

Motivation at the workplace plays an important role and must be implemented effectively. It has been identified that motivating the staff members is a critical task and requires appointing a leaders or a manager. It is very much important that the managers are adequately aware about the motivation theories and their application within the organisation (Hatch and Cunliffe, 2013). It is necessary for them to acquire sufficient knowledge and understanding about the application of the theories in an effective manner. As per Maslow’s need hierarchy, it has been identified that managers must be well aware about the needs of the employee individually and must be able to satisfy those needs from the job and encourage them to work effectively. It has been found that there are basically five different needs of individuals which must be fulfilled at each level at the workplace. This keeps the staff motivated and makes them keen to work towards the accomplishment of their task and leads towards success (Clegg.et.al, 2015). It is essential for the managers to keep their subordinates motivated and enthusiast at the workplace so that to make them put their best efforts and attain effective outcomes out of it. The manager must be aware about the needs like basic needs, safety needs, love and belongings, esteem needs and self actualisation needs which must be fulfilled to make the employee motivated and improve their performances as well. It has been found that the mangers must be well aware about how to treat the employees and make them comfortable and motivated at the workplace.

Task 4

4.1 The nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO

Each and every business organisation acquires different groups to simplify and distribute the activities and complete it more effectively. There are various groups being formed by the organisation to make the business operations easier and complete it with higher accuracies. It has been found that there are majorly two groups being formed within an organisation. Formal and informal groups are the two groups which provide a surety of the completion of the activities in a successful manner. The formal groups are been basically created by the higher authorities of the business while the informal groups are been made by the employee itself for their convenient working procedures (Fullan, 2014). As per the current case, CAPCO acquires both the formal and informal groups which help in making the operations more effective and convenient to be performed. These groups facilitate CAPCO in achieving the desired goals and objectives in a systematic manner and in the set time frame. It has been observed that the group behaviour in CAPCO supports in completing the activities in both formal and informal manners. In addition to this, it is important for the groups to establish mutual understanding within the members so that to move in a same direction and accomplish the work as per the organisational desires.

4.2 Factors that might promote the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO

As per the current case of CAPCO, it has been seen that there are wide ranges of factors which promotes the development of teamwork in an effective manner. Leadership, diversity, culture, innovation and creativity, organizational environment, effective communication, etc. are some of the factors which contribute in the development of teamwork at the workplace (Grimpe and Hussinger, 2013). These factors help CAPCO in developing and effective team and make them put their best efforts. It has been identified that these factors generates a need for development as working in a team facilitates the business in completing the task even in any of the complicated situation. The teamwork helps in distributing the tasks and making the activities more effective. CAPCO must ensure the development of teamwork so that to achieve better performances and results out of the efforts made by the members collectively.

4.3 The impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO

In this present era, technology plays a vital role in all the aspects. Various technologies are developed such as mobile phones, computers, e-mails, etc. which helps a lot in making a decisions fast and also speed ups the processes which leads to growth of an organization (Nerland, 2012). Such technologies used at CAPCO supports a lot to team functioning over there operations. These technologies help the team members at CAPCO to communicate with each other and to accomplish their task in a probable given period. Use of these operations management technology leads to time saving, makes the task easier and promote proper and adequate communication among the team members. If the team members are not in the office premises or far away from each other, mobile phone helps them to stay connected and be in contact (Davenport, 2013). Computer provides facilities to have discussion or conducting conferences if the members are far away from each other.  It also helps to complete the task in more accurate and reliable manner. E-mails help to send or transfer the important documents among the team members. The personal computers helps the members to keep day to day record of their activities being performed and the plans been made so that they can implement, monitor and evaluate easily. Thus it is noticed that technology lays a positive impact on the team members functioning within CAPCO. On the contrary, a technology does not have only positive impacts but also the negative impact too. The misuse of any record or detail stored in a computer by the outsiders may leads to cause of an adverse effect to an organization. Capturing any relevant or secret information through mobile phones may also lead to affect the reputation of an organization.

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With the above Unit 3 Organizational Behavior Assignment CAPCO it could be concluded that determination of the structural arrangement helps the management to allocate the responsibilities, authorities and the resources on the basis of the organisational flow. The report had identified that the management of CAPCO follows a formal structure in which the activities are been assigned to the employees and made them work towards the achievement of desired goals. The environmental factors majorly influence the behaviours of individual at CAPCO and make them work towards the achievement of the set objectives effectively. It has also been found that transactional leadership is been used by the management of CAPCO which helps the employees to establish self motivation and work in a team. Furthermore, the report revealed that CAPCO acquires both the formal and informal groups which help in making the operations more effective and convenient to be performed. It has been seen that there is a significant impact of technologies on the functionalities of CAPCO and its success.


Books and journals:

Ainsworth, J., 2014. Organisational Behaviour Theories and Their Relevance to the practice of Stage Management in a Theatrical Setting, a Discussion.
Clegg, S.R., Kornberger, M. and Pitsis, T., 2015. Managing and organizations: An introduction to theory and practice. Sage.
Colbert, A.E., Barrick, M.R. and Bradley, B.H., 2014. Personality and leadership composition in top management teams: Implications for organizational effectiveness. Personnel Psychology67(2), pp.351-387.
Cummings, T. and Worley, C., 2014. Organization development and change. Cengage learning.
Dartey-Baah, K. and Amoako, G.K., 2011. Application of Frederick Herzberg's Two-Factor theory in assessing and understanding employee motivation at work: a Ghanaian Perspective. European Journal of Business and Management3(9), pp.1-8.
Davenport, T.H., 2013. Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press.
Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley & Sons.
Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley & Sons.
Grimpe, C. and Hussinger, K., 2013. Formal and informal knowledge and technology transfer from academia to industry: Complementarity effects and innovation performance. Industry and innovation20(8), pp.683-700.
Hamstra, M.R., Van Yperen, N.W., Wisse, B. and Sassenberg, K., 2011. Transformational-transactional leadership styles and followers’ regulatory focus. Journal of Personnel Psychology.

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